How to use Assert and loop_invariants - ada

package PolyPack with SPARK_Mode is
type Vector is array (Natural range <>) of Integer;
function RuleHorner (X: Integer; A : Vector) return Integer
Pre => A'Length > 0 and A'Last < Integer'Last;
end PolyPack ;
I want to write body of PolyPack package with Assert and loop_invariants that the gnatprove program can prove my function RuleHorner correctness.
I write my function Horner but I don;t know how put assertions and loop_invariants in this program to prove its corectness :
with Ada.Integer_Text_IO;
package body PolyPack with SPARK_Mode is
function RuleHorner (X: Integer; A : Vector) return Integer is
Y : Integer := 0;
for I in 0 .. A'Length - 1 loop
Y := (Y*X) + A(A'Last - I);
end loop;
return Y;
end RuleHorner ;
end PolyPack ;
gnatprove :
overflow check might fail (e.g. when X = 2 and Y = -2)
overflow check might fail
overflow check are for line Y := (Y*X) + A(A'Last - I);
Can someone help me how remove overflow check with loop_invariants

The analysis is correct. The element type for type Vector is Integer. When X = 2, Y = -2, and A(A'Last - I) is less than Integer'First + 4 an underflow will occur. How do you think this should be handled in your program? Loop invariants will not work here because you cannot prove that an overflow or underflow cannot occur.
Is there a way you can design your types and/or subtypes used within Vector and for variables X and Y to prevent Y from overflowing or underflowing?
I am also curious why you want to ignore the last value in your Vector. Are you trying to walk through the array in reverse? If so simply use the following for loop syntax:
for I in reverse A'Range loop


Proving Floor_Log2 in Spark

New to Spark, and new to Ada, so this question may be overly broad. However, it's asked in good faith, as part of an attempt to understand Spark. Besides direct answers to the questions below, I welcome critique of style, workflow, etc.
As my first foray into Spark, I chose to try to implement (easy) and prove correctness (unsuccessful so far) the function .
Question: What is the proper way of implementing and proving the correctness of this function?
I started with the following
package Util is
function Floor_Log2(X : Positive) return Natural with
Post => 2**Floor_Log2'Result <= X and then X < 2**(Floor_Log2'Result + 1);
end Util;
I have no pre-condition because the ranges of the input fully expresses the only interesting pre-condition. The post-condition I wrote based on the mathematical definition; however, I have an immediate concern here. If X is Positive'Last, then 2**(Floor_Log2'Result + 1) exceeds Positive'Last and Natural'Last. Already I'm up against my limited knowledge of Ada here, so: Sub-question 1: What is the type of the sub-expression in the post condition, and is this overflow a problem? Is there a general way to resolve it? To avoid the issue in this particular case, I revised the specification to the less-intuitive but equivalent:
package Util is
function Floor_Log2(X : Positive) return Natural with
Post => 2**Floor_Log2'Result <= X and then X/2 < 2**Floor_Log2'Result;
end Util;
There are many ways to implement this function, and I'm not particularly concerned about performance at this point, so I'd be happy with any of them. I'd consider the "natural" implementation (given my particular C background) to be something like the following util.adb:
package body Util is
function Floor_Log2 (X : Positive) return Natural is
I : Natural := 0;
Remaining : Positive := X;
while Remaining > 1 loop
I := I + 1;
Remaining := Remaining / 2;
end loop;
return I;
end Floor_Log2;
end Util;
Attempting to prove this with no loop invariants fails, as expected. Results (this and all results are GNATprove level 4, invoked from GPS as gnatprove -P%PP -j0 %X --ide-progress-bar -u %fp --level=4 --report=all):
util.adb:6:13: info: initialization of "Remaining" proved[#2]
util.adb:7:15: info: initialization of "I" proved[#0]
util.adb:7:17: medium: overflow check might fail[#5]
util.adb:8:23: info: initialization of "Remaining" proved[#1]
util.adb:8:33: info: range check proved[#4]
util.adb:8:33: info: division check proved[#8]
util.adb:10:14: info: initialization of "I" proved[#3] medium: postcondition might fail, cannot prove 2**Floor_Log2'Result <= X[#7] medium: overflow check might fail[#9] info: division check proved[#6] info: overflow check proved[#10]
Most of the errors here make basic sense to me. Starting with the first overflow check, GNATprove cannot prove that the loop terminates in less than Natural'Last iterations (or at all?), so it cannot prove that I := I + 1 doesn't overflow. We know that this isn't the case, because Remaining is decreasing. I tried to express this adding the loop variant pragma Loop_Variant (Decreases => Remaining), and GNATprove was able to prove that loop variant, but the potential overflow of I := I + 1 is unchanged, presumedly because proving the loop terminates at all is not equivalent to proving that it terminates in less than Positive'Last iterations. A tighter constraint would show that the loop terminates in at most Positive'Size iterations, but I'm not sure how to prove that. Instead, I "forced it" by adding a pragma Assume (I <= Remaining'Size); I know this is bad practice, the intent here was purely to let me see how far I could get with this first issue "swept under the covers." As expected, this assumption lets the prover prove all range checks in the implementation file. Sub-question 2: What is the correct way to prove that I does not overflow in this loop?
However, we've still made no progress on proving the postcondition. A loop invariant is clearly needed. One loop invariant that holds at the top of the loop is that pragma Loop_Invariant (Remaining * 2**I <= X and then X/2 < Remaining * 2**I); besides being true, this invariant has the nice property that it is clearly equivalent to the post-condition when the loop termination condition is true. However, as expected GNATprove is unable to prove this invariant: medium: loop invariant might fail after first iteration, cannot prove Remaining * 2**I <= X[#20]. This makes sense, because the inductive step here is non-obvious. With division on the real numbers one could imagine a straightforward lemma stating that for all I, X * 2**I = (X/2) * 2**(I+1), but (a) I don't expect GNATprove to know that without a lemma being provided, and (b) it's messier with integer division. So, Sub-Question 3a: Is this the appropriate loop invariant to try to use to prove this implementation? Sub-Question 3b: If so, what's the right way to prove it? Externally prove a lemma and use that? If so, what exactly does that mean?
At this point, I thought I'd explore a completely different implementation, just to see if it led anywhere different:
package body Util is
function Floor_Log2 (X : Positive) return Natural is
for I in 1 .. X'Size - 1 loop
if 2**I > X then
return I - 1;
end if;
end loop;
return X'Size - 1;
end Floor_Log2;
end Util;
This is a less intuitive implementation to me. I didn't explore this second implementation as much, but I leave it here to show what I tried; to give a potential avenue for other solutions to the main question; and to raise additional sub-questions.
The idea here was to bypass some of the proof around overflow of I and termination conditions by making termination and ranges explicit. Somewhat to my surprise, the prover first choked on overflow checking the expression 2**I. I had expected 2**(X'Size - 1) to be provably within the bounds of X -- but again, I'm up against the limits of my Ada knowledge. Sub-Question 4: Is this expression actually overflow-free in Ada, and how can that be proven?
This has turned out to be a long question... but I think the questions I'm raising, in the context of a nearly-trivial example, are relatively general and likely to be useful to others who, like me, are trying to understand if and how Spark is relevant to them.
I can't help with your SPARK questions, but I can answer some of your Sub-Questions.
Sub-Question 1: Since you're using "<" for Integer, the sub-expression will be of type Integer as well. For Positive'Last (2 ** 31 - 1 with GNAT), your function result should be 30, and the sub-expression will overflow. (This is from a SPARK point of view; compilers are allowed to use larger ranged types when evaluating expressions to obtain the mathematically/logically correct result even if a sub-expression would overflow, and GNAT will do this for some values of -gnato.)
Sub-Question 4: 2 ** (X'Size - 1) can overflow. The reason has to do with the 2 meanings of 'Size: Positive'Size is the minimum number of bits needed to store a value of subtype Positive; X'Size is the actual number of bits allocated to X. Since you're using GNAT,
Integer'Last = Positive'Last = 2 ** 31 - 1. X'Size = 32. Positive'Size = 31.
So, 2 ** (X'Size - 1) = 2 ** 31 > Positive'Last. You probably want to use Positive'Size instead of X'Size.
(Again, from the SPARK point of view; compilers are allowed to obtain the logically correct result.)
Aside: the short-circuit forms and then and or else should only be used when they're actually needed. Modern processors do all sorts of optimizations at the machine-code level that have to be turned off for short-circuit evaluation. Although they may look like optimizations, in practice they are often the opposite.
(You might want to tag this with [ada]. I only saw it because you referenced it in c.l.ada.)
Preventing overflow in the post condition
Given the original function signature
function Floor_Log2 (X : Positive) return Natural with
Post => 2**Floor_Log2'Result <= X and then X < 2**(Floor_Log2'Result + 1);
I observe that I need to limit the domain of X in order to prevent overflow in the second term of the post condition. Given the definitions in, i.e.
type Integer is range -(2**31) .. +(2**31 - 1);
for Integer'Size use 32;
subtype Natural is Integer range 0 .. Integer'Last;
subtype Positive is Integer range 1 .. Integer'Last;
I conclude that, in order to prevent overflow,
X < 2**(Floor_Log2'Result + 1) <= 2**31 - 1
and therefore X <= 2**30 - 1. Hence, I changed the function signature to:
subtype Pos is Positive range 1 .. 2**30 - 1
function Floor_Log2 (X : Pos) return Natural with
Post => 2**Floor_Log2'Result <= X and then X < 2**(Floor_Log2'Result + 1);
First Approach
In principle, I could now proof the post condition as follows in GNAT CE 2019 (note that I use a different algorithm compared to the one stated in the question):
package Util with SPARK_Mode is
subtype Pos is Positive range 1 .. 2**30 - 1
function Floor_Log2 (X : Pos) return Natural with
Post => 2**Floor_Log2'Result <= X and then X < 2**(Floor_Log2'Result + 1);
end Util;
package body Util with SPARK_Mode is
-- Floor_Log2 --
function Floor_Log2 (X : Pos) return Natural is
L : Positive := 1;
H : Positive := L * 2;
I : Natural := 0;
while not (L <= X and then X < H) loop
pragma Loop_Invariant
(L = 2 ** I and H = 2 ** (I+1));
pragma Loop_Invariant
(for all J in 0 .. I =>
not (2 ** J <= X and then X < 2 ** (J+1)));
L := H;
H := H * 2;
I := I + 1;
end loop;
return I;
end Floor_Log2;
end Util;
Unfortunately, however, the provers have difficulties with the non-linear arithmetic (i.e. exponentiation) and all proof sessions (on my computer) end with a timeout. In fact, if I run gnatprove with effort level 0, then I can only proof the post condition when I limit the upper bound of Pos to 2**7 - 1, i.e.
subtype Pos is Positive range 1 .. 2**7 - 1;
Increasing the effort level (or timeout) allows me to proof the post condition for larger values of Pos'Last.
Second Approach
In order to work around the limitation of the provers, I applied a little trick by redefining the exponentiation function. I could then use the following code to prove the post condition for the full range of Pos when I run gnatprove with effort level 1:
type Int is range <>;
Base : Int;
N_Max : Natural;
package SPARK_Exp with SPARK_Mode is
subtype Exp_T is Natural range 0 .. N_Max;
function Exp (N : Exp_T) return Int with Ghost;
type Seq_T is array (Exp_T range <>) of Int;
function Exp_Seq return Seq_T with
Post => (Exp_Seq'Result'First = 0)
and then (Exp_Seq'Result'Last = N_Max)
and then (Exp_Seq'Result (0) = 1)
and then (for all I in 1 .. N_Max =>
Exp_Seq'Result (I) = Base * Exp_Seq'Result (I - 1) and
Int'First < Exp_Seq'Result (I) and Exp_Seq'Result (I) < Int'Last);
function Exp (N : Exp_T) return Int is (Exp_Seq (N));
end SPARK_Exp;
package body SPARK_Exp with SPARK_Mode is
-- Exp_Seq --
function Exp_Seq return Seq_T is
S : Seq_T (Exp_T'Range) := (others => 1);
for I in 1 .. N_Max loop
pragma Loop_Invariant
(for all J in 1 .. I - 1 =>
S (J) = Base * S (J - 1) and
(Int'First / Base) < S (J) and S (J) < (Int'Last / Base));
S (I) := Base * S (I - 1);
end loop;
return S;
end Exp_Seq;
end SPARK_Exp;
with SPARK_Exp;
package Util with SPARK_Mode is
subtype Pos is Positive range 1 .. 2**30 - 1;
package SPARK_Exp_2 is
new SPARK_Exp (Positive, 2, 30);
function Exp2 (N : SPARK_Exp_2.Exp_T) return Positive
renames SPARK_Exp_2.Exp;
function Floor_Log2 (X : Pos) return Natural with
Post => (Exp2 (Floor_Log2'Result) <= X) and then
(X < Exp2 (Floor_Log2'Result + 1));
end Util;
package body Util with SPARK_Mode is
-- Floor_Log2 --
function Floor_Log2 (X : Pos) return Natural is
L : Positive := 1;
H : Positive := L * 2;
I : Natural := 0;
while not (L <= X and then X < H) loop
pragma Loop_Invariant
(L = Exp2 (I) and H = Exp2 (I + 1));
pragma Loop_Invariant
(for all J in 0 .. I =>
not (Exp2 (J) <= X and then X < Exp2 (J + 1)));
L := H;
H := H * 2;
I := I + 1;
end loop;
return I;
end Floor_Log2;
end Util;
This implementation proves all checks within the body, but the preconditions are still not proven:
package body Util is
pragma SPARK_Mode (On);
function Floor_Log2 (X : Positive) return Natural is
I : Natural := 30;
Prod : Natural := 2**30;
type Large_Natural is range 0 .. 2**31;
Prev_Prod : Large_Natural := Large_Natural'Last with Ghost;
while I > 0 loop
if X >= Prod then
pragma Assert (Large_Natural (X) < Prev_Prod);
return I;
end if;
pragma Loop_Invariant (I > 0);
pragma Loop_Invariant (Prod >= X and Prev_Prod >= Large_Natural (X));
-- pragma Loop_Invariant (2**I > X);
Prod := Prod / 2;
I := I - 1;
end loop;
pragma Assert (I = 0);
return 0;
end Floor_Log2;
end Util;
This gives the following output with gnatprove:
gnatprove -P/Users/pnoffke/projects/ada/spark/floor_log2/floor_log2.gpr -j0 --ide-progress-bar -u util.adb --level=2 --report=all
Phase 1 of 2: generation of Global contracts ...
Phase 2 of 2: flow analysis and proof ...
util.adb:10:13: info: initialization of "I" proved
util.adb:11:18: info: initialization of "Prod" proved
util.adb:12:28: info: assertion proved
util.adb:12:48: info: initialization of "Prev_Prod" proved
util.adb:13:20: info: initialization of "I" proved
util.adb:15:33: info: initialization of "I" proved
util.adb:15:33: info: loop invariant preservation proved
util.adb:15:33: info: loop invariant initialization proved
util.adb:16:33: info: initialization of "Prod" proved
util.adb:16:33: info: loop invariant preservation proved
util.adb:16:33: info: loop invariant initialization proved
util.adb:16:47: info: initialization of "Prev_Prod" proved
util.adb:18:18: info: initialization of "Prod" proved
util.adb:18:23: info: division check proved
util.adb:19:15: info: initialization of "I" proved
util.adb:19:17: info: range check proved
util.adb:22:22: info: initialization of "I" proved
util.adb:22:22: info: assertion proved info: overflow check proved medium: postcondition might fail, cannot prove X / 2 < 2**Floor_Log2'result (e.g. when Floor_Log2'Result = 0 and X = 2) info: division check proved medium: overflow check might fail (e.g. when Floor_Log2'Result = 30)
I don't understand why gnatprove cannot prove the commented Loop_Invariant. If I try to do so, I get the following additional output:
util.adb:17:33: medium: loop invariant might fail after first iteration, cannot prove 2**I > X (e.g. when I = 0 and X = 0)
util.adb:17:33: medium: loop invariant might fail in first iteration, cannot prove 2**I > X (e.g. when I = 30 and X = 1)
util.adb:17:34: medium: overflow check might fail (e.g. when I = 0)
In the counter-example, it says "when I = 0 and X = 0", but I cannot be 0 per the first Loop_Invariant.
Also if I initialize Prod to 2**I instead of 2**30, I get:
util.adb:6:26: medium: overflow check might fail (e.g. when I = 30 and Prod = 0)
I suspect gnatprove has some fundamental issue with the ** operator. I was hoping to use Prev_Prod to help prove your preconditions, but I don't see how to get there with the above issues I'm having.

Why is array'First always 1 in this example?

I have a array of Nodes:
type NodeArray is array (Positive range 1 .. 5) of XNode;
The node has some data and an integer ID but thats not important right now.
The way I undestand it is that array'First (excuse the abuse of notation) always points or references the first item in a range or array, not the integer of the range type.
My question is why I always get 1 instead of the first entry in my array.
If you need to see more code I can provide it, I just thought I'd keep my example simple and short.
type NodeArray is array (Positive range 1 .. 5) of XNode;
defines a constrained array type (ALRM 3.6(5)), whose first index will always be 1.
If you want to use one type to create array objects with different index ranges, you need an unconstrained array type (ALRM 3.6(3)) with bounds like Positive range <> (note 1, once you’ve created such an object, its bounds are fixed; note 2, instead of Positive you can use any scalar appropriate to the problem).
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
procedure Zython is
type Unconstrained_Node_Array is array (Positive range <>) of Float;
subtype Constrained_Node_Array is Unconstrained_Node_Array (1 .. 5);
U : Unconstrained_Node_Array (42 .. 44); -- must include the index range
C : Constrained_Node_Array; -- the index range is 1 .. 5
for J in U'Range loop
U (J) := Float (J) * 2.0;
end loop;
Put_Line ("U'First: "
& Positive'Image (U'First)
& ", U (U'First): "
& Float'Image (U (U'First)));
for J in C'Range loop
C (J) := Float (J) * 2.0;
end loop;
Put_Line ("C'First: "
& Positive'Image (C'First)
& ", C (C'First): "
& Float'Image (C (C'First)));
end Zython;

recursion using for do loop (pascal)

I'm trying to use the concept of recursion but using for do loop. However my program cannot do it. For example if I want the output for 4! the answer should be 24 but my output is 12. Can somebody please help me?
program pastYear;
function calculateFactorial ( A:integer):real;
if A=0 then
calculateFactorial := 1.0
for i:= A downto 1 do
j:= A-1;
calculateFactorial:= A*j;
writeln( ' Please enter a number ');
readln ( n);
writeln ( calculateFactorial(n):2:2);
There are several problems in your code.
First of all it doesn't compile because you are accessing the undefined variable j.
Calculating the factorial using a loop is the iterative way of doing it. You are looking for the recursive way.
What is a recursion? A recursive function calls itself. So in your case calculateFactorial needs a call to itself.
How is the factorial function declared?
In words:
The factorial of n is declared as
1 when n equals 0
the factorial of n-1 multiplied with n when n is greater than 0
So you see the definition of the factorial function is already recursive since it's referring to itself when n is greater than 0.
This can be adopted to Pascal code:
function Factorial(n: integer): integer;
if n = 0 then
Result := 1
else if n > 0 then
Result := Factorial(n - 1) * n;
No we can do a few optimizations:
The factorial function doesn't work with negative numbers. So we change the datatype from integer (which can represent negative numbers) to longword (which can represent only positive numbers).
The largest value that a longword can store is 4294967295 which is twice as big as a longint can store.
Now as we don't need to care about negative numbers we can reduce one if statement.
The result looks like this:
function Factorial(n: longword): longword;
if n = 0 then
Result := 1
Result := Factorial(n - 1) * n;

How do you get the square root in Ada?

So I have been given an assignment to read in a file put the numbers into two matrices, multiply the matrices, and finally put the output into a .txt file.
I have never used Ada before and I figured it would be a good challenge. I am stuck in trying to determine the bounds for the two separate arrays.
This is what I currently have:
currentSpread := I;
g := Ada.Numerics.Generic_Complex_Elementary_Functions.Sqrt(I);
while J < g loop
if(I mod J = 0) THEN
if(currentSpread > ((I/J - J)/2)) THEN
currentSpread := ((I/J - J)/2);
arrayBounds := J;
end if;
end if;
J := J + 1;
end loop;
The problem I am having is with the sqrt function. I want to find the factors for the best bounds of the matrix multiplication and this was the only way that I thought to implement it.
The error I am getting is:
invalid prefix in selected component "Ada.Numerics.Generic_Complex_Elementary_Functions"
Thanks a lot for any help.
Full Code as requested:
with Ada.Text_IO;use Ada.Text_IO;
with Ada.Integer_Text_IO;
with Ada.Numerics.Generic_Complex_Elementary_Functions;
with Ada.Numerics.Generic_Elementary_Functions;
with Ada.Numerics.Complex_Elementary_Functions;
with Ada.Numerics.Generic_Complex_Types;
procedure Main is
dataFile : File_Type;
resultFile : File_Type;
value : Integer;
I : Integer := 0;
J : Integer;
currentSpread : Integer;
arrayBounds : Integer;
g : Integer;
Ada.Text_IO.Open(File => dataFile, Mode => Ada.Text_IO.In_File, Name =>"C:\Users\Jeffrey\Desktop\data.txt");
while not End_Of_File(dataFile) loop
Ada.Integer_Text_IO.Get(File => dataFile, Item => value);
Ada.Integer_Text_IO.Put(Item => value);
I := I + 1;
end loop;
I := I/2;
J := 1;
currentSpread := I;
g := Ada.Numerics.Generic_Complex_Elementary_Functions.Sqrt(I);
while J < g loop
if(I mod J = 0) THEN
if(currentSpread > ((I/J - J)/2)) THEN
currentSpread := ((I/J - J)/2);
arrayBounds := J;
end if;
end if;
J := J + 1;
end loop;
type newArray is array(Integer range <>, Integer range<>) of Integer;
X : Integer := J;
Y : Integer := I/J;
Arr1 : newArray(1..Y, 1..X);
Arr2 : newArray(1..X, 1..Y);
finAnswer : newArray(1..X, 1..X);
for z in 1 .. X loop
for k in 1 .. Y loop
Ada.Integer_Text_IO.Get(File => dataFile, Item => value);
Arr1(z, k) := value;
end loop;
end loop;
for z in 1 .. Y loop
for k in 1 .. X loop
Ada.Integer_Text_IO.Get(File => dataFile, Item => value);
Arr2(z, k) := value;
end loop;
end loop;
for l in 1 .. X loop
for m in 1 .. Y loop
for n in 1 .. X loop
finAnswer(l, n) := finAnswer(l, n) + Arr1(l, n)* Arr2(n, m);
end loop;
end loop;
end loop;
Ada.Text_IO.Close(File => dataFile);
end Main;
I am using the square root exclusively to figure out the factors of a number nothing else. How I have it set up now is it will go up to the square root and then it will take the smallest spread of the factors. I do not care about rounding errors or anything else if it isn't a perfect square it can round either way.
Generic_Complex_Elementary_Functions is a generic package. It cannot be used directly. That is why the compiler gives you an error on this line:
To use it, you have to instantiate the generic Generic_Complex_Types with the floating-point type you want to use, and then instantiate Generic_Complex_Elementary_Functions with an instance of Generic_Complex_Types. Fortunately, you don't have to go through all that if you're willing to use the built-in type Float; the language provides Ada.Numerics.Complex_Elementary_Functions for you, that uses Float as the floating-point type, or Ada.Numerics.Long_Complex_Elementary_Functions that uses Long_Float if your compiler vendors support it.
However, I don't think you want to use Complex anything. That deals with complex numbers, and I doubt that you want to use those. Use Ada.Numerics.Elementary_Functions (or Long_Elementary_Functions), which deal with real numbers.
Finally, even this isn't going to work:
if I is an integer, because the argument type needs to be a Float. You'll have to use a type conversion.

About "range" in Ada

The following source code line in Ada,
type Airplane_ID is range 1..10;
, can be written as
type Airplane_ID is range 1..x;
, where x is a variable? I ask this because I want to know if the value of x can be modified, for example through text input. Thanks in advance.
No, the bounds of the range both have to be static expressions.
But you can declare a subtype with dynamic bounds:
X: Integer := some_value;
subtype Dynamic_Subtype is Integer range 1 .. X;
Can type Airplane_ID is range 1..x; be written where x is a
variable? I ask this because I want to know if the value of x can be
modified, for example through text input.
I assume that you mean such that altering the value of x alters the range itself in a dynamic-sort of style; if so then strictly speaking, no... but that's not quite the whole answer.
You can do something like this:
Procedure Test( X: In Positive; Sum: Out Natural ) is
subtype Test_type is Natural Range 1..X;
Result : Natural:= Natural'First;
For Index in Test_type'range loop
Result:= Result + Index;
end loop;
Sum:= Result;
end Test;
No. An Ada range declaration must be constant.
As the other answers have mentioned, you can declare ranges in the way you want, so long as they are declared in some kind of block - a 'declare' block, or a procedure or function; for instance:
with Ada.Text_IO,Ada.Integer_Text_IO;
use Ada.Text_IO,Ada.Integer_Text_IO;
procedure P is
l : Positive;
Put( "l =" );
Get( l );
type R is new Integer range 1 .. l;
i : R;
i := R'First;
-- and so on
end P;
