PowerBI skipping month in bar chart - report

I have created the attached dashboard in powerBI. It is a monthly report. That shows the count of item each month. The dates are in this format 1/1/18, 1/2/18, 1/3/18 that the first day of every month
When I created the report powerBI are skiping one month at interval. See Pix attached.
how can i show all months?

I believe you'll need to change the "X-Axis" type to "Categorical". It looks like it's defaulting to Scalar, which makes a continuous axis and picks tick marks based on available space.

You could try decreasing the font size of the month labels since Power BI might be avoiding overlap. You could also try shortening the length of the label from MMM-YYYY to MMM-YY.


Issue changing month to days in month in Jupyter Notebook

I have a dataset with dates from 2011-01-01 to 2018-08-01, showing data for every 1st day of the month. I would like to create a control chart (c-chart) accounting for the number of days in each month.
I will freeze the control limits at the last month of the baseline period (February 2015) and extend these limits across the intervention period (i.e. the rest of the period covered by the data). Then i will draw a vertical line to separate the baseline and intervention periods, using the format_spc_chart function to format the chart so that the rule breaks are highlighted.
I tried to look at the help for the lubridate function days_in_month but I am stuck to create this chart. Here is my code:
enter image description here
Although it gives me the qic chart (but not in days in month which I would need), I have nothing for the ggplot chart.
thank you for your support.

How to show actual values instead of sum/average on y-axis in a plot using Power BI

I have an excel sheet which I am plotting two values over time. But when I plot it in Power BI it shows the sum of those values in y-axis rather than the actual value. The plot looks like the following.
If you see the y-axis they are in billions. But if you see the actual data below its in hundred thousands range.
If I use date hierarchy instead this is how it looks like.
Since your data is on specific days, you should use dates on your axis rather than weekends. When you have weekends on the axis, it groups all the days within that week together, which is not what you want.
After looking at your file, it has nothing to do with dates after all. It looks like the data is recorded at a weekly level. The reason its adding up like that though is that for each date there are a bunch of different rows that correspond to different geography (your geo column has state name abbreviations).
If you add a slicer for geo and look at the chart for a single state at a time, then I think you'll get more what you're expecting.

Date Axis in a Telerik Reports Line Graph

Does anyone know how to set up a date time axis to use DateTime Scale in a line graph in Telerik Reports? I have been trying to figure it out for over a week now. I don't understand why this thing has to be so difficult to use. I started by setting up a line graph.
I have three columns DATE, SALES_COUNT, and SALES_TYPE. I want there to be three lines on the graph. One for each value of SALES_TYPE. I used SALES_TYPE for the series, SALES_COUNT for the value, and since I didn't have any other options left, I used DATE for Categories. I clicked finish and previewed my graph. The graph looked right except I wanted to make a few customization to the DATE axis. Specifically I only wanted it to write out a date label for every 5 ticks or so. There was no way to do this.
Eventually I figured out that I have to set the axis to use DateTime Scale since it defaults to Category Scale. I set it to date time scale and previewed the graph again. I got the error: "X value cannot be null or empty when using DateTimeScale, lineSeries1", so I went to lineSeries1 and set the X value to "= Fields.DATE", and clicked preview. Now the graph nolonger displays any of my data points, and there is only one tick on the DateTime axis and its labeled as 1/1/2015 12:00:00 AM, a DateTime that is not even in my dataset. I have been struggling for over a week now to figure out how to do this simple task. Please help me.
The SQL query I was using was handed to me by the DBA. I never really looked at it, I just stuffed it into the report. It turns out the query was returning the DATE column as a varchar. Once I cast the DATE column as a date in the select column list of the query, Setting the axis to use DateTime Scale worked fine. If anyone else runs into a similar problem, check the return types of your columns.

Histogram not displayed properly in Kibana-3

The histogram i created with my data is shown as a thick block. There are valid hits numbers and dates on the y and x axis respectively, which indicates the data is proper. What can be done to scale it down to an understandable one?
The problem with your histogram is that the data you have indexed would be having a good frequency against the date and/or the data might be months old. So the default interval option for Kibana is set to one year.
You can change it by changing the default time period from "year" to any other smaller values under the section "view" (marked as 1 in the below figure) in the "Interval" dropdown (marked as 2).
More on histogram analytics can be from this blog

Flex LineChart advanced horiztonal axis?

I want to make a line chart that allows the user to select a date range for the data. For example if the date range span is more than 1 month, I want to to have a bar that shows the months, also if the date range is around 30 days or less I want it to show the dates for each day as well. Something like that.
Does anyone have any suggestions?
I would suggest using a DateTimeAxis, and setting the labelUnits property to "days" or "months" as appropriate. The axis will then do all the hard work of grouping your data accordingly.
In your particular case, when the user makes a choice from the combo box, you should have a handler that computes how granular to make the x-axis based on the user's date selections.
