I'm using this URL for Google Translate on my website (let's say http://example.com) as a menu item:
After user goes on this page Google shows my website translated in <iframe>.
Since Google overwrites all links in this frame, user cannot go back on the untranslated page.
Is there any method to go back on the original page (http://example.com)?
I’m facing a weird result from Facebook Manager by activating a campaign in a new SPA (asynchronous loading) website: only 10% of the FB Link clicks gets a Landing page view result. Same behaviour in Google Analytics, but more results (+/- 40%).
I’m using GTM to push the Facebook pageview tag with the regular pageview pixel script. Triggers used:
Pageview all pages (for each page loaded – new session or page refresh)
History change (navigation in the SPA pages)
List item
When I’m debugging the FB pixel, everything looks to be correctly set up:
GTM preview: I’m seeing the tag fired
ObservePoint + Facebook pixel helper + Chrome DevTools Network: I can see the following Facebook url sent by clicking on a FB ad:
https://www.facebook.com/tr/?id=1111111111&ev=PageView&dl=https://hostname.com/page?param1=1¶m2=2&utm_source=fb&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=xxx | 2022&fbclid=3q2s131qs1d32q132d&rl=&if=false&ts=1656328556245&sw=2048&sh=1152&v=2.9.62&r=stable&ec=0&o=30&it=1656328556200&coo=false&exp=p0&rqm=GET&dt=hi57gjmsg5j527ia92z7j27mmz1of1b9
Other comments:
I also tested to remove the cookie consent blocking trigger in case of huge opt out, but no specific increase of pageviews.
No redirect has been detected in the campaign
Does anyone already encounter this kind of issue?
I am a beginner Wordpress developer and am developing a WordPress search plugin with some AI based API involved.
How does plugin work?
User fire some search in search widget
If the query text is identical to AI based API we get some textual result and relevant URL (within site) to redirect the page.
If query text is strange or beyond AI's scope of identification then we invoke search widget submit. By calling 'el.submit()' JS method.
What is the problem?
My plugin is working as expected on the home page. Ex www.example.com
If I search 'Google search console' (Which is an internal article) then search widget invoking the native search and search widget submits the form. URL becomes www.example.com/?s=Google+search+console.
Problem: When I go to www.example.com/blog and fire the same search query then URL becoming www.example.com/blog/?s=Google%20search%20console
Resulting in 'Page not found'.
It is weird. Do somebody had any idea what is happening here or why two different constructs of a search query on relative pages within the site.
I seem to have a problem with my Google Analytics.
My pages are being shown as 404 errors as the full URL address is being repeated after the foldername.
My page for cars is:
But Google Analytics is showing this page as
There are no filters set that I can see but I don't know how to resolve it.
Is this common? It is a Wordpress site.
You have a link somewhere that starts with www.example.com, but should start with http://www.example.com (or https://www.example.com).
URLs that don't start with a protocol (http://, https:// or just :// to mean "the same protocol this document was requested with") or a / are interpreted to be relative to the current document, e.g. if you are on http://www.example.org/cars/ and you link to "mercedes/", it yields http://www.example.org/cars/mercedes/. This is what happens for you, because you have an incomplete URL somewhere. Look at your document source in your browser and search for www.example.com. You will most likely find something like href="www.example.com". Find the link in your post / template that is responsible, and change it to href="http://www.example.com" or href="https://www.example.com", depending on what that host supports.
In some cases, you might find that Google Analytics is adding your domain name after every URL slug captured and it can make for some messy reporting.
For example, our homepage would return
and the blog page would return
If your site analytics account returns a similar issue, this is not standard practice and is generally due to a misconfiguration of the view filter.
To fix this issue head over to your Google Analytics account and click the Admin tab in the right-hand menu.
Navigate to view
Select view settings
Scroll down to default page
Remove your domain name from the text box and leave it blank
Click save
I would like to use the google analytics visitors flow tool but it does not show any specific page. All visits are in one big block "/". If I click on "group details" pages are listed just fine.
My site uses url parameters like mypage.com?p=products to switch between pages. I have managed to set up analytics so that it understands this and works on the "content" page and everywhere. How can I make it also work with "visitors flow" to display specific pages?
this might be the same problem: Google Analytics: 100% Drop off from landing page
Just noticed that links on my page are missing the slash before the "?". will add the slash and report back.
Edit: Though I guess that was an improvement it did not solve the problem.
I am using absolute links (http:/mysite.com/?p=contact) all over the place. Should I try relative links to get this to work?
Yes, you need to put a / before the ? in your links or else Analytics could interpret your full URL as the domain/sub-domain and not report any page paths or levels (like you're observing).
Additionally, are you sure the Analytics script is firing whenever a new page is loaded? Clicking through your site it looks like the base page template may not be reloading whenever you click to a different page (only the content is reloaded). If this is the case and the Analytics script is part of your base template, it would only fire once when the visitor first enters the site and load the page template and never again. Since Google Analytics calculates pageviews and time on site/page based on the difference in time between when the _trackPageview() is fired, it could explain your problem.
I would suggest moving your Analytics script to a portion of the markup that is reloaded every time someone clicks to a new page to see if this does the trick.
So I am using the open graph meta tag module for drupal 6.0. Sometimes, when I paste an article url (on my site) into my facebook, the open graph images, description, etc shows up, but other times it does not. What can I do to make these show up all the time?
Can side loading time be a factor? If the site loads slow, can that affect the open graph images showing up or not?
It depends on when the article was scraped.
Facebook scrapes your page every 24 hours to ensure the properties are up to date. The page is also scraped when an admin for the Open Graph page clicks the Like button and when the URL is entered into the Facebook URL Linter. Facebook observes cache headers on your URLs - it will look at "Expires" and "Cache-Control" in order of preference. However, even if you specify a longer time, Facebook will scrape your page every 24 hours.
Source: http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/plugins/like/