Flutter: offline local storage syncing with online e.g. firebase - firebase

Is this a common/reasonable Use case?
An app allows a user to save favorites locally so that the user doesn't need to signup.
Then the user afterwards desires to share their favorites.
Therefore favorites data needs to be synced from local to remote. The usual local storage for flutter is sqflite, and firebase/store is the remote. However, this seems cumbersome, as sql to nosql conversion is necessary.
I thought that this would be a general issue for UX etc, but I can't find any discussion of this issue? Maybe forcing the user to create an account is the most general solution?

It's a common understanding that if you don't have user account then you can't have any user data associated with your name. You don't have to force the user to have an account or lock them out.
When they favourite something just show a dialog telling them "If you don't have an account your favourites are stored on the device only. If you want your favourites to be available everywhere please create an account" then show options for "Create account" or "No, Thanks"
Create account: Goes to account creation page
No, Thanks: Adds the device to the favourites list and lets the user continue to do what your app does.
There's no problem to solve here from what I'm seeing. If you don't have an account you don't get account functionality. If you track users without them entering anything it's also a little bit illegal and creepy so no need to push the limits on how you can track the same user.
Another way to think of it is to make signup so easy they don't mind and also guarantee that it's worth it. Won't be used for spam or information selling. Take what's app as an example, even though you need to mobile number to send the messages, it's just used as a unique identifier and has nothing to do with the device's number.
Ask for their phone number or email or just any email, you'll most likely get fake info.
And what does your analytics say? Are you getting requests from users saying they lost all their information on a different device? How many people are using your favourite functionality?

I may have come to the party a little late here but here's my 2 cents worth.
The Sql to NoSql conversion is not cumbersome. In fact, there is a reasonable use case for this. I have the same requirement for an app that I am about to build.
Anyway, to store data in RDMDB or NoSQLDB you will need a data model to ensure consistency in your app. If the user has been using the app offline, and they later choose to go online, you can allow them to create the Remote Account, then check if they have local favorites. If they do, you will HAVE to ask them if they'd like to import them into the remote storage. If they choose to do so, you will then have to read their favorites from the local storage and store them in a List<Model> then map() that back to the online storage.
NoSqlDB can accept the json type data, so your model should include the conversion fromMap() and toJson() for this purpose (and others).
When I have come around to doing this, I will share my code (if I remember to come back here).


How to save user data in db, without logging in?

I am working on a simple app that allows users to search for something using an API and save it to view later.
However, I don't want to integrate authentication in the app. I can, but would rather not as a UX decision. Do you know of a way to generate a device token, that is unique to every device and can be used to store which assets a device has saved in the db?
I am thinking of expo push tokens as a possible solution, but that would require users to accept push notifications - so what happens if a user says no?
Sounds like you could just use react-native-uid to generate a unique id for your device and then store it in AsyncStorage and fetch it from there going forward.
For more inspiration, or perhaps just a more canonical way to do this... read up on suggestions surroundings the recently deprecated constant for installationId here:
I haven't used this before but if you're looking for something bullet proof then this is probably your goal of getting the same concept.
Firebase Anonymous Authentication might be ideal to use in this case. This can be used to create a user in Firebase auth without any credentials and can be useful especially when you are using either of Firebase's databases since you can use security rules with user's UIDs.
However, once the user logs out of the account by any means including but not limited to using sign out option in your app, clearing app data or uninstalling the app, the same account with that UID cannot be recovered. I looked up for AsyncStorage and apparently that gets cleared to if the app is deleted.

Unity Firebase auto create anonymous account

Seeking some thoughts here. When someone launches my mobile game for the first time, I would prefer they get into the gameplay first before having to worry about "signing up".
I think this provides for a better user experience as you can instantly jump into gameplay. Firebase supports anonymous accounts and saving progress against anonymous accounts, which can later be converted to an actual account (e.g linking their google or facebook accounts to their anonymous account) while retaining their game progress.
Does anyone have any thoughts on this approach or is it better to force a user to decide at app-launch to make a choice between creating an anonymous account or registering using google / facebook / email / etc?
This is actually a very similar use case to what it often pitched to web developers using Firebase:
For a shopping app, you'll often let a developer go through the shopping flow and finish checkout. When checkout is complete, you then "promote" their account to a full account so you don't bounce a customer out during the critical flow.
For a game, not only do I love this anonymous account flow (play now, then "upgrade" for any social features you need), but I think you can get a really cool natural flow going on. For example, if you were making tic tac toe, you could use a dynamic link to invite your friends to play against you. This link will usually persist across app installation (iOS and Android, although it's a little flakier on iOS) so the player you invite can jump right into the game you're playing using Anonymous Auth to seamlessly create an account.
There are two considerations you need to make though:
You're still storing user data if you pair Realtime Database with an anonymous account. I am not a lawyer, but if your region has strict privacy regulation you will want to talk to one.
The merging an anonymous account into a "full" account process does have some non-trivial edge cases. What do you do if the player already has a full account (obviously, you have to merge the data. But you'll have to do it by hand as there's no game-agnostic way for Firebase to do it for you)? What do you do if a different user claims the same email address when you promote your account (you'll need to throw one out, and there are rules for resolving which has the stronger claim to the name)?
2 is a little complicated also by the current architecture of the Firebase auth SDK as well. All of the C# objects are pointers to C++ objects under the hood. The "current user" was bound in a way that it references a global singleton on the C++ side representing user data. This has the unfortunate side effect that you can't cache a user data on the C# side in the case of a user entering their credentials incorrectly when "upgrading" an account (usually manifesting itself in having to re-enter a username/password and maybe losing cached data). This bug is actively being tracked (I believe it's a side-effect of this one), but in the near term it just means that you probably want a good way to either re-upload local data (assuming you'll lose access to the DB node once you drop the anonymous account) or you'll want to avoid persisting any user-specific data before migrating a player to a "full" account (probably a consideration I'd have with current privacy regulations anyway).

How to sync IndexedDB with Firestore?

I am building a job portal for the web using React, Redux and Firebase/Firestore. I've completed all the features I needed except one.
I want unregistered-users/job-seekers to be able to:
Bookmark job posts.
Keep the record of applied jobs.
Keep the record of search queries.
I am thinking about using IndexedDB for this feature. Particularly Dexie.js to make things easier. However, this data will be persisted in user's browser and user will have no access to it in another browser or device. Therefore, I want to give users an option to be able to save all the data to Firestore if user sign into the website and I need this to be automatic. So, as soon as user signs in, I will save it to the database.
I thought about using Anonymous Authentication instead of IndexedDB/Firestore, so all the data will be saved into the database and as soon as user signs in using credentials, the user can claim the ownership of the data. However, this is an extra step to use these features I listed above and not everyone is happy with authenticating an app even though nothing is required from the user. Besides, there will be so many ghost accounts.
So, as I mentioned in the title; I want to save everything to IndexedDB (I will take care of this), but how am I going to synchronize all the data in IndexedDB to Firestore as soon as user signs in?
I imagined the basic process will be like this:
User clicks "Bookmark Job Post"
App checks if users is authenticated or not.
If authenticated, save the bookmark to the Firestore.
If not authenticated, save the bookmark to the IndexedDB.
If User decided to sign in or sign up, check IndexedDB and synchronize it with Firestore and clear IndexedDB.
How can I achieve the 5th step technically? Is there any built in system in Firebase? Also, please feel free to share your idea if you can think of another way implementing this feature. Should I be using firebase.auth().onAuthStateChanged() for the 5th step?
And lastly, how should I structure the Firestore to save bookmarked jobs, applied jobs and search history?
Should I create a bookmarkedJobs collection and have documents of jobPosts duplicated for each user, who bookmarked the job post? And every time a job post is updated by an employer, I will have a cloud function going through bookmarkedJobs collection, updating every instance of it?
Thank you
This may be of interest to you
Been looking into making my website fully static/pwa, and just using indexeddb, and some webservice for data handling/storage ..this seems like a interesting route to explore.

Problem with reading user data of an app developped with Firestore

I have been introduced to Firebase a few days ago. Since then I have been trying to discover more features and usage of Firebase, in particular, the usage of the Firestore/Realtime Database.
However, as I am reading into more details, I start to think of some questions. I hope someone that is familiar with Firebase can help me answer them
As for User authentication, I understand that I can use Firebase Authentication where I won't see their real password. However, technically, everything that user stores in my Firestore would be visible to me since I am the owner of the Firebase.
For example, if I were to develop a note/chat app, in which the user can access their notes/chat on the iOS app and also Android. That means all their notes data would be saved in my database. If it happens to contain some private data, then I would be able to read it?
Even if I set security rules, that would be only facing client-side, whereas, for me, the owner of the entire firebase data, I could see the whole thing. Surely, as a customer, you won't want to use an app knowing that I can see everything you write
I am not sure if what I said is true or not. If true, is there a possible solution?
Both of your statements are correct. This happens in most of the apps-websites, the admin or some core developers have full access to the data. That's why privacy policy and GDPR exist. You must specify what data you collect and for what reason. If you intend to use your user data for any other reason you must inform them. Be aware that if you disclose any user information without his permission you can be held liable.

How can I check if it is the same user in ASP.NET?

This question is not related to ASP.NET specifically, but more web applications in general.
I am building a web application wherein I am registering a user. As of now I am taking in very basic credentials like First Name, Last Name, etc of the user. In this website I am giving some information for free for any user who has just registered so that the user finds my website authentic and that it is not a fake website. After that, to get more information, the user has to pay.
The information my site provides will get obsolete after sometime. So, when a new user registers, he/she will get the new information that gets updated; but the old users have to pay to get the same new information.
My problem here is once the information gets obsolete the same person can re-register with a different set of credentials and get the new information. I want to avoid this from happening.
So my question here is this: what information should I request from the user, or extract from the user, to check that the same user is not re-registering? Or any other way to make this possible.
I am thinking of getting the IP address of the machine from which the person is registering and use it to check. But the user can use a different machine to re-register.
I am completely lost here and not getting the solution. I even checked on the Internet but could not find an answer.
Please let me know if you need any further information from my side.
You will not find a technical way to prevent users from registering multiple times. They can simply use another device, IP, another email account and different credentials.
What you can do is asking them to send you hard to fake "offline" information, like a credit card number or a photo of the ID. Some users may still be able to register multiple times this way, but probably not indefinitly. You will however lose many possible clients this way who are unwilling to provide such information for a test account, so this is likely not the solution you want.
My advice would be one of the following two:
Limit the information/service you give out to free users, so that even if they register again they will gain something when they pay.
Try to bind them to their account in a way where they would lose something if they threw it away. This may for example be providing user rewards for activity (real or virtual) or increasing their experience based on their history. Take SO for example: If you registered again, you would lose all your reputation. The users will think twice if this is worth the new content.
After reading all of the above, i think a good solution could be to let the user identify himself through facebook or linkedin. Few people will have a second account.
I think you cannot put any users like that because every thing can be duplicate
There are some ways for which the user must have payment mode or identity details like passport or it is windows application you can have finger scanner it will be definitely Unique..
You can do this (with limitations) with the use of cookies. Setting a cookie on the users device will allow you to determine who the visitor is and that they have already registered.
The limitations are that cookies can be deleted or blocked and are only valid for that specific user agent - the user could use a different device or a different browser on the same device. A lot of people don't really know about cookies though and how to delete them.
By tying this technique with a requirement to provide a valid email address you can make it a hassle for somebody to register more than once as they will have to create a new email account and then delete their cookies.
Whether this will stop enough people depends on your site and your requirements - if you're giving money away then this technique is not nearly good enough. If you just want to discourage the practice of multiple accounts it may be enough.
Your only way out is to have SOMETHING the existing user gets as a "gift?" or added value to maintain just one account. If you can identify items of value to your subscribers and offer to "give" it to them provided their account "attains" one or more status, then you'll get some control. Take stackoverflow.com for example, I don't need a second account.
Identifying by facebook or linkedin is a good option, but if you are giving such services. which are very beneficial for the users, so they dont mind on creating multiple accounts on even facebook or linked in.
So what i think is to set some reward type stuff with each user, and increase the services as they get increment in rewards.once they are good in rewards and are capable to use multiple services, this increases the probability that they will not create another account.
