How to extract params from received link in react native firebase dynamiclink? - firebase

I tried to migrate from react navigation deeplinks to firebase dynamic linking using this library (react-native-firebase).
I have set up everthing and links are being generated and received on the app. However, is there any way to extract the params sent in the link properly using this library?. Currenty this is my code for handling received link:
handleDynamicLink = () => {
.then((url) => {
console.tron.log('link is ', url);
.catch((error) => {
The url received is
I want to extract the product id 1122 from the url. The only way for me right now is to parse the string and manually extract the relevant params. Unlike in react navigation deeplinks where I used to specify the path, like
Product: {
screen: Product,
path: 'customdomain/products/:slug',
Where the slug or id data used to pass as navigation param in the respective screen. Am I missing something? How can I pass mutliple params this way?

Point 2 in this link here says:
The response contains the URL string only.
This means that the firebase.links().getInitialLink() method does not return query parameters, at least as at the time of writing this (v5.5.5). To add your paramaters, you should use a URL with your query param as part of the URL. What I mean is this
and use Regex to extract the product id which is of interest to you. This is what works for me and I hope it helps.


I want to get OrderID from API responce using cy.intercept in cypress

I want to get the order ID from the API response. When I click on the Create Order button it will send a POST API request and return the ID that I want to save in my JSON file.
This is my order creation code.
cy.clickOnElement(practicePageSelectors.CreateOrder).click(); // click on add Rx button
cy.readFile('cypress/fixtures/Data.json').then((profile) => {
cy.searchPatients(practicePageSelectors.searchPatient1, profile.Patient_fullName);
cy.searchDoctors(); // search for the doctor
cy.clickOnElementUsingXpath(practicePageSelectors.nextButtonId); // click on the next button
cy.searchMedicine() //search for Medicine
cy.clickOnElementUsingXpathfirst(practicePageSelectors.addMedicine); // click on add button
cy.clickOnElementUsingText(practiceData.paymentButtonName, practiceData.buttonTag); // click on skip payment button
And I tried something like this
method: 'POST',
url: '',
let body = JSON.parse(responce.body)
I don't know how to use intercept. Please guide me
You have to register the interceptor before the http call will be made and then wait for the data within your test.
This should happen either in before hook or on top of your actual test case.
method: 'POST',
url: '',
and then in place where you will need the ID
.then((body) => {
// parsing might be not needed always, depends on the api response
const bodyData = JSON.parse(body)
Side note: cy.fixture() reads directly from fixtures directory - no need to use cy.readFile

how to add dash(-) between name of dynamic route Nextjs in url

I create a dynamic route pages/post/[postname].tsx . and when I send name to the dynamic route the url shows name with url-encode (%20,%E2,...)
I want to show name of the url with dash between words. like below url
how can I do this?
I've used the getStaticPaths method and pass it an object of slugs before. This has worked for me when dealing with a headless CMS'.
export async function getStaticPaths() {
// Hit API to get posts as JSON
const posts = await getPosts()
// Map a new object with just the slugs
const paths = => {
return { params: { slug: post.slug } }
// Return paths
return {
paths: paths,
fallback: true
I think I understand the problem, you're trying to use a set of strings with spaces e.g "the fundamentals of starting web development" as path param to achieve something like this That will most likely convert your spaces to %20 which is normal. I would have advised you to first use replace() method to change all spaces to hyphen before passing it as param but the replace() method only changes the first space and leave the rest. There are other ways to get rid of the spaces programmatically but may be stressful and not worth it, so I'll advise you use an hyphenated set of strings by default.
If not, try to use a for-loop with the replace() method to change all spaces to hyphens, then pass it as param.

does redux-query-sync enable sharing url between machines?

I am trying to implement redux-query-sync but the url keeps going to default state if I share the url which has the updated state.
I have implemented as shown in the sample -
There is also a PropsRoute implementation in the code.
Your example seems to be working for the string arguments. It's the array param selected which is giving you trouble.
The action creator that you are dispatching here, changeLocation, does not take the right arguments. Look at how you are calling it in your component:
When it is called from the URL query it is going to be called like:
changeLocation([Stockholm, Oslo]);
So obviously these do not match up. The existing changeLocation action can only handle one location at a time, so there's not a way to map the value from the URL to a payload that you can use with it. You will need to create a separate action.
const setLocation = (payload) => ({ type: "setLocation", payload });
case "setLocation":
return {...state, selected: payload};
My first approach to handle the array values was to implement the optional stringToValue and valueToString settings for the selected param.
This only kinda-sorta works. I can't get it to omit the param from the URL when it is set to the default value. I wonder if it's using a === check? As a hacky solution, I added a filter in the stringToValue to prevent the empty string from getting added to the locations array. But the selected= is always present in the URL.
selected: {
selector: (state) => state.selected,
action: setLocation,
stringToValue: (string) => string.split(",").filter(s => !!s),
valueToString: (value) => value.join(","),
defaultValue: []
This really annoyed me, so I followed this bit of advice from the docs:
Note you could equally well put the conversion to and from the string in the selector and action creator, respectively. The defaultValue should then of course be a string too.
And this approach worked much better.
selected: {
selector: (state) => state.selected.join(","),
action: (string) => setLocation(string.split(",")),
defaultValue: ""
With those changes you should have a shareable URL.
Forked Sandbox
Thanks Linda. The example I sent was what I referred to do my implementation. It wasn't my work.
Just letting you know that since my app uses PropsRoute I was able to use history props to push the state as params in url and share the url. I had to modify code to use params from url as state if it was available. This worked between tabs. Will be testing across machines.
this.props.history.push("/currenturl/" + state)
this.props.history.push("/currenturl/" + {testobject:{}})
wasn't able to implement redux-query-sync though.

How to use FlowRouter to parse any given url?

I want to parse an iframe URL using FlowRouter.getQueryparams() instead of using window.location.href.split(). I have tried looking into documents, but all it talks about is passing parameters and in-app routing. Is there a way to pass URL like : http://localhost:3000/?id="Awx34R56YUND"&userId="QP90pr5f" to Flowrouter and get the parameters like FlowRouter.getQueryparams('id') and FlowRouter.getQueryparams('userId')?
Yes you can get query parameters in a URL, see this example below
// route def: /apps/:appId
// url: /apps/this-is-my-app?show=yes&color=red
var color = FlowRouter.getQueryParam("color");
console.log(color); // prints "red"

How to use URL parameters using Meteorjs

How can I use URL parameters with meteor.
The URL could look like this:
I want to use the 'task_name' (abcd1234) in the mongodb query in the meteor app.
Template.task_app.tasks = function () {
return Tasks.find({task_name: task_name});
You are probably going to want to use a router to take care of paths and rendering certain templates for different paths. The iron-router package is the best one available for that. If you aren't using it already I would highly recommend it.
Once you are using iron-router, getting the query strings and url parameters is made very simple. You can see the section of the documentation here:
For the example you gave the route would look something like this: () {
this.route('home', {
path: '/',
template: 'task_app'
data: function () {
// the data function is an example where this.params is available
// we can access params using this.params
// see the below paths that would match this route
var params = this.params;
// we can access query string params using this.params.query
var queryStringParams = this.params.query;
// query params are added to the 'query' object on this.params.
// given a browser path of: '/?task_name=abcd1234
// this.params.query.task_name => 'abcd1234'
return Tasks.findOne({task_name: this.params.query.task_name});
This would create a route which would render the 'task_app' template with a data context of the first task which matches the task name.
You can also access the url parameters and other route information from template helpers or other functions using Router.current() to get the current route. So for example in a helper you might use Router.current().params.query.task_name to get the current task name. Router.current() is a reactive elements so if it is used within the reactive computation the computation will re-run when any changes are made to the route.
