Copy a huge file with Julia Mmap - julia

I have a big file (75GB) memory mapped in an array d that I want to copy in another m. Because I do not have 75GB of RAM available, I did:
for (i,v) in enumerate(d)
m[i] = v
In order to copy the file value after value. But I get a copy rate of ~2MB/s on a SSD where I expect at least 50MB/s both in read and write.
How could I optimize this copy rate?
=== [edit] ===
According to the comments, I changed my code to the following, which sped up the write rate to 15MB/s
function copydcimg(m::Array{UInt16,4}, d::Dcimg)
m .= d
At this point, I think I should optimize the Dcimg code. This binary file is made of frames spaced by a timestamp. Here is the code I use to access the frames:
module dcimg
using Mmap
using TOML
struct Dcimg <: AbstractArray{UInt16,4} # struct allowing to access dcimg file
filename::String # filename of the dcimg
header::Int # header size in bytes
clock::Int # clock size in bytes
m # linear memory map
Dcimg(filename, header, clock, x, y, z, t) =
new(filename, header, clock, x, y, z, t,
Mmap.mmap(open(filename), Array{UInt16, 3},
(x*y+clock÷sizeof(UInt16), z, t), header)
# following functions allows to access DCIMG like an Array
Base.size(D::Dcimg) = (D.x, D.y, D.z, D.t)
# skip clock
Base.getindex(D::Dcimg, i::Int) =
D.m[i + (i ÷ (D.x*D.y))*D.clock÷sizeof(UInt16)]
Base.getindex(D::Dcimg, x::Int, y::Int, z::Int, t::Int) =
D[x + D.x*((y-1) + D.y*((z-1) + D.z*(t-1)))]
# allowing to automatically parse size
function Dcimg(pathtag)
p = TOML.parsefile(pathtag * ".toml")
return Dcimg(pathtag * ".dcimg",
# ...
export Dcimg, getframe

I got it! The solution was to copy the file chunk by chunk lets say by frame (around 1024×720 UInt16). This way I reached 300MB/s, which I didn't even know was possible in single thread. Here is the code.
In module dcimg, I added the methods to access the file frame by frame
# get frame number n (starting form 1)
getframe(D::Dcimg,n::Int) =
D.x*D.y*(n-1)+1 + (n-1)*D.clock÷sizeof(UInt16) : # cosmetic line break
D.x*D.y*n + (n-1)*D.clock÷sizeof(UInt16)
], D.x, D.y)
# get frame for layer z, time t (starting from 1)
getframe(D::Dcimg,z::Int,t::Int) =
Iterating over the frames within a loop
function copyframes(m::Array{UInt16,4}, d::Dcimg)
N = d.z*d.t
F = d.x*d.y
for i in 1:N
m[(i-1)*F+1:i*F] = getframe(d, i)
Thanks all in comments for leading me to this.
===== edit =====
for further reading, you might look at:
dd: How to calculate optimal blocksize?
which give hints about the optimal block size to copy at a time.


How to read a specific element from a binary file in Julia?

I have a binary file. If I want to read all the numeric data in an array at once, the code is below:
y = Array{Float32}(undef, 1000000, 1);
read!("myfile.bin", y)
I will get an array y, y is 1000000*1 array{Float32, 2}.
My question is that, I don't want to read all the data in an array at once since it will use a lot of memory. I want to read a specific element in the binary file each time. For example, I only want to read the third element in the binary file which is the third element in array y. How can I do it?
If you just want to read a single element, you don't need to read into an array:
io = open("myfile.bin", "r") # open file for reading
Nbytes = sizeof(Float32) # number of bytes per element
seek(io, (3-1)*Nbytes) # move to the 3rd element
val = read(io, Float32) # read a Float32 element
BTW: if you want an array for your data, you should probably use a 1000000 length Array{Float32, 1} instead of a size 1000000x1 Array{Float32, 2}:
y = Array{Float32}(undef, 1000000)
# or
y = Array{Float32, 1}(undef, 1000000)
# or
y = Vector{Float32}(undef, 1000000)
Alternatively, you could mmap the file to access it as an array:
fd = open("myfile.bin")
y = Mmap.mmap(fd, Vector{Float32}, 10000000)
This will only use virtual memory, but no RAM. You can also make it writeable, too.

Creating a stochastic SIR model in Julia

I am new to julia and want to create a Stochastic SIR model by following:
I have written my own interpretation which is nearly the same:
# Following the Gillespie algorthim:
# 1. Initialization of states & parameters
# 2. Monte-carlo step. Random process/step selection.
# 3. Update all states. e.g., I = I + 1 (increase of infected by 1 person). Note: only +/- by 1.
# 4. Repeat until stopTime.
# p - Parameter array: β, ɣ for infected rate and recovered rate, resp.
# initialState - initial states of S, I, R information.
# stopTime - Total run time.
using Plots, Distributions
function stochasticSIR(p, initialState, stopTime)
# Hold the states of S,I,R separately w/ a NamedTuple. See '? NamedTuple' in the REML for details
# Populate the data storage arrays with the initial data and initialize the run time
sirData = (dataₛ = [initialState[1]], dataᵢ = [initialState[2]], dataᵣ = [initialState[3]], time = [0]);
while sirData.time[end] < stopTime
if sirData.dataᵢ[end] == 0 # If somehow # of infected = 0, break the loop.
# Probabilities of each process (infection, recovery). p[1] = β and p[2] = ɣ
probᵢ = p[1] * sirData.dataₛ[end] * sirData.dataᵢ[end];
probᵣ = p[2] * sirData.dataᵣ[end];
probₜ = probᵢ + probᵣ; # Total reaction rate
# When the next process happens
k = rand(Exponential(1/probₜ));
push!(sirData.time, sirData.time[end] + k) # time step by k
# Probability that the reaction is:
# probᵢ, probᵣ resp. is: probᵢ / probₜ, probᵣ / probₜ
randNum = rand();
# Update the states by randomly picking process (Gillespie algo.)
if randNum < (probᵢ / probₜ)
push!(sirData.dataₛ, sirData.dataₛ[end] - 1);
push!(sirData.dataᵢ, sirData.dataᵢ[end] + 1);
push!(sirData.dataᵢ, sirData.dataᵢ[end] - 1);
push!(sirData.dataᵣ, sirData.dataᵣ[end] +1)
sirOutput = stochasticSIR([0.0001, 0.05], [999,1,0], 200)
#plot(hcat(sirData.dataₛ, sirData.dataᵢ, sirData.dataᵣ), sirData.time)
InexactError: Int64(2.508057234147307)
Stacktrace: [1] Int64 at .\float.jl:709 [inlined] [2] convert at
.\number.jl:7 [inlined] [3] push! at .\array.jl:868 [inlined] [4]
stochasticSIR(::Array{Float64,1}, ::Array{Int64,1}, ::Int64) at
.\In[9]:33 [5] top-level scope at In[9]:51
Could someone please explain why I receive this error? It does not tell me what line (I am using Jupyter notebook) and I do not understand it.
First error
You have to qualify your references to time as sirData.time
The error message is a bit confusing because time is a function in Base as well, so it is automatically in scope.
Second error
You need your data to be represented as Float64, so you have to explictly type your input array:
sirOutput = stochasticSIR([0.0001, 0.05], Float64[999,1,0], 200)
Alternatively, you can create the array with float literals: [999.0,1,0]. If you create an array with only literal integers, Julia will create an integer array.
I'm not sure StackOverflow is the best venue for this, as you seem to editing the original post as you go along with new errors.
Your current error at the time of writing (InexactError: Int(2.50805)) tells you that you are trying to create an integer from a Float64 floating point number, which you can't do without rounding explicitly.
I would highly recommend reading the Julia docs to get the hang of basic usage, and maybe use the Julia Discourse forum for more interactive back-and-forth debugging with the community.

Use of Memory-mapped in Julia

I have a Julia code, version 1.2, which performs a lot of operations on a 10000 x 10000 Array . Due to OutOfMemory() error when I run the code, I’m exploring other options to run it, such as Memory-mapping. Concerning the use of Mmap.mmap, I’m a bit confused with the use of the Array that I map to my disk, due to little explanations on Here is the beginning of my code:
using Distances
using LinearAlgebra
using Distributions
using Mmap
L is the 10000 x 10000 Array with which I want to work, so I mapped it to my disk with
s = open("mmap.bin", "w+")
write(s, size(L,1))
write(s, size(L,2))
write(s, L)
What am I supposed to do after that? The next step is to perform K=eigen(L) and apply other commands to K. How should I do that? With K=eigen(L) or K=eigen(s)? What’s the role of the object s and when does it get involved? Moreover, I don’t understand why I have to use Mmap.sync! and when. After each subsequent lines after eigen(L)? At the end of the code? How can I be sure that I’m using my disk space instead of RAM memory?Would like some highlights about memory-mapping, please. Thank you!
If memory usage is a concern, it is often best to re-assign your very large arrays to 0, or to a similar type-safe small matrix, so that the memory can be garbage collected, assuming you are done with those intermediate matrices. After that, you just call Mmap.mmap() on your stored data file, with the type and dimensions of the data as second and third arguments to mmap, and then assign the function's return value to your variable, in this case L, resulting in L being bound to the file contents:
using Distances
using LinearAlgebra
using Distributions
using Mmap
function testmmap()
data = Float32.(rand(10000, 15))
Eucldist = pairwise(Euclidean(), data, dims=1)
D = maximum(Eucldist.^2)
sigma2hat = mean(((Eucldist.^2) ./ D)[tril!(trues(size((Eucldist.^2) ./ D)), -1)])
L = exp.(-(Eucldist.^2 / D) / (2 * sigma2hat))
s = open("./tmp/mmap.bin", "w+")
write(s, size(L,1))
write(s, size(L,2))
write(s, L)
# deref and gc collect
Eucldist = data = L = zeros(Float32, 2, 2)
s = open("./tmp/mmap.bin", "r+") # allow read and write
m = read(s, Int)
n = read(s, Int)
L = Mmap.mmap(s, Matrix{Float32}, (m, n)) # now L references the file contents
K = eigen(L)
#time testmmap() # 109.657995 seconds (17.48 k allocations: 4.673 GiB, 0.73% gc time)

In Lua, how to insert numbers as 32 bits to front of a binary sequence?

I'm new to Lua when I began to use OpenResty, I want to output a image and it's x,y coordinate together as one binary sequence to the clients, looks like: x_int32_bits y_int32_bits image_raw_data. At the client, I know the first 32 bits is x, the second 32 is y, and the others are image raw data. I met some questions:
How to convert number to 32 binary bits in Lua?
How to merge two 32 bits to one 64 bits sequence?
How to insert 64 bits to front of image raw data? And how to be fastest?
file:read("*a") got string type result, is the result ASCII sequence or like "000001110000001..." string?
What I'm thinking is like below, I don't know how to convert 32bits to string format same as file:read("*a") result.
#EgorSkriptunoff thank you, you opened a window for me. I wrote some new code, would you take a look, and I have another question, is the string merge method .. inefficient and expensive? Specially when one of the string is very large. Is there an alternative way to merge the bytes string?
function _M.number_to_int32_bytes(num)
return ffi.string("int32_t[1]", num), 4)
local x, y = unpack(v)
local file, err =, "rb")
if nil ~= file then
local image_raw_data = file:read("*a")
if nil == image_raw_data then
ngx.log(ngx.ERR, "read file error:", err)
-- Is the .. method inefficient and expensive? Because the image raw data maybe large,
-- so will .. copy all the data to a new string? Is there an alternative way to merge the bytes string?
output = utils.number_to_int32_bytes(x) .. utils.number_to_int32_bytes(y) .. image_raw_data
function table_merge(t1, t2)
for k,v in ipairs(t2) do
table.insert(t1, v)
return t1
function numToBits(num, bits)
-- returns a table of bits
local t={} -- will contain the bits
for b=bits,1,-1 do
if num==0 then return t else return {'Not enough bits to represent this number'} end
-- Need to insert x,y as 32bits respectively to front of image binary sequence
function output()
local x = 1, y = 3
local file, err ="/storage/images/1.png", "rb")
if nil ~= file then
local d = file:read("*a") ------- type(d) is string, why?
if nil == d then
ngx.log(ngx.ERR, "read file error:", err)
-- WHAT WAY I'M THINKING -----------------
-- Convert x, y to binary table, then merge them to one binary table
data = table_merge(numToBits(x, 32), numToBits(y, 32))
-- Convert data from binary table to string
data = convert_binary_table_to_string(data) -- HOW TO DO THAT? --------
-- Insert x,y data to front of image data, is data .. d ineffective?
data = data .. d

Adding columns to a DataArray in Julia

Following up How to add vectors to the columns of some array in Julia?, I would like to have some analogous clarifications for DataArrays.
Let y=randn(100, 2). I would like to create a matrix x with the lagged value (with lags > 0) of y. I have already written a code which it seems is working properly (see below). I was wondering if there is a better way for concatenating a DataArray than the one I have used.
T, n = size(y);
x = #data(zeros(T-lags, 0));
for lag in 1:lags
x = hcat(x, y[lags-lag+1:end-lag, :]);
Unless there is a specific reason to do otherwise, my recommendation would be to start with your DataArray x being the size that you want it to be and then fill in the column values you want.
This will give you better performance than if you need to recreate the DataArray for each new column, which is what any method for "adding" columns will actually be doing. It's conceivable that the DataArray package might have some more pretty syntax for it than what you have in your question, but fundamentally, that's what it would still be doing.
Thus, in a simplified version of your example, I would recommend:
using DataArrays
N = 5; T = 10;
X = #data(zeros(T, N));
initial_data_cols = 2; ## specify how much of the initial data is filled in
lags = size(X,2) - initial_data_cols
X[:,1:initial_data_cols] = rand(size(X,1), initial_data_cols) ## First two columns of X are fixed in advance
for lag in 1:lags
X[:,(lag+initial_data_cols)] = rand(size(X,1))
If you did find yourself in a situation where you need to add columns to an already created object, you could improve somewhat upon the code that you have by first creating all of the new objects together and then doing a single addition of them to your initial DataArray. E.g.
X = #data(zeros(10, 2))
X = [X rand(10,3)]
For instance, consider the difference in execution time, and number and quantity of memory allocations in the two examples below:
n = 10^5; m = 10;
A = #data rand(n,m);
n_newcol = 10;
function t1(A::Array, n_newcol)
n = size(A,1)
for idx = 1:n_newcol
A = hcat(A, zeros(n))
return A
function t2(A::Array, n_newcol)
n = size(A,1)
[A zeros(n, n_newcol)]
# Stats after running each function once to compile
#time r1 = t1(A, n_newcol); ## 0.154082 seconds (124 allocations: 125.888 MB, 75.33% gc time)
#time r2 = t2(A, n_newcol); ## 0.007981 seconds (9 allocations: 22.889 MB, 31.73% gc time)
