Controlling decimal places displayed in a tibble. Understanding what pillar.sigfig does - r

I have a csv file weight.csv with the following contents.
If I do
Df <- read_csv('weight.csv')
I get
# A tibble: 9 x 2
weight weight_selfreport
<dbl> <dbl>
1 81.5 81.7
2 72.6 72.6
3 92.9 93.0
4 79.4 79.4
5 94.6 96.6
6 80.2 79.4
7 116. 113.
8 95.4 95.7
9 99.5 99.8
If I convert that tibble to a normal data frame, I'll see more digits.
weight weight_selfreport
1 81.5 81.66969
2 72.6 72.59528
3 92.9 93.01270
4 79.4 79.40109
5 94.6 96.64247
6 80.2 79.40109
7 116.2 113.43013
8 95.4 95.73503
9 99.5 99.81851
Initially I thought that if I wanted to get this type of display for the tibble, I thought I would do options(pillar.sigfig = 5).
However, that's not what it does.
options(pillar.sigfig = 5)
# A tibble: 9 x 2
weight weight_selfreport
<dbl> <dbl>
1 81.5 81.670
2 72.600 72.595
3 92.9 93.013
4 79.4 79.401
5 94.6 96.642
6 80.2 79.401
7 116.2 113.43
8 95.4 95.735
9 99.5 99.819
And so I see that pillar.sigfig is about controlling significant digits not decimals places.
Fine but
Why is (row 2, col 1) 72.6 being displayed as 72.600?
What can I do, or can I do anything, to get five decimals places?

This might come a little late...3 years late, but it might help others looking for answers.
The issue lies with tibble. It has a very opinionated way of representing dfs. I presume, you often do not feel the need to look at your data in this way, but if you do, there are two options I frequently use that potentially are just another workaround.
Option 1: Use num()
This neat function enforces decimals. So you can mutate() all columns you want to format with the following:
data <- tribble(
~ weight, ~ weight_selfreport,
data <-
data %>%
mutate(across(where(is.numeric), ~ num(., digits = 3)))
#> # A tibble: 9 × 2
#> weight weight_selfreport
#> <num:.3!> <num:.3!>
#> 1 81.500 81.670
#> 2 72.600 72.595
#> 3 92.900 93.013
#> 4 79.400 79.401
#> 5 94.600 96.642
#> 6 80.200 79.401
#> 7 116.200 113.430
#> 8 95.400 95.735
#> 9 99.500 99.819
Option 2: Use table packages
Usually, when I inspect a tibble it is because it contains results I want to report. Thus, I use one of the many table-generator packages, e.g.
Here is an example you can try using flextable:
data <- tribble(
~ weight, ~ weight_selfreport,
I assume Option 1 might have been what you were looking for.

I have the same issue. Using pillar.sigfig helps. You can also use it with round() and you have more control. But if the last figure is 0 it will not display it.
The "trick" I used was to save the results in a variable and then use Then it works fine. But maybe there is an easier solution...


How to create percentiles in R using dplyr with data frame?

I am looking to create an additional column named "percentile", the percentile will be based off the sold quotes quotes and I do not want to create a window function on it, the percentile is should be based off the entire dataset. See below, the data is currently in descending order by SOLD_QUOOTES, what ideally the first row we see in the image should be the 99.99% percentile and should lower cascading down the table.
Excepted output
Maybe something like,
df <- tibble(sold_quotes = sample(1e6, 1e3, replace = TRUE))
pctiles <- seq(0, 1, 0.001)
df %>%
arrange(desc(sold_quotes)) %>%
mutate(percentile = cut(sold_quotes,
probs = pctiles),
labels = pctiles[2:length(pctiles)]*100))
#> # A tibble: 1,000 x 2
#> sold_quotes percentile
#> <int> <fct>
#> 1 999562 100
#> 2 996533 99.9
#> 3 996260 99.8
#> 4 995499 99.7
#> 5 994984 99.6
#> 6 994937 99.5
#> 7 994130 99.4
#> 8 993001 99.3
#> 9 992902 99.2
#> 10 990298 99.1
#> # … with 990 more rows
The percentile calculation doesn't depend on rearranging sold_quotes in descending order; you'll get the correct result without it. I was just mirroring your example.

How can I apply calculations multiple times on similar variables in the Tidyverse?

I am trying to run calculations on multiple variables with similar names (mx1_var1...mx2_var1 etc).
A simplified version of the data is below.
structure(list(mx1_amenable = c(70.0382790687902, 20.8895416774022,
98.1328630153307, 8.63038330575823, 21.098387740395, 31.959849814698,
9.22952906324882, 74.4660849895597, 29.6851613973842, 60.941434908354
), mx1_Other = c(50.0261607893197, 46.0117649431311, 51.8219837573084,
73.7814971552898, 93.8008571298187, 92.6841115228084, 95.660659297798,
10.8184536035572, 43.6606611340557, 81.4415005182801), mx1_preventable = c(38.6864667127179,
22.5707957186912, 13.324746863086, 74.9369833030818, 13.0413382062397,
98.3757571024402, 86.6179643621766, 19.7927752780922, 2.28293032845359,
67.0137368426169), mx2_amenable = c(63.6636904898683, 40.361275660631,
3.2234218985236, 80.4870440564426, 49.483719663574, 71.0484920255819,
97.3726798797323, 30.0044347466731, 25.8476044496246, 39.4468283905231
), mx2_Other = c(4.0822540063483, 52.9579932985574, 38.3393867228102,
80.8093349013419, 89.5704617034906, 7.15269982141938, 44.9889904260212,
94.1639871656393, 17.4307996383923, 91.9360333328057), mx2_preventable = c(97.9327560952081,
42.7026845980086, 74.6785922702186, 27.4754587243202, 14.5174992869947,
29.298035056885, 3.2058044369044, 44.6985715883816, 33.7262168187378,
50.9358501169921)), class = c("tbl_df", "tbl", "data.frame"), row.names = c(NA,
I want to run calculations e.g.
mutate(diff_amenable = mx1_amenable)
Across all variables in the dataset as well as further calculations based on the output of these new figures. I think using some sort of string match and function should be able to do it but all I could come across was [this.][1]
At the moment I am working with the data in wide format and manually inputting the column names to run the calculations which is not feasible as I work with more variables (up to 70 paired values).
Any ideas how this could be done?
[1]: Function to perform similar calculations on variables with similar names
This might be a slight step forward - writing functions that give the calculation for a pair of selected columns by name detection in the across function. This works for the six example columns in your dataset:
difference <- function(...) {
x <- list(...)
x[[1]][[1]] - x[[1]][[2]]
proportion <- function(...) {
x <- list(...)
x[[1]][[1]] / x[[1]][[2]]
df %>%
rowwise() %>%
mx1_allcause = sum(across(starts_with("mx1"))),
mx2_allcause = sum(across(starts_with("mx2"))),
diff_amenable = difference(across(ends_with("_amenable"))),
diff_allcause = difference(across(ends_with("_allcause"))),
prop_amenable = proportion(across(starts_with("diff")))
#> # A tibble: 10 x 5
#> # Rowwise:
#> mx1_allcause mx2_allcause diff_amenable diff_allcause prop_amenable
#> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 159. 166. 6.37 -6.93 -0.920
#> 2 89.5 136. -19.5 -46.5 0.418
#> 3 163. 116. 94.9 47.0 2.02
#> 4 157. 189. -71.9 -31.4 2.29
#> 5 128. 154. -28.4 -25.6 1.11
#> 6 223. 107. -39.1 116. -0.338
#> 7 192. 146. -88.1 45.9 -1.92
#> 8 105. 169. 44.5 -63.8 -0.697
#> 9 75.6 77.0 3.84 -1.38 -2.79
#> 10 209. 182. 21.5 27.1 0.794
Created on 2021-04-09 by the reprex package (v2.0.0)
Expanding this to your 70+ variables though might be different. My solution here relies on each calculation combining two columns being able to select the two (in order) based on a text match. If there's a need for a more complicated matching of one name to another, you might need a smarter approach or to give in and manually define pairings.

A compact way to perform multiple pairwise tests (e.g. t-test) with a single variable split in multiple categories in long-format

I am interested in performing multiple tests for a single variable with an associated factor that split the values into multiple groups. It is related to this question and, actually, I would like to get a solution of that kind but it is not exactly the same.
In my case, I have a single variable and multiple groups (eventually many). Expanding on this example:
# Create a dataset
id Location distro
1 1 Area_A 34.95737
2 2 Area_B 31.30298
3 3 Area_C 35.86569
4 4 Area_A 40.45378
5 5 Area_B 36.12060
6 6 Area_C 28.29649
7 7 Area_A 30.64495
8 8 Area_B 29.70668
9 9 Area_C 33.22874
10 10 Area_A 25.29148
11 11 Area_B 32.35511
12 12 Area_C 34.69159
13 13 Area_A 26.89791
14 14 Area_B 35.30717
15 15 Area_C 40.64628
I would like to perform all-against-all tests among Areas, i.e. test(Area_A,Area_B), test(Area_A,Area_C) and test(Area_B,Area_C) (in a more general case, all the i<j possible tests).
A simple way to go is to transform the data into wide format:
# Reshape to wide format
id distro.Area_A distro.Area_B distro.Area_C
1 1 34.95737 NA NA
2 2 NA 31.30298 NA
3 3 NA NA 35.86569
4 4 40.45378 NA NA
5 5 NA 36.12060 NA
6 6 NA NA 28.29649
7 7 30.64495 NA NA
8 8 NA 29.70668 NA
9 9 NA NA 33.22874
10 10 25.29148 NA NA
11 11 NA 32.35511 NA
12 12 NA NA 34.69159
13 13 26.89791 NA NA
14 14 NA 35.30717 NA
15 15 NA NA 40.64628
and then loop across all-against-all columns, for which I've seen several approximations more R-like than the following one in which I'm using for loops:
# Now compute the test
for(i in 2:(dim(sample_wide)[2]-1)){ # All against all var groups
for(j in (i+1):dim(sample_wide)[2]){
sample_wide[,j]) # store results in a list
But my question is not about which is the best solution given the wide format, but whether it is possible to find a solution for the problem working from the original long format, in line with the solutions found for the links I provided above that use dplyr, broom, etc.
This is a little trickier and less straightforward than I hoped. You can first figure out the combinations of locations and, to make it a little simpler, save that in a lookup table. I turned that into a long shape with an ID for each pair, which I'll use as a grouping variable on the data.
# same data creation code
grps <-$Location), 2))) %>%
mutate(pair = row_number()) %>%
gather(key, value = loc, -pair) %>%
#> pair loc
#> 1 1 Area_A
#> 2 2 Area_A
#> 3 3 Area_B
#> 4 1 Area_B
#> 5 2 Area_C
#> 6 3 Area_C
Joining the lookup to the data frame doubles the rows—that will differ depending on how many levels you're combining. Note also I dropped your ID column since it didn't seem necessary right now. Nest, do the t-test, and tidy the results.
sample_long %>%
select(-id) %>%
inner_join(grps, by = c("Location" = "loc")) %>%
group_by(pair) %>%
nest() %>%
mutate(t_test = map(data, ~t.test(distro ~ Location, data = .)),
tidied = map(t_test, broom::tidy)) %>%
#> # A tibble: 3 x 13
#> pair data t_test estimate estimate1 estimate2 statistic p.value
#> <int> <lis> <list> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 1 <tib… <htes… -0.921 31.8 32.7 -0.245 0.816
#> 2 2 <tib… <htes… -1.48 31.8 33.3 -0.383 0.716
#> 3 3 <tib… <htes… -0.563 32.7 33.3 -0.305 0.769
#> # … with 5 more variables: parameter <dbl>, conf.low <dbl>,
#> # conf.high <dbl>, method <chr>, alternative <chr>
If you needed to, you could do something to show which locations are in each pair—joining with the lookup table would be one way to do this.
I'm realizing also that you mentioned wanting to use broom functions afterwards, but didn't specify that you need a broom::tidy call. In that case, just drop the last 2 lines.
A little bit of base R will do the trick:
combn(x=unique(sample_long$Location), m=2, simplify=FALSE,
FUN=function(l) {
t.test(distro ~ Location, data=subset(sample_long, Location %in% l))
combn will generate all combinations of elements of x taken m at a time (sic). Combined with subset, you will apply your test to subsets of your data.frame.

Applying a label depending on which condition is met using R

I would like to use a simple R function where the contents of a specified data frame column are read row by row, then depending on the value, a string is applied to that row in a new column.
So far, I've tried to use a combination of loops and generating individual columns which were combined later. However, I cannot seem to get the syntax right.
The input looks like this:
# A tibble: 10 x 5
Patient T1Score T2Score T3Score T4Score
<dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 3 96.4 75 80.4 82.1
2 5 100 85.7 53.6 55.4
3 6 82.1 85.7 NA NA
4 7 82.1 85.7 60.7 28.6
5 8 100 76.8 64.3 57.7
6 10 46.4 57.1 NA 75
7 11 71.4 NA NA NA
8 12 98.2 92.9 85.7 82.1
9 13 78.6 89.3 37.5 42.9
10 14 89.3 100 64.3 87.5
and the function I have written looks like this:
#make an empty data frame for the output to go
#making sure the rest of the commands only look at what I want them to look at in the input object
#here I'm gathering the columns necessary to perform the calculation
#quick aside to make the first two thirds of the output file
#Now I need to define the class based on the referenceValue, and here is where I run into trouble.
apply(output, 1, FUN =
for (i in Difference) {
I also tried...
if (i>referenceValue) {
}else(print("LOW")) {}
Regardless, both end up giving me the error message,
c("'for (i in Difference) {' is not a function, character or symbol", "' ifelse(i > referenceValue, \"HIGH\", \"LOW\")' is not a function, character or symbol", "'}' is not a function, character or symbol")
The expected output should look like:
Patient Difference Toxicity
3 21.430000 LOW
5 46.430000 HIGH
6 3.570000 LOW
7 57.140000 HIGH
8 42.310000 HIGH
10 28.570000 HIGH
11 0.000000 LOW
12 16.070000 LOW
13 51.790000 HIGH
14 35.710000 HIGH
Is there a better way for me to organize the last loop?
Since you seem to be using tibbles anyway, here's a much shorter version using dplyr and tidyr:
> d %>%
gather(key = tscore,value = score,T1Score:T4Score) %>%
group_by(Patient) %>%
summarise(Difference = max(score,na.rm = TRUE) - min(score,na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
ungroup() %>%
mutate(AvgDifference = mean(Difference),
Toxicity = if_else(Difference > mean(Difference),"HIGH","LOW"))
# A tibble: 10 x 4
Patient Difference AvgDifference Toxicity
<int> <dbl> <dbl> <chr>
1 3 21.4 30.3 LOW
2 5 46.4 30.3 HIGH
3 6 3.6 30.3 LOW
4 7 57.1 30.3 HIGH
5 8 42.3 30.3 HIGH
6 10 28.6 30.3 LOW
7 11 0 30.3 LOW
8 12 16.1 30.3 LOW
9 13 51.8 30.3 HIGH
10 14 35.7 30.3 HIGH
I think maybe your expected output might have been based on a slightly different average difference, so this output is very slightly different.
And a much simpler base R version if you prefer:
d$min <- apply(d[,2:5],1,min,na.rm = TRUE)
d$max <- apply(d[,2:5],1,max,na.rm = TRUE)
d$diff <- d$max - d$min
d$avg_diff <- mean(d$diff)
d$toxicity <- with(d,ifelse(diff > avg_diff,"HIGH","LOW"))
A few notes on your existing code:,maxValue))) is not an advisable way to create data frames. This is more awkward than simply doing data.frame(minValue = minValue,maxValue = maxValue) and risks unintended coercion from cbind.
ave is for computing summaries over groups; just use mean if you have a single vector
The FUN argument in apply expects a function, not an arbitrary expression, which is what you're trying to pass at the end. The general syntax for an "anonymous" function in that context would be apply(...,FUN = function(arg) { do some stuff and return exactly the thing you want}).

less clunky reshaping of anscombe data

I was trying to use ggplot2 to plot the built-in anscombe data set in R (which contains four different small data sets with identical correlations but radically different relationships between X and Y). My attempts to reshape the data properly were all pretty ugly. I used a combination of reshape2 and base R; a Hadleyverse 2 (tidyr/dplyr) or a data.table solution would be fine with me, but the ideal solution would be
short/no repeated code
comprehensible (somewhat conflicting with criterion #1)
involve as little hard-coding of column numbers, etc. as possible
The original format:
## x1 x2 x3 x4 y1 y2 y3 y4
## 1 10 10 10 8 8.04 9.14 7.46 6.58
## 2 8 8 8 8 6.95 8.14 6.77 5.76
## 3 13 13 13 8 7.58 8.74 12.74 7.71
## ...
## 11 5 5 5 8 5.68 4.74 5.73 6.89
Desired format:
## s x y
## 1 1 10 8.04
## 2 1 8 6.95
## ...
## 44 4 8 6.89
Here's my attempt:
ff <- function(x,v)
f1 <- ff(anscombe[,1:4],"x")
f2 <- ff(anscombe[,5:8],"y")
f12 <- cbind(f1,f2)[,c("s","x","y")]
Now plot:
library("ggplot2"); theme_set(theme_classic())
th_clean <-
If you are really dealing with the "anscombe" dataset, then I would say #Thela's reshape solution is very direct.
However, here are a few other options to consider:
Option 1: Base R
You can write your own "reshape" function, perhaps something like this:
myReshape <- function(indf = anscombe, stubs = c("x", "y")) {
temp <- sapply(stubs, function(x) {
unlist(indf[grep(x, names(indf))], use.names = FALSE)
s <- rep(seq_along(grep(stubs[1], names(indf))), each = nrow(indf))
data.frame(s, temp)
I'm not sure that this is necessarily less clunky than what you're already doing
This approach will not work if the data are "unbalanced" (for example, more "x" columns than "y" columns.)
Option 2: "dplyr" + "tidyr"
Since pipes are the rage these days, you can also try:
anscombe %>%
gather(var, val, everything()) %>%
extract(var, into = c("variable", "s"), "(.)(.)") %>%
group_by(variable, s) %>%
mutate(ind = sequence(n())) %>%
spread(variable, val)
I'm not sure that this is necessarily less clunky than what you're already doing, but some people like the pipe approach.
This approach should be able to handle unbalanced data.
Option 3: "splitstackshape"
Before #Arun went and did all that fantastic work on, I had written merged.stack in my "splitstackshape" package. With that, the approach would be:
data.table(anscombe, keep.rownames = TRUE),
var.stubs = c("x", "y"), sep = "var.stubs"),
".time_1", "s")[]
A few notes:
merged.stack needs something to treat as an "id", hence the need for data.table(anscombe, keep.rownames = TRUE), which adds a column named "rn" with the row numbers
The sep = "var.stubs" basically means that we don't really have a separator variable, so we'll just strip out the stub and use whatever remains for the "time" variable
merged.stack will work if the data are unbalanced. For instance, try using it with anscombe2 <- anscombe[1:7] as your dataset instead of "anscombe".
The same package also has a function called Reshape that builds upon reshape to let it reshape unbalanced data. But it's slower and less flexible than merged.stack. The basic approach would be Reshape(data.table(anscombe, keep.rownames = TRUE), var.stubs = c("x", "y"), sep = "") and then rename the "time" variable using setnames.
Option 4:
This was mentioned in the comments above, but hasn't been shared as an answer. Outside of base R's reshape, this is a very direct approach that handles column renaming from within the function itself:
measure.vars = patterns(c("x", "y")),'x', 'y'), = "s")
Will be insanely fast.
Much better supported than "splitstackshape" or reshape ;-)
Handles unbalanced data just fine.
I think this meets the criteria of being 1) short 2) comprehensible and 3) no hardcoded column numbers. And it doesn't require any other packages.
reshape(anscombe, varying=TRUE, sep="", direction="long", timevar="s")
# s x y id
#1.1 1 10 8.04 1
#11.1 1 5 5.68 11
#1.2 2 10 9.14 1
#11.2 2 5 4.74 11
#1.3 3 10 7.46 1
#11.3 3 5 5.73 11
#1.4 4 8 6.58 1
#11.4 4 8 6.89 11
I don't know if a non-reshape solution would be acceptable, but here you go:
#create the pattern that will have the Xs
#this will make it easy to create the Ys
pattern <- 1:4
#use Map to create a list of data.frames with the needed columns
#and also use rbindlist to rbind the list produced by Map
lists <- rbindlist(Map(data.frame,
#set the correct names
setnames(lists, names(lists), c('s','x','y'))
> lists
s x y
1: 1 10 8.04
2: 1 8 6.95
3: 1 13 7.58
4: 1 9 8.81
5: 1 11 8.33
6: 1 14 9.96
7: 1 6 7.24
8: 1 4 4.26
9: 1 12 10.84
10: 1 7 4.82
A newer tidyverse option is suggested in the tidyverse vignette:
anscombe %>%
names_to = c(".value", "set"),
names_pattern = "(.)(.)"
) %>%
#> # A tibble: 44 x 3
#> set x y
#> <chr> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 1 10 8.04
#> 2 1 8 6.95
#> 3 1 13 7.58
#> 4 1 9 8.81
#> 5 1 11 8.33
#> 6 1 14 9.96
#> 7 1 6 7.24
#> 8 1 4 4.26
#> 9 1 12 10.8
#> 10 1 7 4.82
#> # … with 34 more rows
