Does remoteconfig fetch all the keys again? - firebase

On calling FetchAsync() in unity, does it download the complete data set again or only the changes i.e. key-value pairs.
I tried using fiddler to get the response but surprisingly, no session were logged for firebase. I tried to get the size of the data usage tab in android, but I was getting a spike of 1 mb for a mere change of 1 key-value pair.

When a fetch can no longer be satisfied by local cache, it will download the entire set of keys and values. There are no incremental or delta updates like there are for the Firebase database options.


Reading the Realtime database directly VS using Cloud Functions

I have been reading this article about reading the realtime database directly vs calling cloud functions that returns database data.
If I am returning a fairly large chunk of data e.g. a json object that holds data representing 50 user comments from a cloud function does this count
As Outbound Data (Egress) data? If so does this cost $0.12 per gb per month?
The comments are stored like so with an incremental key.
comments: [0 -> {text: “Adsadsads”},
1 -> {text: “dadsacxdg”},
Furthermore, I have read you can call goOffline() and goOnline() using the client sdks to stop concurrent connections. Are there any costs associated with closing and
Opening database connections or is it just the speed aspect of opening a connection every time you read?
Would it be more cost effective to call a cloud function that returns the set of 50 comments or allow the devices to read the comments directly from the database
But open/close before/after each read to the database, using orderByKey(), once(), startAt() and limitToFirst()?
e.g something like this
If your Cloud Function reads data from Realtime Database and returns (part of) that data to the caller, you pay for the data that is read from the database (at $1/GB) and then also for the data that your Cloud Function returns to the user (at $0.12/GB).
Opening a connection to the database means data is sent from the database to the client, and you are charged for this data (typically a few KB).
Which one is more cost effective is something you can calculate once you have all parameters. I'd recommend against premature cost optimization though: Firebase has a pretty generous free tier on its Realtime Database, so I'd start reading directly from the database and seeing how much traffic that generates. Also: if you are explicitly managing the connection state, and seem uninterested in the realtime nature of Firebase, there might be better/cheaper alternatives than Firebase to fill your needs.

Firestore ArrayUnion Adds Duplicates

I am using Firestore to store array of messages in a chat app. For each message send, I update my message array with "arrayUnion." On update, sometimes two items will be added (to the client DB, and quickly be overriden by server)
From the docs: "arrayUnion() adds elements to an array but only elements not already present". However, my case I see that my client Firebase DB instance will add duplicate data, and then the server will correct this upon successful write, and dedup.
messages: firebase.firestore.FieldValue.arrayUnion(serverMessage)
For ~1 second, I have duplicate items in arrays. I'm not sure why my data is being duplicated (I have validated that I only have one listener on the client) --- but I also don't understand why the client Firebase db instance allows for the duplicate write. Here's a visual of the errors I'm seeing.

Can we insert a data into Firebase realtime Database?

One child node of my Firebase realtime database has become huge (aroung 20 GB) and I need to purge this and insert the the extracted data of last month from the backup into the Firebase realtime database using Python Admin SDK.
In the documentation, I see the following options:
set - Write or replace data to a defined path, like messages/users/
update - Update some of the keys for a defined path without replacing all of the data
push - Add to a list of data in the database. Every time you push a new node onto a list, your database generates a unique key, like messages/users//
transaction - Use transactions when working with complex data that could be corrupted by concurrent updates
However, I want to add/insert the data from the firebase backup. I have to insert because the app is used in production and I cannot afford the overwrite of data.
Is there any method available to insert/add the data and not overwrite the data?
Any help/support is greatly appreciated.
There is no way to do this in Firebase Realtime Database without reading the current value of each location.
The only operation that allows you to update data based on its existing value is a transaction. A Firebase transaction gives you the (likely) current value at a location, and you then return what the new value should become.
But if the data you're restoring is (largely) the same as the data you have in the database, you might be able to use an update() call with sufficiently deep paths.

Hideous performance using Azure mobile services MobileServiceSyncTable

I have a mobile service sync table that is giving me absolutely HORRENDOUS performance.
The table is declared as:
IMobileServiceSyncTable<Myclass> myclassTable;
this.client = new MobileServiceClient("my url here");
var store = new MobileServiceSQLiteStore(“localdb.db”);
this.myclassTable = client.GetSyncTable<Myclass>();
Than later in a button handler I’m calling into:
The problem is, the performance is horrific. It takes at best minutes and most times just sits there indefinitely.
Is there anything in the above that I’ve done that would explain why performance is so absolutely terrible?
For IMobileServiceSyncTable table, the above method would execute the SELECT * FROM [Myclass] sql statement against your local sqlite db.
The problem is, the performance is horrific. It takes at best minutes and most times just sits there indefinitely.
AFAIK, when working with offline sync, we may invoke the pull operation for retrieving a subset of the server data, then insert the retrieved data into the local store table. For await this.myclassTable.PullAsync(), it would send request and retrieve the server data with the MaxPageSize in 50, and the client SDK would send another request to confirm whether there has more data and pull them automatically.
In summary, I would recommend you checking with your code to locate the specific code which causes this poor performance. Also, you could leverage adding diagnostic logging, capturing the network traces via Fiddler to troubleshoot with this issue.

DynamoDB limitations when deploying MoonMail

I'm trying to deploy MoonMail on AWS. However, I receive this exception from CloudFormation:
Subscriber limit exceeded: Only 10 tables can be created, updated, or deleted simultaneously
Is there another way to deploy without opening support case and asking them to remove my limit?
This is an AWS limit for APIs: (link)
API-Specific Limits
In general, you can have up to 10
CreateTable, UpdateTable, and DeleteTable requests running
simultaneously (in any combination). In other words, the total number
of tables in the CREATING, UPDATING or DELETING state cannot exceed
The only exception is when you are creating a table with one or more
secondary indexes. You can have up to 5 such requests running at a
time; however, if the table or index specifications are complex,
DynamoDB might temporarily reduce the number of concurrent requests
below 5.
You could try to open a support request to AWS to raise this limit for your account, but I don't feel this is necessary. It seems that you could create the DynamoDB tables a priori, using the AWS CLI or AWS SDK, and use MoonMail with read-only access to those tables. Using the SDK (example), you could create those tables sequentially, without reaching this simultaneously creation limit.
Another option, is to edit the s-resources-cf.json file to include only 10 tables and deploy. After that, add the missing tables and deploy again.
Whatever solution you apply, consider creating an issue ticket in MoonMail's repo, because as it stands now, it does not work in a first try (there are 12 tables in the resources file).
