How to use Phabricator datasource type custom field's "datasource.parameters" property? - phabricator

I find the type in the doc Custom field,but I don't know how to use it.

The property datasource.parameters receives an array and you can use it to pass your own settings of the field. For instance, a custom field would look like this in the JSON format:
"custom-field": {
"name": "Custom Field",
"type": "datasource",
"caption": "Choose a cool source",
"datasource.class": "MyCustomDatasource",
"datasource.parameters": ["my_custom_setting": "1"]
"limit": 1,
"required": false,
"subtypes": ["my_form"]
And in your datasource class you can access them using getParameter():
public function loadResults() {
$param_value = $this->getParameter('my_custom_setting');
\\ now you can do anything with the value


Complex object in a query string

How can I have this structure in a query string?
"properties": {
"list": [
"label": "bye",
"value": "world"
"label": "hello",
"value": "mars"
I've tried it with properties[][list][label]=bye&properties[][list][value]=world&properties[0][label]=hello&properties[0][value]=mars and also with properties[][list][label]=bye&properties[][list][value]=world&properties[][list][label]=hello&properties[][list][value]=mars, none of them worked. I built them in php with http_build_query.
I need to have this structure in a query string because I have to send the data along with some other stuff with POST to a PHP site.
I see two errors in your query string:
properties is an object, so there's no need to use [] to add elements.
list is an array, so you must use numeric indexes in the query string.
The correct query string is:
(multi-lined for readability)

How do I make a Hasura data API query to fetch rows based on the length of the their array relationship's value?

Referring to the default sample schema mentioned in i.e. to the following two tables:
1) author: id,name
2) article: id, title, content, rating, author_id
where article:author_id has an array relationship to author:id.
How do I make a query to select authors who have written at least one article? Basically, something like select author where len(author.articles) > 0
There's no length function that you can use in the Hasura data API syntax right now. Workaround 1) filter on a property that is guaranteed to be true for every row. Like id > 0. 2) Build a view and expose APIs on your view.
Option 1:
Use an 'always true' attribute as a filter.
"type": "select",
"args": {
"table": "author",
"columns": [
"where": {
"articles": {
"id": {
"$gt": "0"
This reads as: select all authors where ANY article has id > 0
This works because id is an auto-incrementing int.
Option 2:
Create a view and then expose data APIs on them.
Head to the Run SQL window in the API console and run a migration:
CREATE VIEW author_article_count as (
SELECT au.*, ar.no_articles
author au,
(SELECT author_id, COUNT(*) no_articles FROM article GROUP BY author_id) ar
WHERE = ar.author_id)
Make sure you mark this as a migration (a checkbox below the RunSQL window) so that this gets added to your migrations folder.
Now add data APIs to the view, by hitting "Track table" on the API console's schema page.
Now you can make select queries using no_articles as the length attribute:
"type": "select",
"args": {
"table": "author_article_count",
"columns": [
"where": {
"no_articles": {
"$gt": "0"

How to interate the Json data in PHP and place it in a PHP variable?

How do I iterate through the Json object that has an array within it and places the description object in a variable that can be used in another function?
This is the Json scheme that is being pulled in with $regResult:
"errors": [
"code": "401.07.001",
"description": "Invalid Access Token",
"link": ""
You have multiple options
just use return $registration_result; and pass it to the other function as a parameter
Declare your variable as global global $registration_result = drupal_json_decode($regResult);
Save the value to the database

How to create GTM data layer variable with complex array

In Google Tag Manager a pre-defined variable type of "Data Layer Variable" exists with an input for the variable name. In a standard single level of key/value pairs this is easy.
var dataLayer = [{"mykey":"myvalue"}];
Given that data layer you'd just use mykey as your variable to input into GTM. However, if you use the CEDDL spec ( structure you end up with a deeply nested array:
dataLayer = [
"product": [
"category": {
"primaryCategory": "Auto Loans"
"productInfo": {
"productID": "1",
"productName": "PurchaseLoan",
"description": "Auto finance loan"
"security": [
So the real question is: how do I access the value of "productName" in the above example?
In standard Javascript you might access it like so:
... but neither of these options work (with or without dataLayer.1 as the first node).
This is the UI to enter the variable name:
When you define your DataLayer variable in GTM, you don't need to specify "dataLayer" in the variable name, ie. it should just be:

How do I query Arrays in Usergrid collections?

I'm successfully able to GET data from
GET /mycollection?ql=select data.visitor.badges where data.visitor._id = 'f33498'
Which returns
"action": "get",
"application": "313hhlkhj77080",
"params": {
"ql": [
"select data.visitor.badges where data.visitor._id = 'f33498'"
"path": "/mycollection",
"uri": "http://xxxx/appservices/xxxxxx/mycollection",
"list": [
"New Visitor",
"Cart Abandoner"
"New Visitor",
"Repeat Visitors",
"Cart Abandoner"
"New Visitor",
"Repeat Visitors",
"Browse Abandoner"
"timestamp": 1407968065207,
"duration": 35,
"organization": "visitor-baas",
"applicationName": "sandbox",
"count": 3
However, I cannot figure out how to modify the following query to allow me to narrow the result set to only those containing a "Cart Abandoner" value in the data.user.badges array.
Is this possible? I've tried:
GET /mycollection?ql=select data.visitor.badges where data.visitor.badges = 'Cart Abandoner'
This appears to return data.visitor.badges arrays where 'Cart Abandoner' is the last position of the array.
GET /mycollection?ql=select data.visitor.badges where data.visitor.badges contains 'Cart Abandoner'
This appears to return nothing.
What am I missing?
Unfortunately there's currently no way to query arrays. Your best option is to store it as an object instead.
Couple things: I query elements of arrays all the time, but the ql query string is a little temperamental. element = 'string' should return the entire JSON payload if the 'string' is contained anywhere in the array 'element' so the fact you're getting mixed results may be due to the complexity of your nested arrays.
That said, The ql query string allows you to restrict the resources that get returned (like your first example where id = 'xxx'). There isn't any way to return anything other than the entire JSON payload from that resource (such as truncating your array based on the query restriction).
So, if what you're trying to do is pull just the times that your customer returned, I would suggest creating a separate resource called something like "visitorbadges" and connect it to the user record. So instead of querying with the id and trying t query the array you'd have something like:{yourorg}/{yourapp}/users/{userid}/vistorbadges
If you use the BaaS userid rather than your own you can go to /users/uuid or, you could also store the userid with the label 'name' ({"name" : "f33498"}) which will let you go to /users/f33498/visitorbadges
See the Apige docs for how to connect resources:
