Can you write code directly into Scene Builder? - javafx

Is there a way to create a functioning calculator in JavaFX Scene Builder and completely by-passing Eclipse?
My teacher told me I can only code directly into Scene Builder to build a simple Java calculator project. So far I can do it only by creating a JavaFX project in Eclipse, creating an fxml file through that project, and opening that fxml file through Scene Builder, creating my layout, then writing java controller code by copy/pasting the skeleton code provided by Scene Builder into a java file in Eclipse. My question is: Is there a way to write the controller code directly into Scene Builder?


Cannot able to drag and drop JFXTimePicker control

Recently I downloaded the jfoenix(version 9.0.10) library. It worked fine so far. But when I tried to drag and drop JFXTimePicker in the java scene builder, its not working. I am using the latest version of scene builder and intellij. How can I fix the issue?

How to integrate javaFX scene builder kit in Eclipse

I found installation packages for scene builder on site. I tried install with deb version and it is working on my Ubuntu. There is scene builder kit jar version and I want to try to integrate to Eclipse. Can someone help me to know how to integrate javaFX scene builder kit jar in eclipse. I just want to know how to integrate to Eclipse.
Thanks in advance,
OK, I found it.
It is only to use for building new GUI application, such as application similar to Scene Builder. You don't have to write new code, just reuse code from Scene Builder. I am using Eclipse and following is how I add to User Libraries.
On Eclipse,
Window→Preference→Java→Build Path→User Libraries
New→User library name:→give some name, e.g. SceneBuilderKit
select on SceneBuilderKit you just created
Add External JARs→locate to SceneBuilderKit.jar and select it
Create a new java project
Right click on Project folder→Properties→Java Build Path
Libraries tab→Modulepath→Add Library…
Add Library…→User Library
Check SceneBuilderKit→Apply and close
Now you can use components from SceneBuilderKit
here is a video I found on YouTube

Stylesheets are not loaded in a modular JavaFX Application published as PKG

I have a modular JavaFX application. It perfectly loads all stylesheets when I run it using the IDE IntelliJ.
However, when I publish the application as PKG for Mac platform and try to run, no CSS is applied to the application. The PKG file successfully installs the JavaFX application on Mac but no stylesheet is loaded.
The app run as expected but without any css applied.
I am using openJDK-15.0.2 and generating the PKG file using jpackage.
Folder Structure:
Folder structure
To get the resources:
Class clazz = SocketClientFX.class;
Scene scene = new Scene(root);
I solved this problem by adding "opens" in for each resource folder.
For example:
opens styles.common;
opens jsonFiles;
opens images.common;
opens styles.stevePane;
In the code, each resource is accessed as follows:
Then I built the project again and create a new PKG file. When I installed and run it again, all resources including the CSS files were loaded.
When the resource is accessed via getResource(), as below, we do not need to add opens directive in the
Thank you, #James_D and #Slaw, for your comments.

Importing JFoenix in JavaFX Scene Builder 2.0 crashes the app

When I load the jfoenix-8.0.7.jar through "Import JAR/FXML file", the program refuses to load and becomes unresponsive. I have tried deselecting all and just importing one, but the result was the same: unresponsive.
How can I import JFoenix and use the components in Scene Builder?
Scene Builder 2.0 is probably not compatible with java 1.8. Deinstall it and Install Scene Builder 8.5.0 Also there is JFoenix 8.0.8 avaliable, you could update it, too. If you're using Scene Builder trough Eclipse, you should start Eclipse and Scene Builder as Administrator. Else Scene Builder can crash very fast. (Just set it in both .exe)

How can I add JavaFX platform to NetBeans IDE

I want to use JavaFX with NetBeans, but when I create new project and select JavaFX there is no option for javafx application as all have said to select. It has few other option and when I open any one among them then it show that doesnt contain JavaFX. What should I do?
