How to create SOTAMAS90 DSN? - odbc

I have a Sage 100 ERP install running on a server and I would like to make a database query through Excel to pull data from the database. I'm running a 64 bit operating system and when I look in the 32 bit ODBC Data Source Administarator, the only DSNs that appear are:
When I look at the drivers tab, the MAS 90 4.0 ODBC driver is present.
Should SOTAMAS90 be created automatically as a DSN or should I try to create it manually?

Next tab over. It's a System DSN.
Let us know if you need more help.


How to setup 64-bit ODBC data source in UiPath?

I am trying to set up a 64-bit ODBC data source connection in UiPath, but it's not visible and only showing 32-bit data sources.
Is it because UiPath is a 32-bit software? Please suggest an alternate workaround.
A 32-bit application can only load 32-bit ODBC drivers.
Your options are to --
find a 64-bit version of your "UiPath" application
find a 32-bit version of the 64-bit "Oracle in XE" driver
find a 32-bit ODBC Driver for 64-bit ODBC Data Sources (such as this, from my employer, available for immediate download with free two-week trial license)
Connect activity in UiPath drops down only 32bit data sources. I solved this using following method.
Go to Oracle official website and download Oracle Instant Client 32
bit. (Link1)
Download Basic Package (in Base section), SDK Package and ODBC
Package (in Develpoment and Runtime section).
Extract them in a directory.
There will be folder created similar to instantclient_19_3. Open this
folder and run odbc_install.exe (Might prompt for administrator
Sometimes there might be messages stating that "This program is not
installed correctly". Ignore this message.
That's all. Create a data source using ODBC Data Source Administrator Application(32 bit) in Windows machine.There you will be able to create an Oracle data source using Oracle instantclient_19_3 driver.
Refer image
After successful creation of this data source, now you will be able to see your data source from UiPath Connect activity.

Microsoft Access connection to MYOB ODBC developer mode

I am running 32-bit Microsoft Access on Windows 8.1 and MYOB Premier 19.10
Have no problem setting up a 32 bit DSN and accessing MYOB in read only mode from Access.
Have installed developer key and have tested connection using TestConnection from MYOB. Test OK
When I now try to link to a MYOB table, I get a ODBC call failed - Cannot launch MYOB #20066 error. Have tried changing MYOB and Access to XP compatibility mode - still the same.
I also get the same error running on a Windows 7 machine.
Can someone please help.
I am not familiar with Access, but if you are going to use a DSN to write to MYOB ODBC tables your connection string must look something like "DSN=YourMyobDsnName;ACCESS_TYPE=READ_WRITE". If Access does not allow you to add parameters to the connection string it's probably not going to work.
Another way connect to the company file is to use an ADO connection string. It would look something like "Driver={MYOAU1001};TYPE=MYOB;UID=Administrator; PWD=MyPassword;DATABASE=C:\PathToYourCompanyFile\CompanyFile.myo; HOST_EXE_PATH=C:\PathToTheMyobExecutable\MYOBP.exe;
ACCESS_TYPE=READ_WRITE;DRIVER_COMPLETION=DRIVER_NOPROMPT;KEY=AAAA...DDDD". Your paths and credentials will of course differ, as may the version of MYOB ODBC you are using. 10.01 is the most recent version in AU.
Following your comments I looked into it and now understand this capability is not available in Access. A common approach is to create a small executable that exchanges information between MYOB v19 ledgers and whatever it is you need to integrate with. Again, I am not an expert but it seems to me that you could use VBA in Access to accomplish this. VBA can use the ADO libraries.
I had to disable UAC on Windows 10 to get MYOB to launch via ODBC:

Data Direct ODBC for Interbase

Im trying to connect to an interBase database, using a program called Data Direct ODBC Driver for Interbase.
When i open Query1 which has fields from Table1 and Table1 is already opened, after some seconds i receive this message:
reserved error (-7713) there is no message for this error
and all the cells of (table1) shown "#deleted"
Can any one suggest how I may be able to solve this?
Updated 1-27-2015
Embarcadero who owns Interbase has an ODBC driver that is solid -
I agree with #SamuelKDavis - the DataDirect driver will sometimes return NULL for columns which definitely have values. You can test this by creating a query and running it repeatedly through an ODBC connection and it will intermittently return NULLs.
We had also tried the IBProvider driver but ran into character set errors which we could not figure out.
Interestingly, if you lookup the history of Interbase, you'll see Borland actually made Interbase open source back in July 2000 at which point it was forked off into an open source database called "FireBird" -
Now the cool thing here is that the drivers that work with the old Firebird (v2.1 and prior) will also work with Interbase 6.0 all the way up to Interbase XE 64-bit, probably because the open source fork had not yet deviated from its Interbase roots. So try using Firebird v1.7 ADO.Net driver -
The newer Firebird drivers for .NET 2.0+ however do NOT work with Interbase.
Our company previously tried Data Direct with Interbase. It's terrible.
We suffered from random crashes using their driver, occasionally it would return nulls in the first column selected from the driver etc.
We moved to IBProvider (paid unfortunately), but have never come across an error since.

Adaptive server anywhere ASA SqlAnywhere 8.0 ODBC driver

Well, I've searched the interwebs like crazy and I am unable to find this driver.
I am trying to convert data from a client's database that was built using the ASA 8.0 engine. ASA 8 has been out of support since 2008. The software company that created this no longer supports it, so can't provide me with the drivers. I've scoured the web and can't find anything.
I managed to get the installation files for this old software called BailCredit built by a company called SentryLink. I found what I presume to be the ODBC driver in the installation files (dbodbc8.dll) and I've tried manually registering that (Windows Server 2008 R2) but didn't get anywhere. When I try to create a new datasource, the ODBC Data Source Administrator gives me an error.
My company has done hundreds of data migrations and this is the first time I've had to resort to this.
I'd post a link to the database file, but simply can't because of privacy.
Please help if you can! Thanks in Advance.
For 64 Bit operating system you need to copy the dll's to %windir%\syswow64\ so you need to change install.cmd to the following code. The rest is the same.
COPY %~dp0dbcon8.dll %windir%\syswow64\dbcon8.dll
COPY %~dp0dblgen8.dll %windir%\syswow64\dblgen8.dll
COPY %~dp0dbodbc8.dll %windir%\syswow64\dbodbc8.dll
regedit %~dp0SAS8.REG
It take's me a few hours to figure it out i hope it help someone else.
This is how I finally solved it.
Get a copy of the following files from a computer with a working setup of the SQL Anywhere ODBC driver:
Create an install.cmd file with this:
COPY %~dp0dbcon8.dll %SystemRoot%\system32\dbcon8.dll
COPY %~dp0dblgen8.dll %SystemRoot%\system32\dblgen8.dll
COPY %~dp0dbodbc8.dll %SystemRoot%\system32\dbodbc8.dll
regedit %~dp0SAS8.REG
Create an SAS8.REG file with this:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
"Adaptive Server Anywhere 8.0"="Installed"
Run install.cmd
This will work when Windows is installed in C:\WINDOWS, otherwise edit the registry entries.
If someone left a copy of the Powerbuilder CD in the client's computer, look for the folder asa801runtime and install that to get the ODBC driver working
Example connection string with default username/password:
Driver={Adaptive Server Anywhere 8.0};UID=dba;PWD=sql;DatabaseName=base;EngineName=gestion;CommLinks=TCPIP(HOST=GRA06:2638)
Answering my own question:
I wasn't able to find this commercially available anywhere. I happened to be able to get my hands on the installation for the software package that was using SQLAnywhere 8. By installing this, it installed the necessary drivers (but only worked on 32-bit OS).

FileMaker Pro 10 and xDBC ODBC Plugin

Has anyone got a ODBC data source setup for FileMaker Pro 10 on Windows?
The documentation that ships with FileMaker Pro 10 does not make sense as it is saying to click on a set-up file that does not exist.
None of the forums are providing an answer either.
On your FileMaker Server 10 installation disk there should be a folder called 'xDBC' with a sub-folder 'ODBC Client Driver Installer'.
Inside is a launcher called 'setup.exe'. (There should also be 'DataDirect SequeLink 5.5 Client for ODBC.msi' in the same location, which you could try running directly.)
Once the driver is installed, you can set up an ODBC DSN with the ODBC Data Source Administrator accessed from Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Data Sources (ODBC)
I have the same problem. I discovered this page for Filemaker 7.0 ( Try going up to the File/sharing/ODBC menu. I think it might work.
Or maybe not. It appears that FM is selling an SQL Product. This might work:
