Excel Data to Google Analytics automation - google-analytics

I have excel sheet data coming from Bank everyday. I need to put this data in Google Analytics. I also have a valid hit. How do I automate excel data into Google Analytics through measurement protocol and app scripts? Not able to understand where measurement protocol come and app scripts


How do I fork clickstream data from adobe or google analytics tracking to another source?

Context: I wish to collect real-time, hit-level clickstream data from a website that will ideally pushed into an AWS kinesis data stream (or elsewhere). This is to build a machine learning software for a client that already has Adobe analytics and Google analytics implemented on their website.
Question: Instead of building a tracking code that tracks the clickstream data and pushes it to our own AWS Kinesis data stream or some form of storage under our control, the goal is to piggy-back the tracking code (already implemented by Adobe and Google analytics) that sends a duplicate of the tracked data directly into an AWS kinesis stream. I understand that there are ways to export certain a certain granularity of data from google and adobe analytics (once it's already arrived in these platforms) but these export options don't really satisfy the requirement of raw, unprocessed, hit-level, real-time clickstream data.
Is it possible to modify the tracking code in a way that a duplicate of the tracked data can be redirected to a custom route, ideally AWS Kinesis?
As I understand it, the analytics tracking code is essentially Javascript code (tag) embedded in the website that imports a method from a URL that does the event tracking and the uploading. If I could redirect the data at this point in the already implemented analytics stage then I could get the real-time raw data that I need.
I haven't figured out a way to create and redirect a duplicate of the tracked data by modification of this tag. I doubt the imported method is customisable if it is imported from an adobe or google automatically created URL?
Any detailed answers or even links to information would be helpful,

Extracting historical data out of Google Analytics

Any ideas how I get historical data out of Google Analytics?
My problem here is I didn't realise the Firebase / Analytics export to BigQuery wasn't retrospective for history, so I only have data from when I turned on the integration and I need everything from when the Firebase App was launched. The main data I need is events with their parameters.
I have tried a few things:
Connect PowerBI to Google Analytics. I can authenticate and it only
shows "Default Account for Firebase" with no children - it doesn't
show the apps underneath that account.
https://ga-dev-tools.appspot.com/query-explorer/ has the same
problem (not showing child properties).
I can load the
properties and therefore analytics dataset using Google Data Studio,
but this does not have the functionality I require that is in Power
BI. I also couldn't locate the event parameters which I need either.
Any ideas on how to export the data?
You can try to use Google Analytics Data API to export report programmatically: https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/reporting/data/v1
However the data are not raw like with BigQuery Export. So if you want raw data there are no solution for the historical data.

Push data to Google Analytics

My client send me spreadsheet that contains all the transactions. Now I have to push those sheet data in Google Analytics, So How can I push those data in Google Analytics? Should I have to create a PHP Script that will read from spreadsheet and push to Google Analytics?
Depending upon how this data looks. You should look into the Measurement protocol which will allow you to send additional hits to Google analytics make sure that you check the qt parameter which will allow you to set the time that the hit came in. There is no library for this you will have to code these calls yourself.
In the even that this is custom data then you could also upload it directly. You can use the Google api php client library for this to help you with your calls.
In either case yes your going to have to read the speedsheet yourself and then create the code in which ever language you choose to upload it.

Get Firebase Analytics Historic Data using BigQuery

I've linked firebase analytics app to BigQuery and getting raw data under app_events and app_events_intraday tables.
Our major requirement behind using BigQuery is to get analytics data that we get under Firebase analytics dashboard e.g. active_users, new users, audience geo locations and so on.
We can get these kinds of data using GA REST API for web applications but here we are using firebase app for mobile application and we came to know that BigQuery is the only option to get analytics data.
Can I get google analytics historic data like I get it on Firebase analytics dashboard?
Also, I get this data by downloading CSV from the same dashboard but that is a manual approach and I am looking to automate it.
Please acquaint me with the right approach to get analytics data for firebase app.

Import 3rd Party Page Views Data on Google Analytics

Is there a way to import 3rd party page view data to Google Analytics?
For example, if I have file download information from my server logs, could I put the information on Google Analytics and have it show up in the standard reports or a custom report alongside the existing pageview data already provided by Analytics?
Yes, but you need to do it within 4 hours of the hit being logged. Take a look at the GA measurement protocol. The hour limit is due to the qt param (milliseconds from hit to api upload).
What you're looking for is Data Import:
Data Import lets you upload data from external sources and combine it
with data you collect via Google Analytics. You can then use Google
Analytics to organize and analyze all of your data in ways that better
reflect your business.
Detailed information: About Data Import.
