calculating p-value manually or using R - r

Sample size of 40 with observed mean of m1. After statistical study the mean is m2, with standard deviation sd and alpha=0.05. How do I calculate p-value either manually or in R?


How do I calculate weighted median instead of weighted mean for single-arm meta-analysis?

I am trying to calculate weighted median instead of weighted mean for meta-analysis.
I used to use metamean but unfortunately no metamedian if the data was skewed.
I saw this but it is irrelevant in case of meta-analysis.
I appreciate any help or guidance on this.
Here is my prior code.
# Meta-analysis of weighted mean from each study in a single arm meta-analysis
m1 <- metamean(n.psyc, mean.psyc, sd.psyc, data = Fleiss1993cont, studlab = study); forest(m1)

Random Numbers in R

I want to generate random numbers in R . The mean, standard deviation, and the median are given.
Mean: 145
SD: 15
Median: 150
Any fitted distribution would work. I'm just concerned with how to go about it.
Also, is it possible to simulate a skewed normal distribution?

Calculating visit to visit variability in R

I am computing visit to visit variability. This statistic is traditionally computed with blood pressure measurements as patients are divided in quantiles of standard deviation of the blood pressure statistic (ex. mean arterial pressure [MAP]). Given that standard deviation is a single statistic, I need to understand how to compute its quartiles in order to calculate visit to visit variability (
I am trying out the code with a predictor like mpg from mtcars dataset.
I can compute its standard deviation with the sd function but am not sure how to compute quartiles of the sd in R. Would appreciate all help with this issue.
summary(sd(mtcars$mpg)) # returns the same value for each quantile. I would like to see different values for the quantiles.

obtaining quantiles from complete gaussian fit of data in R

I have been struggling with how R calculates quantiles and the normal fitting of data.
I have data (NDVI values) that follows a truncated normal distribution (see figure)
I am interested in getting the lowest 10th percentile value (p=0.1) from the data and from the fitting normal distribution curve.
In my understanding, because the data is truncated, the two should be quite different: I expect the quantile from the data to be higher than the one calculated from the normal distribution, but this is not so. For what I understand of the quantile function help the quantile from the data should be the default quantile function:
q=quantile(y, p=0.1)
while the quantile from the normal distribution is :
qx=quantile(y, p=0.1, type=9)
However the two result very close in all cases, which makes me wonder to what type of distribution does R fit the data to calculate the quantile (truncated normal dist.?)
I have also tried to calculate the quantile based on the fitting normal curve as:
fitted=fitdist(as.numeric(y), "norm", discrete = T)
fit.q=as.numeric(quantile(fitted, p=0.1)[[1]][1])
but obtaining no difference.
So my questions are:
To what curve does R fit the data for calculating quantiles, in particular for type=9 ? How can I calculate the quantile based on the complete normal distribution (including the lower tail)?
I don't know how to generate a reproducible example for this, but the data is available at
R is using the empirical ordering of the data when determining quantiles, rather than assuming any particular distribution.
The 10th percentile for your truncated data and a normal distribution fit to your data happen to be pretty close, although the 1st percentile is quite a bit different. For example:
# Load data
df = read.csv("data.csv", header=TRUE, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
# Fit a normal distribution to the data
df.dist = fitdist(df$x, "norm", discrete = T)
Now let's get quantiles of the fitted distribution and the original data. I've included the 1st percentile in addition to the 10th percentile. You can see that the fitted normal distribution's 10th percentile is just a bit lower than that of the data. However, the 1st percentile of the fitted normal distribution is much lower.
quantile(df.dist, p=c(0.01, 0.1))
Estimated quantiles for each specified probability (non-censored data)
p=0.01 p=0.1
estimate 1632.829 2459.039
quantile(df$x, p=c(0.01, 0.1))
1% 10%
2064.79 2469.90
quantile(df$x, p=c(0.01, 0.1), type=9)
1% 10%
2064.177 2469.400
You can also see this by direct ranking of the data and by getting the 1st and 10th percentiles of a normal distribution with mean and sd equal to the fitted values from fitdist:
# 1st and 10th percentiles of data by direct ranking
[1] 2064 2469
# 1st and 10th percentiles of fitted distribution
qnorm(c(0.01,0.1), df.dist$estimate[1], df.dist$estimate[2])
[1] 1632.829 2459.039
Let's plot histograms of the original data (blue) and of fake data generated from the fitted normal distribution (red). The area of overlap is purple.
# Histogram of data (blue)
hist(df$x, xlim=c(0,8000), ylim=c(0,1600), col="#0000FF80")
# Overlay histogram of random draws from fitted normal distribution (red)
set.seed(685) = rnorm(length(df$x), df.dist$estimate[1], df.dist$estimate[2])
hist(, add=TRUE, col="#FF000080")
Or we can plot the empirical cumulative distribution function (ecdf) for the data (blue) and the random draws from the fitted normal distribution (red). The horizontal grey line marks the 10th percentile:
plot(ecdf(df$x), xlim=c(0,8000), col="blue")
lines(ecdf(, col="red")
abline(0.1,0, col="grey40", lwd=2, lty="11")
Now that I've gone through this, I'm wondering if you were expecting fitdist to return the parameters of the normal distribution we would have gotten had your data really come from a normal distribution and not been truncated. Rather, fitdist returns a normal distribution with the mean and sd of the (truncated) data at hand, so the distribution returned by fitdist is shifted to the right compared to where we might have "expected" it to be.
c(mean=mean(df$x), sd=sd(df$x))
mean sd
3472.4708 790.8538
mean sd
3472.4708 790.7853
Or, another quick example: x is normally distributed with mean ~ 0 and sd ~ 1. xtrunc removes all values less than -1, and xtrunc.dist is the output of fitdist on xtrunc:
x = rnorm(6000)
xtrunc = x[x > -1]
xtrunc.dist = fitdist(xtrunc, "norm")
round(cbind(sapply(list(x=x,xtrunc=xtrunc), function(x) c(mean=mean(x),sd=sd(x))),
x xtrunc xtrunc.dist
mean -0.007 0.275 0.275
sd 1.009 0.806 0.806
And you can see in the ecdf plot below that the truncated data and the normal distribution fitted to the truncated data have about the same 10th percentile, while the 10th percentile of the untruncated data is (as we would expect) shifted to the left.

Estimating mean time to failure with survreg/flexsurvreg with standard error

I am trying to estimate the mean time to failure for a Weibull distribution fitted to some survival data with flexsurvreg from the flexsurv package. I need to be able to estimate the standard error for use in a simulation model.
Using flexsurvreg with the lung data as an example;
lungS <- Surv(lung$time,lung$status)
lungfit <- flexsurvreg(lungS~1,dist="weibull")
flexsurvreg(formula = lungS ~ 1, dist = "weibull")
Maximum likelihood estimates:
est L95% U95%
shape 1.32 1.14 1.52
scale 418.00 372.00 469.00
N = 228, Events: 165, Censored: 63
Total time at risk: 69593
Log-likelihood = -1153.851, df = 2
AIC = 2311.702
Now, calculating the mean is just a case of plugging in the estimated parameter values into the standard formula, but is there an easy way of getting out the standard error of this estimate? Can survreg do this?
In flexsurv version 0.2, if x is the fitted model object, then x$cov is the covariance matrix of the parameter estimates, with positive parameters on the log scale. You could then use the asymptotic normal property of maximum likelihood estimators. Simulate a large number of multivariate normal vectors, with the estimates as means, and this covariance matrix (using e.g. rmvnorm from the mvtnorm package). This gives you replicates of the parameter estimates under sampling uncertainty. Calculate the corresponding mean survival for each replicate, then take the SD or quantiles of the resulting sample to get the standard error or a confidence interval.
