Sending AT command through bash script - serial-port

I'm testing some satellital modem with a USB-to-serial (RS232) converter. I have already tested the "connection", and it works. I'm using minicom and am able to capture data sent from one terminal (running one bash script that echoes random numbers) to another.
To make this modem send things, I must send it AT commands to it. What is the best way to do it? Should I just echo the AT command from my bash script? Or is there any better way?
while true;
echo $number >/dev/ttyUSB0
sleep 4
Thank you for your time!

Since you're talking with a modem, the general way to talk with the modem is to use ModemManager, an application that handles the communication with the modem for you.
If you are unable to use ModemManager or you must use bash for some reason, note that commands must end with a \r\n to be used by the modem. The best way that I have found to do that is to use /bin/echo as follows:
/bin/echo -n -e "AT\r\n" > /dev/ttyUSB0
This ensures that echo will convert the escape characters to the carriage return and newline appropriately.

I got a working answer from for this from here:
First using socat.
echo "AT" | socat - /dev/ttyUSB2,crnl
worked great.
Then I used atinout
echo AT | atinout - /dev/ttyACM0 -
Ultimately I chose socat, because atinout isn't in any repository.


Socat: run script in bidirectional tunnel

I am running a tunnel like this:
socat TCP-LISTEN:9090,fork TCP:
I would like to run a script to execute code with the strings passing through the tunnel.
The script does not change the strings, only processes strings independently but allows passage without changing between both ends.
Is this possible?
You should be able to even alter the communication using this approach:
Prepare a helper script which gets executed for each connection:
./ | socat - TCP: | ./
And start listening by using:
socat TCP-LISTEN:9090,fork EXEC:"./"
The scripts and are processing the client and the server parts of the communication.
while read -r l ; do echo "IN(${l})" ; done
while read -r l ; do echo "OUT(${l})" ; done
This method should work for line-based text communication (as almost everything is line-buffered).
To make it work for binary protocols wrapping all processes with stdbuf -i0 -o0 might help (see .e.g here) and getting rid of shell is probably a good idea in this case.
Good luck!

printing gatttool notification data in file

I am running sensortag 2650 to read notification from sensor to my computer.I am using gatttool (bluez) to do this.My output gets displayed on the console, while the sensor is on the run. BTW I am using ubuntu 14.0.4.
Now the issue is I am not able to make the output data get written in a file instead of displaying on the console. I tried the normal re-direct >>/> operator but that doesnt work.
I am using the following link, just that I am using Linux on my system instead of Raspberry Pi.
Any clue would be highly appreciated.
Do the following:
sudo gatttool -b XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX >> output.txt
Then the terminal won´t show anything. BUT! type connect and press enter.
Now the bluetoothmodule is paired with your device!
Normaly, everytime when you get a notification, this will be write in the output.txt.
I tested it with my bluetooth module HM-10 and a Raspberry Pi and it works!
I know its 6 years too late but:
what worked for me was sudo gatttool -b XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX -I >> output.txt
This is not ideal for me because im only interested in the received raw data not the ascii console dump, but it is what OP asked for...
Another option would be to use hcidump with some filters

Two instances of BusyBox on separate Serial lines (ttySn)

I am working on an arm board which has two serial ports, accessible through /dev/ttyS0 and /dev/ttyS1.
Busybox runs on /dev/ttyS0.
I am able to write data on /dev/ttyS1 using 'echo' command like so
#echo "microMolvi" > /dev/ttyS1
I was wondering if there is a way to run another instance of busybox(shell) on /dev/ttyS1, so that I may be able to work with two virtual terminals simultaneously.
After some research I found out that the first shell, that runs on ttyS0, was configured to behave so in the /etc/inittab file.
This line in /etc/inittab was responsible for invocation of the default shell at ttyS0:
ttyS0::respawn:/sbin/getty -L ttyS0 38400 vt100 # GENERIC_SERIAL
So, based on my gut feeling, I put a getty on the second serial port by adding the following line in /etc/inittab
ttyS1::respawn:/sbin/getty -L ttyS1 38400 vt100 # GENERIC_SERIAL
It worked like a charm.
Hope this helps someone someday.

How can I monitor outgoing email from Unix and Sendmail?

I am running a FreeBSD server and I have been sent a warning that spam has been sent from my server. I do not have it set as an open relay and I have customized the sendmail configuration. I'd like to know who is sending what email along with their username, email subject line as well as a summary of how much mail they have been sending. I would like to run a report on a log similar to how it is done when processing Apache server logs.
What are my options?
One idea is to alias sendmail to be a custom script, which simply cats the sendmail arguments to the end of a log before calling sendmail in the usual manner.
You can also monitor all system calls to write and read functions by executing:
ps auxw | grep sendmail | awk '{print"-p " $2}' | xargs strace -s 256 -f 2>&1 | grep -E $'#|(([0-9]+\.){3}[0-9]+)' | tee -a "/var/log/sendmail-logs.log"
This will give you direct access to the information, you cannot go deeper I think.
Can you give some sample logs? I think you're best bet would be to look through them with either grep or cut to get the source/destinations that are being sent too. Also, you could write a Perl script to automate it once you have the correct regex. This would be the best option.
If FreeBSD have default config, you have only one way to handle output mail, check what sending through you sendmail system in /etc/mail.
All output mail must be logged by /var/log/maillog

A standard Unix command-line tool for piping to a socket

I have some applications, and standard Unix tools sending their output to named-pipes in Solaris, however named pipes can only be read from the local storage (on Solaris), so I can't access them from over the network or place the pipes on an NFS storage for networked access to their output.
Which got me wondering if there was an analogous way to forward the output of command-line tools directly to sockets, say something like:
mksocket mysocket:12345
vmstat 1 > mysocket 2>&1
Netcat is great for this. Here's a page with some common examples.
Usage for your case might look something like this:
Server listens for a connection, then sends output to it:
server$ my_script | nc -l 7777
Remote client connects to server on port 7777, receives data, saves to a log file:
client$ nc server 7777 >> /var/log/archive
netcat (also known as nc) is exactly what you're looking for. It's getting to be reasonably standard, but not available on all systems.
socat seems to be a beefed-up version of netcat, with lots more features, but less commonly available.
On Linux, you can also use /dev/tcp/<host>/<port>. See the Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide for more information.
netcat will help establish a pipe over the network.
You may want to use one of:
ssh: secure (encrypted), already installed out-of-the-box on Solaris - but you have to set up a keypair for non-interactive sessions
e.g. vmstat 2>&1 | ssh -i private.key oss#remote.node "cat >vmstat.out"
netcat: simple to set up - but insecure and open to attacks
see etc.
Everyone is on the right track with netcat. But I want to add that if you are piping into nc and expecting a response, you will need to use the -q <seconds> option. From the manual:
-q seconds
after EOF on stdin, wait the specified number of seconds and then quit. If seconds is negative, wait forever.
For instance, if you want to interact with your SSH Agent you can do something like this:
echo -en '\x00\x00\x00\x01\x0b' | nc -q 1 -U $SSH_AUTH_SOCK | strings
A more complete example is at
* I stole this from
