custom partition in clickhouse - olap

I have several questions about custom partitioning in clickhouse. Background: i am trying to build a TSDB on top of clickhouse. We need to support very large batch write and complicated OLAP read.
Let's assume we use the standard partition by month , and we have 20 nodes in our clickhouse cluster. I am wondering will the data from same month all flow to the same node or will clickhouse do some internal balance and put the data from same month to several nodes?
If all the data from same month write to the same node, then it will be very bad for our scenario. I will probably consider patition by (timestamp, tags)where tags are the different tags that define the data source. Our monitoring system will write data to TSDB every 30 seconds. Our read pattern is usually single table range scan or several tables join on a column. Any advice on how should i customize my partition strategy?
Since clickhouse does not support secondary index, and we will run selection query on columns, i think i should put those important columns into the primary key, so my primary key will probably be like (timestamp, ip, port...), any advice on this design or make give a good reason why clickhouse does not support secondary index like bitmap index on other non-primary column?

In ClickHouse, partitioning and sharding are two independent mechanisms. Partitioning by month means that data from different months will never be merged to be stored in same file on a filesystem and has nothing to do with data placement between nodes (which is controlled by choosing how exactly do you setup tables and run your INSERT INTO queries).
Partitioning by months or weeks is usually doing fine, for choosing primary key see official documentation:
There are no fundamental issues with adding those, for example bloom filter index development is in progress:


how to create dynamoDB efficiently with my table?

If each of my database's an overview has only two types (state: pending, appended), is it efficient to designate these two types as partition keys? Or is it effective to index this state value?
It would be more effective to use a sparse index. In your case, you might add an attribute called isPending. You can add this attribute to items that are pending, and remove it once they are appended. If you create a GSI with tid as the hash key and isPending as the sort key, then only items that are pending will be in the GSI.
It will depend on how would you search for these records!
For example, if you will always search by record ID, it never minds. But if you will search every time by the set of records pending, or appended, you should think in use partitions.
You also could research in this Best practice guide from AWS:
In this section of best practice guide, it recommends the following:
Keep related data together. Research on routing-table optimization
20 years ago found that "locality of reference" was the single most
important factor in speeding up response time: keeping related data
together in one place. This is equally true in NoSQL systems today,
where keeping related data in close proximity has a major impact on
cost and performance. Instead of distributing related data items
across multiple tables, you should keep related items in your NoSQL
system as close together as possible.
As a general rule, you should maintain as few tables as possible in a
DynamoDB application. As emphasized earlier, most well designed
applications require only one table, unless there is a specific reason
for using multiple tables.
Exceptions are cases where high-volume time series data are involved,
or datasets that have very different access patterns—but these are
exceptions. A single table with inverted indexes can usually enable
simple queries to create and retrieve the complex hierarchical data
structures required by your application.
Use sort order. Related items can be grouped together and queried
efficiently if their key design causes them to sort together. This is
an important NoSQL design strategy.
Distribute queries. It is also important that a high volume of
queries not be focused on one part of the database, where they can
exceed I/O capacity. Instead, you should design data keys to
distribute traffic evenly across partitions as much as possible,
avoiding "hot spots."
Use global secondary indexes. By creating specific global secondary
indexes, you can enable different queries than your main table can
support, and that are still fast and relatively inexpensive.
I hope I could help you!

DynamoDB Query Time Based on Table Size

Is there any good documentation on how query times change for a DynamoDB table based on equal read capacity and differing row sizes? I've been reading through the documentation and can't find anything, was wondering if anybody has done any studies into this?
My use case is that I'm putting a million rows into a table a week. These records are referenced quite a bit as they're entered but as time goes on the frequency at which I query those rows decreases. Can I leave those records in the table indefinitely with no detrimental effect on query time, or should I rotate them out so the newer data that is requested more frequently returns faster?
Please don't keep the old data indefinitely. It is advised to archive the data for better performance.
Few points on design and testing:-
Designing the proper hash key, so that the data is distributed
access the partitions
Understand Access Patterns for Time Series Data
Test your application at scale to avoid problems with "hot" keys
when your table becomes larger
Suppose you design a table to track customer behavior on your site,
such as URLs that they click. You might design the table with a
composite primary key consisting of Customer ID as the partition key
and date/time as the sort key. In this application, customer data
grows indefinitely over time; however, the applications might show
uneven access pattern across all the items in the table where the
latest customer data is more relevant and your application might
access the latest items more frequently and as time passes these items
are less accessed, eventually the older items are rarely accessed. If
this is a known access pattern, you could take it into consideration
when designing your table schema. Instead of storing all items in a
single table, you could use multiple tables to store these items. For
example, you could create tables to store monthly or weekly data. For
the table storing data from the latest month or week, where data
access rate is high, request higher throughput and for tables storing
older data, you could dial down the throughput and save on resources.
Time Series Data Access Pattern
Guidelines for table partitions

Oracle materialized views or aggregated tables in datawarehouse

Is the materialized views of oracle(11g) are good practice for aggregated tables in Data warehousing?
We have DW processes that replace 2 month of data each day. Some time it means few Gigs for each month (~100K rows).
On top of them are materialized views that get refreshed after night cycle of data tranfer.
My question is would it be better to create aggregated tables instead of the MVs?
I think that one case where aggregated tables might be beneficial is where the aggregation can be effectively combined with the atomic-level data load, best illustrated with an example.
Let's say that you load a large volume of data into a fact table every day via a partition exchange. A materialized view refresh using partition change tracking is going to be triggered during or after the partition exchange and it's going to scan the modified partitions and apply the changes to the MV's.
It is possible that as part of the population of the table(s) that you are going to exchange with the fact table partitions you could also compute aggregates at various levels using CUBE/ROLLUP, and use multitable insert to load up tables that you can then partition exchange into one or more aggregation tables. Not only might this be inherently more efficient through avoiding rescanning the atomic-level data, your aggregates are computed prior to the fact table partition exchange so if anything goes wrong you can suspend the modification of the fact table itself.
Other thoughts might occur later ... I'll open the answer up as a community Wiki if other have ideas.

Storing multiple graphs in Neo4J

I have an application that stores relationship information in a MySQL table (contact_id, other_contact_id, strength, recorded_at). This is fine if all I need to do is show who a contact's relationships are or even to generate a list of mutual contacts for two contacts.
But now I need to generate stats like: 'what was the total number of 2-way connections of strength 3 or better in January 2011' or (assuming that each contact is part of a group) 'which group has the most number of connections to other groups' etc.
I quickly found that the SQL for generating these stats became unwieldy real fast.
So I wrote a script that for any given date it will generate a graph in memory. I could then run whatever stat I wanted against that graph. Much easier to understand and in general, much more performant also -- except for the generating the graph part.
My next thought was to cache those graphs so I could call on them whenever I needed to run a new stat (or generate a later graph: eg for today's graph I take yesterday's graph and apply any changes that happened since yesterday). I tried memcached which worked great until the graphs grew > 1 MB.
So now I'm thinking about using a graph database like Neo4J.
Only problem is, I don't have just one graph. Or I do, but it is one that changes over time and I need to be able to query it with different reference times.
So, can I:
store multiple graphs in Neo4J and rertrieve/interact with them separately? i would then create and store separate social graphs for each date.
add valid to and from timestamps to each edge and filter the graph appropriately: so if i wanted a graph for "May 1st" i would only follow the newest edge between two noeds that was created before "May 1st" (and if all the edges were created after May 1st then those nodes wouldn't be connected).
I'm pretty new to graph databases so any help/pointers/hints will be appreciated.
Right now you can store just one graph database in a single Neo4j instance, but this one graphdb can contain as many different sub-graphs as you like. You only have to keep that in mind when doing global operations (like index queries) but there you can do compound queries that include timestamped properties as well to limit the results.
One way of doing that is, as you said adding temporal information to edges to represent the structure of a graph for a given date you can then traverse the structure of the graph back then.
Reference node has a different meaning in Neo4j.
Using category nodes per day (and linking them and also aggregating them for higher level timespans) is the more graphy way of categorizing nodes than indexed properties. (Effectively these are in-graph indices that you can easily include in your traversals and graph queries).
You don't have to duplicate the nodes as long as you are only interested in different temporal structures. If your nodes are also different (e.g. changing properties, you could either duplicate them, and so effectively creating different subgraphs) or create a connected list of history nodes on each node that contain just the changes (or the full snapshot depending on your requirements).
Your domain sounds very fitting for the graph database. If you have more and detailed questions feel free to join the Neo4j mailing list.
Not the easiest solution (I'm assuming you only work with one machine), but if you really want to separate your graphs, you only need to remember that a graph is a directory.
You can then create a dynamic loader class which takes the path of the database you want, load it in memory for the query, and close it after you getting your answer. You could also configure a proxy server, and send 2 parameters to your loader: your query (which I presume is a cypher query in this case) and the path of the database you want to query.
This is not adequate if you have tons of real-time queries to answer. But if it is simply for storing and doing some analytics over data sets, it can definitly answer your needs.
This is an old question, but starting with Neo4j 4.x, multi-tenancy is supported and you can have different databases within the same Neo4j server (with distinct RBAC permissions).

Partition Or Separate Table

I am designing database for fleet management system.
I will be getting n number of records every 3 seconds. Obviously, there will be millions of record in my table where I am going to store current Information of vehicle in the current_location table. Here performance is an BIG issue.
To solve this, I received the following suggestions:
Create a separate table for each vehicle.
Here a table will be created at a run time as as soon as I click on create new table.And all the data related to particular table will be inserted and retrieve from that particular table.
Go for partition.
Please answer the following questions about these solutions.
What is difference between the two?
Which is best and why?
At what point will the number of rows in the tables cause performance issues?
Are there any other solutions?
Now ---if I go for range partition in sql server 2008 what should i do to,
partition using varchar(20).
i am planning to do partition based on vehicle no. eg MH30 q 1234.
Here In vehicle no. lets say mh30 q 1234--only 30 & q going to my question is HOW SHOULD I GO. means how should write the partition function.
***1st this question was asked for my for sql server
********sorry guys now I shifted from my sql to sql server*****With The same question
definitely use partitioning. why go to all of the hassle to figure out which table to use to answer a question when mysql will do it for you? and good luck find the current location of all of your trucks if you're not using partitioning!
partitioning gives you the performance benefits of multiple tables, but with automatic pruning (selection of just the tables needed to answer the query).
nothing is ever "best". the question is: what is best for your problem?
this is impossible to answer. you will just have to monitor your system for performance issues and adjust server settings or scale as necessary.
at least as far as mysql is concerned, none as good as partitioning!
Don't bother with partitioning for 28,800 rows per day.
We don't (yet) with over 5 million per day. (The "yet" means we have no business input on what data retention policy they want)
There should be very little performance difference between making a separate table for each vehicle, and making the vehicle ID the first field in the primary key. You get the same grouping on disk either way, and mysql should have no trouble with millions of rows in a table.
Partitions are only useful if you have multiple disks on your machine and want to spread the load across disks.
So I guess my answer is do neither. Designing this in a priori seems overkill.
One thing I want to point out is that having one table (which you can partition later when you need to) will be much easier to maintain both in the database and in terms of querying the data.
