How to simplify an inductive predicate by evaluation? - isabelle

I defined a very simple object-oriented model. The model defines a set of classes and a set of associations.
nonterminal fmaplets and fmaplet
"_fmaplet" :: "['a, 'a] ⇒ fmaplet" ("_ /↦⇩f/ _")
"_fmaplets" :: "['a, 'a] ⇒ fmaplet" ("_ /[↦⇩f]/ _")
"" :: "fmaplet ⇒ fmaplets" ("_")
"_FMaplets" :: "[fmaplet, fmaplets] ⇒ fmaplets" ("_,/ _")
"_FMapUpd" :: "['a ⇀ 'b, fmaplets] ⇒ 'a ⇀ 'b" ("_/'(_')" [900, 0] 900)
"_FMap" :: "fmaplets ⇒ 'a ⇀ 'b" ("(1[_])")
syntax (ASCII)
"_fmaplet" :: "['a, 'a] ⇒ fmaplet" ("_ /|->f/ _")
"_fmaplets" :: "['a, 'a] ⇒ fmaplet" ("_ /[|->f]/ _")
"_FMapUpd m (_FMaplets xy ms)" ⇌ "_FMapUpd (_FMapUpd m xy) ms"
"_FMapUpd m (_fmaplet x y)" ⇌ "CONST fmupd x y m"
"_FMap ms" ⇌ "_FMapUpd (CONST fmempty) ms"
"_FMap (_FMaplets ms1 ms2)" ↽ "_FMapUpd (_FMap ms1) ms2"
"_FMaplets ms1 (_FMaplets ms2 ms3)" ↽ "_FMaplets (_FMaplets ms1 ms2) ms3"
datatype classes1 =
Object | Person | Employee | Customer | Project | Task | Sprint
abbreviation "associations ≡ [
STR ''ProjectManager'' ↦⇩f [
STR ''projects'' ↦⇩f (Project, 0::nat, 100::nat),
STR ''manager'' ↦⇩f (Employee, 1, 1)],
STR ''ProjectMember'' ↦⇩f [
STR ''member_of'' ↦⇩f (Project, 0, 100),
STR ''members'' ↦⇩f (Employee, 1, 20)],
STR ''ManagerEmployee'' ↦⇩f [
STR ''line_manager'' ↦⇩f (Employee, 0, 1),
STR ''project_manager'' ↦⇩f (Employee, 0, 100),
STR ''employees'' ↦⇩f (Employee, 3, 7)],
STR ''ProjectCustomer'' ↦⇩f [
STR ''projects'' ↦⇩f (Project, 0, 100),
STR ''customer'' ↦⇩f (Customer, 1, 1)],
STR ''ProjectTask'' ↦⇩f [
STR ''project'' ↦⇩f (Project, 1, 1),
STR ''tasks'' ↦⇩f (Task, 0, 100)],
STR ''SprintTaskAssignee'' ↦⇩f [
STR ''sprint'' ↦⇩f (Sprint, 0, 10),
STR ''tasks'' ↦⇩f (Task, 0, 5),
STR ''assignee'' ↦⇩f (Employee, 0, 1)]]"
I defined also a class_roles predicate which relates a class to a set of association ends navigable from this class:
lemma fmember_code_predI [code_pred_intro]:
"x |∈| xs" if "Predicate_Compile.contains (fset xs) x"
using that by (simp add: Predicate_Compile.contains_def fmember.rep_eq)
code_pred fmember
by (simp add: Predicate_Compile.contains_def fmember.rep_eq)
definition "assoc_end_class ≡ fst"
inductive assoc_refer_class where
"role |∈| fmdom ends ⟹
fmlookup ends role = Some end ⟹
assoc_end_class end = 𝒞 ⟹
assoc_refer_class ends 𝒞 role"
code_pred [show_modes] assoc_refer_class .
inductive class_roles where
"assoc |∈| fmdom assocs ⟹
fmlookup assocs assoc = Some ends ⟹
assoc_refer_class ends 𝒞 from ⟹
role |∈| fmdom ends ⟹
fmlookup ends role = Some end ⟹
role ≠ from ⟹
class_roles assocs 𝒞 assoc from role"
code_pred [show_modes] class_roles .
values "{(x, y, z, a). class_roles associations x y z a}"
This predicate can be evaluated very fast (please see the last line above).
I need to prove that all association ends are unique for each class. For simplicity I'm trying to prove it for the Employee class:
lemma fmupd_to_rhs:
"fmupd k x xm = y ⟷ y = fmupd k x xm"
by auto
lemma class_roles_unique:
"class_roles associations Employee assoc1 from role ⟹
class_roles associations Employee assoc2 from role ⟹ assoc1 = assoc2"
apply (erule class_roles.cases; erule class_roles.cases;
erule assoc_refer_class.cases; erule assoc_refer_class.cases)
unfolding fmupd_to_rhs
apply (simp)
apply (elim disjE)
apply auto[1]
apply auto[1]
apply auto[1]
(* And so on... Proving of each case is very slow *)
The problem is that it's very slow. Is it possible to simplify a class_roles predicate using lemmas generated by code_pred? Or could you suggest a better approach to prove this lemma?

The code_pred command generates equations for class_roles, one for each inferred mode, and values uses them. The theorem class_roles.equation shows them all. If you want to use them to prove your lemma, you must first transform goal or the lemma statement such that one of the generated class_role_... constants appears. Doing this manually is pretty cumbersome.
You get much better automation if you let the predicate compiler do this transformation for you. Since the lemma contains universally quantified variables (assoc1, assoc2, from, and role), I recommend that you define the negation of the lemma statement as an inductive predicate, as the negation turns the universal quantifier into an existential, which is modelled by a free variable in the assumptions. Then, you can use the proof method eval to do the heavy work:
inductive foo where
"foo" if
"class_roles associations Employee assoc1 from role"
"class_roles associations Employee assoc2 from role"
"assoc1 ≠ assoc2"
code_pred foo .
lemma class_roles_unique:
assumes "class_roles associations Employee assoc1 from role"
and "class_roles associations Employee assoc2 from role"
shows "assoc1 = assoc2"
proof -
have "¬ foo" by eval
with assms show ?thesis by(simp add: foo.simps)
Note that eval uses code generation and evaluation in PolyML, so it computes the result rather than proves it. That is, evaluation is not checked by Isabelle's kernel. The related proof method code_simp goes through the kernel, but it does not work out of the box in this example because the code setup for String.asciis_of_literals is missing in Isabelle2018.
The following lemmas provide the missing code equations for literal strings, but code_simp is very slow with literal strings (normalization is a bit faster, but not checked by Isabelle's kernel either).
definition dup_bit :: "bool ⇒ integer ⇒ integer" where
"dup_bit b i = i + i + (if b then 1 else 0)"
lemma dup_bit_code [code]:
"dup_bit True 0 = 1"
"dup_bit False 0 = 0"
"dup_bit True (Code_Numeral.Pos n) = Code_Numeral.Pos (num.Bit1 n)"
"dup_bit False (Code_Numeral.Pos n) = Code_Numeral.Pos (num.Bit0 n)"
"dup_bit True (Code_Numeral.Neg n) = - Code_Numeral.sub (num.Bit0 n) Num.One"
"dup_bit False (Code_Numeral.Neg n) = Code_Numeral.Neg (num.Bit0 n)"
by(simp_all add: dup_bit_def Code_Numeral.sub_def nat_of_num_add num_eq_iff)
(metis diff_numeral_special(1) numeral_Bit0 numeral_plus_numeral sub_num_simps(2))
fun integer_of_bits :: "bool list ⇒ integer" where
"integer_of_bits [] = 0"
| "integer_of_bits (b # bs) = dup_bit b (integer_of_bits bs)"
lemma asciis_of_literal_code [code]:
"String.asciis_of_literal (STR '''') = []"
"String.asciis_of_literal (String.Literal b0 b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 s) =
integer_of_bits [b0, b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, b6] # String.asciis_of_literal s"
including literal.lifting by(transfer; simp add: dup_bit_def; fail)+


Topological filters in Isabelle

I'm studying topological filters in Filter.thy
theory Filter
imports Set_Interval Lifting_Set
subsection ‹Filters›
text ‹
This definition also allows non-proper filters.
locale is_filter =
fixes F :: "('a ⇒ bool) ⇒ bool"
assumes True: "F (λx. True)"
assumes conj: "F (λx. P x) ⟹ F (λx. Q x) ⟹ F (λx. P x ∧ Q x)"
assumes mono: "∀x. P x ⟶ Q x ⟹ F (λx. P x) ⟹ F (λx. Q x)"
typedef 'a filter = "{F :: ('a ⇒ bool) ⇒ bool. is_filter F}"
show "(λx. True) ∈ ?filter" by (auto intro: is_filter.intro)
I don't get this definition. It's quite convoluted so I'll simplify it first
The expression
F (λx. P x) could be simplified to F P (using eta reduction of lambda calculus). The predicate 'a ⇒ bool is really just a set 'a set. Similarly ('a ⇒ bool) ⇒ bool should be 'a set set. Then we could rewrite the axioms as
assumes conj: "P ∈ F ∧ Q ∈ F ⟹ Q ∩ P ∈ F"
assumes mono: "P ⊆ Q ∧ P ∈ F ⟹ Q ∈ F"
Now my question is about the True axiom. It is equivalent to
assumes True: "UNIV ∈ F"
This does not match with the definitions of filters that I ever saw.
The axiom should be instead
assumes True: "{} ∉ F" (* the name True is not very fitting anymore *)
The statement UNIV ∈ F is unnecessary because it follows from axiom mono.
So what's up with this definition that Isabelle provides?
The link provided by Javier Diaz has lots of explanations.
Turns out this is a definition of improper filter. The axiom True is necessary and does not follow from mono. If this axiom was missing then F could be defined as
F P = False
or in set-theory notation, F could be an empty set and mono and conj would then be satisfied vacuously.

Simplifying if-then-else in summations or products

While doing some basic algebra, I frequently arrive at a subgoal of the following type (sometimes with a finite sum, sometimes with a finite product).
lemma foo:
fixes N :: nat
fixes a :: "nat ⇒ nat"
shows "(a 0) = (∑x = 0..N. (if x = 0 then 1 else 0) * (a x))"
This seems pretty obvious to me, but neither auto nor auto cong: sum.cong split: if_splits can handle this. What's more, sledgehammer also surrenders when called on this lemma. How can one efficiently work with finite sums and products containing if-then-else in general, and how to approach this case in particular?
My favourite way to do these things (because it is very general) is to use the rules sum.mono_neutral_left and sum.mono_neutral_cong_left and the corresponding right versions (and analogously for products). The rule sum.mono_neutral_right lets you drop arbitrarily many summands if they are all zero:
finite T ⟹ S ⊆ T ⟹ ∀i∈T - S. g i = 0
⟹ sum g T = sum g S
The cong rule additionally allows you to modify the summation function on the now smaller set:
finite T ⟹ S ⊆ T ⟹ ∀i∈T - S. g i = 0 ⟹ (⋀x. x ∈ S ⟹ g x = h x)
⟹ sum g T = sum h S
With those, it looks like this:
lemma foo:
fixes N :: nat and a :: "nat ⇒ nat"
shows "a 0 = (∑x = 0..N. (if x = 0 then 1 else 0) * a x)"
proof -
have "(∑x = 0..N. (if x = 0 then 1 else 0) * a x) = (∑x ∈ {0}. a x)"
by (intro sum.mono_neutral_cong_right) auto
also have "… = a 0"
by simp
finally show ?thesis ..
Assuming the left-hand side could use an arbitrary value between 0 and N, what about adding a more general lemma
lemma bar:
fixes N :: nat
fixes a :: "nat ⇒ nat"
"M ≤ N"
shows "a M = (∑x = 0..N. (if x = M then 1 else 0) * (a x))"
using assms by (induction N) force+
and solving the original one with using bar by blast?

Focussing on new subgoals in Eisbach

In Eisbach I can use ; to apply a method to all new subgoals created by a method.
However, I often know how many subgoals are created and would like to apply different methods to the new subgoals.
Is there a way to say something like "apply method X to the first new subgoal and method Y to the second new subgoal"?
Here is a simple use case:
I want to develop a method that works on 2 conjunctions of arbitrary length but with the same structure.
The method should be usable to show that conjunction 1 implies conjunction 2 by showing that the implication holds for each component.
It should be usable like this:
lemma example:
assumes c: "a 0 ∧ a 1 ∧ a 2 ∧ a 3"
and imp: "⋀i. a i ⟹ a' i"
shows "a' 0 ∧ a' 1 ∧ a' 2 ∧ a' 3"
proof (conj_one_by_one pre: c)
show "a 0 ⟹ a' 0" by (rule imp)
show "a 1 ⟹ a' 1" by (rule imp)
show "a 2 ⟹ a' 2" by (rule imp)
show "a 3 ⟹ a' 3" by (rule imp)
When implementing this method in Eisbach, I have a problem after using rule conjI.
I get two subgoals that I want to recursively work on, but I want to use different facts for the two cases.
I came up with the following workaround, which uses artificial markers for the two subgoals and is kind of ugly:
definition "marker_L x ≡ x"
definition "marker_R x ≡ x"
lemma conjI_marked:
assumes "marker_L P" and "marker_R Q"
shows "P ∧ Q"
using assms unfolding marker_L_def marker_R_def by simp
method conj_one_by_one uses pre = (
match pre in
p: "?P ∧ ?Q" ⇒ ‹
(unfold marker_L_def marker_R_def)?,
rule conjI_marked;(
(match conclusion in "marker_L _" ⇒ ‹(conj_one_by_one pre: p[THEN conjunct1])?›)
| (match conclusion in "marker_R _" ⇒ ‹(conj_one_by_one pre: p[THEN conjunct2])?›))›)
| ((unfold marker_L_def marker_R_def)?, insert pre)
This is not a complete answer, but you might be able to derive some useful information from what is stated here.
In Eisbach I can use ; to apply a method to all new subgoals created
by a method. However, I often know how many subgoals are created and
would like to apply different methods to the new subgoals. Is there a
way to say something like "apply method X to the first new subgoal and
method Y to the second new subgoal"?
You can use the standard tactical RANGE to define your own tactic that you can apply to consecutive subgoals. I provide a very specialized and significantly simplified use case below:
fun mytac ctxt thms = thms
|> map (fn thm => resolve_tac ctxt (single thm))
assumes A: A and B: B and C: C
shows "A ∧ B ∧ C"
apply(intro conjI)
apply(tactic‹mytac #{context} [#{thm A}, #{thm B}, #{thm C}] 1›)
Hopefully, it should be reasonably easy to extend it to more complicated use cases (while being more careful than I am about subgoal indexing: you might also need SELECT_GOAL to ensure that the implementation is safe). While in the example above mytac accepts a list of theorems, it should be easy to see how these theorems can be replaced by tactics and with some further work, the tactic can be wrapped as a higher-order method.
I want to develop a method that works on 2 conjunctions of arbitrary
length but with the same structure. The method should be usable to
show that conjunction 1 implies conjunction 2 by showing that the
implication holds for each component. It should be usable like this:
Having had another look at the problem, it seems that there exists a substantially more natural solution. The solution follows the outline from the original answer, but the meta implication is replaced with the HOL's object logic implication (the 'to and fro' conversion can be achieved using atomize (full) and intro impI):
lemma arg_imp2: "(a ⟶ b) ⟹ (c ⟶ d) ⟹ ((a ∧ c) ⟶ (b ∧ d))" by auto
lemma example:
assumes "a 0 ∧ a 1 ∧ a 2 ∧ a 3"
and imp: "⋀i. a i ⟹ a' i"
shows "a' 0 ∧ a' 1 ∧ a' 2 ∧ a' 3"
apply(insert assms(1), atomize (full))
apply(intro arg_imp2; intro impI; intro imp; assumption)
LEGACY (this was part of the original answer, but is almost irrelevant due to the UPDATE suggested above)
If this is the only application that you have in mind, perhaps, there is a reasonably natural solution based on the following iterative procedure:
lemma arg_imp2: "(a ⟹ b) ⟹ (c ⟹ d) ⟹ ((a ∧ c) ⟹ (b ∧ d))" by auto
lemma example:
assumes c: "a 0 ∧ a 1 ∧ a 2 ∧ a 3"
and imp: "⋀i. a i ⟹ a' i"
shows "a' 0 ∧ a' 1 ∧ a' 2 ∧ a' 3"
using c
apply(intro arg_imp2[of ‹a 0› ‹a' 0› ‹a 1 ∧ a 2 ∧ a 3› ‹a' 1 ∧ a' 2 ∧ a' 3›])
apply(rule imp)
apply(intro arg_imp2[of ‹a 1› ‹a' 1› ‹a 2 ∧ a 3› ‹a' 2 ∧ a' 3›])
apply(rule imp)
apply(intro arg_imp2[of ‹a 2› ‹a' 2› ‹a 3› ‹a' 3›])
apply(rule imp)
apply(rule imp)
I am not certain how easy it would be to express this in Eisbach, but it should be reasonably easy to express this in Isabelle/ML.
Using the pointers from user9716869, I was able to write a method that does what I want:
fun split_with_tac (tac1: int -> tactic) (ts: (int -> tactic) list) (i: int) (st: thm): thm Seq.seq =
val st's = tac1 i st
fun next st' =
val new_subgoals_count = 1 + Thm.nprems_of st' - Thm.nprems_of st
if new_subgoals_count <> length ts then Seq.empty
RANGE ts i st'
st's |> Seq.maps next
fun tok_to_method_text ctxt tok =
case Token.get_value tok of
SOME (Token.Source src) => ctxt src
| _ =>
val (text, src) = Method.read_closure_input ctxt (Token.input_of tok);
val _ = Token.assign (SOME (Token.Source src)) tok;
in text end
val readText: Token.T Token.context_parser = Scan.lift (Parse.token Parse.text)
val text_and_texts_closure: (Method.text * Method.text list) Token.context_parser =
(Args.context -- readText -- (Scan.lift \<^keyword>‹and› |-- Scan.repeat readText)) >> (fn ((ctxt, tok), t) =>
(tok_to_method_text ctxt tok, map (tok_to_method_text ctxt) t));
method_setup split_with =
‹text_and_texts_closure >> (fn (m, ms) => fn ctxt => fn facts =>
fun tac m st' =
method_evaluate m ctxt facts
fun tac' m i st' =
Goal.restrict i 1 st'
|> method_evaluate m ctxt facts
|> (Goal.unrestrict i)
handle THM _ => Seq.empty
val initialT: int -> tactic = tac' m
val nextTs: (int -> tactic) list = map tac' ms
in SIMPLE_METHOD (HEADGOAL (split_with_tac initialT nextTs)) facts end)
assumes r: "P ⟹ Q ⟹ R"
and p: "P"
and q: "Q"
shows "R"
by (split_with ‹rule r› and ‹rule p› ‹rule q›)
method conj_one_by_one uses pre = (
match pre in
p: "?P ∧ ?Q" ⇒ ‹split_with ‹rule conjI› and
‹conj_one_by_one pre: p[THEN conjunct1]›
‹conj_one_by_one pre: p[THEN conjunct2]››
| insert pre)
lemma example:
assumes c: "a 0 ∧ a 1 ∧ a 2 ∧ a 3"
and imp: "⋀i. a i ⟹ a' i"
shows "a' 0 ∧ a' 1 ∧ a' 2 ∧ a' 3"
proof (conj_one_by_one pre: c)
show "a 0 ⟹ a' 0" by (rule imp)
show "a 1 ⟹ a' 1" by (rule imp)
show "a 2 ⟹ a' 2" by (rule imp)
show "a 3 ⟹ a' 3" by (rule imp)

What happens during function proofs

I am trying to proof a property of the icmp6 checksum function (sum 16bit integers, add carry, invert 16bit integer).
I defined the functions in isabelle. (I know my proofs are terrible)
But for some reason, isabelle can't proof something about the icmp_csum function, it wants to have.
When I replace the oops in the paste with done it produces thousands of lines that just says:
"linarith_split_limit exceeded (current value is 9)"
theory Scratch
imports Main Int List
fun norm_helper :: "nat ⇒ nat" where
"norm_helper x = (let y = divide x 65536 in (y + x - y * 65536))"
lemma "x ≥ 65536 ⟹ norm_helper x < x" by simp
lemma h: "norm_helper x ≤ x" by simp
fun normalize :: "nat ⇒ nat" where
"normalize x = (if x ≥ 65536
then normalize (norm_helper x)
else x)"
inductive norm_to :: "nat ⇒ nat ⇒ bool" where
"(x < 65536) ⟹ norm_to x x"
| "norm_to y z ⟹ y = norm_helper x ⟹ norm_to x z"
lemma ne: "norm_to x y ⟹ y = normalize x"
apply (induct x y rule: norm_to.induct) by simp+
lemma i: "norm_to x y ⟹ x ≥ y"
apply (induct x y rule: norm_to.induct) by simp+
lemma l: "norm_to x y ⟹ y < 65536"
apply (induct x y rule: norm_to.induct) by simp+
lemma en: "y = normalize x ⟹ norm_to x y"
apply (induct x rule: normalize.induct)
proof -
fix x :: nat
assume 1: "(x ≥ 65536 ⟹ y = Scratch.normalize (norm_helper x) ⟹ norm_to (norm_helper x) y)"
assume 2: "y = Scratch.normalize x"
show "norm_to x y"
proof (cases "x ≥ 65536")
show "¬ 65536 ≤ x ⟹ norm_to x y"
using norm_to.intros(1)[of x] 2 by simp
assume s: "65536 ≤ x"
have d: "y = normalize (norm_helper x)" using 2 s by simp
show "65536 ≤ x ⟹ norm_to x y"
using 1 d norm_to.intros(2)[of "norm_helper x" y x]
by blast
lemma "normalize x ≤ x" using en i by simp
lemma n[simp]: "normalize x < 65536" using en l by blast
fun sum :: "nat list ⇒ nat" where
"sum [] = 0"
| "sum (x#xs) = x + sum xs"
fun csum :: "nat list ⇒ nat" where
"csum xs = normalize (sum xs)"
fun invert :: "nat ⇒ nat" where
"invert x = 65535 - x"
lemma c: "csum xs ≤ 65535" using n[of "sum xs"] by simp
lemma ic: "invert (csum xs) ≥ 0" using c[of xs] by blast
lemma asdf:
assumes "xs = ys"
shows "invert (csum xs) = invert (csum ys)"
using HOL.arg_cong[of "csum xs" "csum ys" invert,
OF HOL.arg_cong[of xs ys csum]] assms(1)
by blast
function icmp_csum :: "nat list ⇒ nat" where
"icmp_csum xs = invert (csum xs)"
apply simp
apply (rule asdf)
apply simp
I have no idea why there is tracing output from linarith there, but given that your definition is neither recursive nor performs pattern matching, you can write it as a definition:
definition icmp_csum :: "nat list ⇒ nat" where
"icmp_csum xs = invert (csum xs)"
Another possibility is to change invert to a definition instead of a fun. (In general, if it's neither recursive nor performs pattern matching, definition is preferable because it has much less overhead than fun.)
NB, just import Main, not Main Int List.
Edit: An explanation from Tobias Nipkow on the mailing list:
This is a known issue. In the outdated LNCS 2283 you can find a discussion what to do about it in Section 3.5.3 Simplification and Recursive Functions. The gist: don't use "if", use pattern matching or "case". Or disable if_split.

Is there an Isabelle equivalent to Haskell newtype?

I want to make a new datatype shaped like an old one, but (unlike using type_synonym) it should be recognized as distinct in other theories.
My motivating example: I'm making a stack datatype out of lists. I don't want my other theories to see my stacks as lists so I can enforce my own simplification rules on it, but the only solution I've found is the following:
datatype 'a stk = S "'a list"
primrec index_of' :: "'a list => 'a => nat option"
where "index_of' [] b = None"
| "index_of' (a # as) b = (
if b = a then Some 0
else case index_of' as b of Some n => Some (Suc n) | None => None)"
primrec index_of :: "'a stk => 'a => nat option"
where "index_of (S as) x = index_of' as x"
lemma [simp]: "index_of' del v = Some m ==> m <= n ==>
index_of' (insert_at' del n v) v = Some m"
lemma [simp]: "index_of del v = Some m ==> m <= n ==>
index_of (insert_at del n v) v = Some m"
by (induction del, simp)
It works, but it means my stack theory is bloated and filled with way too much redundancy: every function has a second version stripping the constructor off, and every theorem has a second version (for which the proof is always by (induction del, simp), which strikes me as a sign I'm doing too much work somewhere).
Is there anything that would help here?
You want to use typedef.
The declaration
typedef 'a stack = "{xs :: 'a list. True}"
morphisms list_of_stack as_stack
by auto
introduces a new type, containing all lists, as well as functions between 'a stack and 'a list and a bunch of theorems. Here is selection of them (you can view all using show_theorems after the typedef command):
as_stack_cases: (⋀y. ?x = as_stack y ⟹ y ∈ {xs. True} ⟹ ?P) ⟹ ?P
as_stack_inject: ?x ∈ {xs. True} ⟹ ?y ∈ {xs. True} ⟹ (as_stack ?x = as_stack ?y) = (?x = ?y)
as_stack_inverse: ?y ∈ {xs. True} ⟹ list_of_stack (as_stack ?y) = ?y
list_of_stack: list_of_stack ?x ∈ {xs. True}
list_of_stack_inject: (list_of_stack ?x = list_of_stack ?y) = (?x = ?y)
list_of_stack_inverse: as_stack (list_of_stack ?x) = ?x
type_definition_stack: type_definition list_of_stack as_stack {xs. True}
The ?x ∈ {xs. True} assumptions are quite boring here, but you can specify a subset of all lists there, e.g. if your stacks are never empty, and ensure on the type level that the property holds for all types.
The type_definition_stack theorem is useful in conjunction with the lifting package. After the declaration
setup_lifting type_definition_stack
you can define functions on stacks by giving their definition in terms of lists, and also prove theorems involving stacks by proving their equivalent proposition in terms of lists; much easier than manually juggling with the conversion functions.
