Don't use R system library - r

I'm trying to use a linux server with R installed. Apparently the R system library has old versions of non-base packages installed like dplyr and testthat.
Because i don't have permission to edit the system library, i'm unable to update the packages.
My plan is to only use a user library, so I can controll the package versions myself. However i'm unable to remove the "/usr/lib64/R/library" folder from .libPaths(). I tried changing the environment variables R_LIBS_SITE and R_LIBS with the .Renviron and .Rprofile files to a different folder, but the /usr/lib64/R/library folder will always be present. Removing it with the command .libPaths(.libPaths()[1:2]) doesn't work either.
Is there a way to remove the system library from .libPaths(), so I'm not depending on the update policy of the server admin?

You can't remove the system library, because that's where the base packages live. They can't be installed anywhere else, and R won't work without them.
Best would be for you to get your sysadmin to update the system library. Those obsolete packages probably contain bugs.
If you can't do that, then run update.packages(instlib = "local") to install all the latest versions in the library named "local". (Substitute your own local lib name, of course.) This requires all your users to specify .libPaths("local") when they start, and some will likely forget, so it's not as good.
It might be easiest for you to just install a full copy of R in your own account. Then you'll have control of things, and anyone using your copy will get your library.
(There's a new release (3.5.3) coming in ten days; you might wait for that, or install one of the betas or RCs, which should be available now, then update again when the final release arrives.)

For me, it works to use
This will still search the system library, but only after it searches my personal library, so if I have a newer version, it uses that. Note: I used .libPaths()[2:1] not .libPaths()[1:2]


Julia package available from a registry

I added the package Knet with Pkg.add("Knet") and noticed that several packages were installed including CUDA. However, after the installation finished when I try:
using CUDA
it says that this package is not found but that it is available from a registry. It seems that this package is a requirement for Knet and it is installed but then one cannot access it right away. Do you know what is happening behind scenes? Thanks.
The underlying mechanism is a bit complex, and is described in detail here.
But the general logic is as follows: you can use (with using or import) the packages that you have explicitly installed. However, such packages might depend on other packages. Julia will automatically decide what other packages are needed to be installed, but they will be not visible in your project unless you explicitly install them.
In fact, typically, on one computer you will have hundreds of packages installed in one place (to avoid having to download and precompile them each time), but each individual project will have access only to packages that you explicitly specify you want to use in this project. The information what packages should be visible in an individual project is typically contained in the Project.toml file as is described here.
You can find more information how to manage projects in Julia here.

Non-manual solution to "cannot remove prior installation of package" when re-installing R packages

I recently began receiving warnings that prior installations of R packages cannot be removed when I try to re-install packages:
#> Warning: cannot remove prior installation of package ‘gtools’
#> Warning: restored ‘gtools’
I found solutions to this issue encouraging me to delete the packages manually from my library folder, which I could find with .libPaths(). However, (a) this seems like a way of addressing symptoms rather than the underlying issue (which remains unclear) and (b) there are two paths for seemingly different versions of R and I'm not sure which to delete from anyway:
#> [1] "C:/Users/foo/Documents/R/win-library/4.1"
#> [2] "C:/Program Files/R/R-4.1.2/library"
How can I fix the problem so I don't have to manually delete package folders every time I want to re-install a package? If there is no alternative, do I need to delete the subdirectories for the package from one of those folders or both? FWIW, I'm working in RStudio.
The problem is that you have installed packages using different permissions. On Windows, you need elevated permissions to write to Program Files. At some point you (or an admin) probably used "Run as admin" to install gtools there, and now using regular permissions you can't delete that.
You should be able to delete the Users/foo copy, if you are running as user foo, but even that one may have had permissions changed. But I'd guess the issue is that gtools is in the Program files location.
The error message from R doesn't tell you which location it is trying to delete from, which is unfortunate. In fact, allowing installations of different versions in those two locations is a bad design feature in R that just leads to confusion, because you don't necessarily always use the same version each time you load packages. (The rule for which one you use is the first acceptable one found in the .libPaths list, but since you can change .libPaths, and since packages can load other packages, it's hard to predict which one you'll have loaded at any given time.)
To fix this, you can delete both copies (if you have two) and start over, but that's risky because other packages might be depending on gtools. If you are the only user on your computer, you could instead delete the entire "C:/Users/foo/Documents/R/win-library/4.1" library, and then do all your installs using "Run as admin", but that's also easy to mess up.
(On a Mac, that's effectively what happens, because most single user systems put the user in the "admin" group, so they can always install packages to the system location. It causes a lot less confusion, but some "purists" think the Windows way is better.)
So I don't have any good advice for you, but maybe this explains the situation, and you can work out for yourself the best way forward.

Installing earlier version of R package not on CRAN

I am developing an R package that will not be hosted on GitHub or submitted to CRAN. I am using git for version control. I would like to give my users the ability to load older versions of the package. I've read here about usethis::use_version() for versioning my package. This will track the versions using git, but I'm wondering if there's a straightforward way for my end users to load an older version without having to use git themselves. For packages hosted on CRAN, I know the versions package can be used to achieve this.
Right now my best solution is to create a copy of the R package in a new directory when starting work on a new version. Then the end users can load the version they want by choosing the appropriate directory. If there is a better solutions than this, I would be interested to hear it.
The remotes::install_git() function has a ref= parameter when you type a commit or tag name. If you tag your releases, then you can install which ever version you want with the correct tag. Your users don't need to run git themselves, but they will need access to the git repo to pull the correct version.
If you want to host your own repository for your users, you can also look into something like miniCRAN or drat. Since those basically a CRAN-like repository for your packages, you can probably use existing tools like the versions package to interact with the repo (assuming you keep older versions around in the same way CRAN does).

How to make sure the user of a shiny app is using the right package versions in R

Due to recent experience with several bugs created by updating packages, I wonder what the best approach is for the following problem:
I currently provide a stand alone version so to say of my shiny App (just the script files to run it locally) and run a long list of require() functions to load / install the needed packages. However, in the end I would like to use fixed package versions to avoid bugs created by changes in packages.
Is there a way to ensure that the user, who may have older or newer versions of packages on their computer, is using the right version of all the packages my app needs?
You can consider using packrat:
Unfortunately, private libraries don’t travel well; like all R
libraries, their contents are compiled for your specific machine
architecture, operating system, and R version. Packrat lets you
snapshot the state of your private library, which saves to your
project directory whatever information packrat needs to be able to
recreate that same private library on another machine.
Short tutorial:
RStudio - File - New Project - New Directory - New Project - "Do: use Path" - Create Project
Enter in the R(Studio) console:
.libPaths() # test if libpath has changed
install.packages("reshape2") # installs within one of the packrat libpaths
Installing package into ‘C:/R/packRatTest/packrat/lib/x86_64-w64-mingw32/3.4.3’
Assumption would be that you can use and share RStudio Projects, but i think it would be hard to work without them anyway ;).
Try writing your shiny app as a package. You can, somewhat, control that through the description file.
Since you said you're using script take a look at:
Even of you don't use it, hopefully looking at the code will help for things like setting the download repo to be a specific MRAN date.

What's a good strategy for saving old R package versions on GitHub?

The development of RStudio and the packages devtools and roxygen2 has made R package creation pretty easy. I use GitHub for version control and devtools allows others to easily install directly from my account.
As my package gradually changes with each version, I'm wondering if I should be maintaining .zip files (or other format) of my past stable builds, in case anyone would ever want to use a previous version.
It's easy to download a .zip of an R package directly from GitHub, but I'm wondering if I should add this to the same GitHub directory (e.g. without messing up somebody's installation via install_github("myaccount/mypackage").
So, the main Qs are:
Should I keep an old package version at all?
Should I keep old package versions in a sub-folder of my GitHub R package directory?
Should I save .zip files downloaded from GitHub as my old version, or produce a Source or Binary file during the package build itself (i.e. in RStudio)?
Is this a superfluous activity if one isn't yet willing to publish to CRAN?!
When you think your package is at a good solid place, you should tag a release. This archives the branch at that point in time and stores the zip file with the source code, and the tar.gz file.
I tend to mark my CRAN packages as a release each time I release it to CRAN (for example, see and with some intemediary tags that I consider noteworthy.
Another good strategy for managing changes in between tagged releases is to maintain a development branch below your main branch. That way your development changes won't pollute or break anything being used by those pulling from your main branch. It makes you free to experiment in the dev branch while always having a clean, working copy to push to and restore from.
1. Should I keep an old package version at all?
It's subjective, but I'd definitely say "yes" unless there's a space constraint, which is probably unlikely.
This serves 2 purposes. One is for your own convenience, such as if you want to make sure that you always have a quick way to test the results of older versions versus a newer version.
The other is that people often need older versions of packages, such as if someone wants to use your package but they're using an older version of R on a server where the policies prevent an update to R. Perhaps a newer version of your package includes a new dependency which only works with a package that depends on a certain version of R or higher.
Of course, packages can always be installed without the compressed or binary files, but it's a nice convenience.
2. Should I keep old package versions in a sub-folder of my GitHub R package directory?
I would put it in a trunk or special subfolder that won't be automatically downloaded when someone tries to install_github or clone your master branch. Having a separate branch is a good idea.
3. Should I save .zip files downloaded from GitHub as my old version, or produce a Source or Binary file during the package build itself (i.e. in RStudio)?
As the package author you're in a position to know if these differ significantly and which if either is better, but by default I'd recommend the RStudio build because I assume (if you're like me) that you're less likely to include unnecessary files this way.
4. Is this a superfluous activity if one isn't yet willing to publish to CRAN?!
No, not necessarily. If people rely on your package then it really doesn't matter if it's on CRAN or not. In fact, not being on CRAN may be a reason to be more proactive like this to ensure that your users will always have access to the needed version of your package.
