Rcpp vs normal C++: header flag available? - r

I'm a beginner at Rcpp (though with a bit of experience in both R and C++) and am trying to write some code that can be used in both Rcpp and native C++.
As such, I am writing some wrapper functions that return data frames, numeric vectors and the like, that get created from various std containers.
I would like it so that I can set a flag somewhere, or have a flag that automatically detects whether the code is being used in native C++ or Rcpp.
I was wondering whether such a flag exists, or whether I should just go ahead and create one?
Finally, I was wondering whether this was the best way of doing what I wanted to achieve?
This is a very contrived example:
#include <Rcpp.h>
using namespace Rcpp;
// [[Rcpp::plugins(cpp11)]]
#include <vector>
#include <functional>
#include <algorithm>
#define RCPP
std::vector<double> multbyTwo(std::vector<double> input) {
std::transform(input.begin(), input.end(), input.begin(), std::bind(std::multiplies<double>(), std::placeholders::_1, 2));
return input;
#ifdef RCPP
// [[Rcpp::export]]
NumericVector timesTwo(NumericVector input) {
return wrap(multbyTwo(as<std::vector<double> >(input)));
#endif // RCPP
This the kind of thing that I meant - wrapping a pure C++ function with an Rcpp one. (I know there are implicit conversions in this specific case, but there would not be for the kind of function that I would be building)


Nesting Rcpp functions

Is it possible to nest Rcpp functions in each other?
I have a dummy example right here:
'int add3(int x) {
return x+3;
'int add4(int x) {
return add3(x)+1;
This does not work. How can I make this work?
Edit: Okay, so I followed Dirk's advice and now I have a test.cpp file:
#include <Rcpp.h>
using namespace Rcpp;
// [[Rcpp::export]]
int add3(int x) {
return x + 3;
// [[Rcpp::export]]
int add4(int x) {
return add3(x)+1;
Which I load in R with sourceCpp("test.cpp"). Now I can use both functions in R and they work although one function calls the other function.
The answers to your question get a little technical quickly, but are all provided in the Rcpp Attributes vignette, and have been for a long time.
First off, you are more-or-less misusing cppFunction(). It is made for quick and simple one-off function tests. Not for writing "infrastructure" or more complex code. For which you should use sourceCpp(), or better still, use a package.
If you switch you code to sourceCpp() and the [[Rcpp::export]] tag you will notice (in verbose=TRUE mode, or in package building) that the exported functions get 'transliterated' into other functions that R calls.
So yes you can nest functions, as you can in C / C++. Nothing is taken from you. But you cannot call the inner, nested function from R but that is possible with the API offered to us by R and which we use (and free you from interfacing directly). It only has SEXP .Call(functionanme, SEXP a, SEXP b,...) as an interface. I.e. a different signature.
But on the C / C++ you can nest, provided you compile your code differently.

RcppEigen: there are no arguments to 'assert' that depend on a template parameter

In trying to run one of the rcppeigen examples from the rcpp Gallery on Windows 10 I got the following error message:
error: there are no arguments to 'assert' that depend on a template
parameter, so a declaration of 'assert' must be available
[-fpermissive] assert(degree >= minPadeDegree && degree <=
I'm not sure what this means (I am very new to the Eigen library). The code was taken from the Rcpp Gallery:
#include <RcppEigen.h>
// [[Rcpp::depends(RcppEigen)]]
using Eigen::Map;
using Eigen::MatrixXd;
using Eigen::VectorXd;
using Eigen::SelfAdjointEigenSolver;
// [[Rcpp::export]]
VectorXd getEigenValues(Map<MatrixXd> M) {
SelfAdjointEigenSolver<MatrixXd> es(M);
return es.eigenvalues();
I used sourceCpp() to compile a file saved as TestEigen.cpp. I'd appreciate any information on what the issue may be. I looked for similar questions here but did not find a clear answer.
Please feel free to delete my post if this question is a duplicate.
Kind regards

How to expose a C structure from C library to R with Rcpp

I am trying to expose a C structure from a C library into R. For example:
struct A {
int flag;
// ...
It is common that the library provides API to construct and destroy A:
A* initA();
void freeA(A* a);
Thanks for RCPP_MODULE, It is easy to expose it without considering destructor:
#include <Rcpp.h>
using namespace Rcpp;
.field("flag", &A::flag)
SEXP init() {
return wrap(*initA());
I like this approach, but it might cause memory leak because it does not destruct A properly during garbage collection. Adding .finalizer(freeA) in RCPP_MODULE will cause an error of free twice.
Using XPtr<A, freeA> might be a solution, but I need to manually define functions to expose A.flag.
In general, how do you expose C structure from C library into R with Rcpp?
I suggest you turn your C struct into a C++ class which allows you allocate in the constructor and free in the destructor.
You can still use different ways to have the class transfer easily between R and C++ --- Modules is one of several possibilities.

variable scope in c++ function called through R with sourceCpp

I have one function nested inside another in R. Since the deeper one is a bit slow, I decided to use sourceCpp to swap in some compiled code. However, that inner function uses variables defined in the outer function. In R I use environments. What's the c++ analog? Do I have to use the extern keyword? Would something like this work?
#include <Rcpp.h>
using namespace Rcpp;
// [[Rcpp::export]]
arma::mat myFunc(arma::mat a, arma::mat b){
extern arma::mat c;
return a + b + c;
You can pass R environments down to C++ just fine via Rcpp; and examples exists in the docs, here, and in other places. Just randomly tossing a C++ extern in there, however, does access an environment.

Code auto-completion trouble with Rcpp and Netbeans/Eclipse

I'm trying to write some Rcpp code using Netbeans, primarily using the IDE for the method look-up / code completion. I've set up the project to include the R/include and R/library/Rcpp/include folders, and it seems this -almost- works. For example, if I write
#include <Rcpp.h>
Rcpp::CharacterVector x;
x. // hit CTRL+SPACE to pop-up methods available to x, no hits
However, if we look at what a CharacterVector is, we see:
typedef Vector<STRSXP> CharacterVector
which is defined in Rcpp/include/vector/instanstiation.h, so it should (?) just be inheriting all the methods available to the Rcpp::Vector class. Equivalently, if I write
Rcpp::Vector<STRSXP> x;
x. // hit CTRL+SPACE, and I do see a bunch of methods available
it does work. Furthermore, if I just copy the typedef declaration into my current source file, then the auto-completion does work.
So, I guess my question is - why does Netbeans struggle in finding the methods available to Rcpp::CharacterVector but not Rcpp::Vector?
Ultimately, it's not a big problem, but I am curious...
