Flyway migration throwing Validation error - flyway

While running migration through flyway command line in Jenkins I am getting below error:
ERROR: Unexpected error org.flywaydb.core.api.FlywayException:
Validate failed: Detected applied migration not resolved locally:
Currently I am trying to run 20.0.1 which is lagtest version and earlier versions are not present in the files location.
I observed by the info that there are applied higher versions than 12.0.4(which is base version) on DB which are in missing state.
Can anyone help me why this error is occurring and how to resolve this?


Doctrine 2.9.x-dev

Did somebody tried Doctrine 2.9.x-dev? I am using with symfony 5.2.6. I know it is a dev version but when run any command I get an error for example:
[critical] Error thrown while running command "'doctrine:schema:create'". Message: "An option named "em" already exists."
and when I run only bin/console i get error
[critical] An error occurred while using the console. Message: "An option named "em" already exists."
An option named "em" already exists.
It is because this is dev version (2.8.4 is working) or am I missing something?
The error comes from doctrine/doctrine-bundle - it seems like it is not compatible with doctrine/orm 2.9.x-dev yet.
The problem is already being worked on, but the PR has not been merged yet, see:
If you really need the dev version to work with Symfony right now, you will need to apply the changes manually, but I would recommend waiting for a stable release.

Cause: org.jetbrains.plugins.gradle.tooling.util.ModuleComponentIdentifierImpl

I have connected my Android application with firebase-database by putting this dependency (kapt '') but after that I am getting errors like the one mentioned in title also when I synchronized the project I am getting different errors like: Connection time out, Failed to resolved build listener.
Enabling/Disabling offline work and setting proxy in file doesn't work for me.
Also you guys have seen that I used 'kapt' in dependency as it is necessary to use, without it I am getting error "failed to resolve 15.0.0". Removing 15.0.0 doesn't work for me.
I am using Android Studio 3.2 and sadly I can't update this version.
Gradle version: 5.1.1 and
Plugin version: 3.4.0

Corda throws error trying to generate the basic nodes

Am trying to generate the basic nodes- PartyA, PartyB and Notary on Ubuntu 14 by running ./gradlew deployNodes or even ./gradlew clean deployNodes. The error reads:
... still waiting. If this is taking longer than usual, check the node logs.
Error while generating node info file /cordapp-template-java/build/nodes/Notary/logs
Error while generating node info file /cordapp-template-java/build/nodes/PartyB/logs
Error while generating node info file /cordapp-template-java/build/nodes/PartyA/logs
Task :deployNodes FAILED
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':deployNodes'.
Error while generating node info file. Please check the logs in /cordapp-template-java/build/nodes/Notary/logs.
Error while generating node info file. Please check the logs in /cordapp-template-java/build/nodes/Notary/logs.
The error logs do not provide any indication of error.
I have personally run into the above question myself. From what I saw, it seems it was a random incident on the Unix based machine.
The issue was resolved after I moved the project to the different location. It is absurd. But I have never ran into this issue ever again.

Potential conflict between polymer build and tur-nr/polymer-redux

I am experiencing unexpected errors when running polymer build after installing and using tur-nr/polymer-redux. Here is the demo repo.
Versions & Environment
polymer-build: v0.18.3 polymer --version
node: v6.10.2
Operating System: macOS Sierra v10.12.4
Steps to reproduce
git clone # clone remote repo to your local
cd redux # cd into your local repo
bower install # install bower dependencies
npm install redux # install redux
polymer build # attempt build
Expected results
I expect the build to complete, without errors. Then allow me to serve the packaged build.
Actual results
I get the following errors in the terminal.
Error messages
src/all-locally.html(14,16) error [unknown-polymer-behavior] - Unable to resolve behavior store. Did you import it? Is it annotated with #polymerBehavior?
src/imported-behavior.html(7,16) error [unknown-polymer-behavior] - Unable to resolve behavior ReduxStore. Did you import it? Is it annotated with #polymerBehavior?
src/imported-store-as-variable.html(10,16) error [unknown-polymer-behavior] - Unable to resolve behavior polymerStore. Did you import it? Is it annotated with #polymerBehavior?
src/imported-store.html(7,16) warning [could-not-determine-behavior-name] - Could not determine behavior name from expression of type
error: Promise rejection: Error: 3 error(s) occurred during build.
error: Error: 3 error(s) occurred during build.
at BuildAnalyzer._done (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/polymer-cli/node_modules/polymer-build/lib/analyzer.js:229:36)
at BuildAnalyzer. (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/polymer-cli/node_modules/polymer-build/lib/analyzer.js:189:26)
at next (native)
at fulfilled (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/polymer-cli/node_modules/polymer-build/lib/analyzer.js:17:58)
at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:109:7)
How to use polymer-redux with polymer-build?
polymer lint and polymer-build fail due to ReduxBehavior not registering properly
#polymerBehavior should still produce a behavior even if we can't evaluate the expression

djangocms installer Operational Error

After running djangocms installer I am getting this error:
Exception Value:
no such table: cms_urlconfrevision
I'm using sqlite default db. I selected stable for my django version. I've tried installing this numerous times and keep getting the same error. Any idea how to fix this?
