LinkedIn sharing doesn't work as expected - linkedin

I'm looking for an easy way to share through LinkedIn without all that hassle with OAuth 2.0 which I don't see required when I see other pages that use this kind of sharing (and they didn't required anything from - I can straight out share).
Straight to the issue:
this one works:
this one doesn't:
Seems like beyond main domain I can't get sharing working. For instance from other site a link that goes deeper and is still shareable:
I also tested with and without source and summary query params. Anyone had that issue?

LinkedIn uses the Open Graph protocol ( to determine how pages are shared in LinkedIn.
You may also use the LinkedIn Post Inspector ( tool to debug how various pages would be shared in LinkedIn.

I decoded your URL so I could get a cleaner look...
So, let's try to visit your URL: . The webpage you are sharing DOES NOT LOAD.
Is your site down for everyone? Yes, your site is down for everyone.
In order to share a URL on LinkedIn, you must fulfill the following minimum requirements:
The URL must load.
If you just want to test out the API, try using or as test pages.
Surprisingly, the old URL by itself works fine in LinkedIn, but that could be from some internal cache, from way back in the day when the page once did work. It certainly does not do so anymore.


Open Graph on LinkedIn does not work for my client's site

For some reason sharing links on LinkedIn from my client's site does not work.
I've checked the specifications on and it looks like all the og meta tags re correct. Sharing on other social media works without problems. It's only on LinkedIn where the Open Graph data is not picked up.
Here is a sample URL which does not work on LinkedIn:
Am I missing something?
Would you be able to share a bit more on how you're getting the tags to render on Facebook and the like?
I encountered the same problem (My site runs on Angular), but my approach was to redirect the LinkedInBot via .htaccess.
Eventually, I gave up, and wrote a custom share button with LinkedIn's rest API
With it, you will be able to specify the details of the share, and avoid the messy workarounds for LinkedIn.
Direct Sharing on LinkedIn
Sharing via REST API
Original link:

Making your site shareable on LinkedIn

I'm having a few issues with making our site shareable on linked in and I'm at a loss. The og: meta tags all look fine, the facebook scraper picks it up fine, but the linkedIn scraper does not... and the img etc are not on a protected folder or anything like that.
When inspecting the developer tools the get request to the url-preview?url= link shows that the img etc.. aren't there.
The image is less than 1mb, all og: meta tags are obeyed. The only think that may not be 100% is the image ratio is not 1/4 or 4/1 (it's 2/1)... But that is only a recommendation and not a hard and fast rule.
Does LinkedIn provide something similar to FB ( where you can test the scraper and re-run it? Or is there another way to debug this? Any help appreciated. (is the page i'm trying to share).
It transpires linked in doesn't offer a similar facility to FB or twitter to test the OG meta tags and re-scrape the page. They cache a page for 7 days and then re-scrape again. However, you can refresh the linkedIn crawler cache simply by appending GET params to the URL, i.e.
I eventually figured out what our issue was. We were using a wildcard cert (for multi domain, so we could have a single ssl cert for multiple subdomains) which meant we had to set the server name in the apache default-ssl.conf file, but we had a typo in it for the www instance ... which meant it gave an SSL error (for the linkedIn crawler) which isn't debuggable (if that's a word) using linkedIn but was spotted as we got an SSL error when testing the twitter metadata tags using the twitter card validator. Hope this helps anyone else who has a typo in their ssl settings. Note that the ssl error was not visible using a browser(s) as all looked fine.

Google analytic shows me wired links for one of my visitors

I have a website wich is registered with google analytic so I can see the statistics of it The problem is that sometime it shows me this link :
I do not know if this is a hacker trying to hack me or something but I think nobody will try to access my admin for good
Can you help me to know what is this link refers to ?
Consider checking for a malicious code included on your pages. And yes it's likely that some one is trying to access those pages but it may not execute because it's invalid path. You should consider blocking such ip addresses after checking in logs.
Although trying to reach an admin page seems a suspicious action, in our website we come accross this issue every one in ten thousand requests.
We think that a browser extension or a virus like program tries to change URL or trying to add this keyword to URL. Not for a hacking purpose, but to redirect to their advertisement website.
Very similar issue here: Weird characters in URL

How to get all content of website from google cache?

My gmail account was hacked today, and I can't login or request new password anymore. And I lost all content in my blogspot too.
I looked around and found it was stored in google cache. But I had more than 200 articles, and I need to go through more than 200 urls to copy all content.
Is there any methods can help me retries all content from google cache?
A Web Crawler could help you to retrieve many pages of information.
Also, maybe you could use Internet Archive Wayback Machine to retrieve some lost information.
Another tip: the google advanced search could help you too. In particular, the site or domain param.
Update: Maybe this script can do all work for you: Retrieving Google’s Cache for a Whole Website

capture details from external web page

I'm wondering if it's possible to capture details from the web page that a user previously visited, if my page was not linked from it?
What I am trying to achieve is to allow users to my site to find a page they like while browsing the web, and then navigate to a page on my site via a bookmark, which will add the URL (and possibly some other details like the page title) to a form which they can then submit to my site to add the page to a list of favourites there.
I am not really sure where to start looking for this. I wondered if I could use http referrer, but think this may only work if there is a link to my page?
Alternatively, I am open to other suggestions as to how I could capture this data - a Firefox plugin? A page which users browse other sites in an iframe, with a skinny frame on top?
Thanks in advance for your suggestions.
Features like this are typically not allowed by browsers for security and privacy reasons. The IFrame would work, but this is a common hacking technique so it may be likely to break or be flagged in the future.
The firefox addon is the best solution, but requires users to install it manually.
Also, a bookmarklet could be used. While they are actively on the target page, the bookmarklet could send you the URL.
This example bookmarklet would create a tinyURL for the destination page. You could add it to your database or whatnot.
If some other site links to yours and the user clicked on that link which took them to your site you can access the "referrer" from the http headers. How you get a hold of the HTTP headers is language / framework specific. In .NET you would use the Request.UrlReferrer; other frameworks would probably handle it differently.
EDIT: After reading your question again, my guess would be what you're looking for is some sort of browser plugin. If I understand correctly, you want to give your clients the ability to bookmark a site, while they are on that site, which would somehow notify your site about the page they're viewing. The cleanest way to achieve this would be a browser plugin. You can also do FRAME tricks, like the Digg bar.
