AppSync Resolver only works when I hard code the input. context.arguments does not work - amazon-dynamodb

Edit for clarity: There are no error messages, it simply returns an empty list if the input string is from the context.arguments, suggesting that it simply isn't getting the input variable out on the query tester (setting it up incorrectly brings up that famous typing error of course). I've also made this into a pipeline with the exact same result. Looking around, people suggest making an intermediate object, but surely I'm just getting my input variables out wrong somehow.
I'm working on a project in AWS Appsync using DynamoDB and I've run into a problem with the context.arguments input.
Basically the code all works if I hardcode the string for the book id into the query (full context to follow), but if I use the context.arguments, it simply refuses to work properly, returning an empty array for the "spines".
I have the following types in my schema:
type Book {
id: ID!
title: String
spines: [Spine]
type Spine {
id: ID!
name: String
bookId: ID!
I use the following query:
type Query {
getBook(id: ID!): Book
query getBook($bookId: ID!){
getBook(id: $bookId){
spines {
With the following input (assume this is a relevant guid):
"bookId": "aaaaaaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaaaaaaaaaa"
And this resolver for the spines object:
"version" : "2017-02-28",
"operation" : "Query",
"index" : "bookId-index",
"query" : {
"expression": "#bookId = :bookId",
"expressionNames" : {
"#bookId" : "bookId"
"expressionValues" : {
":bookId" : { "S" : "${}" }
I made sure my data set contained false positives too (spines for other books) so that I know when my query brings back the correct data.
This works if I hardcode a guid as string instead of using context.arguments, and gets exactly what I'm looking for for each book guid.
For example, replacing the expression values with this works perfectly:
"expressionValues" : {
":bookId" : { "S" : "aaaaaaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaaaaaaaaaa" }
Why does "${}" not get the input variable here the same way as it seems to in other queries?

Thanks to #IonutTrestian for pointing me in the right direction.
$ctx.args was empty, but I decided to go up the chain to see what was in the entire context, so $util.error($util.toJson($ctx)).
The json object I found included a little object called "Source", which contained the query return for the Book object.
Long story short, $ when applied to my query worked a charm.
I also know a bit more about debugging DynamoDB resolvers in case I encounter problems like this in future. Thank you so much!


Using Retool to Update Dynamodb Item - ExpressionAttributeValues contains invalid key: Syntax error; key: "44" id

I'm using the Dynamodb resource in Retool, which is successful for GETs/Scans/Puts/Queries, but I can't seem to get an UpdateItem statement to work.
I'm trying to update an item to add a key for a list of maps if it doesn't exist and append an item if the key already does exist.
Update Expression
SET images = list_append(:val, if_not_exists(images, :emptylist))
In Retool, my ExpressionAttributeValues are
":val": [{"location": "{{s3Uploader1.s3FolderName}}/{{s3Uploader1.s3FileName}}"}], ":emptylist":[], which pulls the s3 folder and file names from an s3Uploader and renders to ":val": [{"location": "redactedpath/redacted/redactedfilename"}], ":emptylist":[]
I originally tried the format of calling out the data types, e.g. "M", "L", etc, but I got exactly the same error.
"S": "{{s3Uploader1.s3FolderName}}/{{s3Uploader1.s3FileName}}"
When I run the query, I get the following error:
error:"Unprocessable Entity"
message:"ExpressionAttributeValues contains invalid key: Syntax error; key: "44""
From my understanding, that error message usually specifies the actual key that caused the problem, but from what I can tell, my ExpressionAttributeValues does not contain the string 44. I'm wondering if this is something coming from Retool or if it's perhaps a location instead of the actual key.
I've dug through what feels like the depths of StackOverflow to try different things, but now I feel like I'm stuck.
Additional Information
My original ExpressionAttributeValues was based on Is it possible to combine if_not_exists and list_append in update_item
Similar question, but no answer and different key: ValidationException: ExpressionAttributeValues contains invalid key
Is there anything in the ExpressionAttributeValues that looks like it could cause that error?

Create or Read item in DynamoDb

I'm trying to read an item with ID of X from DynamoDB (Using Appsync graphql) and I want it to create a default item if there is none.
This seems like it should be a normal use case. But the solutions I've tried have all been pretty bad:
I tried to create a Pipeline resolver that would first get the item, then in a second function create an item if there was no item in the result from the previous function. This had with returning the read item.
I tried making a PutAction with the condition that an item with this ID doesn't work. This does what I need it to, but I can't change the response from an error warning, no matter what I do to the response mapping template.
So how does one efficiently create a "read - or create if it does not exist" resolver for DynamoDb?
It turns out that I was close to the solution.
According to this documentation:
Create a putItem resolver that conditionally checks if there is an item with the same unique identifier (in DynamoDB that's usually a primary key and a sort key combination)
If the resolver determines the read object to not be different from the intended new object a warning will not be sent. So we can simply remove ALL fields from the comparison.
"version" : "2017-02-28",
"operation" : "PutItem",
"key" : {
"id" : { "S" : "${}" }
"condition" : {
"expression" : "attribute_not_exists(id)",
"equalsIgnore": [ "__typename", "_version", "_lastChangedAt", "_createdAt", "name", "owner"]
"attributeValues": {
"name": { "S" : "User Username" }

AWS AppSync Query to shape response data (Similar to Group By in SQL)

I have one DynamoDB table with all the data I need for the client, however, I want to shape the data the client receives to reduce client-side manipulation.
My Schema:
type StateCounty {
id: ID!
StateName: String
CountyName: String
Penetration: String
Date: String
and to return a custom query I have the type:
type Query {
getStateCountybyState(StateName: String): StateCountyConnection
This works - and with a simple query
query getStateCountybyState {
getStateCountybyState (StateName: "Delaware") {
items {
the results are returned as expected:
"StateName": "Delaware",
"CountyName": "Kent",
"Date": "02-01-2017"
"StateName": "Delaware",
"CountyName": "Sussex",
"Date": "02-01-2016"
"StateName": "Delaware",
"CountyName": "New Castle",
"Date": "02-01-2018"
I would like to return the data in the following format:
"StateName": "Delaware" {
{ "CountyName": "Kent",
"Date": "02-01-2017"
"CountyName": "Sussex",
"Date": "02-01-2016"
"CountyName": "New Castle",
"Date": "02-01-2018"
I have tried adding GroupCounty: [StateCountyGroup] to the schema:
type StateCounty {
id: ID!
StateName: String
CountyName: String
Penetration: String
Date: String
GroupCounty: [StateCountyGroup]
and then a reference to that in the query
query getStateCountybyState {
getStateCountybyState (StateName: "Delaware") {
items {
GroupCounty: [StateCountyGroup]
I think my issue is within the resolver - currently, it is configured to use the StateName as a key, but I am not sure how to pass the StateName from the primary query to the subquery.
"version" : "2017-02-28",
"operation" : "Query",
"query" : {
"expression" : "StateName = :StateName",
"expressionValues" : {
":StateName" : { "S" : "${context.arguments.StateName}" },
"index" : "StateName-index-copy",
"select" : "ALL_ATTRIBUTES",
Any guidance appreciated - I have gone through the documentation several times, but cannot find an example.
I tried the suggestion below from Richard - and it is definitely on the right track, however, despite multiple variations on the theme, I either return null or the following error (I eliminated some of the county objects returned in the error for brevity):
"message": "Unable to convert set($myresponse = {\n \"Delaware\":
[{SSA=8000, Eligibles=32295, FIPS=10001, StateName=Delaware, SSACNTY=0,
Date=02-01-2016, CountyName=Kent, Enrolled=3066, Penetration=0.0949,
FIPSCNTY=1, FIPSST=10, SSAST=8, id=6865},
{SSA=8010, Eligibles=91332, FIPS=10003, StateName=Delaware, SSACNTY=10, Date=02-01-2016, CountyName=New Castle, Enrolled=10322, Penetration=0.113, FIPSCNTY=3, FIPSST=10, SSAST=8, id=6866},
{SSA=0, Eligibles=10, FIPS=10, StateName=Delaware, SSACNTY=0, Date=02-01-2018, CountyName=Pending County Designation, Enrolled=0, Penetration=0, FIPSCNTY=0, FIPSST=10, SSAST=0, id=325},
{SSA=8000, Eligibles=33371, FIPS=10001, StateName=Delaware, SSACNTY=0, Date=02-01-2017, CountyName=Kent, Enrolled=3603, Penetration=0.108, FIPSCNTY=1, FIPSST=10, SSAST=8, id=3598},
{SSA=8020, Eligibles=58897, FIPS=10005, StateName=Delaware, SSACNTY=20, Date=02-01-2016, CountyName=Sussex, Enrolled=3760, Penetration=0.0638, FIPSCNTY=5, FIPSST=10, SSAST=8, id=6867}) \nnull\n\n to class java.lang.Object."
From reading the above, it sounds like your original query is returning the correct results that you want but not in the response format that you would prefer, as you would like the "StateName" to be a top-level JSON key with the value being a JSON object of the state which you passed in as an argument. Is that accurate? If so then why not use the same query that already works but with a different response template. Something like:
#set($myresponse = {
"$ctx.args.StateName": $ctx.result.items
Note that $myresponse isn't exactly the same as you had above as your example with "stateName" : "Delaware" { ... } wasn't completely valid JSON so I didn't want to make an assumption on what a good structure would be, but the point remains if you're already getting the proper results from your query I would just try to change the structure of your GraphQL results.
Now if I misread the above and you're NOT getting the proper results from the query, the other way that I could read your statement of "primary query to the subquery" is that you're trying to apply an additional "filter" to your query results. If that is the case then you need something like this:
"version" : "2017-02-28",
"operation" : "Query",
"query" : {
"expression" : "StateName = :StateName",
"expressionValues" : {
":StateName" : { "S" : "${context.arguments.StateName}" },
"index" : "StateName-index-copy",
"select" : "ALL_ATTRIBUTES",
"filter" : {
"expression" : "#population >= :population",
"expressionNames" : {
"#population" : "population"
"expressionValues" : {
":population" : $util.dynamodb.toDynamoDBJson($ctx.args.population)
I used an example here where maybe your query also needed to filter by the population size in each county. This may not be representative of what you're looking for but hopefully it helps.
I've written up more information on this in a step-by-step manner, to go through the concepts in pieces.
The key here is not just the response template, but also the fields that you're requesting to be returned (as this is the nature of GraphQL). Let's walk through this by way of example. Now that you're returning an individual item with GraphQL (since your response template is converting an array to a single item) so you'll need to change the expected GraphQL query response type. Suppose you have a GraphQL type in your schema like this:
type State {
id: ID!
population: String!
governor: String!
type Query {
allStates: [State]
If you just convert the response in the template as above you'll see an error like "type mismatch error, expected type LIST" if you run something like this:
query {
That's because your response is no longer returning the individual items. Instead you'll need to change the GraphQL response type [State] to match what your template conversion is doing State like so:
type State {
StateName: String
type Query {
allStates: State
Now if your resolver request template is doing something that returns a list of items (like a DynamoDB scan or Query) you can convert the list to a single item in the response template like so:
#set($convert = {"StateName" : $ctx.result.items })
Then run the following GraphQL query:
query {
And you'll get a single object containing an array of your results back:
"data": {
"allStates": {
"StateName": "[{id=1, population=10000, governor=John Smith}]"
However while this might be pointing out the errors you are having, this is returning a StateName and from your original question I think you are looking to do a bit more by combining records in the response for some optimization, along with some potential filtering. One way to do this would be to create an array (or you could create a map {}) and populate it based on some conditional. For example modify your query to have a StateName as an argument:
type Query {
allStates(StateName: String!): Post
Then you can filter on this in the resolver response template, by using a #foreach and an #if() conditional, then calling .add() only if items in the response are for the state which you requested:
#set($convert = {"StateName" : [] })
#foreach($item in $ctx.result.items)
So now you could run something like this:
query {
And this will give you back just the results for that specific state which you passed as an argument. But you'll notice the selection set of the query is StateName. You could introduce a bit more flexibility by having the possible states listed in your GraphQL type:
type State {
StateName: String
Seattle: String
Texas: String
Now you alter your resolver response template to use the argument for building up the return array since it can specify this in the selection set:
#set($convert = {"$ctx.args.StateName" : [] })
#foreach($item in $ctx.result.items)
So I can run this query:
query {
And I get back my result. Note though that passing Seattle as the argument but requesting back Texas:
query {
This will not work as the response object you created in your map was Seattle: [...] but you had Texas as the selection set.
The final thing that you might want to do is have multiple states returned, which you could do by building up one giant map keyed by the state name, or maybe it's done using the arguments or the selection set through adding state names to the return type as demonstrated above. That's up to you so I'm not sure how you'll want that but hopefully this demonstrates how you can manipulate the responses to meet your needs.

Cannot append values to an entity

My question is : how to append a value given by a user to an entity. The user provided value is dynamic.
The Watson response overwrites the toppings variable with the value given by the user, as you can see in the attached image.
"output": {
"text": "I got an order to add one or more toppings.
Adding <?context.toppings.append('toppings')?>.
Toppings to provide: <?entities['toppings']?.toString()?>"
"context": {
"toppings": "<? entities['toppings']?.toString()?>"
You can append to an array with the .append() function.
In your example, the expression "toppings": "<? entities['toppings']?.toString()?>" will overwrite the toppings variable every time this node is processed with the actual recognized entities #toppings. First the the $toppings variable needs to be defined as an array, e.g.:
"context" : {
"toppings" : []
Then in context part of a dialog node you can write:
"context" : {
"toppings" : "<?$toppings.append(entities['toppings'].toJsonArray())?>"
More info in our doc: Watson Conversation Doc
EDIT: Thinking about this, it is probably not a good idea to have the same name for the entity and for the variable you store it in. :-)

Returning multiple maps in one variable

I am working on a XML parser and I have the following problem :
I have this function which gather some tags value, for example movie title and release date :
func whatever() map[string]interface{} {
And I would like it to return something of this form :
[map[title:Movie01] map[title:Movie02]]
Without changing the return type.
All I have for now is :
And obviously I cannot have duplicate "title" key in one single map.
Can you help me on this ? It's been bothering me for a couple of hours now.
For the record then, as I mentioned in the comments you could try returning a slice of maps such as
func whatever() []map[string]interface{} {
Though depending on your data you might find a better solution in defining an appropriate struct for your domain and returning that.
