Can I use NumberPicker control from android in JavaFX project? - javafx

I'm developing project for Raspberry Pi 3 on JavaFX and for UI I need control like android NumberPicker and it's interesting for me, can I use NumberPicker control from android in JavaFX project?


How to run QT designer studio application in ipad

I developed a qml application using designer studio and i want to run application in iPAD.
How to run QT designer studio application in my ipad
Assuming you are using Qt Design Studio for doing your UI Design in QML and your app is written in C++, you would need to use X Code or Qt Creator in order to build your IOS app. Just bring your qml project into your c++ project, make the bindings to the backend and then build your app from there. Here is a starting point for that -

In WPF control - display a UWP app
This explains a process of showing a UWP app in a separate window than the WPF app. Is it possible to display them in the same window? Eg. display the UWP app inside a WPF control. Or even better : display a UWP control inside a WPF control.
Things have changed and Windows now supports hosting UWP controls inside Win32 applications such as WPF or Windows Forms.
You can find documentation on XAML islands and the hosting process on The article also references sample apps that should help you get started.
I consulted your issue with our team, and as Steven Wick mentioned:
It is currently not possible to display WPF and UWP UI/controls within the same window. A Desktop Bridge app can contain both WPF and UWP components, but their UI will need to reside in separate windows.
It seems like the UI betwwen WPF and UWP can't be mixed stuff, they may in different technologies.

Xamarin.Forms: How to develop an application with bluetooth connectivity in Xamarin.Forms crossplatform project?

Xamarin.Forms: I am new to Xamarin development envirorment. I need to develop a cross platform project (Android, Ios and windows) with bluetooth connectivity. Whether it is possible to develop in Xamarin.Forms crossplatform project else how can I achieve this through .Net technology. Because I have the knowledge in .Net technologies.
You have at least 4 or 5 NuGet packages aimed to BLE and Xamarin.Forms.
Not to mention the examples here:
So yes, it is definitively possible (i'm doing this right now :D)

Is porting QML based app easy to Windows Phone?

On the qt-project web-site there're available sources as for porting QML to iOS, Android.
It appears to be easy.
Is it so for Windows Phone as well?
Is it so for any other platform?
Qt Project has a Qt for WinRT tutorial providing a step-by-step process to build applications for Windows 8 based devices. Basically to resume the tutorial :
You need the appropriate windows runtime
You may have to build Qt from source for that runtime library
You develop and compile Qt as you would do for a desktop app
You have an additional step for packaging the application.

How can I create a service for Desktop application using QT

I am using QT 4.7.3. I do not have `QService in my QT.
Can anyone tell me how can I create the service for my desktop application?
