Can transaction be used on collection? - firebase

I am use Firestore and try to remove race condition in Flutter app by use transaction.
I have subcollection where add 2 document maximum.
Race condition mean more than 2 document may be add because client code is use setData. For example:
‘document2’: documentName,
I am try use transaction to make sure maximum 2 document are add. So if collection has been change (For example new document add to collection) while transaction run, the transaction will fail.
But I am read docs and it seem transaction use more for race condition where set field in document, not add document in subcollection.
For example if try implement:
Firestore.instance.collection(‘collection').document('document').collection('subCollection').runTransaction((transaction) async {
Give error:
error: The method 'runTransaction' isn't defined for the class 'CollectionReference'.
Can transaction be use for monitor change to subcollection?
Anyone know other solution?

Can transaction be use for monitor change to subcollection?
Transactions in Firestore work by a so-called compare-and-swap operation. In a transaction, you read a document from the database, determine its current state, and then set its new state based on that. When you've done that for the entire transaction, you send the whole package of current-state-and-new-state documents to the server. The server then checks whether the current state in the storage layer still matches what your client started with, and if so it commits the new state that you specified.
Knowing this, the only way it is possible to monitor an entire collection in a transaction is to read all documents in that collection into the transaction. While that is technically possible for small collections, it's likely to be very inefficient, and I've never seen it done in practice. Then again, for just the two documents in your collection it may be totally feasible to simply read them in the transaction.
Keep in mind though that a transaction only ensures consistent data, it doesn't necessarily limit what a malicious user can do. If you want to ensure there are never more than two documents in the collection, you should look at a server-side mechanism.
The simplest mechanism (infrastructure wise) is to use Firestore's server-side security rules, but I don't think those will work to limit the number of documents in a collection, as Doug explained in his answer to Limit a number of documents in a subcollection in firestore rules.
The most likely solution in that case is (as Doug also suggests) to use Cloud Functions to write the documents in the subcollection. That way you can simply reject direct writes from the client, and enforce any business logic you want in your Cloud Functions code, which runs in a trusted environment.


Firebase Firestore, Delete Collection with a Callable Cloud Function

if you see here
you can see the below
Consistency - the code above deletes documents one at a time. If you
query while there is an ongoing delete operation, your results may
reflect a partially complete state where only some targeted documents
are deleted. There is also no guarantee that the delete operations
will succeed or fail uniformly, so be prepared to handle cases of
partial deletion.
so how to handle this correctly?
this means "preventing users from accessing this collection while deletion is in progress?"
or "If the work is stopped by accessing the collection in the middle, is it to call the function again from the failed part to proceed with the complete deletion?"
so how to handle this correctly?
It's suggesting that you should check for failures, and retry until there are no documents remaining (or at least until you are satisfied with the result).

Programmatically check Cloud firestore read/write count

Is there any way to check the read or write count depending on the call made by the code. For instance, let's say I have
final ref = Firestore.instance.document('users/uid');
Now that this is 1 read operation, and I can use
This is easy for single operations, how about I am listening for a Stream, how do I know how many read/write operations are taking place by my function calls?
It doesn't matter if it's a stream, or iterating an array, or any other form of consumption. Once the query hits the server, you are charged for the number of documents returned by that query, regardless of how you choose to iterate them. They show up in the client app all at the same time, and you get to choose how to deal with them.
For realtime listeners, you are charged a read for each document that gets delivered to your snapshot listener. Again, it doesn't matter what you do with the documents after that - the cost is already paid.

Are Firestore transactions treated like serial queues?

If underlying data within a Firestore transaction changes during a transaction (from outside the transaction), that transaction is retried to ensure current data. However, if that underlying data can only change from within transactions, are changes to that data effectively serialized? In other words, if a document can only be created and edited through a transaction, when one transaction is executing, are competing transactions (on that same document) made to wait? Is it first-in-first-out or can transactions on the same data interrupt each other?
Transactions are not serialized - this would not scale in the way that Firestore requires. From the perspective of web and mobile clients, transactions use "optimistic locking" to make changes. This style of locking doesn't actually force the document from being changed, it just indicates that the write might not complete the way it was expected because of another change. This is why transactions are retried (as described in the documentation) - if the document changes while the optimistic lock is held, the transaction is given another chance at making its change with the new contents of all documents involved in the transaction.
See also: Cloud Firestore document locking

Downside of using transactions in google firestore

I'm developing a Flutter App and I'm using the Firebase services. I'd like to stick only to using transactions as I prefer consistency over simplicity.
await Firestore.instance.collection('user').document(id).updateData({'name': 'new name'});
await Firestore.instance.runTransaction((transaction) async {
transaction.update(Firestore.instance.collection('user').document(id), {'name': 'new name'});
Are there any (major) downsides to transactions? For example, are they more expensive (Firebase billing, not computationally)? After all there might be changes to the data on the Firestore database which will result in up to 5 retries.
For reference:
"You can also make atomic changes to data using transactions. While
this is a bit heavy-handed for incrementing a vote total, it is the
right approach for more complex changes."
With the specific code samples you're showing, there is little advantage to using a transaction. If your document update makes a static change to a document, without regard to its existing data, a transaction doesn't make sense. The transaction you're proposing is actually just a slower version of the update, since it has to round-trip with the server twice in order to make the change. A plain update just uses a single round trip.
For example, if you want to append data to a string, two clients might overwrite each other's changes, depending on when they each read the document. Using a transaction, you can be sure that each append is going to take effect, no matter when the append was executed, since the transaction will be retried with updated data in the face of concurrency.
Typically, you should strive to get your work done without transactions if possible. For example, prefer to use FieldValue.increment() outside of a transaction instead of manually incrementing within a transaction.
Transactions are intended to be used when you have changes to make to a document (or, typically, multiple documents) that must take the current values of its fields into account before making the final write. This prevents two clients from clobbering each others' changes when they should actually work in tandem.
Please read more about transactions in the documentation to better understand how they work. It is not quite like SQL transactions.
Are there any (major) downsides to transactions?
I don't know any downsides.
For example, are they more expensive (Firebase billing, not computationally)?
No, a transaction costs like any other write operaton. For example, if you create a transaction to increase a counter, you'll be charged with only one write operation.
I'm not sure I understand your last question completely but if a transaction fails, Cloud Firestore retries the transaction for sure.

Can we not query collections inside transactions?

Looking at I see four methods: delete, set, get, update.
I was about to construct a lovely little collection query and pass it to .get, but I see the docs say that .get "Reads the document referenced by the provided DocumentReference."
It appears this means we cannot get a collection, or query a collection, with a Transaction object.
I could query those with the query's .get() method instead of the transaction's .get() method, but if the collection changes out from under me, the transaction will end up in an inconsistent state without retrying.
It seems I am hitting a wall here. Is my understanding correct? Can we not access collections inside a transaction in a consistent way?
Your understanding is correct. When using the web and mobile SDKs, you have to identify the individual documents that you would like to ensure will not change before your transaction is complete. If those documents come from a collection query ahead of time, fine. But think for a moment about how not-scalable it would be if you had to track every document in a (very large) collection in order to complete your transaction.
However, for backend SDKs, you can perform a query inside a transacction and effectively transact on all the documents that were returned by the query, up to the limit of number of documents in a transaction (500).
You can run queries (not just fetch single documents) in a transaction's get() method, but that's only for server execution. So if you really need to do that (say for maintaining denormalized data's consistency), you can put that code in a cloud function and make use of server-side transactions
