How to comment out chunk of code in Pact? - atom-editor

How do I comment out a chunk of code in Pact? Is there a shortcut in Atom for this?
I have tried command+? but it comments it out in HTML format.
This does however work in Pact Web (

Pact is a Lisp-like language and so makes use of Lisp-style comments using semicolons (but not block comments). For example, if you wanted to comment out some pact code, you could do the following
(my-module 'my-keys
;(hello-world-old:string (name:string)
; ...)
(hello-world-new:string (name:string)
You can make use of semicolons in really expressive ways, which are detailed in this great post here: Lisp commenting convention
Cheers, and happy hacking!


Atom data-grammar syntax for keybindings

Can someone give a full explanation of the syntax for Atom's data-grammar attribute (used in keybinding selectors)?
For instance, what is the difference between
[data-grammar='source example']
[data-grammar~='source example']
Also, how do you specify multiple grammars? For instance, how would you specify that a key binding should be limited to html or xml formats?
If there already exists documentation on this somewhere, I have not yet found it, but would appreciate being pointed to it.
Quick Example:
"atom-text-editor[data-grammar='text tex latex']":
Grammar Information & Documentation
I began by looking at the file-types package. source and text categorize languages - source deals with development languages, while text deals with documentation/logs formats.
You can add and customize language recognition by reading the flight manual. I've linked some specific sections below that are helpful for that.
Flight Manual | Basic Customization:
Language Recognition
Language Specific Settings
Working with [data-grammar]:
The little doocumentation given is listed under the Keymaps in Depth section.
Flight Manual | Keymaps in Depth
Selectors and Custom Packages.
This also describes the not([...]) functionality used below and how to manipulate various rules.
Although in the above, grammars are listed in a dot format, ie source.c, to use them in the [data-grammar='<name>'] format spaces are instead required.
An example of how I might use the data grammar option in my keymap.cson config is as such (here I'm using the latex package):
"atom-text-editor[data-grammar='text tex latex']":
The ~ is not the correct syntax for desired functionality with data-grammar. Instead, use something like "atom-text-editor:not([data-grammar='<name>'])":
Note that you wouldn't use data-grammar in something like config.cson. The syntax for language specifics looks something like this instead:
# **config.cson**
softWrap: true
Extra useful information - List of registered Grammars
A dump of the output of Object.keys(atom.grammars.grammarsByScopeName).sort().join('\n') through the Dev Console (View > Developer > Toggle Developer Options > Console)
source.js.rails source.js.jquery
To complement Mr G's answer, atom-text-editor[data-grammar~='html'] with the ~= means match an <atom-text-editor> HTML element with a data-grammar attribute that contains "html" amongst any other possible whitespace separated words.
For example, if the current language of the file is PHP, then the text-editor HTML element will look something like this:
<atom-text-editor data-grammar="text html php">
And atom-text-editor[data-grammar~='html'] will match this.
More info on attribute selectors:
As for trying to select multiple grammars, I don't think it's possible unless they share a common word in the data-grammar attribute, e.g., both HTML and PHP share "html", or both C and JavaScript share "source" (but in this case many other grammars share "source"). The only other way is to specify a keymap for each grammar individually even if it's the same key combination.

what does mean the command if(0) in r?

I have a question, I have been reviewing some code and in one script, the authors use:
#do something
Any help in what if(0) means?
The author (most likely) put the block of code in an if statement so that they could easily remove it if necessary without having to comment it out (or remove it). Similar to if(true) or if(false), you just need to change one value and it would skip that code.
Upon reviewing the code, developers should remove these kinds of statements once they've finalized all their source code not to confuse others.
Looks like something that will never be executed, since 0 = FALSE. Most probably this is a manual switch to test some code in parenthesis.

Perl: Shebang (space?) "#! "?

I've seen both:
#! /path/...
What's right? Does it matter? Is there a history?
I've heard that an ancient version of Unix required there not be a space. But then I heard that was just a rumor. Does anyone know for certain?
Edit: I couldn't think where better to ask this. It is programming related, since the space could make the program operate in a different way, for all I know. Thus I asked it here.
I also have a vague memory that whitespace was not allowed in some old Unix-like systems, but a bit of research doesn't support that.
According to this Wikipedia article, the #! syntax was introduced in Version 8 Unix in January, 1980. Dennis Ritchie's initial announcement of this feature says:
The system has been changed so that if a file being executed begins
with the magic characters #!, the rest of the line is understood to
be the name of an interpreter for the executed file. Previously (and
in fact still) the shell did much of this job; it automatically
executed itself on a text file with executable mode when the text
file's name was typed as a command. Putting the facility into the
system gives the following benefits.
To take advantage of this wonderful opportunity, put
#! /bin/sh
at the left margin of the first line of your shell scripts. Blanks
after ! are OK. Use a complete pathname (no search is done). At the
moment the whole line is restricted to 16 characters but this limit
will be raised.
It's conceivable that some later Unix-like system supported the #! syntax but didn't allow blanks after the !, but given that the very first implementation explicitly allowed blanks, that seems unlikely.
leonbloy's answer provides some more context.
The Perl interpreter itself recognizes a line starting with #!, even on systems where that's not recognized by the kernel. Run perldoc perlrun or see this web page for details.
The #! line is always examined for switches as the line is being
parsed. Thus, if you're on a machine that allows only one argument
with the #! line, or worse, doesn't even recognize the #! line, you
still can get consistent switch behaviour regardless of how Perl was
invoked, even if -x was used to find the beginning of the program.
Perl also permits whitespace after the #!.
(Personally, I prefer to write the #! line without whitespace, but it will work either way.)
And leonjoy's answer points to this web page by Sven Mascheck, which discusses the history of #! in depth. (I mention this now because of a recent discussion on
It seems to usually work both ways. See here. I'd say that the no-space version is much more common today, and, to me, much more appealing.
BTW, this is not specifically related to Perl (but it's definitely related to programming).

Is it possible to have a multi-line comments in R? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Multiline Comment Workarounds?
(11 answers)
Closed 9 years ago.
I found this old thread (from over a year ago), which explains how come R doesn't support a multi-line comments (like /* comment */ of PHP, for example).
I am wondering if this has been resolved in the past year, or if there are other alternatives? (For example, in notepad++ with npptor, you can mark a bunch of lines and press ctrl+q to mark them all as comments, are there similar solutions for other IDE's ?)
R Studio (and Eclipse + StatET): Highlight the text and use CTRL+SHIFT+C to comment multiple lines in Windows.
For macOS, use command+SHIFT+C.
You can, if you want, use standalone strings for multi-line comments — I've always thought that prettier than if (FALSE) { } blocks. The string will get evaluated and then discarded, so as long as it's not the last line in a function nothing will happen.
"This function takes a value x, and does things and returns things that
take several lines to explain"
doEverythingOften <- function(x) {
# Non! Comment it out! We'll just do it once for now.
"if (x %in% 1:9) {
everythingDone = TRUE,
howOftenDone = 1
The main limitation is that when you're commenting stuff out, you've got to watch your quotation marks: if you've got one kind inside, you'll have to use the other kind for the comment; and if you've got something like "strings with 'postrophes" inside that block, then there's no way this method is a good idea. But then there's still the if (FALSE) block.
The other limitation, one that both methods have, is that you can only use such blocks in places where an expression would be syntactically valid - no commenting out parts of lists, say.
Regarding what do in which IDE: I'm a Vim user, and I find
NERD Commenter an utterly excellent tool for quickly commenting or uncommenting multiple lines. Very user-friendly, very well-documented.
Lastly, at the R prompt (at least under Linux), there's the lovely Alt-Shift-# to comment the current line. Very nice to put a line 'on hold', if you're working on a one-liner and then realise you need a prep step first.
CTRL+SHIFT+C in Eclipse + StatET and Rstudio.
if(FALSE) {
precludes multiple lines from being executed. However, these lines still have to be syntactically correct, i.e., can't be comments in the proper sense. Still helpful for some cases though.
No multi-line comments in R as of version 2.12 and unlikely to change. In most environments, you can comment blocks by highlighting and toggle-comment. In emacs, this is 'M-x ;'.
Put the following into your ~/.Rprofile file:
exclude <- function(blah) {
"excluded block"
Now, you can exclude blocks like follows:
Unfortunately, there is still no multi-line commenting in R.
If your text editor supports column-mode, then use it to add a bunch of #s at once. If you use UltraEdit, Alt+c will put you in column mode.

Picking pages from PDF document

How can you pick pages from a PDF file?
Pseudo-code synopsis
pick-pages 1,2-69,70-73,100 example.pdf > put_to_new_file.pdf
My best suggestion would be to try something with PDF toolkit - with Split and Merge, and a simple .bat file construction, something like that shouldn't be much hard.
ghostscript, somethign like
gs -q -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -dFirstPage=3 -dLastPage=3 -sOutputFile=fileout.pdf filein.pdf
This is how I've done it with regular expressions. I counted the number of matches for the following regular expressions:
Case insensitive, by the way.
You're after pdftk.
Probably this is not a popular method, but this is one way. You can use pdflatex. For example, you can write a tex like:
You can write a small script to automize this.
As part of my CAM::PDF Perl library on CPAN, I bundle a command-line utility that does the inverse of what you are asking for, with almost the exact same syntax: original.pdf 74-99,101- target.pdf
