Where to place domain services in AxonIQ - axon

I have a user aggregate which is created using CreateUser command which consists of aggregate identifier and username.
Along with that i have domain service that communicates with mongo db and checks if username exists, if not it puts it there.
eg registerUsername(username) -> true / false whether it registered it or not
My question is, would it be good idea to create command handler on top of the user aggregate that would handle the CreateUser command and whether it has username or not will dispatch proper commands/events? like so:
class UserCommandHandler(
private val repository: Repository<User>,
private val eventBus: EventBus,
private val service: UniqueUserService
) {
fun createUser(cmd: CreateUser) {
if (this.service.registerUsername(cmd.username)) {
this.repository.newInstance { User(cmd.id) }
} else {
this.eventBus.publishEvent(UserCreateFailed(cmd.id, cmd.username))
This question is not necessarily related to the set uniqueness in ddd but more of a question where should i put dependency of domain services? I could probably create user registration saga and inject that service inside saga but i think saga should only rely on command dispatching and not have any if/else logic.

I think the place to put your domain service depends on the use case at hand.
I typically try to have domain service do virtual no outbound calls to other services or databases, at all.
The domain service you're now conceiving however does exactly that to, like you're point out, solve the uniqueness issue.
In this situation, you could likely come by with the suggested approach.
You could also think of introducing a MessageHandlerInterceptor (or even fancier, a HandlerEnhancerDefinition as described here), specifically triggering on the create command and performing the desired check.
If it would be domain service like I depicted mine just now (e.g. zero outbound calls from domain service), then you can safely wire it in your command handling functions to perform some action.
If you're in a Spring environment, simply having your domain service as a bean and providing it as a parameter to your message handling function is sufficient for Axon to resolve it for you (through the means of ParameterResolvers, as described here).
Hope this helps you out #PolishCivil!


Upgrading from MassTransit v5 to v8 and an AutoFac Extension method used by our Multi Tenanted application is no longer available

In a nutshell I'm in the process of upgrading a .NETStandard 2.1 app to .NET 6. Plus upgrading the various libraries accordingly, in particular MassTransit v5 to v8, and AutoFac 4.9.4 to 6.4.0.
This is a multi-tenant application where one instance is shared by multiple tenants, and each tenant has their own database.
The upgrade has gone well apart from one snag. The application uses the, no longer available, AutofacReceivedEndpointExtensions to setup the Tenant details in the Consumer, and I am struggling to find a way to replicate the functionally it provides.
Below is the key bit of code.
config.ReceiveEndpoint(host, azureBusConfig.QueueName, endpoint =>
ConfigureConsumer<MyConsumer>(endpoint, componentContext);
private static void ConfigureConsumer<TConsumer>(IServiceBusReceiveEndpointConfigurator endpoint, IComponentContext componentContext, Action<IConsumerConfigurator<TConsumer>> configure = null)
where TConsumer : class, IConsumer
endpoint.Consumer(componentContext, configure, configureScope: (container, context) =>
var tenantName = context.Headers.Get<string>("tenant");
var userId = context.Headers.Get<int>("userId");
container.RegisterInstance(new NamedTenantInfoProvider(tenantName, userId)).As<ITenantInfoProvider>();
The endpoint.Consumer method as shown is no longer provided.
The ITenantInfoProvider interface is injected into various constructors in the application e.g., to setup the dbContext for a tenant to point to the correct database.
public interface ITenantInfoProvider
string GetTenantName();
int? GetUserId();
There are two implementations of the ITenantInfoProvider. The NamedTenantInfoProvider which is used to set the Tenant from the received message, above.
There is also a RequestTenantInfoProvider, that gets the Tenant from the HttpRequest. e.g. via api call.
The RequestTenantInfoProvider is registered as follows
So, what should happen is that the RequestTenantInfoProvider is injected into the constructors by default, but when a message is being consumed the NamedTenantInfoProvider instance is injected instead.
I have tried to register the NamedTenantInfoProvider as per the RequestTenantInfoProvider. Then inject an IEnumerable into the constructors. And set the Tenant in the consumer.ConfigureConsumer on the Named instance. Then use which ever instance has a Tenant set in the code. However, the NamedTenantInfoProvider instance is set after it is required in the other constructors e.g., dbContext.
The only way I can get the application to fully work is to hardcode a Tenant name in the NamedTenentInfoProvider class.
I was hoping that someone has already refactored some similiar code to replace the endpoint.ConfigureConsumer call and can advise a solution.
It may be that I'm missing a bit of knowledge regarding how scoping works with the Microsoft Dependency Injection/MassTransit configuration. Note: I didn't write the original application, and this is my first dabble with Mass Transit as well.
MassTransit v8 (and onward) only support IServiceCollection, which is part of Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection. Third-party containers are no longer directly supported.
There is a Scoped Filter sample that might help you understand how scopes work with MSDI. The token concept is similar to that used by developers injecting "tenant info" into consumers.

Dynamic scoped dependency resolution in a console app for multiple tenants using dependency injection

In case of a Web API, each request is a distinct scope and dependencies registered as scoped will get resolved per request. So resolving dependencies per request per tenant is easy as the tenant information (like TenantId) can be passed in the HTTP Request headers like below:
services.TryAddScoped<ITenantContext>(x =>
var context = x.GetService<IHttpContextAccessor>().HttpContext;
var tenantId = context.Request.Headers["TenantId"].ToString();
var tenantContext = GetTenantContext(tenantId);
return tenantContext;
Other registrations first resolve TenantContext and use it to resolve other dependencies. For example, IDatabase will be registered as below. During resolution it will resolve and connect to specific tenant database.
services.TryAddScoped<IDatabase>(x =>
var tenantContext = x.GetService<ITenantContext>();
return new Database(tenantContext.DatabaseConnectionString);
This is all good in a Web API service because each request is a scope. I am facing challenges using dependency injection in a multi-tenant Console App. Suppose the app processes items from a
multi-tenant queue and each message can belong to a different tenant. While processing each message, it commits data to tenant specific database. So in this case the scope is each message in a queue and message contains the tenantId.
So when the app reads a message from queue, it needs to get TenantContext. Then resolve other dependencies based on this TenantContext.
One straightforward option I see how this dynamic resolution can be achieved is to create the dependent objects manually using the TenantContext but then I wouldn't be able to leverage dependency injection. All objects would get created manually and disposed after going out of scope after the message is processed.
var messgage = GetMessageFromQueue(queueName);
var tenantContext = GetTenantContext(message.TenantId);
var database = GetDatabaseObject(tenantContext);
// Do other processing now we got the database object connected to specific tenant DB
Is there an option in DI where I can pass in the TenantId dynamically so that TenantContext gets set for this scope and then all further resolution within this scope leverage this TenantContext?
Because the role of the tenancy goes beyond the implementation ("this uses X database") and is actually contextual to the action being performed ("this uses X database and must use this connection string based on the context being handled in the action"), there's some risk of assuming that ambient context is present in alternate implementations due to it not expressly being described in your interface in some way, which is where the DI issue is coming up here.
You might be able to:
Update your interfaces so that the tenancy information is an expected parameter of your methods. This ensures that regardless of future implementation, the presence of the tenant ID is explicit in their signature:
public interface ITenantDatabase {
public TResponse Get(string TenantId, int Id);
//... other methods ...
Add a factory wrapper around your existing interfaces to handle assigning the context at object creation and have that factory return the IDatabase instance. This is basically what you are proposing manually but with an abstraction around it that you could register and inject to keep the code that leverages it from being responsible for the logic:
public interface ITenantDatabaseFactory {
public IDatabase GetDatabaseForTenant(int TenantId);
// Add an implementation that manually generates and returns the scoped objects

Any disadvantages to calling keepSynced on same ref multiple times?

Due to the flow of my app I'm forced to call keepSynced(true) on the same ref every time the user opens the app. I was wondering if it's bad to do so or if Firebase just ignores any redundant keepSynced() calls on the same ref.
How about calling keepSynced(true) on a sub-ref of a ref you already called keepSynced(true) on, are those ignored too?
I'm really looking for a conclusive answer.
keeySynced is either on or off for a path given by a reference. There is no "multiple keepSynced" state - that would be pointless to implement inside the SDK since there is no advantage to doing so.
You only need to call keepSynced(true) once. The way I implement it is to extend the Application Class.
public class GlobalApp extends Application {
public void onCreate() {
Calling keepSynced(true) on a node ensures that the Firebase Database client will synchronize that node whenever it has a connection to the database servers. There is no built-in API to keep a node synchronized when there is no such connection.
will be useful if we enable offline support
If we set keepSynced(true), then whenever a user's internet connection is online, it will update it's node data. More explanation can be read in here
For example : if other user delete the node, than if another user offline. The offline user data will still exist if we're not setting the keepSynced(true).
In some case it will make a force close.
So My conclusion is, either we didn't support offline database,
or support offline but with keepSynced(true). There is also another option, we can choose whenever to keepSynced true or false.

Is there a way to set any property on hub that persists throughout the lifetime of a connection?

To set the right context, let me explain the problem. Till RC1, we used to implement GenerateConnectionIdPrefix() to prefix user Id to the connection Id. Then we could retrieve user id from the connection string anytime we need.
With RC2, we now cannot inherit IConnectionIdPrefixGenerator & implement GenerateConnectionIdPrefix anymore. So I was wondering what are other avenues available to set any property on the hub with our data, that persists throughout the lifetime of the connection.
Going through documentation, I realized setting query strings is one way, but that would mean we need to set it for every call. Setting a round trip state might be another option, but it looks like even that is persistent for a single round-trip and not entire lifetime.
So my end goal is set to property once at start on SignalR connection that can be used throughout the connection lifetime.
If there is nothing available now, are there any plans to add support to achieve something similar in next version?
As suggested below, I tried to set a state Clients.Caller.Userid in the OnConnected method, then tried to access it in the subsequent call, I found that its null. Both calls are from same connection Id.
Look at the "Round-tripping state between client and server" section on https://github.com/SignalR/SignalR/wiki/Hubs.
Basically you can read and write from dynamic properties on Clients.Caller in Hub methods such as OnConnected or anything invoked by a client. Ex:
using System;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR;
namespace StateDemo
public class MyHub : Hub
public override Task OnConnected()
Clients.Caller.UserId = Context.User.Identity.Name;
return base.OnConnected();
public void Send(string data)
// Access the id property set from the client.
string id = Clients.Caller.UserId;
// ...
State that is stored this way will be persisted for the lifetime of the connection.
If you want to learn how to access this state using the SignalR JS client look at the "Round-tripping state" section of https://github.com/SignalR/SignalR/wiki/SignalR-JS-Client-Hubs.
There are other ways to keep track of users without IConnectionIdPrefixGenerator discussed in the following SO answer: SignalR 1.0 beta connection factory

How can I access a service outside of a controller with Symfony2?

I'm building a site that relies quite heavily on a third party API so I thought it would make sense to package up the API wrapper as a service, however I'm starting to find instances where it would be useful to have access to it outside of a controller such as in an entity repository.
Also related to that is it would be useful to be able to get access to config values outside of a controller (again such as in an entity repository).
Can anyone tell me if this is possible and if not is there a suggested approach to doing this kind of thing?
thanks for any help
The Symfony distribution relies heavily on dependency injection. This means that usually, dependencies are injected directly into your object via the constructor, the setters or via other means (like reflection over properties). Your API wrapper service is then a dependency for other objects of your application.
That being said, it would be rather difficult to inject this service in an entity repository's constructor because it already requires some other parameters and I think it would not be possible to inject them because of the way we request the repository for an entity.
What you could do is to create another service which will be responsible of doing the work you were about to do in the entity repository. This way, you will be able to inject the entity manager, which will be used to retrieve the entity repository, you custom service and also another service holding your configuration values (There are other ways to share configuration values).
In my use case, I use a Facebook helper service that wraps Facebook API calls. This service is then injected where I need it. My entity repository is only responsible of doing database calls so it receives only the arguments it needs and not the whole dependency. Thus, it will not receive the helper but rather only the arguments needed to do a request, for example, a Facebook user id. In my opinion, this is the way to do it since I think the entity repository should not have dependencies on such helper objects.
Here a small example using YAML as the configuration:
# app/config/config.yml
class: Application/AcmeBundle/Common/ConfigurationContainer
# You could inject configurations here
class: Application/AcmeBundle/Service/ApiWrapperService
# Inject other arguments if needed and update constructor in consequence
class: Application/AcmeBundle/Data/Access/DatabaseAccessService
entityManager: "#doctrine.orm.entity_manager"
apiWrapperService: "#yourapp.api_wrapper"
configuration: "#yourapp.configuration_container"
# Application/AcmeBundle/Common/ConfigurationContainer.php
public ConfigurationContainer
public function __construct()
// Initialize your configuration values or inject them in the constructor
# Application/AcmeBundle/Service/ApiWrapperService.php
public ApiWrapperService
public function __construct()
// Do some stuff
# Application/AcmeBundle/Data/Access/DatabaseAccessService.php
public DatabaseAccessService
public function __construct(EntityManager $entityManager, ApiWrapperService $apiWrapperService, ConfigurationContainer $configuration)
The at sign (#) in the config.yml file means that Symfony should inject another service ,having the id defined after the at sign, and not a simple string. For the configuration values, as I said previously, there is other means to achieve the same goal like using parameters or a bundle extension. With a bundle extension, you could define the configuration values directly into the config.yml and your bundle would read them.
In conclusion, this should give you the general idea of injecting services. Here a small list of documentation on the subject. Alot of links use the XML service definition instead of the YAML definition but you should be able to understand them quite easily.
Symfony Official DI
Fabien Potencier's articles on DI
Richard Miller's articles on DI (Check in his blog for the other DI articles)
Take note that the configuration I'm giving is working for Beta1 of Symfony2. I didn't update yet to Beta2 so there could be some stuff not working as they are in the Beta2 version.
I hope this will help you defining a final solution to your problem. Don't hesitate to ask other questions if you want clarifications or anything else.
I would wrap this kind of behavior in a Symfony service(like a manager).
i would not inject any parameters or logic into the entity repositories, as they should mainly be used to fetch data using object manager queries.
I would put the logic in the services and if the service , require a database access it will call the entity repository to fetch data.
