neldermead arguments in R - r

I have found no examples of neldermead() on the internet, so I figured I would post the following. That said, I cant figure out how to control the max number of iterations of the algorithm.
Which states the following:
optbase An object of class ’optimbase’, i.e. a list created by optimbase() and containing the following elements:
iterations The number of iterations.
Working example of using Nelder Mead to fit a parabola by minimizing the residuals
library(neldermead); library(nloptr);
## ========= Minimizing the residuals for a 2d quadrature =========== ##
x2d = seq(-4,6,length.out=50); ## x vector definition
ynoise = runif(n=50, min=-2, max = 2) ## noise
y2d = 1.3 + (x2d-2.1)^2 + ynoise ## y data for fitting
## Fitting with nelder-mead
quadmin <- function(x){ sum( (y2d - x[1] - (x2d - x[2])^2)^2 ) }
x000 <- c(1, 2)
sol2d <- neldermead(x0 = x000, fn = quadmin)
yfit = sol2d[[1]][1] + (x2d - sol2d[[1]][2])^2 ## Fitted curve.
plot(x2d, y2d); lines(x2d, yfit) ## Plotting
But I'm looking to do something like:
sol2d <- neldermead(x0 = x000, fn = quadmin, iterations = 200)
^^^ which doesn't work. Neither does putting it into a list:
sol2d <- neldermead(x0 = x000, fn = quadmin, optbase = list(iterations = 200))
This is a basic question about how to use these arguments, so I apologize if this isn't the right title. In advance, thank you for your help.

There are at least tow neldermead functions available in R. One is from the package neldermead which correspond to the documentation you link.
I have not been able to make it work. It gives me back neither error or solution.
The code:
## ========= Minimizing the residuals for a 2d quadrature =========== ##
x2d = seq(-4,6,length.out=50); ## x vector definition
ynoise = runif(n=50, min=-2, max = 2) ## noise
y2d = 1.3 + (x2d-2.1)^2 + ynoise ## y data for fitting
## Fitting with nelder-mead
quadmin <- function(x){
sum(y2d - x[1] - (x2d - x[2])^2)^2 }
x000 <- c(1, 2)
opt <- optimbase(x0 = as.matrix(x000),fx0 = -1000,maxiter = 200,fopt = quadmin,verbose=T)
sol2d <- neldermead::neldermead(opt)
On the other hand, package nloptr also provides a neldermedad function which sintax looks closer to you code and I have been able to run:
## ========= Minimizing the residuals for a 2d quadrature =========== ##
x2d = seq(-4,6,length.out=50); ## x vector definition
ynoise = runif(n=50, min=-2, max = 2) ## noise
y2d = 1.3 + (x2d-2.1)^2 + ynoise ## y data for fitting
## Fitting with nelder-mead
quadmin <- function(x){
sum(y2d - x[1] - (x2d - x[2])^2)^2 }
x000 <- c(1, 2)
sol2d <- nloptr::neldermead(x0 = x000,fn =quadmin,control =list(maxeval=200))
yfit = sol2d[[1]][1] + (x2d - sol2d[[1]][2])^2 ## Fitted curve.
plot(x2d, y2d); lines(x2d, yfit)
As you can see, the only issue with you code was the control part.


Using nlminb to maximize functions

I have the following function and i need it to be maximized instead of minimized.
adbudgReturn = function(Spend,a,b,c,d){
adbudgReturn = sum(b+(a-b)*((Spend^c)/(d+(Spend^c))))
FP_param <- c(95000,0,1.15,700000)
FB_param <- c(23111.55,0,1.15,20000)
GA_param <- c(115004,1409,1.457,2000000)
y = c(0.333333,0.333333,0.333333)
TotalSpend <- function(Budget,y){
FP_clicks = adbudgReturn(Budget * y[1], FP_param[1], FP_param[2], FP_param[3], FP_param[4])
FB_clicks = adbudgReturn(Budget * y[2], FB_param[1], FB_param[2], FB_param[3], FB_param[4])
GA_clicks = adbudgReturn(Budget * y[3], GA_param[1], GA_param[2], GA_param[3], GA_param[4])
return(total = FP_clicks + FB_clicks + GA_clicks)
startValVec = c(0.33333,0.333333,0.3333333)
minValVec = c(0,0.2,0)
maxValVec = c(0.8,1,08)
MaxClicks_optim.parms <- nlminb(objective = TotalSpend,start = startValVec,
lower = minValVec,
upper = maxValVec,
control = list(iter.max=100000,eval.max=20000),
Budget = 10000)
I have tried adding the minus sign in front of the nlminb function i.e:
but without any success. Any help will be appreciated.
Also i would like to add constraints so the sum of the maxValVec = 1
Other optimization functions in R such as optim() have a built-in fnscale control parameter you can use to switch from minimization to maximization (i.e. optim(..., control=list(fnscale=-1)), but nlminb doesn't appear to. So you either need to flip the sign in your original objective function, or (possibly more transparently) make a wrapper function that inverts the sign, e.g.
max_obj <- function(...) -1*TotalSpend(...)
MaxClicks_optim.parms <- nlminb(objective = max_obj,
[ .... everything else as before ... ] )
Note that the ... in the max_obj() definition are literal. The only part of the solution above that needs to be filled in is the [.... everything else as a before ...] part. To be absolutely explicit:
max_obj <- function(...) -1*TotalSpend(...)
MaxClicks_optim.parms <- nlminb(objective = max_obj,
start = startValVec,
lower = minValVec,
upper = maxValVec,
control = list(iter.max=100000,eval.max=20000),
Budget = 1e4)
If you were using a user-specified gradient argument you'd have to wrap that too.
This CV question points out that you can maximize by minimizing the negative of a function, but doesn't go into the nuts and bolts.
An optim()-based solution would look something like:
optim(fn = TotalSpend,
par = startValVec,
lower = minValVec,
upper = maxValVec,
method = "L-BFGS-B",
control = list(maxit=100000, fnscale=-1),
Budget = 1e4)
L-BFGS-B is the only method built into to optim() that does box-constrained optimization
optim() doesn't have separate controls for max iterations and max function evaluations
Here is an example with a simple parabolic function, It works the same with nlminband optim:
## ==== Some preliminaries ========================
a <- b <- seq(-10, 10, 0.1)
## ==== Search for a minimum ======================
# function has minimum
f1 <- function(a, b) {
(a - 1)^2 + (b - 2)^2
## show function, blue color is low
image(a, b, outer(a, b, f1), col=topo.colors(16))
## wrapper: combine parameters
g1 <- function(p) f1(p["a"], p["b"])
## minimization
(ret <- nlminb(c(a=0, b=0), g1))
## show minimum
points(t(ret$par), pch="+", cex=2)
## ==== Search for a maximum =======================
## function has a maximum
f2 <- function(a, b) {
- (a - 1)^2 - (b + 2)^2
## brown color is high
image(a, b, outer(a, b, f2), col=topo.colors(16))
## wrapper: combine parameters, invert sign
g2 <- function(p) -f2(p["a"], p["b"])
## minimization of negative objective = maximization
(ret <- nlminb(c(a=0, b=0), g2))
## show maximum
points(t(ret$par), pch="+", cex=2)

Estimating the Standard Deviation of a ratio using Taylor expansion

I am interested to build a R function that I can use to test the limits of the Taylor series approximation. I am aware that there is limits to what I am doing, but it's exactly those limits I wish to investigate.
I have two normally distributed random variables x and y. x has a mean of 7 and a standard deviation (sd) of 1. y has a mean of 5 and a sd of 4.
me.x <- 4; sd.x <- 1
me.y <- 5; sd.y <- 4
I know how to estimate the mean ratio of y/x, like this
# E(y/x) = E(y)/E(x) - Cov(y,x)/E(x)^2 + Var(x)*E(y)/E(x)^3
me.y/me.x - 0/me.x^2 + sd.x*me.y/me.x^3
[1] 1.328125
I am however stuck on how to estimate the Standard Deviation of the ratio? I realize I have to use a Taylor expansion, but not how to use it.
Doing a simple simulation I get
x <- rnorm(10^4, mean = 4, sd = 1); y <- rnorm(10^4, mean = 5, sd = 4)
[1] 2.027593
There is an analytical expression for the PDF of the ratio of two gaussians, done
by David Hinkley (e.g. see Wikipedia). So we could compute all momentums, means etc. I typed it and apparently it clearly doesn't have finite second momentum, thus it doesn't have finite standard deviation. Note, I've denoted your Y gaussian as my X, and your X as my Y (formulas assume X/Y). I've got mean value of ratio pretty close to the what you've got from simulation, but last integral is infinite, sorry. You could sample more and more values, but from sampling is growing as well, as noted by #G.Grothendieck
m.x <- 5; s.x <- 4
m.y <- 4; s.y <- 1
a <- function(x) {
sqrt( (x/s.x)^2 + (1.0/s.y)^2 )
b <- function(x) {
(m.x*x)/s.x^2 + m.y/s.y^2
c <- (m.x/s.x)^2 + (m.y/s.y)^2
d <- function(x) {
u <- b(x)^2 - c*a(x)^2
l <- 2.0*a(x)^2
exp( u / l )
# PDF for the ratio of the two different gaussians
PDF <- function(x) {
r <- b(x)/a(x)
q <- pnorm(r) - pnorm(-r)
(r*d(x)/a(x)^2) * (1.0/(sqrt(2.0*pi)*s.x*s.y)) * q + exp(-0.5*c)/(pi*s.x*s.y*a(x)^2)
# normalization
nn <- integrate(PDF, -Inf, Inf)
nn <- nn[["value"]]
# plot PDF
p <- ggplot(data = data.frame(x = 0), mapping = aes(x = x))
p <- p + stat_function(fun = function(x) PDF(x)/nn) + xlim(-2.0, 6.0)
# first momentum
m1 <- integrate(function(x) x*PDF(x), -Inf, Inf)
m1 <- m1[["value"]]
# mean
# some sampling
n <- 10^7L
x <- rnorm(n, mean = m.x, sd = s.x); y <- rnorm(n, mean = m.y, sd = s.y)
# second momentum - Infinite!
m2 <- integrate(function(x) x*x*PDF(x), -Inf, Inf)
Thus, it is impossible to test any Taylor expansion for
With the cautions suggested by #G.Grothendieck in mind: a useful mnemonic for products and quotients of independent X and Y variables is
CV^2(X/Y) = CV^2(X*Y) = CV^2(X) + CV^2(Y)
where CV is the coefficient of variation (sd(X)/mean(X)), so CV^2 is Var/mean^2. In other words
Var(Y/X)/(m(Y/X))^2 = Var(X)/m(X)^2 + Var(Y)/m(Y)^2
or rearranging
sd(Y/X) = sqrt[ Var(X)*m(Y/X)^2/m(X)^2 + Var(Y)*m(Y/X)^2/m(Y)^2 ]
For random variables with the mean well away from zero, this is a reasonable approximation.
y <- rnorm(1000,mean=5)
x <- rnorm(1000,mean=10)
myx <- mean(y/x)
sqrt(var(x)*myx^2/mean(x)^2 + var(y)*myx^2/mean(y)^2) ## 0.110412
sd(y/x) ## 0.1122373
Using your example is considerably worse because the CV of Y is close to 1 -- I initially thought it looked OK, but now I see that it's biased as well as not capturing the variability very well (I'm also plugging in the expected values of the mean and SD rather than their simulated values, but for such a large sample that should be a minor part of the error.)
me.x <- 4; sd.x <- 1
me.y <- 5; sd.y <- 4
myx <- me.y/me.x - 0/me.x^2 + sd.x*me.y/me.x^3
x <- rnorm(1e4,me.x,sd.x); y <- rnorm(1e4,me.y,sd.y)
sdyx <- sqrt(sd.x^2*myx^2/me.x^2 + sd.y^2*myx^2/me.y^2)
## 1.113172 1.197855
rvals <- replicate(1000,
min(rvals) ## 1.182698
All the canned delta-method approaches to computing the variance of Y/X use the point estimate for Y/X (i.e. m(Y/X) = mY/mX), rather than the second-order approximation you used above. Constructing higher-order forms for both the mean and the variance should be straightforward if possibly tedious (a computer algebra system might help ...)
mvec <- c(x = me.x, y = me.y)
V <- diag(c(sd.x, sd.y)^2)
car::deltaMethod(mvec, "y/x", V)
## Estimate SE
## y/x 1.25 1.047691
sqrt(deltavar(y/x,meanval=mvec,Sigma=V)) ## 1.047691
sqrt(sd.x^2*(me.y/me.x)^2/me.x^2 + sd.y^2*(me.y/me.x)^2/me.y^2) ## 1.047691
For what it's worth, I took the code in #SeverinPappadeux's answer and made it into a function gratio(mx,my,sx,sy). For the Cauchy case (gratio(0,0,1,1)) it gets confused and reports a mean of 0 (which should be NA/divergent) but correctly reports the variance/std dev as divergent. For the parameters specified by the OP (gratio(5,4,4,1)) it gives mean=1.352176, sd=NA as above. For the first parameters I tried above (gratio(10,5,1,1)) it gives mean=0.5051581, sd=0.1141726.
These numerical experiments strongly suggest to me that the ratio of Gaussians sometimes has a well-defined variance, but I don't know when (time for another question on Math StackOverflow or CrossValidated?)
Such approximations are unlikely to be useful since the distribution may not have a finite standard deviation. Look at how unstable it is:
n <- 10^6
X <- rnorm(n, me.x, sd.x)
Y <- rnorm(n, me.y, sd.y)
sd(head(Y/X, 10^3))
## [1] 1.151261
sd(head(Y/X, 10^4))
## [1] 1.298028
sd(head(Y/X, 10^5))
## [1] 1.527188
## [1] 1.863168
Contrast that with what happens when we try the same thing with a normal random variable:
sd(head(Y, 10^3))
## [1] 3.928038
sd(head(Y, 10^4))
## [1] 3.986802
sd(head(Y, 10^5))
## [1] 3.984113
## [1] 3.999024
Note: If you were in a different situation, e.g. the denominator has compact support, then you could do this:
m <- c(x = me.x, y = me.y)
v <- diag(c(sd.x, sd.y)^2)
deltaMethod(m, "y/x", v)

hand-rolled R code for Poisson MLE

I'm attempting to write my own function to understand how the Poisson distribution behaves within a Maximum Likelihood Estimation framework (as it applies to GLM).
I'm familiar with R's handy glm function, but wanted to try and hand-roll some code to understand what's going on:
n <- 10000 # sample size
b0 <- 1.0 # intercept
b1 <- 0.2 # coefficient
x <- runif(n=n, min=0, max=1.5) # generate covariate values
lp <- b0+b1*x # linear predictor
lambda <- exp(lp) # compute lamda
y <- rpois(n=n, lambda=lambda) # generate y-values
dta <- data.frame(y=y, x=x) # generate dataset
negloglike <- function(lambda) {n*lambda-sum(x)*log(lambda) + sum(log(factorial(y)))} # build negative log-likelihood
starting.vals <- c(0,0) # one starting value for each parameter
pars <- c(b0, b1)
maxLike <- optim(par=pars,fn=negloglike, data = dta) # optimize
My R output when I enter maxLike is the following:
Error in fn(par, ...) : unused argument (data = list(y = c(2, 4....
I assume I've specified optim within my function incorrectly, but I'm not familiar enough with the nuts-and-bolts of MLE or constrained optimization to understand what I'm missing.
optim can only use your function in a certain way. It assumes the first parameter in your function takes in the parameters as a vector. If you need to pass other information to this function (in your case the data) you need to have that as a parameter of your function. Your negloglike function doesn't have a data parameter and that's what it is complaining about. The way you have it coded you don't need one so you probably could fix your problem by just removing the data=dat part of your call to optim but I didn't test that. Here is a small example of doing a simple MLE for just a poisson (not the glm)
negloglike_pois <- function(par, data){
x <- data$x
lambda <- par[1]
-sum(dpois(x, lambda, log = TRUE))
dat <- data.frame(x = rpois(30, 5))
optim(par = 4, fn = negloglike_pois, data = dat)
> optim(par = 4, fn = negloglike_pois, data = dat)
[1] 4.833594
[1] 65.7394
function gradient
22 NA
[1] 0
Warning message:
In optim(par = 4, fn = negloglike_pois, data = dat) :
one-dimensional optimization by Nelder-Mead is unreliable:
use "Brent" or optimize() directly
> # The "true" MLE. We didn't hit it exactly but came really close
> mean(dat$x)
[1] 4.833333
Implementing the comments from Dason's answer is quite straightforward, but just in case:
d <- data.table(id = as.character(1:100),
x1 = runif(100, 0, 1),
x2 = runif(100, 0, 1))
#' the assumption is that lambda can be written as
#' log(lambda) = b1*x1 + b2*x2
#' (In addition, could add a random component)
d[, mean := exp( 1.57*x1 + 5.86*x2 )]
#' draw a y for each of the observations
#' (rpois is not vectorized, need to use sapply)
d[, y := sapply(mean, function(x)rpois(1,x)) ]
negloglike_pois <- function(par, data){
data <- copy(d)
# update estimate of the mean
data[, mean_tmp := exp( par[1]*x1 + par[2]*x2 )]
# calculate the contribution of each observation to the likelihood
data[, log_p := dpois(y, mean_tmp, log = T)]
#' Now we can sum up the probabilities
data[, -sum(log_p)]
optim(par = c(1,1), fn = negloglike_pois, data = d)
[1] 1.554759 5.872219
[1] 317.8094
function gradient
95 NA
[1] 0

Specifying a correlation structure for a linear mixed model using the ramps package in R

I am trying to create a linear mixed model (lmm) that allows for a spatial correlation between points (have lat/long for each point). I would like the spatial correlation to be based upon the great circular distance between points.
The package ramps includes a correlation structure that computes the ‘haversine’ distance – although I am having trouble implementing it. I have previously used other correlation structures (corGaus, corExp) and not had any difficulties. I am assuming the corRGaus with the 'haversine' metric can be implemented in the same way.
I am able to successfully create an lmm with spatial correlation calculated on a planar distance using the lme function.
I am also able to create a linear model (not mixed) with spatial correlation calculated using great circular distance although there are errors with the correlation structure using the gls command.
When trying to the use the gls command for a linear model with the great circular distance I have the following errors:
x = runif(20, 1,50)
y = runif(20, 1,50)
gls(x ~ y, cor = corRGaus(form = ~ x + y))
Generalized least squares fit by REML
Model: x ~ y
Data: NULL
Log-restricted-likelihood: -78.44925
(Intercept) y
24.762656602 0.007822469
Correlation Structure: corRGaus
Formula: ~x + y
Parameter estimate(s):
Error in attr(object, "fixed") && unconstrained :
invalid 'x' type in 'x && y'
When I increase the size of the data there are memory allocation errors (still a very small dataset):
x = runif(100, 1, 50)
y = runif(100, 1, 50)
lat = runif(100, -90, 90)
long = runif(100, -180, 180)
gls(x ~ y, cor = corRGaus(form = ~ x + y))
Error in glsEstimate(glsSt, control = glsEstControl) :
'Calloc' could not allocate memory (18446744073709551616 of 8 bytes)
When trying to run a mixed model using the lme command and the corRGaus from the ramps package the following results:
x = runif(100, 1, 50)
y = runif(100, 1, 50)
LC = c(rep(1, 50) , rep(2, 50))
lat = runif(100, -90, 90)
long = runif(100, -180, 180)
lme(x ~ y,random = ~ y|LC, cor = corRGaus(form = ~ long + lat))
Error in `coef<-.corSpatial`(`*tmp*`, value = value[parMap[, i]]) :
NA/NaN/Inf in foreign function call (arg 1)
In addition: Warning messages:
1: In nlminb(c(coef(lmeSt)), function(lmePars) -logLik(lmeSt, lmePars), :
NA/NaN function evaluation
2: In nlminb(c(coef(lmeSt)), function(lmePars) -logLik(lmeSt, lmePars), :
NA/NaN function evaluation
I am unsure about how to proceed with this method. The "haversine" function is what I want to use to complete my models, but I am having trouble implementing them. There are very few questions anywhere about the ramps package, and I have seen very few implementations. Any helps would be greatly appreciated.
I have previously attempted to modify the nlme package and was unable to do so. I posted a question about this, where I was recommended to use the ramps package.
I am using R 3.0.0 on a Windows 8 computer.
OK, here is an option that implements various spatial correlation structures in gls/nlme with haversine distance.
The various corSpatial-type classes already have machinery in place to construct a correlation matrix from spatial covariates, given a distance metric. Unfortunately, dist does not implement haversine distance, and dist is the function called by corSpatial to compute a distance matrix from the spatial covariates.
The distance matrix computations are performed in getCovariate.corSpatial. A modified form of this method will pass the appropriate distance to other methods, and the majority of methods will not need to be modified.
Here, I create a new corStruct class, corHaversine, and modify only getCovariate and one other method (Dim) that determines which correlation function is used. Those methods which do not need modification, are copied from equivalent corSpatial methods. The (new) mimic argument in corHaversine takes the name of the spatial class with the correlation function of interest: by default, it is set to "corSpher".
Caveat: beyond ensuring that this code runs for spherical and Gaussian correlation functions, I haven't really done a lot of checking.
#### corHaversine - spatial correlation with haversine distance
# Calculates the geodesic distance between two points specified by radian latitude/longitude using Haversine formula.
# output in km
haversine <- function(x0, x1, y0, y1) {
a <- sin( (y1 - y0)/2 )^2 + cos(y0) * cos(y1) * sin( (x1 - x0)/2 )^2
v <- 2 * asin( min(1, sqrt(a) ) )
6371 * v
# function to compute geodesic haversine distance given two-column matrix of longitude/latitude
# input is assumed in form decimal degrees if radians = F
# note is more efficient
haversineDist <- function(xy, radians = F) {
if (ncol(xy) > 2) stop("Input must have two columns (longitude and latitude)")
if (radians == F) xy <- xy * pi/180
hMat <- matrix(NA, ncol = nrow(xy), nrow = nrow(xy))
for (i in 1:nrow(xy) ) {
for (j in i:nrow(xy) ) {
hMat[j,i] <- haversine(xy[i,1], xy[j,1], xy[i,2], xy[j,2])
## for most methods, machinery from corSpatial will work without modification
Initialize.corHaversine <- nlme:::Initialize.corSpatial
recalc.corHaversine <- nlme:::recalc.corSpatial
Variogram.corHaversine <- nlme:::Variogram.corSpatial
corFactor.corHaversine <- nlme:::corFactor.corSpatial
corMatrix.corHaversine <- nlme:::corMatrix.corSpatial
coef.corHaversine <- nlme:::coef.corSpatial
"coef<-.corHaversine" <- nlme:::"coef<-.corSpatial"
## Constructor for the corHaversine class
corHaversine <- function(value = numeric(0), form = ~ 1, mimic = "corSpher", nugget = FALSE, fixed = FALSE) {
spClass <- "corHaversine"
attr(value, "formula") <- form
attr(value, "nugget") <- nugget
attr(value, "fixed") <- fixed
attr(value, "function") <- mimic
class(value) <- c(spClass, "corStruct")
} # end corHaversine class
environment(corHaversine) <- asNamespace("nlme")
Dim.corHaversine <- function(object, groups, ...) {
if (missing(groups)) return(attr(object, "Dim"))
val <- Dim.corStruct(object, groups)
val[["start"]] <- c(0, cumsum(val[["len"]] * (val[["len"]] - 1)/2)[-val[["M"]]])
## will use third component of Dim list for spClass
names(val)[3] <- "spClass"
val[[3]] <- match(attr(object, "function"), c("corSpher", "corExp", "corGaus", "corLin", "corRatio"), 0)
environment(Dim.corHaversine) <- asNamespace("nlme")
## getCovariate method for corHaversine class
getCovariate.corHaversine <- function(object, form = formula(object), data) {
if (is.null(covar <- attr(object, "covariate"))) { # if object lacks covariate attribute
if (missing(data)) { # if object lacks data
stop("need data to calculate covariate")
covForm <- getCovariateFormula(form)
if (length(all.vars(covForm)) > 0) { # if covariate present
if (attr(terms(covForm), "intercept") == 1) { # if formula includes intercept
covForm <- eval(parse(text = paste("~", deparse(covForm[[2]]),"-1",sep=""))) # remove intercept
# can only take covariates with correct names
if (length(all.vars(covForm)) > 2) stop("corHaversine can only take two covariates, 'lon' and 'lat'")
if ( !all(all.vars(covForm) %in% c("lon", "lat")) ) stop("covariates must be named 'lon' and 'lat'")
covar <-, model.frame(covForm, data, drop.unused.levels = TRUE) ) ) )
covar <- covar[,order(colnames(covar), decreasing = T)] # order as lon ... lat
else {
covar <- NULL
if (!is.null(getGroupsFormula(form))) { # if groups in formula extract covar by groups
grps <- getGroups(object, data = data)
if (is.null(covar)) {
covar <- lapply(split(grps, grps), function(x) as.vector(dist(1:length(x) ) ) ) # filler?
else {
giveDist <- function(el) {
el <- as.matrix(el)
if (nrow(el) > 1) as.vector(haversineDist(el))
else numeric(0)
covar <- lapply(split(covar, grps), giveDist )
covar <- covar[sapply(covar, length) > 0] # no 1-obs groups
else { # if no groups in formula extract distance
if (is.null(covar)) {
covar <- as.vector(dist(1:nrow(data) ) )
else {
covar <- as.vector(haversineDist(as.matrix(covar) ) )
if (any(unlist(covar) == 0)) { # check that no distances are zero
stop("cannot have zero distances in \"corHaversine\"")
} # end method getCovariate
environment(getCovariate.corHaversine) <- asNamespace("nlme")
To test that this runs, given range parameter of 1000:
## test that corHaversine runs with spherical correlation (not testing that it WORKS ...)
sample_data <- data.frame(lon = -121:-22, lat = -50:49)
ran <- 1000 # 'range' parameter for spherical correlation
dist_matrix <- as.matrix(haversineDist(sample_data)) # haversine distance matrix
# set up correlation matrix of response
corr_matrix <- 1-1.5*(dist_matrix/ran)+0.5*(dist_matrix/ran)^3
corr_matrix[dist_matrix > ran] = 0
diag(corr_matrix) <- 1
# set up covariance matrix of response
sigma <- 2 # residual standard deviation
cov_matrix <- (diag(100)*sigma) %*% corr_matrix %*% (diag(100)*sigma) # correlated response
# generate response
sample_data$y <- mvrnorm(1, mu = rep(0, 100), Sigma = cov_matrix)
# fit model
gls_haversine <- gls(y ~ 1, correlation = corHaversine(form=~lon+lat, mimic="corSpher"), data = sample_data)
# Correlation Structure: corHaversine
# Formula: ~lon + lat
# Parameter estimate(s):
# range
# 1426.818
# Coefficients:
# Value Std.Error t-value p-value
# (Intercept) 0.9397666 0.7471089 1.257871 0.2114
# Standardized residuals:
# Min Q1 Med Q3 Max
# -2.1467696 -0.4140958 0.1376988 0.5484481 1.9240042
# Residual standard error: 2.735971
# Degrees of freedom: 100 total; 99 residual
Testing that it runs with Gaussian correlation, with range parameter = 100:
## test that corHaversine runs with Gaussian correlation
ran = 100 # parameter for Gaussian correlation
corr_matrix_gauss <- exp(-(dist_matrix/ran)^2)
diag(corr_matrix_gauss) <- 1
# set up covariance matrix of response
cov_matrix_gauss <- (diag(100)*sigma) %*% corr_matrix_gauss %*% (diag(100)*sigma) # correlated response
# generate response
sample_data$y_gauss <- mvrnorm(1, mu = rep(0, 100), Sigma = cov_matrix_gauss)
# fit model
gls_haversine_gauss <- gls(y_gauss ~ 1, correlation = corHaversine(form=~lon+lat, mimic = "corGaus"), data = sample_data)
With lme:
## runs with lme
# set up data with group effects
group_y <- as.vector(sapply(1:5, function(.) mvrnorm(1, mu = rep(0, 100), Sigma = cov_matrix_gauss)))
group_effect <- rep(-2:2, each = 100)
group_y = group_y + group_effect
group_name <- factor(group_effect)
lme_dat <- data.frame(y = group_y, group = group_name, lon = sample_data$lon, lat = sample_data$lat)
# fit model
lme_haversine <- lme(y ~ 1, random = ~ 1|group, correlation = corHaversine(form=~lon+lat, mimic = "corGaus"), data = lme_dat, control=lmeControl(opt = "optim") )
# Correlation Structure: corHaversine
# Formula: ~lon + lat | group
# Parameter estimate(s):
# range
# 106.3482
# Fixed effects: y ~ 1
# Value Std.Error DF t-value p-value
# (Intercept) -0.0161861 0.6861328 495 -0.02359033 0.9812
# Standardized Within-Group Residuals:
# Min Q1 Med Q3 Max
# -3.0393708 -0.6469423 0.0348155 0.7132133 2.5921573
# Number of Observations: 500
# Number of Groups: 5
See if this answer on R-Help is useful:
I just checked and and doesn't appear that the ramps or nlme packages have been modified to incorporate those changes suggested by Malcolm Fairbrother, so you will need to do some hacking. I don't want to be considered for the bounty since I am not posting a tested solution and I didn't dream it up either.

How to plot the probabilistic density function of a function?

Assume A follows Exponential distribution; B follows Gamma distribution
How to plot the PDF of 0.5*(A+B)
This is fairly straight forward using the "distr" package:
A <- Exp(rate=3)
B <- Gammad(shape=2, scale=3)
conv <- 0.5*(A+B)
plot(conv, to.draw.arg=1)
Edit by JD Long
Resulting plot looks like this:
If you're just looking for fast graph I usually do the quick and dirty simulation approach. I do some draws, slam a Gaussian density on the draws and plot that bad boy:
numDraws <- 1e6
gammaDraws <- rgamma(numDraws, 2)
expDraws <- rexp(numDraws)
combined <- .5 * (gammaDraws + expDraws)
output should look a little like this:
Here is an attempt at doing the convolution (which #Jim Lewis refers to) in R. Note that there are probably much more efficient ways of doing this.
lower <- 0
upper <- 20
t <- seq(lower,upper,0.01)
fA <- dexp(t, rate = 0.4)
fB <- dgamma(t,shape = 8, rate = 2)
## C has the same distribution as (A + B)/2
dC <- function(x, lower, upper, exp.rate, gamma.rate, gamma.shape){
integrand <- function(Y, X, exp.rate, gamma.rate, gamma.shape){
dexp(Y, rate = exp.rate)*dgamma(2*X-Y, rate = gamma.rate, shape = gamma.shape)*2
out <- NULL
for(ix in seq_along(x)){
out[ix] <-
integrate(integrand, lower = lower, upper = upper,
X = x[ix], exp.rate = exp.rate,
gamma.rate = gamma.rate, gamma.shape = gamma.shape)$value
fC <- dC(t, lower=lower, upper=upper, exp.rate=0.4, gamma.rate=2, gamma.shape=8)
## plot the resulting distribution
ylim = range(fA,fB,na.rm=TRUE,finite = TRUE),
xlab = 'x',ylab = 'f(x)',type = 'l')
lines(t,fB,lty = 2)
lines(t,fC,lty = 3)
legend('topright', c('A ~ exp(0.4)','B ~ gamma(8,2)', 'C ~ (A+B)/2'),lty = 1:3)
I'm not an R programmer, but it might be helpful to know that for independent random variables with PDFs f1(x) and f2(x), the PDF
of the sum of the two variables is given by the convolution f1 * f2 (x) of the two input PDFs.
