Firebase custom auth provider I don't control/have access to? - firebase

Is it possible to use a custom authentication provider which I don't have any control over?
I develop an app in addition to a teachable course. Teachable is a platform like shopify where you can create online courses.
I want to use it as an auth provider, so a user, that already has an account can login with his teachable account.
To my knowledge custom authentications with auth tokes work like this: I send a request to my server with the entered user credentials. From my server I use these credential to login to teachable, if that was successful my server gets a callback and I return a token to my client, so the login was successful.
However as far as I know teachable doesn't have an api option for me to login and get a callback if it was successful.
What can I do about this? Also are there any security issues I didn't realized?

Your understanding of the flow to add a custom provider to Firebase Authentication is correct. You need to be able get the authenticated token from the provider, and mint a Firebase custom token from it.
If the provider you're looking to add doesn't have an API, you won't be able to add it as a custom provider to Firebase though.
I don't immediately see another way to connect the provider without an API.


authentication with firebase authorization with custom service

I need to use the authentication service from firebase. but use my existing authorization service.
Can i use user token, sessions info from firebase.auth().onAuthStateChanged(function(user) {})
what is the best way/ways to manage these kind of use cases.
Should i also store my user details cookies, token etc?
You can implement a custom provider for Firebase Authentication. In this process:
You sign the user in to your service with their credentials as usual.
You then mint a token based on the user's profile.
The user then uses that token to sign in to Firebase.
The entire process is quite well documented on the links I included above.

Custom authentication with Azure AD and Firebase

I'm creating the authentication for an app that requires Office 365 integration. I got the authentication in the front-end to work but I'm not sure what is the best way to link this authentication information to Firebase Cloud Functions.
I saw answers related to this that say I should redirect the user to the login page of Azure AD and get the token back to my cloud functions to mint a custom token and give that one back to the user.
But this is not clear for me, how can I confirm this token the user sent is valid?
And can I use the admin.auth().verifyToken() to get the user information from this custom token?

Where exactly Firebase custom authentication can be used and what are main uses?

Mainly token are used for authentication but firebase provides different
Sign-in providers like email and password, Facebook, Google, GitHub and Anonymous for authentication. Then what are this tokens used for?
Can anybody guide me to a use case where this custom tokens are useful?
Here's where I got to know about this Custom tokens:
Custom tokens are used when you want to use a Custom Auth System:
You can integrate Firebase Authentication with a custom authentication
system by modifying your authentication server to produce custom
signed tokens when a user successfully signs in. Your app receives
this token and uses it to authenticate with Firebase.
For example: Let's say you're developing an app that needs authentication, but you don't want to use the Auth Providers that Firebase supports (Google,Twitter,Facebook,etc). Let's say you want to use Instagram Auth.
Since Instagram Auth is not provided by Firebase you can't set your Realtime Database rules to auth!=null. You'll probably set it to public, which means that anyone can access your data and this is an obvious security risk(Your database is not safe at all).
So what you can do is create your custom auth system that allows a user to authenticate with Instagram and then give him a Custom Token. The user will then use this token when signing in to your Firebase App, and he will be recognized on Firebase Authentication. Which means that he can now access data that is protected by auth!=null. Your database no longer needs to be public.

Is there any way to programmatically authenticate customers in Shopify?

We have a custom app hosted in Firebase (Google's Backend as a service). We would like to use Shopify's authentication so the user doesn't have to create an account in the app as well as the Shopify store (where we require accounts).
The key: I need to have some mechanism (like an API) that I can use to have Shopify authenticate a user. (Assume the customer has already created an account in the Shopify store. Account creation will be handled by the normal Shopify process.)
I can create a page in my app to ask for email / pass. Is there some way to send this info (perhaps along with some sort of token generated from a private app) to authenticate the customer? I just need Shopify to confirm whether the email / pass is correct, so I can then 'login' the user into my Firebase app.
Any direction / thoughts / suggestions are greatly appreciated.
PS. Firebase offers a 'custom authentication' option, along with email, Google+, Facebook. The custom auth option requires sending user / pass to the authentication server, which in this case, would be Shopify.
EDIT: Based on the responses, edited to clarify that I need some way to authenticate the user in Shopify. Handling the custom auth into Firebase seems like a fairly straightforward task, once I receive some sort of signal from Shopify telling me the users email / pass is valid.
This is a classic use case for custom Auth with Firebase. You send email/pass to your backend, authenticate with shopify, on success create a custom token with the user's id (most likely using shopify's user id), send it back to the client which would signInWithCustomToken signing in to Firebase.
Customer logs in to Shopify
Logged in Customer has an ID
Use App Proxy in your App to accept this ID using a secure callback
Use the Shopify API to look up the customer with the secure ID
If customer is found, they are then authentic and can use your App
Why is that not a useful and simple pattern for you to use?
You should take a look to Shopify MultiPass. Although, you need Shopify Plus that is very expensive.

Using email/password authentication with basic Firebase app, would like to add username

I'm developing a basic messaging app with Firebase's built-in email/password authentication system. I'd like to add a key value "username" option to the resultant authData payload as a message author identifier that's not the user's email address.
I've read the official documentation front to back and from all accounts, the idea is to migrate over to a custom token authentication system if you're adding custom data to the authData, but i'd really like to keep the existing auth system as is, unless I can continue to use the same auth information already resident in Firebase but just with a new custom token auth login.
You cannot add custom attributes to the authData (or the auth variable in security rules) for the built-in email+password or OAuth providers. The common way around this limitation is as Jay commented to store the additional user data in your Firebase database under a /users/$uid node.
The only identity provider where you have control over the authData is when you use custom authentication.
