Android Fabric to Firebase migration effects on production app - firebase

I have gone through many of the Fabric and Firebase documentation to see what will happen to my production Android app, if I do not migrate or change the Fabric sdk.
If I don't do this, what will be the impact to my app, my users, myself (What Crash information won't I be able to see)
To be more specific:
Will the app be removed from the Play Store (Like what has happened for permission changes - I think this is not a serious problem and the app will not be removed)?
The app will not report any crash logs in Fabric
Is there a way to see the crash logs in Firebase without updating the app?
Any other changes I need to know about?

Kevin from Fabric here!
To answer your questions:
We haven't run into anyone having their app removed for permissions reasons after completing the migration - this shouldn't be an issue.
After setting up the migration, you will be able to see your Crashlytics information flowing to both your Fabric and Firebase dashboards without any further set up required.
The steps are:
-Make sure you're an admin in Fabric and have the "Owner" role in Firebase
-Head to
-Drag the desired Fabric apps to their locations in Firebase
-The apps will be linked and crashes will be viewable in both
As long as you continue to update the Crashlytics dependencies as normal you shouldn't see any disruptions to your crash logs in either dashboard as of now.
Check out our roadmap to learn more about migration plans feature rollout.


How can I unregister from Firebase Appcheck App Attest?

I've registered my unity app to App Attest in App Check firebase console. Then I saw that app check is not available for unity projects yet. Now I have to unregister my app from it, how can I do it?
It sounds like you've enabled App Check for your project, but are not actually enforcing it yet. There is no way to roll this initial operation back, but since it doesn't actually affect the functioning of your apps yet that should not lead to any problems.

Migrating SafetyNet to Play Integrity API for Firebase

I'm developing a flutter application which uses Firebase as its framework. One of Firebase's features that we use is App Check. I've been using SafetyNet for my Android App Check, but recently I've gotten an email from Google that states that SafetyNet will be discontinued and developers are recommended to migrate to Play Integrity. The problem is, I don't know how to do so, I've tried changing it directly from Firebase Console, and now both my Play Integrity and SafetyNet option is checked, last time it was only SafetyNet. Are there any steps that I might've missed? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Firebase and Expo. Deploy Expo App. Hiding Keys

I see this question has already been asked but not all that recently so I am bringing it up again.
How do you hide your firebaseConfig file, or any secret key, in an expo application? (For production, not dev).
As far as I can tell, there is no way to properly hide the firebase config file with API keys etc in a react-native expo app.
Being that I have already built my entire app around interacting with firestore, I am a bit perplexed as to how to proceed forward.
If I eject, is there a way to properly hide my API key in a non-expo react-native-app? Or will I still face the same problem? Everything is working smoothly and I would prefer not to eject.
I have some experience using node.js/express.js as a backend (only ever in a development setting). Should I build myself a server and then serve the config info from there?
If I want to deploy a 'demo' app, is there a way to hide the keys while still using expo?
Any insight into this would be so helpful.
As far as I am aware there is no 'dotenv' package compatible with expo.
Also I have zero experience in deploying mobile apps, and very little in deploying web apps. I have not yet had to deal with securing keys in deployment.
Any help would be so appreciated.
It's not possible to effectively hide your Firebase config information. The best you can do is make it more difficult for someone to find them. Since all the JavaScript code is running on a computer or device that you don't control, you can't ensure that any of it is hidden from view.
In fact, you don't need to hide any of that. I suggest reading this: Is it safe to expose Firebase apiKey to the public?
If you're using Realtime Database, Firestore, or Cloud Storage, you should be using security rules to protect data so that only authorized users can access it.

can't create FIrebase realtime-database

I'm just looking into firebase, after logging in with my google account and creating a project I cannot create a real-time database in the dashboard/console, the database permission dialog appears and clicking ok give a 500 error in the console.
health check says the service is up, and no detail error information is available is there another way to do this, maybe a cli tool or legacy dashboard that still works?
firebaser here
There was a problem with creating Firestore and Realtime Databases on newly created Firebase projects for the past few hours. Existing projects and databases were not affected, and no data was lost.
The problem has been solved now.

Migrating to FCM issue adding to console

After having issues with crashes in Android O and also seeing that GCM is fully deprecated we are trying to migrate to FCM. Keep in mind I did zero of the setup on this project, so I'm just trying to follow the migration guide. Our server side team is very busy right now, so I'm trying to make it as easy as I can for them.
So someone gave me owner permissions on the Google APIs dashboard for the project, where I can see that Google Cloud Messaging is enabled. So I gave owner permissions to an account we now use for all of our mobile online accounts and consoles.
Then I logged into the Firebase console, but when I click "add project" I do not have the option to import the existing GCM project, as the docs seem to say I should. It also doesn't show up for my personal work account either, even though it is also an "owner" account. I was really hoping to migrate this way so that we might not have to get new api keys.
However, I do see in the Google APIs dashboard that I can "enable" FCM from there. Will this create the Firebase project for me and if so will it generate new keys or can we use the old ones?
OR is it actually better to just create an entirely new FCM project?
