Provider's name with slash will make error - pact

when I make a 'put request' to add pact-file like this
$c->request('PUT', "http://localhost:8000/pacts/provider/someString/someProviderName" . '/consumer/someConsumerName' . '/version/0.0.1',
'body' => $str,
'headers'=>['Content-Type' => 'application/json']
the name of provider is "someString / someProviderName"
this request will 404
if I change the "someString/someProviderName" to "someString-someProviderName"
it will work rightly(201 Status Code)
my english is poor T-T,sorry~~~

You can't have a slash in the provider name here, as it will request a different resource on the server (hence the 404).
My suggestion is to remove the slash, or to URLEncode the provider name itself.


Altering a dynamic route in Drupal 8 with RouteSubscriber

I have a web-app made in Drupal 8, and I have some routing problems. Users will login using an external service, and after login they are sent to the path /user/{user}, where {user} is their user id. I want to change this behaviour and send them to a page /dashboard. Not having access to what the external service routing is doing, I need to reroute /user/{user} to /dashboard. It seems like the drupal 8 redirect module could solve the problem, but I am not too keen on using an external module just for this simple task.
Because of this, I tried to change the route with drupal's RouteSubscriber and alterRoutes method. So I made my RouteSubscriber class in my module called "module" like this:
class RouteSubscriber extends RouteSubscriberBase {
protected function alterRoutes(RouteCollection $collection) {
if ($route = $collection->get('')) {
'_controller' => '\Drupal\module\Controller\Dashboard::content',
if ($route = $collection->get('entity.user.canonical')) {
'_controller' => '\Drupal\module\Controller\Dashboard::content',
The route has path /user, and the path entity.user.canonical is the route I'm interested in, which has path /user/{user}, where {user} is again a path parameter. When I go to the page /user, the dashboard is displayed as expected, but going to for example /user/123 does not show the dashboard, but seems display what the route originally did. Just to test whether it was impossible to alter this route, I tried to set all routes to have display the dashboard by inserting the following code into RouteSubscriber:
foreach ($collection->all() as $route) {
'_controller' => '\Drupal\module\Controller\Dashboard::content',
'pid' => '',
'uid' => '',
'modifier' => '',
'display' => '',
The junk pid, uid, modifier and display are just defaults to different routes path parameters so the code will run. This makes the page /user/123 correctly display the dashboard! However, I do get the following error message at the bottom of the screen:
The website encountered an unexpected error. Please try again later.
Symfony\Component\Routing\Exception\MissingMandatoryParametersException: Some mandatory parameters are missing ("filter") to generate a URL for route "devel.configs_list". in Drupal\Core\Routing\UrlGenerator->doGenerate() (line 182 of core/lib/Drupal/Core/Routing/UrlGenerator.php).
So, what am I doing wrong here? Can what I want be done, or should I do something different to achieve what I want? Also, feel free to ask for more code if needed!

DDEV and D8, httpClient used for internal request fails to connect

I've a multisite installation of Drupal 8, the "main" website expose some REST webservices, locally i've some troubles on testing them, because there's no way for the various sites to see each other, when i try to do something like that
try {
$response = $this->httpClient->get($this->baseUri . '/myendpoint', [
'headers' => [
'Accept' => 'application/json',
'Content-type' => 'application/hal+json',
'query' => [
'_format' => 'json',
'myparameters' => 'value'
$results = $this->serializer->decode($response->getBody(), 'json');
catch (RequestException $e) {
return $results;
I always receive a timeout and there's no way i can make it work, i've my main website with the usual url (and $this->baseUri is ) and all the other websites are in the form subsite.ddev.local
If i ssh in the project and run ping i see
I don't understand why they cannot see each other...
Just for other people who can have a similar problem: my issue was with xdebug i have it with the autoconnect, so when the request from the subsite to the main site was made, it get stuck somewhere (phpstorm didn't stop anywhere by the way) so it made the request time out.
By disabling, or configuring only for the subdomain, and avoiding it to accept the external connenction from unconfigured servers (in phpstorm) it started working, still have to do some work as i need to debug "both sides" of the request, but in this way i can work with that...
I've not thought before to try disabling xdebug because actually it didn't came into my mind...

Using a single Cloudflare account in Wordpress with WP Super Cache with visible API key

We are starting to use Cloudflare on a few Wordpress client accounts and notice in the CDN settings that my email address and API key are visible to the client.
Is this a potential security issues where others can see my Cloudlflare email address and API key? Should I be using 1 Cloudflare account per client account?
Here is a screenshot (i have blurred the API key and deleted the email input box in the console) but both these values are visible to the customer.
What is the worse thing they could do with these 2 pieces of data?
you have to use tokens instead of global api key. you strict token to certain zone only
This only will NOT solve the problem, you have to manually modify wp fastest cache plugin to modify the request to match API tokens usage.
the requests can be found in inc\cdn.php
The modified file:
$header = array("method" => "DELETE",
'headers' => array(
"X-Auth-Email" => $email,
"X-Auth-Key" => $key,
"Content-Type" => "application/json"
"body" => '{"purge_everything":true}'
is converted to
$header = array("method" => "DELETE",
'headers' => array(
//"X-Auth-Email" => $email,
"Authorization" => "Bearer ".$key,
"Content-Type" => "application/json"
"body" => '{"purge_everything":true}'
and this occured five times in the plugin in the cdn.php file
simply creating API Token worked for me. There are some pre made template. There was for wordpress one as well. Just selected and created and added it to wp fastest cache and that worked.

External request to Wordpress WP-API - Basic Authentication

I'm trying to hit my Wordpress API using Basic Auth with Guzzle (http tool) from my middleware (Laravel).
$username = 'myAdminUserName';
$password = 'myAdminPassword';
$uri = '';
$response = $this->guzzle->put(
'headers' => [
'Authorization' => 'Basic ' . base64_encode( $username . ':' . $password )
'body' => [
'user_id' => $wordpressId //passed into this function
It then hits the route set up in my Wordpress API
$routes['/mysite-api/cleared-action'] = array(
array(array($this, 'automatedClearing'), WP_JSON_Server::ACCEPT_JSON
However that is as far as it gets. It does not hit my automatedClearing endpoint which looks like this
public function automatedClearing() {
global $container;
\Groups_User_Group::create( array('user_id' => 2903, 'group_id' => 13));
$mySiteServices = $container['services'];
$this->$mySiteServices->sendClearedEmail(2903); //2903 = user_id
I've used hardcoded values for the users ID.
I keep getting a 200 response from my call, so it definitely hits the route, but does not execute the endpoint. The response is basically just an empty one.
My Wordpress access.log shows the route being hit, but my error.log doesn't show anything. By the way, this is a laravel Homestead (vagrant) box hitting a Wordpress vagrant box.
I'm wondering if this is because the WP-API requires a nonce? But I thought nonce was only needed within Wordpress, whereas this is an external app hitting Wordpress.
I'm pretty stuck on this. Any guidance is greatly appreciated
Try to test it using postman ... if this works via postman then you have the problem with laravel or guzzle

getUrl dropping _format when set to json

I'm trying to generate a url and set the _format variable to json. the .json part is never added to the route. setting to html or xml appends the format correctly.
The route from app/console router:debug,
api_1_get_page GET ANY ANY /api/page/{id}.{_format}
And my functional test code,
$this->getUrl('api_1_get_page', array('id' => $page->getId(), '_format' => 'json'));
when I dump this I get,
string(18) "/api/pages/1"
$this->getUrl('api_1_get_page', array('id' => $page->getId(), '_format' => 'html'));
returns string(18) "/api/pages/1.html"
I'm guessing there is a setting controlling this, I've tried setting every fos_rest config setting on and off and nothing is making a difference. This is also causing me issues when tests are checking the Location: header expecting .json.
Have you set .json as the default format in your route?
If you're using FOSRestBundle look at routing_loader in the FOSRestBundle config
