Why does R return integer(0) for under-indexing but NA for over-indexing a vector? [duplicate] - r

Say I have a vector, for example, x <- 1:10, then x[0] returns a zero-length vector of the same class as x, here integer(0).
I was wondering if there is a reason behind that choice, as opposed to throwing an error, or returning NA as x[11] would? Also, if you can think of a situation where having x[0] return integer(0) is useful, thank you for including it in your answer.

As seen in ?"["
NA and zero values are allowed: rows of an index matrix containing a
zero are ignored, whereas rows containing an NA produce an NA in the
So an index of 0 just gets ignored. We can see this in the following
x <- 1:10
x[c(1, 3, 0, 5, 0)]
#[1] 1 3 5
So if the only index we give it is 0 then the appropriate response is to return an empty vector.

My crack at it as I am not a programmer and certainly do not contribute to R source. I think it may be because you need some sort of place holder to state that something occurred here but nothing was returned. This becomes more apparent with things like tables and split. For instance when you make a table of values and say there are zero of that cell you need to hold that that cell made from a string in a vector has no values. it would not be a appropriate to have x[0]==0 as it's not the numeric value of zero but the absence of any value.
So in the following splits we need a place holder and integer(0) holds the place of no values returned which is not the same as 0. Notice for the second one it returns numeric(0) which is still a place holder stating it was numeric place holder.
with(mtcars, split(as.integer(gear), list(cyl, am, carb)))
with(mtcars, split(gear, list(cyl, am, carb)))
So in a way my x[FALSE] retort is true in that it holds the place of the non existent zero spot in the vector.
All right this balonga I just spewed is true until someone disputes it and tears it down.
PS page 19 of this guide (LINK) state that integer() and integer(0) are empty integer.
Related SO post: How to catch integer(0)?

Since the array indices are 1-based, index 0 has no meaning. The value is ignored as a vector index.


R programming- adding column in dataset error

cv.uk.df$new.d[2:nrow(cv.uk.df)] <- tail(cv.uk.df$deaths, -1) - head(cv.uk.df$deaths, -1) # this line of code works
I wanted to know why do we -1 in the tail and -1 in head to create this new column.
I made an effort to understand by removing the -1 and "R"(The code is in R studio) throws me this error.
Could anyone shed some light on this? I can't explain how much I would appreciate it.
Look at what is being done. On the left-hand side of the assignment operator, we have:
cv.uk.df$new.d[2:nrow(cv.uk.df)] <-
Let's pick this apart.
cv.uk.df # This is the data.frame
$new.d # a new column to assign or a column to reassign
[2:nrow(cv.uk.df)] # the rows which we are going to assign
Specifically, this line of code will assign a new value all rows of this column except the first. Why would we want to do that? We don't have your data, but from your example, it looks like you want to calculate the change from one line to the next. That calculation is invalid for the first row (no previous row).
Now let's look at the right-hand side.
<- tail(cv.uk.df$deaths, -1) - head(cv.uk.df$deaths, -1)
The cv.uk.df$deaths column has the same number of rows as the data.frame. R gets grouchy when the numbers of elements don't follow sum rules. For data.frames, the right-hand side needs to have the same number of elements, or a number that can be recycled a whole-number of times. For example, if you have 10 rows, you need to have a replacement of 10 values. Or you can have 5 values that R will recycle.
If your data.frame has 100 rows, only 99 are being replaced in this operation. You cannot feed 100 values into an operation that expects 99. We need to trim the data. Let's look at what is happening. The tail() function has the usage tail(x, n), where it returns the last n values of x. If n is a negative integer, tail() returns all values but the first n. The head() function works similarly.
tail(cv.uk.df$deaths, -1) # This returns all values but the first
head(cv.uk.df$deaths, -1) # This returns all values but the last
This makes sense for your calculation. You cannot subtract the number of deaths in the row before the first row from the number in the first row, nor can you subtract the number of deaths in the last row from the number in the row after the last row. There are more intuitive ways to do this thing using functions from other packages, but this gets the job done.

Add a specified number of blank rows to a data table without overwriting the heading

Im trying to make a large blank data.table with a header row in order to add values in specific places once it is set up. I have been able to duplicate the first row and then clear every other row or every row, but what I'd like to do is clear every row after the header row. Some columns are numeric input and some are character input.
headers: header1 header2 header3..... header 60+
Values: NA NA NA ... NA
Duplicate row:
input3 <- input2[rep(1:nrow(input2), each = 2), ]
Clear every row:
input3[1:nrow(input3) %% 1 == 0, ] <- NA
But if I try to rewrite that as duplicating blank rows starting at row 2 (to preserve the header) I get this error:
input3[2:nrow(input3) %% 1 == 0, ] <- NA
"Error in [.data.table(x, i, which = TRUE) : i evaluates to a logical vector length 9 but there are 10 rows. Recycling of logical i is no longer allowed as it hides more bugs than is worth the rare convenience. Explicitly use rep(...,length=.N) if you really need to recycle."
I need to be able to dynamically add rows while keeping the header as this is going to be a gigantic table I will export to another program.
Edit: this is different from this link in that I'm adding additional rows not specified originally in the data. Not just wiping rows.
Instead use
input3[c(FALSE,2:nrow(input3) %% 1 == 0,] <- NA
By using 2:nrow, you were explicitly giving a shortened vector. When that thing is a logical vector, it must be length 1 or the same as the number of rows. Period.
Though this has its problems and I discourage its use, perhaps you were expecting it to behave like this:
input3[which(2:nrow(input3) %% 1 == 0),] <- NA
The "good" of this is that the which(...) returns a vector of integer, so it does not need to be the same length as the number of rows in the frame/table.
From ?Extract (which includes [ and friends):
For '['-indexing only: 'i', 'j', '...' can be logical
vectors, indicating elements/slices to select. Such vectors
are recycled if necessary to match the corresponding extent.
'i', 'j', '...' can also be negative integers, indicating
elements/slices to leave out of the selection.
"Recycling" is why length 1 works: its logical value is used for all rows. If you use length 2 and there are an even number of rows (e.g., mtcars[c(T,F),]), then it will give every-other-row. On a similar vein, if you assume recycling and there are not an even multiple of rows (e.g., mtcars[c(T,F,F),]), then your assumptions start becoming less clear.
Add to that the behavior of data.table where it does not enforcing of this. Recycling can get you in trouble, so data.table doesn't encourage it.
mt <- as.data.table(mtcars)
mt[c(T,F),] <- NA
# Error in `[.data.table`(x, i, which = TRUE) :
# i evaluates to a logical vector length 2 but there are 32 rows. Recycling of logical i is no longer allowed as it hides more bugs than is worth the rare convenience. Explicitly use rep(...,length=.N) if you really need to recycle.
mt[c(1,3),] <- NA

How to find the length of a list based on a condition in R

The problem
I would like to find a length of a list.
The expected output
I would like to find the length based on a condition.
Suppose that I have a list of 4 elements as follows:
myve <–list(1,2,3,0)
Here I have 4 elements, one of them is zero. How can I find the length by extracting the zero values? Then, if the length is > 1I would like to substruct one. That is:
If the length is 4 then, I would like to have 4-1=3. So, the output should be 3.
Please note that I am working with a problem where the zero values may be changed from one case to another. For example, For the first list may I have only one 0 value, while for the second list may I have 2 or 3 zero values.
The values are always positive or zero.
You just need to apply the condition to each element. This will produce a list of boolean, then you sum it to get the number of True elements (i.e. validation your condition).
In your case:
sum(myve != 0)
In a more complex case, where the confition is expressed by a function f:
sapply(myve, f)
Use sapply to extract the ones different to zeros and sum to count them
sum(sapply(myve, function(x) x!=0))

Types and comparisons in R

I've been working with R for a month or so, and my comprehension of some subtleties is still quite superficial.
I have had an issue, which I managed to solve (details below), but I still can't explain precisely why it did not work with the first solution.
Note that the example below makes no practical sense for I have simplified it as much as possible so that the problem is quite clear.
Given a data frame with 4 columns (email, first, last, company) :
> users <- data.frame(matrix(vector(), 0, 4, dimnames=list(c(), c("email", "first", "last", "company"))), stringsAsFactors=F)
> users[1,] <- c("robert#redford.com", "Robert", "Redford", "Paramount")
> users[2,] <- c("julia#roberts.com", "Erin", "B.", "Hinkley")
> users[3,] <- c("matt#damon.com", "Will", "H.", "Stanford")
> users[4,] <- c("john#malkovitch.com", "John", "M.", "JM")
I take one particular row :
> user <- users[3,]
When I try to subset the dataframe on a criteria which could have lead to return the previously mentioned row, it returns no result.
> users[users$email == user["email"],]
[1] email first last company
<0 lignes> (ou 'row.names' de longueur nulle)
I instantly thought it was a casting issue (sorry for this bad one)
> users[users$email == as.character(user["email"]),]
email first last company
3 matt#damon.com Will H. Stanford
However, when I tried to figure out where exactly the issue was, and tried this :
> users[users$email == "matt#damon.com",]
email first last company
3 matt#damon.com Will H. Stanford
> user["email"] == "matt#damon.com"
> users[3,]$email == user$email
[1] TRUE
I got quite confused :
First, I thought about it as a math problem : if A == B and B == C, then A == C (according to Captain Obvious). So, just replacing a member A by another member B which is supposed to be equal to A (given the "TRUE" statement) in some expression should have no impact on the result of this expression.
3 TRUE != [1] TRUE. I think [1] TRUE is a logical vector of size 1 which first element is TRUE. 3 TRUE is (1x1) matrix row, which column "email" value is TRUE.
My problem is with consistency : either two objects of equal content but different types should be equal, or they should be different. I have a problem with "Sometimes there is type inference, and sometimes not". Is there a rule I can't see beyond this behavior ? (I guess there is one)
Another expression of the behavior I'd like to get is this one :
> unique(users$email) == "matt#damon.com"
> unique(users$email) == user["email"]
Obviously R does get what I want (considering the fact that it gives me the matching row). But I can't explain (nor use) the result of the second statement.
Any explanations / thoughts?
in normal list situations
users$email == user[["email"]]
however in data.frames things get inconsistent/ a lot worse!
tdf[] # returns data.frame everything
tdf[1] # returns data.frame first column
tdf[1,1] # returns object as type of the object...
tdf[,1] # returns a vector of the first column
tdf[1,] # returns a data.frame of the first row # eeeeeugh... that is odd....
tdf[2:4] # returns a data.frame with 3 columns
tdf[1,2:4] # returns a data.frame of the first row of 3 colums
tdf[2:4,2:4] # returns a 3x3 data.frame
tdf[2:4,1] # returns a vector of 2:4 row and 1st column
tdf[,2:4] # returns a data.frame with 3 columns
then there is also the double [[]]
do note that in data.frames things get horribly annoying and fugly
tdf[[1]] # gives the first row as a vector
tdf[[1,1]] # gives first element
and pretty much all other combinations gives errors
and assigning stuff to a data.frame or matrix, is an even bigger mess!

Why does R need the name of the dataframe?

If you have a dataframe like this
mydf <- data.frame(firstcol = c(1,2,1), secondcol = c(3,4,5))
Why would
work but
You can do this:
Remember that the column goes second, not first.
In your example, to see what mydf[mydf$firstcol,] gives you, let's break it down:
> mydf$firstcol
[1] 1 2 1
So really mydf[mydf$firstcol,] is the same as
> mydf[c(1,2,1),]
firstcol secondcol
1 1 3
2 2 4
1.1 1 3
So you are asking for rows 1, 2, and 1. That is, you are asking for your row one to be the same as row 1 of mydf, your row 2 to be the same as row 2 of mydf and your row 3 to be the same as row 1 of mydf; and you are asking for both columns.
Another question is why the following doesn't work:
> mydf[,firstcol]
Error in `[.data.frame`(mydf, , firstcol) : object 'firstcol' not found
That is, why do you have to put quotes around the column name when you ask for it like that but not when you do mydf$firstcol. The answer is just that the operators you are using require different types of arguments. You can look at '$' to see the form x$name and thus the second argument can be a name, which is not quoted. You can then look up ?'[', which will actually lead you to the same help page. And there you will find the following, which explains it. Note that a "character" vector needs to have quoted entries (that is how you enter a character vector in R (and many other languages).
i, j, ...: indices specifying elements to extract or replace. Indices
are ‘numeric’ or ‘character’ vectors or empty (missing) or
‘NULL’. Numeric values are coerced to integer as by
‘as.integer’ (and hence truncated towards zero). Character
vectors will be matched to the ‘names’ of the object (or for
matrices/arrays, the ‘dimnames’): see ‘Character indices’
below for further details.
Nothing to add to the very clear explanation of Xu Wang. You might want to note in addition that the package data.table allows you to use notation such as mydf[firstcol==1,] or mydf[,firstcol], that many find more natural.
