How to verify Admob Rewarded Video Ad on a server? - firebase

Is there a way to verify if the Rewarded Video Ad was watched by client (OnAdRewarded) on a server? Is there any integration I can use with Google Cloud Functions?
I thought it's possible to verify a token sent by client to the server with admob admin SDK but it seems that it's not possible and we can only verify the ad on the client.

It is now possible with Server-Side Verification (SSV) Callbacks.
Server-side verification callbacks are URL requests, with query parameters expanded by Google, that are sent by Google to an external system to notify it that a user should be rewarded for interacting with a rewarded video ad. Rewarded video SSV (server-side verification) callbacks provide an extra layer of protection against spoofing of client-side callbacks to reward users.

Not sure this is relevant to Firebase but here are some details in case anyone is using Node / JS. You can use Node's inbuilt crypto library. First fetch the available Google AdMob verifier keys from
You'll then need to loop through the returned JSON keys array and grab the pem public key file string corresponding to the req.query.key_id parameter of your incoming req.url string.
Then the "message" we wish to verify signatures with is the incoming req.url substring inbetween the parameter ? symbol and &signature... strings.
Now we can verify easily:
const verifier = crypto.createVerify("sha256");
if(verifier.verify(pem, req.query.signature, "base64"))
console.log("Ad was successfully verified.");
console.log("Ad could not be verified - quick call the cops !");
One caveat to beware of is you may need to unescape(...) your req.url string before you use it since some characters may have been escaped. I was stuck on that for a good hour or two. You can do this using e.g. Node's built in querystring library.

Not at the moment. The feature has been in closed beta for a while from what I've gathered recently. The last mention I could find was in the linked discussion where someone, from Google presumably, says the feature will be rolled out to the public soon. The post is from Jan 22.!topic/google-admob-ads-sdk/weXTAGZfYQ8

I know its a bit late but here is a piece of code that helped me. It is in javascript for Node users.
const queryString = require('query-string');
const crypto = require('crypto');
const axios = require('axios');
const GOOGLE_AD_KEY_URL = '';
* Fetches the google public keys for the admob providers.
* These keys changes time to time.
const getGoogleKeysMap = async () => {
let googleKeyRes = await axios.get(GOOGLE_AD_KEY_URL);
let {keys} =;
if (!keys) {
throw new Error('No keys found from google keys');
/** For each of the keys array save it base 64 in decoded form in the key map */
let keyMap = {};
keys.forEach(k => {
keyMap[`${k.keyId}`] = crypto.createPublicKey(k.pem);
return keyMap;
* Verifies the callback url query params string,
* Resolves the promise if verification was successful, else fails.
* Wanna 'debug' then pass the second parameter as true.
* #param {String} queryUrl
* #param {Boolean} debug
async function verify(queryUrl, debug) {
try {
if (typeof queryUrl !== "string") throw new TypeError("URL needs to be string!");
* Request coming as callback from admob must contain the 'signature' and the 'user_id'.
* For more info
const {signature, key_id} = queryString.parse(queryUrl);
if (!signature) {
throw new Error('No signature value exist in the URL param');
if(debug) {
console.debug('Signature and KeyId ---');
console.debug(signature, key_id);
// console.log('Signature and KeyId ---');
// console.log(signature, key_id);
let queryParamsString = queryUrl;
if (queryParamsString.indexOf('?') > -1) {
queryParamsString = queryUrl.split('?')[1];
if(debug) {
console.debug('Query param string ---');
// console.log('Query param string ---');
// console.log(queryParamsString);
* As per admob,
* The last two query parameters of rewarded video SSV callbacks are always signature and key_id, in that order.
* The remaining query parameters specify the content to be verified.
let contentToVerify = queryParamsString.substring(0, queryParamsString.indexOf('signature') -1);
if(debug) {
console.debug('Content to verify ---');
// console.log(contentToVerify);
// console.log('Content to verify ---');
let keyMap = await getGoogleKeysMap();
if(keyMap[`${key_id}`]) {
let publicKey = keyMap[`${key_id}`];
const verifier = crypto.createVerify('RSA-SHA256');
let result = verifier.verify(publicKey, signature, 'base64');
if (result) {
console.debug('Result ---');
return true;
} else {
console.debug('Failure ---');
throw new Error('Invalid Signature Supplied');
} else {
console.debug('Key id provided doesn\'t exist ---');
throw new Error('Key id provided doesn\'t exist in the google public keys');
} catch (error) {
module.exports.verify = verify;

If you guys looking for a simple way on Golang for the Admob SSV.
Just use this hiyali/go-lib-ssv, hope to save your life :)


Alexa Skill Lambda returns, but Alexa says Invalid Response

I have a Node.JS 12.x Lambda that is backing an Alexa Skill. The user asks the skill a question, and the search parameter is sent to my Lambda in a slot. I query the SQL DB using the mssql package, then return the result to the user.
If I fetch results from the DB, the Lambda executes the query successfully and returns the result, but then the Lambda times out and Alexa seems to have not received the response. If I remove the DB query and just return a string, it all works just fine.
I think there may be some issue with the async/await stuff in here. I just can't figure out what the issue is though. I have checked my use of async/await several times
If I left anything out just let me know. Thanks in advance!
* Intent handler for FindSomething intent
const MyHandler = {
* Determine whether this handler is able to process this input
* #param {Object} handlerInput The input object
canHandle(handlerInput) {
// This part works fine
return util.checkIntentMatch(handlerInput, INTENT_NAME);
* Handle the input
* #param {Object} handlerInput The input object
async handle(handlerInput) {
// Extract slot values
const [
] = [
Alexa.getSlotValue(handlerInput.requestEnvelope, 'search_term'),
// Fulfill request
const responseText = await getResponseText(searchTerm);
// Respond
return handlerInput.responseBuilder
And then getResponseText looks like this:
* Get the response text for the query
* #param {string} searchTerm The search term from the user
async function getResponseText(searchTerm) {
let sectorName = await getSectorForTerm(searchTerm);
console.log(`Inside getResponseText. sectorName: ${sectorName}`);
if (!sectorName) return format(NOT_FOUND_LANGUAGE, { searchTerm });
return format(FOUND_LANGUAGE, { searchTerm, sectorName });
* Find the sector for a search term
* #param {string} searchTerm The search term from the user
async function getSectorForTerm(searchTerm) {
// ========================================================================
// If I uncomment this line, it works great -- all the way back to the user
// ========================================================================
//return 'fake result';
// Gather prerequisites in parallel
let [
] = await Promise.all([
fs.readFile(path.join(__dirname, 'queries', 'FindQuery.sql'), 'utf8'),
console.log('Pre query');
// Run query
let queryResult = await pool.request()
.input('EntityName', sql.TYPES.VarChar, searchTerm)
console.log('Post query');
// Extract result if any
let result = undefined;
if(queryResult.recordset.length > 0) {
result = queryResult.recordset[0]['SectorName'];
console.log(`result of getSectorForTerm: ${result}`);
return result;
Here is what the log looks like. You can see that the file has loaded, the query has executed, and the return statement is hit within ~500ms. Then several seconds pass before the function times out.
Edit 2:
I have structured my index.js like this example from the AWS docs, so I don't have direct access to context or similar. That can be changed if needed.
You are using 2 time consuming operations in your skill - file read and sql connection. Probably your skill exceeds 8s timeout. Please check CloudWatch logs related to your skill if there is message like
Task timed out after 8.01 seconds
you should work on some enhancements here.
Also make sure that both methods in Promise.all argument return a Promise.

Read data from firebase and display in chat using Node Js

I am new to the Firebase realtime database and Google Dialogflow. I have gone through the documents and working on through. I am reading the data from database and I want to display it in my chat. I am able to see the data in the logs but unable to display in the chat conversation. If I check the logs I am able to see the success or failed result but unable to view in the chat conversation.
This is the code below:
var childData = "";
var message = '';
var query = '';
var key = '';
function wheretogo(agent) {
//taking country name as input from user
var country =;
//reference country from the database
query = admin.database().ref("country").orderByKey();
.then(function(snapshot) {
snapshot.forEach(function(childSnapshot) {
key = childSnapshot.key;
childData = childSnapshot.val();
//matching the input from user and the country name(key) from database
if (country === key) {
message = 'Thats nice ! You are travelling to ' + key;
I expect the output 'Thats nice ! You are travelling to ' with country name in my chat conversation.
The problem is that the Dialogflow library expects you to return a Promise if you're doing any asynchronous calls. Since you're doing an async call (the query.once() call), you must return a Promise. Otherwise the handler dispatcher won't wait for the reply to come from the database before it tries to send a reply to the user.
You don't show all of your code, but in your case it looks fairly straightforward. Since query.once() returns a Promise, you can return this Promise. Something like this change
return query.once("value")
might be all that is necessary.

Setting / Modifying record associations with client script

I'm building a document management application with the following Data Models:
- Approval_Requests
- WorkflowStage
- Approver
- Comment
I am trying to use the Document Approval Workflow template as a starting point, and associating the Doc_Metadata parent to the "Requests" model, such that each approval request is associated to (owned by) a parent Metadata record.
I have gotten it to work from start to finish without throwing any errors, HOWEVER, no matter what I do I cannot get the Metadata - Request relation to save.
I've posted my client scripts for the Add Request page below, and also attached the zip of my application in case someone wants to look in more detail.
Any and all suggestions are incredibly appreciated, I love the idea of appmaker but have been struggling to understand relations versus how they are traditionally handled in SQL.
* #fileoverview Client script functions for AddRequest page.
* Navigates user to the add request page and sets page URL parameters.
* #param {string=} metadataKey - optional metadata with this key will be used
* as default for the new approval request.
function gotoAddRequestPage(metadataKey) {
var params = {
metadataKey: metadataKey
gotoPage(app.pages.AddRequest, params);
* Creates a new request and redirects user to the edit screen afterwards.
* #param {Widget} submitButton - button that triggers the action.
function createRequest(submitButton) {
var addRequestPage = submitButton.root;
if (addRequestPage.validate()) {
submitButton.enabled = false;
success: function() {
submitButton.enabled = true;
console.log("requestId:" + submitButton.datasource.item._key);
failure: function(error) {
submitButton.enabled = true;
* Creates a new request and redirects user to the edit screen afterwards.
* #param {Widget} cancelButton - button that triggers the action.
function cancelCreateRequest(cancelButton) {
function onRequestCreate () {
google.script.url.getLocation(function(location) {
var metadataKey = location.parameter.metadataKey;
var props = {
metadataKey: metadataKey
var allMetadataDs = app.datasources.AllMetadata;
var metadataDs = allMetadataDs.item;
var requestDs = app.datasources.RequestsByKey;
console.log("metadataKey: " + metadataKey);
var newRequest = requestDs.createItem();
newRequest.Metadata = metadataDs;
var requests = metadataDs.Request;
struggling to understand relations versus how they are traditionally handled in SQL
You can configure your app to use Cloud SQL database:
I cannot get the Metadata - Request relation to save
Here is a snippet that should work(assuming that you are using datasource in autosave mode).
var allMetadataDs = app.datasources.AllMetadata;
// metadata record that you need should be selected at this point of time
var metadata = allMetadataDs.item;
var requestDs = app.datasources.RequestsByKey.modes.create;
var requestDraft = requestDs.item;
// This line should create relation between draft request record and
// existing Metadata record.
requestDraft.Metadata = metadata;
// send your draft to server to save
requestDs.createItem(function(newRecord) {
// log persisted request record asynchronously
By the way, your life will become way easier, if you add a drop down with metadata items to the request creation form.

Changing application server key in push manager subscription

I implemented web push notifications using service worker. I collected user subscriptions with a particular application server key. Suppose if we change the application server key, then when we get the subscription using "reg.pushManager.getSubscription()", we will get the old subscription information which was created using the old application server key. How to handle this scenario? How to get the new subscription from the user?
Get the subscription using reg.pushManager.getSubscription() and check whether current subscription uses the new application server key. If not, then call unsubscribe() function on the existing subscription and resubscribe again.
After properly starting the service worker and getting the permissions, call navigator.serviceWorker.ready in order to get access to the *.pushManager object.
From this object we call another promise to get the pushSubscription object we actually care about.
If the user was never subscribed pushSubscription will be null otherwise we get the key from it and check if it's different, if that's the case we unsubscribe the user and subscribe them again.
Notification.requestPermission(function (result) {
if (permissionResult == 'granted'){
function subscribeUser() {
.then(registration => {
.then(pushSubscription => {
//the user was never subscribed
//check if user was subscribed with a different key
let json = pushSubscription.toJSON();
let public_key = json.keys.p256dh;
if(public_key != NEW_PUBLIC_KEY){
pushSubscription.unsubscribe().then(successful => {
// You've successfully unsubscribed
}).catch(e => {
// Unsubscription failed
function subscribe(registration){
userVisibleOnly: true,
applicationServerKey: urlBase64ToUint8Array(NEW_PUBLIC_KEY)
.then(pushSubscription => {
//successfully subscribed to push
//save it to your DB etc....
function urlBase64ToUint8Array(base64String) {
var padding = '='.repeat((4 - base64String.length % 4) % 4);
var base64 = (base64String + padding)
.replace(/\-/g, '+')
.replace(/_/g, '/');
var rawData = window.atob(base64);
var outputArray = new Uint8Array(rawData.length);
for (var i = 0; i < rawData.length; ++i) {
outputArray[i] = rawData.charCodeAt(i);
return outputArray;
In my case, I managed to solve it by clearing the cache and cookies
The key you get from calling sub.getKey('p256dh') (or sub.toJSON.keys.p256dh) is the client's public key, it will always be different from the server public key. You need to compare the new public server key and sub.options.applicationServerKey.
sub above is the resolved promise from reg.pushManager.getSubscription().
Get PushSubscription interface - reg.pushManager.getSubscription().then(sub => {...}), if sub is null no subscription exists, therefore no worry, but if it's defined:
Inside the block get the current key in use sub.options.applicationServerKey
Convert it to string, because you can't compare ArrayBuffer directly - const curKey = btoa(String.fromCharCode.apply(null, new Uint8Array(sub.options.applicationServerKey)))
Compare it with your new key. If the keys are different call sub.unsubscribe() and then subscribe again by calling reg.pushManager.subscribe(subscribeOptions), where subscribeOptions uses your new key. You call 'unsubscribe' on PushSubscription, but subscribe on PushManager

On Meteor, how can I validate with Collection2 on the client side?

I always use methods to insert, update and remove. This is the way my code look just now:
Client side{
'submit form': function(event, tmpl) {
var client = {
// .... more fields
var validatedData = Clients.validate(client);
if (validatedData.errors) {
// Display validation errors
}'createClient', validatedData.client, function(error) {
if (error)
// Display error
Client and server side:
Clients = new Mongo.Collection("clients");
Clients.validate = function(client) {
// ---- Clean data ---- = _.str.trim(;
// .... more fields clean
// ---- Validate data ---
var errors = [];
if (!
errors.push("The name is required.");
// .... more fields validation
// Return and object with errors and cleaned data
return { errors: _.isEmpty(errors) ? undefined : errors, client: client };
'createClient': function (client) {
// --- Validate user permisions ---
// If server, validate data again
if (Meteor.isServer) {
var validatedData = Clients.validate(client);
if (validatedData.errors)
// There is no need to send a detailed error, because data was validated on client before
throw new Meteor.Error(500, "Invalid client.");
client = validatedData.client;
check(client, {
name: String,
// .... more fields
return Clients.insert(client);
}); is executed on client and server side, but Meteor doesn't have a way stop the running on the server side if the validation on the client side fails (or at least, I don't know how). With this pattern, I avoid sending data to the server with if validation fail.
I want to start using Collection2, but I can't figure how to get the same pattern. All the examples I found involve the usage of direct Insert and Update on client side and Allow/Deny to manage security, but I want to stick with
I found on documentation that I can validate before insert or update, but I don't know how to get this to work:
Books.simpleSchema().namedContext().validate({title: "Ulysses", author: "James Joyce"}, {modifier: false});
I know the autoform package, but I want to avoid that package for now.
How can I validate with Collection2 on the client side before sending data to the server side with Is my pattern wrong or incompatible with Collection2 and I need to do it in another way?
In under 30 lines you can write your very own, full-featured validation package for Collection2. Let's walk through an example:
"use strict"; //keep it clean
var simplyValid = window.simplyValid = {}; //OK, not that clean (global object)
simplyValid.RD = new ReactiveDict(); //store error messages here
* #param data is an object with the collection name, index (if storing an array), and field name, as stored in the schema (e.g. 'foo.$.bar')
* #param value is the user-inputted value
* #returns {boolean} true if it's valid
simplyValid.validateField = function (data, value) {
var schema = R.C[data.collection]._c2._simpleSchema; //access the schema from the local collection, 'R.C' is where I store all my collections
var field = data.field;
var fieldVal = field.replace('$', data.idx); //make a seperate key for each array val
var objToValidate = {};
var dbValue = schema._schema[field].dbValue; //custom conversion (standard to metric, dollars to cents, etc.) IGNORE
if (dbValue && value) value ={value: value}); //IGNORE
objToValidate[field] = value; //create a doc to clean
schema.clean(objToValidate, {removeEmptyStrings: false}); //clean the data (trim, etc.)
var isValid = schema.namedContext().validateOne(objToValidate, field, {extendedCustomContext: true}); //FINALLY, we validate
if (isValid) {
simplyValid.RD.set(fieldVal, undefined); //The RD stores error messages, if it's valid, it won't have one
return true;
var errorType = schema.namedContext()._getInvalidKeyObject(field).type; //get the error type
var errorMessage = schema.messageForError(errorType, field); //get the message for the given error type
simplyValid.RD.set(fieldVal, errorMessage); //set the error message. it's important to validate on error message because changing an input could get rid of an error message & produce another one
return false;
simplyValid.isFieldValid = function (field) {
return simplyValid.RD.equals(field, undefined); //a very cheap function to get the valid state
Feel free to hack out the pieces you need and shoot me any questions you might have.
You can send the schema to the client and validate before sending to the server. If you want to use Collection" you need to attach the schema to the collection and use the insert which is something that you don't want. So the best option, for your scenario, is sending the schema to the client and use it to validate.
Also reconsider using mini-mongo instead of using Methods for everything, it will save you lots of time and don't think your app is secure jut because you're using Methods.
