This is a follow up to the question that #user3457337 posted here: Trying to find the field 'Search Query' from GA in BigQuery.
My question is exactly the same as theirs. Does anyone know if you ingest both Google Ads (previously adwords) data and google analytics data into Bigquery if there is a way to get the user level search queries? I went through the schemas of both and can't seem to find a way to do this for the life of me given the issues that #user3457337 ran into. Any help would be sincerely appreciated! :)
Thanks in advance for taking the time to look at my challenge.
I need to send quantity data to Google Ads with Google Tag Manager.
I have tried many different variations for the Data Layer Variable but none have been successful. This is the most recent ecommerce.productFieldObject.quantity
This is a sample of the code that is fired in the Data Layer in preview mode.
I'd really appreciate it if someone could help
I'm trying to implement my own google analytics reporting UI where users pick metrics and dimensions and then pick the filters according to what the user have already chosen and my question is there any way to get all the dimensions values? for example the dimension "country" can take the value of all the countries(USA,Fance,etc...). I've did some research on google but found nothing. any help is appreciated!
I would suggest using something like Analytics Edge extension for Excel to do exactly what you're trying to do.
If that doesn't completely solve what you're doing, the extension does pull all the pullable fields from GA. It also gives you an insight into what kind of request it sends to G to pull the data. Very useful for debugging, but also for learning the reporting API.
Alternatively, there's documentation on the API here:
Make sure you know whether you're using GA4 or GA UA. They have different APIs.
Can someone explain to me what I am looking at?
I hope this is not a duplicate push of the same data.
Badly formulated question, but I am going to help you anyway.
What you are looking at is probably what is called a product impression in the Enhanced eCommerce report of Google Analytics.
They are pushing an array of object into the dataLayer so that they could be sent in your product list performance report.
Nope, not a duplicate set of data. What is happening is that you have setup a data push which sends a list of all related products to your data layer. So if you need to see which were the related products shown when a customer viewed a particular products detail page, you would have a list of these products showing up in GA. Shout if you have more questions
I am trying to get in touch with LinkedIn support for the past month now, unfortunately I had no luck getting to the dev team through the account management.
We are using a reporting tool to pull LinkedIn campaign data via their API. We would like to pull Campaign Names which doesn't seem to be possible at the moment referencing
However, is there any kind of way to retrieve the Campaign Names (ID is making it really hard for us to identify campaigns on the fly)? It seems like such a basic request, I find it hard to believe LinkedIn has no way of doing this.
Thanks in advance!!
A little further down that page you referenced is a section called "FINDER" with this:
You will get the "name":"MY_CAMPAIGN_NAME" field there. That's the only place I've found it so far.
How can I find unique visitors using gapi?
At Google Analytics, I used custom report and added 'Unique Visitors' as Metric and 'Page' as dimension and I am able to see the report. After applying filter, I can see unique visitor of each page and also Unique Visitors overall. But, I am not able to do so using gapi.
Sorry, I wish I had a better answer for you. It looks like Google saves themselves the computation by limiting which results the API can return. However, the article states that for many reason, visits will give you more meaningful data.