MD5 Public-Private Key Encryption (python) - encryption

I've trying to encrypt my data using asymmetric encryption. I've chosen MD5 as the algorithm. PS: I know about MD5 collisions.
I'm following this blog to encrypt and decrypt my data. This uses SHA256. I'm able to run the code successfully with SHA1, SHA512 as well, but not with MD5.
Whenever, I change the algorithm to MD5, it says
cryptography.exceptions.UnsupportedAlgorithm: This combination of padding and hash algorithm is not supported by this backend.
Which padding should be used to encrypt the data with MD5?
My Code:-
# ########## Encrypting and decrypting ##########
message = b'encrypt me!'
encrypted = public_key.encrypt(
original_message = private_key.decrypt(

Actually, MD5 is (an old) hash algorithm, it is not an encryption algorithm. A hash is used to get a sort of "checksum" for a given text (or data byte array). That "checksum" as a fix length, whatever is the size of the text you hash.
In cryptography, you typically may use hash function to get a private (symmetric) key from a passphrase or you may encrypt a hash with a private key : this is a digital signature.


Where does Linux openssl AES save the IV [duplicate]

I've generated a random 256 bit symmetric key, in a file, to use for encrypting some data using the OpenSSL command line which I need to decrypt later programmatically using the OpenSSL library. I'm not having success, and I think the problem might be in the initialization vector I'm using (or not using).
I encrypt the data using this command:
/usr/bin/openssl enc -aes-256-cbc -salt -in input_filename -out output_filename -pass file:keyfile
I'm using the following call to initialize the decrypting of the data:
EVP_DecryptInit_ex(ctx, EVP_aes_256_cbc(), nullptr,, nullptr))
keyfile is a vector<unsigned char> that holds the 32 bytes of the key. My question is regarding that last parameter. It's supposed to be an initialization vector to the cipher algorithm. I didn't specify an IV when encrypting, so some default must have been used.
Does passing nullptr for that parameter mean "use the default"? Is the default null, and nothing is added to the first cipher block?
I should mention that I'm able to decrypt from the command line without supplying an IV.
What is the default IV when encrypting with EVP_aes_256_cbc() [sic] cipher...
Does passing nullptr for that parameter mean "use the default"? Is the default null, and nothing is added to the first cipher block?
There is none. You have to supply it. For completeness, the IV should be non-predictable.
Non-Predictable is slightly different than both Unique and Random. For example, SSLv3 used to use the last block of ciphertext for the next block's IV. It was Unique, but it was neither Random nor Non-Predictable, and it made SSLv3 vulnerable to chosen plaintext attacks.
Other libraries do clever things like provide a null vector (a string of 0's). Their attackers thank them for it. Also see Why is using a Non-Random IV with CBC Mode a vulnerability? on Stack Overflow and Is AES in CBC mode secure if a known and/or fixed IV is used? on Crypto.SE.
/usr/bin/openssl enc -aes-256-cbc...
I should mention that I'm able to decrypt from the command line without supplying an IV.
OpenSSL uses an internal mashup/key derivation function which takes the password, and derives a key and iv. Its called EVP_BytesToKey, and you can read about it in the man pages. The man pages also say:
If the total key and IV length is less than the digest length and MD5 is used then the derivation algorithm is compatible with PKCS#5 v1.5 otherwise a non standard extension is used to derive the extra data.
There are plenty of examples of EVP_BytesToKey once you know what to look for. Openssl password to key is one in C. How to decrypt file in Java encrypted with openssl command using AES in one in Java.
EVP_DecryptInit_ex(ctx, EVP_aes_256_cbc(), nullptr,, nullptr))
I didn't specify an IV when encrypting, so some default must have been used.
Check your return values. A call should have failed somewhere along the path. Maybe not at EVP_DecryptInit_ex, but surely before EVP_DecryptFinal.
If its not failing, then please file a bug report.
EVP_DecryptInit_ex is an interface to the AES decryption primitive. That is just one piece of what you need to decrypt the OpenSSL encryption format. The OpenSSL encryption format is not well documented, but you can work it backwards from the code and some of the docs. The key and IV computation is explained in the EVP_BytesToKey documentation:
The key and IV is derived by concatenating D_1, D_2, etc until enough
data is available for the key and IV. D_i is defined as:
D_i = HASH^count(D_(i-1) || data || salt)
where || denotes concatentaion, D_0 is empty, HASH is the digest
algorithm in use, HASH^1(data) is simply HASH(data), HASH^2(data) is
HASH(HASH(data)) and so on.
The initial bytes are used for the key and the subsequent bytes for the
"HASH" here is MD5. In practice, this means you compute hashes like this:
Hash0 = ''
Hash1 = MD5(Hash0 + Password + Salt)
Hash2 = MD5(Hash1 + Password + Salt)
Hash3 = MD5(Hash2 + Password + Salt)
Then you pull of the bytes you need for the key, and then pull the bytes you need for the IV. For AES-128 that means Hash1 is the key and Hash2 is the IV. For AES-256, the key is Hash1+Hash2 (concatenated, not added) and Hash3 is the IV.
You need to strip off the leading Salted___ header, then use the salt to compute the key and IV. Then you'll have the pieces to feed into EVP_DecryptInit_ex.
Since you're doing this in C++, though, you can probably just dig through the enc code and reuse it (after verifying its license is compatible with your use).
Note that the OpenSSL IV is randomly generated, since it's the output of a hashing process involving a random salt. The security of the first block doesn't depend on the IV being random per se; it just requires that a particular IV+Key pair never be repeated. The OpenSSL process ensures that as long as the random salt is never repeated.
It is possible that using MD5 this way entangles the key and IV in a way that leaks information, but I've never seen an analysis that claims that. If you have to use the OpenSSL format, I wouldn't have any hesitations over its IV generation. The big problems with the OpenSSL format is that it's fast to brute force (4 rounds of MD5 is not enough stretching) and it lacks any authentication.

JASYPT: How to Decrypt the Digested String using StandardByteDigester

I am pretty new to this JASYPT library and I am working on a Project that uses JASYPT StandardByteDigester for Encrypting passwords. Now I want to get the decrypted string, and can't find any function that does the same.
String password = "Password";
byte[] password_bytes = password.getBytes("UTF-8");
byte[] digest = this.byteDigester.digest(messageBytes);
What is the reverse of this ? I mean how to enter the encrypted bytes, and get the decrypted String ?
StandardByteDigester() creates the hash of the password, this process is not reversible. If you want to test the equality with a second password, this second password is also to be hashed and the hashes are to be compared.
StandardByteDigester uses by default MD5 (which is insecure), a random 8 bytes salt and 1000 iterations (nowadays generally too small). But this can be changed.
Note that to compare two passwords, the parameters used, i.e. digest, salt, and iterations, must be the same.

ECIES: encrypt in Javascript and decrypt in Java/Kotlin

I am using eccrypto library in javascript for encryption using the ECIES algorithm (curve- secp256k1). The cipher generated by encryption in JS code could not be decrypted in Kotlin.
Here is the Javascript code.
var eccrypto = require("eccrypto");
eccrypto.encrypt(publicKeyA, Buffer.from("Sic Mundus Creatus Est")).then(function(encrypted) {
val ciphertext = encrypted.ciphertext
//the hex encoded ciphertext is then sent to the server
Here is the decryption code for kotlin
val cipherBytes = DatatypeConverter.parseHexBinary(ciphertext)
val cipher: Cipher = Cipher.getInstance("ECIES", "BC")
cipher.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, privateKeyA)
print( cipher.doFinal(cipherBytes) )
With this code for decryption, I get an Bad Block Exception.
However, if I just do encryption and decryption using Java, there is no problem. Also, encryption and decryption both in Javascript also work fine.
Is there anything I am missing?
I found the solution (or say figured out the actual issue). Hope it helps future devs:
The mismatch in encryption/decryption between javascript and java implementation is because those implementations are using different parameters of the hash algorithm and AES encryption.
ECIES implementation in Java using BouncyCastle has a crappy implementation. It uses AES with 128 bits, does not use a secure hash algorithm, no robust check for MAC, and has very little test cases.
As a workaround, I now use a custom written ECIES implementation for Java which uses SHA-512 for the hash, AES encryption (using 256 bits key and AES/CBC/PKCS7Padding mode). This new implementation is what eccrypto javascript library engine uses under the hood. Now, they work fine!
Your comment 'Encrypting the same message using the same public key in both environment gives different cipher messages' does not prove a difference between values. I encrypted 10 times the same message '123' with my public key and got 10 times a different encrypted value.
This is due to a random element in the (internal) encryption function:
ciphertext: 0444a9e31cf1f8f7cabcf2a6562622ce2ee1c38bcdf9938fa48401b34fbeae7ea70c9ad1bd16343a3632ef9011ba6081a7df47ed2ca9904bf0f97febdd18f1b5da9315f744a68c87deee353b481cfbe90a49462403550e3a
ciphertext: 04e1970f415cccb62dc61de534bd61ce9627e9b0e857f6270c20b202f3e62a789979d7c9ca893d85f65f00f5462a29cb986764e34fefb8f5c5ce8f0e9700ddf777b616539ec4e860bad4cac04f8cd3b29c61513cb68a1c9b
ciphertext: 04b07bfbfa53e17446ac8ebaf6af53056274ff4e104bfe26da6176aab390d521429971c151f31a1af4b0240703d4b75a81136b22695798b1ad1cf272e842f5e60ba931972e6868ca54301ec6585ff503cfab76f69ad3beb0
ciphertext: 041d90bcfa34af06559c5f482d06a684492001bb3bd52dc2e9f2eb31cd2de27e595fad3178c0f65d3cd160e0444ae6d9cbfbd2a1e12e21525057d79b8ea24fed572426e3fdeba4a298c17fc481acb66db7b0c8f1d0d0701d
ciphertext: 04a440a994dc0a5f712b1190e1dc0bfff15c053e4a03dc3c74c0cfc965a2da5ed6d668a52b4ae1e320b5ed068fc338e2076f2bc68f156fb79d67daf74ab21c4036a23bebcca007417d5c8ed486750dd37b3f495de92312aa
ciphertext: 04033bfaa2fb90c667ca25e77abba6cdc8e6c601ebb5bf836456c810abe54a4d426b3e52477a8b97f1115905d0babbdda572d9294532d7eda032f6fc98a588c77b00b7bebfe1fe1f4319f3aa0b1776c6da02d9f24baa98c2
ciphertext: 047a1aa7e82084af63cdf76ad0bdd21865d38fdee7fa8902dbf5c0e4840c7209c9cb249698802313c83d22fc8e18b376012888ee0878d4e8c186c241b648180613b1ee460bf9eef5c9a6fab15541ae4bc16dd9f98a10c940
ciphertext: 04dbababe30bd8013bd74f846ed2f1bd818e5b826b59b9b6c6336a62e2e373e82e7f80d2a2fbc3094435e61a53325aba6585047af6bfa593260afc6e5ee737783a8dbbc60d3f99277eea95ed2671d2a81d369602388b7cb0
ciphertext: 04eb52c8d946bfd1d84b27858f78d174bf77509058d10d6bfe11ee5f6553b1c571b3c9c7389b08e596735342584c2be43f5ef4e6952d3db7b5239d00b2c7d22f1ca9e588a8f6dc5c8274d97d18999c4a88702d12b9d56ea6
ciphertext: 04808530ee927d5445a1e8f7a06b6bd8c1457cbf89ea6a75e2a28fd8899e06e8ccc5fab8b45536610a79a50ebf3ca1ed5fafb782fe483165fdc483c7e2e3c3724409d539cdbf586f090b783647d791f33ddfa8e2ba29e328

How to encrypt in AES using CryptoJS with key size of 128?

I have searched and found examples of AES with the default 256 key size and find it worked already. But when I want to use 128 key size, there is little information.
I have extracted code from the aes test from CryptoJS:
var C = CryptoJS;
var plainText = '00112233445566778899aabbccddeeff';
var key = '000102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f';
var encryptedText = C.AES.encrypt(C.enc.Hex.parse(plainText), C.enc.Hex.parse(key), { mode: C.mode.ECB, padding: C.pad.NoPadding }).ciphertext.toString();
var decryptedText = C.AES.decrypt(C.lib.CipherParams.create({ ciphertext: C.enc.Hex.parse(encryptedText) }), C.enc.Hex.parse(key), { mode: C.mode.ECB, padding: C.pad.NoPadding }).toString();
This worked, but if I want to use a different plain text like 'Hello World' then it failed. Also what if I want to use a password like 'my-key-001'? As I have read that CryptoJS expect to use 256 key size if I pass a password.
Your help is much appreciated.
This worked, but if I want to use a different plain text like 'Hello World' then it failed.
You have used the noPadding and that is the issue. The example is multiple of 16-byte that causes no problem, however your next plaintext is not. You can use noPadding if
your message is an exact multiple of the block size, though still not recommended.
you want to pad the message yourself, probably that is you want to test a new padding scheme that we don't see in your code.
You should you padding like
padding: CryptoJS.pad.Pkcs7
As I have read that CryptoJS expect to use 256 key size if I pass a password.
CryptoJS supports AES-128, AES-192, and AES-256. According to your key size it will select the key variants. If you use a password it will generate a 256-bit size. That is %40 times slower than AES-128 since it requires 14 rounds. However use a good password, see below.
Also what if I want to use a password like 'my-key-001'?
A password with high entropy is important otherwise the attackers can be successful by testing passwords. The key generation cannot increase entropy. Therefore you need a good way to generate high entropy passwords like using diceware.
How to encrypt in AES using CryptoJS with key size of 128?
Just provide a 128-bit key.
Does AES-128 has 128-bit security
Any block cipher, not only AES, has vulnerable to multi-target attacks. In that case it is not providing 128-bit security. Therefore you should use 192 or 256-bit keys.
For a more detailed see this question Has AES-128 been fully broken?
mode: C.mode.ECB
The ECB mode of operations is not advised, it is insecure and it leaks pattern. You should use modern encryption modes like AES-GCM which provides you not confidentiality but also, integrity and authentication.
While using GCM mode, make sure that you never use the same IV/nonce again under the same key. AES-GCM uses CTR mode for encryption and under the same key if the IV/nonce repeated then crig-dragging is possible. Also, it can leak the authentication key.


My algorithm template this:
Mkey = '123' // from Master Key
KdfKey = SHA512(Mkey) // from PBKDF2 password
KdfSalt = SHA256(AesIV + KdfKey) // from PBKDF2 salt
Pbkdf2 = PBKDF2(KdfKey, KdfSalt, 64 + 32) // "64+32"=OutputLen, Iteration is user selected
AesKey = sublast(Pbkdf2, 32) // AES 256 bit CBC key, select last 32 bit
HmacKey = subfirst(Pbkdf2, 64) // HMAC-SHA256 key, select first 64 bit
My Questions:
Secure or not secure this ?
"HmacKey" crack or founded, security problem for crypted message or "Mkey" ?
If this is not secure, how should I use a single password
Secure or not secure this ?
Seems you are trying to use the strongest way how to create an encryption and MAC key from a password. I'd say it is a little bit overexagurated, but playing safe it it seems ok
You need to be aware of a weakness in this flow and it is the user input.
Iteration is user selected
eeee.. see, this is where you should not trust the users (maybe the user could select one of three options, IMHO it makes little sense to rely on users here)
"HmacKey" crack or founded, security problem for crypted message or "Mkey" ?
if there would be a way to crack/find the hmackey, we have bigger issue than a few passwords. To answer - pbkdf is specifically designed to output uniform distribution from low- entropy passwords, so if the hmackey (output of pbkdf) is found it tells nothing about the original password
If this is not secure, how should I use a single password
the whole problem with the passwords is they are user-remembered and tend to have low entropy (randomness and length). using good passwords is the key. (imho using pbkdf is only cryptographic workaround for not having better solution :/ )
