MVC Ajax Button to retrieve a single data -

I want to retrieve the first record in my database when ever I click the Ajax button, right now whenever I click my button it returns a List of my Record, I just want to retrieve the first record then when I click it again, returns the second record, is that even possible?
Here is my Ajax button :
#Ajax.ActionLink(" ", "BtnNext", null#*new { count = count + 1}*#, new AjaxOptions
HttpMethod = "GET",
InsertionMode = InsertionMode.Replace,
UpdateTargetId = "current"
}, new { #class = "Middle-next dim btn btn-large-dim", #id = "Link1"})
Here is the controller for the Ajax button :
public PartialViewResult BtnNext()
var model = db.Queues.OrderBy(x => x.QueueNumber);
return PartialView("_queuenumber", model);
Thankyou so much, newbie <<

Try this
var model = db.Queues.ToList().OrderBy(x => x.QueueNumber).Take(1);


Unable to add HTML.BeginForm inside ASP.NET WebGrid

I have the following code inside my MVC-4 razor view:-
gridcolumns.Add(new WebGridColumn()
CanSort = false,
Format =
(item) =>
var banner = item.Value as Sales.Models.DeleteAllRequest;
if (!banner.Approved)
return Html.ActionLink("Approve", "DeleteRequestDeleteAll", "Customer", new { customerid = banner.CustomerID, requestid = banner.ID },
new AjaxOptions
Confirm = "Are You sure You want to delete (" + banner.CustomerName.ToString() + ")",
OnSuccess = "deletionconfirmation",
OnFailure = "deletionerror"
return "";
The above code will add <a> link inside the ASP.NET web grid column. but since i am doing a Delete action so i should be sending Post request instead of Get request. so i am not sure how i can use Html.BeginForm instead of Html.ActionLink inside my above code?

Ajax.ActionLink not working with htmlAttributes

I have ajax.actionlink in my view defined as:
#Ajax.ActionLink(item.sifra_pozicije, //link text
"UnosuProjekat", // action name
"Projekti", // controller
new { poz = item.sifra_pozicije.ToString(), proj = "Projekat 1" }, // route values
new AjaxOptions() { UpdateTargetId = "Projekat" }, // ajax options
new { #class = "openDialog" } //htmlAttributes
and generating HTML code
This is sending empty strings to controller action with url request
When i remove htmlAttributes from link, HTML stays the same (except class is removed) and parameters are passed to controller.
Can someone tell me what's wrong with this?

How do I pass an id of a clicked button to controller using AjaxBeginForm?

I'm using #Ajax.BeginForm() with KendoUI ListView in my mvc3 application. The KendoUI ListView displays a list of Items with a button for each item.
My requirement is that onclick of submit button, I need to send the id of a clicked button to the controller and return the full information of the Item.
My approach was to use onclick function for all buttons to trigger AjaxBeginForm submit input but the AjaxBeginForm submit input doesn't seems to pass the right value into the controller,
How can I achieve this?
//My Ajax form
var ajaxOpts = new AjaxOptions
HttpMethod = "POST",
UpdateTargetId = "gallery",
InsertionMode = InsertionMode.Replace,
OnBegin = "OnBeginT1",
#using (Ajax.BeginForm("BlogInformation", ajaxOpts))
<input id="input" type="submit" style="display: none"/>
<script id="listview-template" type="x-kendo-template">
<button class="k-button1" onclick="returnsubmitted()" id="#:id#" name="but">Read More</button>
//Displaying a list
.DataSource(dataSource =>
dataSource.Read(read => read.Action("Blog_Read", "Blog"));
function returnsubmitted() {
//$("input").val($("#:id#").val());//This does not pass the right value to input
// $("#input").val($('.k-button1').attr('class').id);
//Here is my controller
public ActionResult BlogInformation(string blogid)
XElement element = XElement.Load(Server.MapPath("~/App_Data/Blogs.xml"));
IEnumerable<Blog> data = null;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(blogid))
var xElement = FindByID(blogid, element.Element("Blog")).Element("Blog");
if (xElement != null)
data = FindByID(blogid, element.Element("Blog"))
.Select(e => ToBlog(e));
data = element.Elements("Blog").Select(e => ToBlog(e));
return View(data);

How to disable click action in asp menu in

I have a dynamically generated menu (C#), like this:
MenuItem(string text, string value, string imageUrl, string navigateUrl, string target)
MenuItem AdminLevel1 = new MenuItem("Admin", "Admin"); MenuItem AdminPedidosRegisto = new MenuItem("Questions", "AdminQ");
NavigationMenu.Items.Add(new MenuItem("Messages Received", "AdminMessagesR", "", "./Admin/Messages.ascx", "ContainerIframe")); AdminPedidosRegisto.ChildItems.Add(new MenuItem("Pending", "AdminPending", "", "./Admin/Pedidos.ascx", "ContainerIframe"));
Where 'ContainerIframe' is the iFrame's ID and 'NavigationMenu' is the (asp:Menu)'s ID.
I want to disable the click action in the parent items that don't have an URL set, so the page doesn't refresh when someone clicks it.
Is there a way?
menuitem.NavigateUrl = "javascript:;";
Thanks to #Manibhadra (this is enough for parent items and child items)
window.onload = function ()
var menuTable = document.getElementById("<%=NavigationMenu.ClientID%>");
var menuLinks = menuTable.getElementsByTagName("a");
for (i = 0; i < menuLinks.length; i++)
menuLinks[i].onclick = function () { }
if (MenuItem.NavigateUrl == "")
MenuItem.Selectable = false;

Controller AJAX method to return AJAX ActionLink

I am fairly new to MVC and just trying to achieve something which I think shouldn't be too complicated to achieve. Just want to know what the best approach for that is. I have an Event-RSVP application (NerdDinner kind) where you go to view details of the event and then click on an AJAX link that will RSVP you for the event.
if (Model.HasRSVP(Context.User.Identity.Name))
You are registered for this event!
Ajax.ActionLink("Click here if you can't make it!", "CancelRegistration", "RSVP", new { id = Model.RSVPs.FirstOrDefault(r => r.AttendeeName.ToLower() == User.Identity.Name.ToLower()).RSVPID }, new AjaxOptions { UpdateTargetId = "QuickRegister"})
Ajax.ActionLink("RSVP for this event", "Register", "RSVP", new { id=Model.EventID }, new AjaxOptions { UpdateTargetId="QuickRegister" }) %>
Now corresponding to these two links, my functions in RSVP Controller look like these.
[Authorize, HttpPost]
public ActionResult Register(int id)
Event event = eventRepository.GetEvent(id);
if (event == null)
return Content("Event not found");
if (!event.IsUserRegistered(User.Identity.Name))
RSVP rsvp = new RSVP();
rsvp.AttendeeName = User.Identity.Name;
return Content("Thanks, you are registered.");
[Authorize, HttpPost]
public ActionResult CancelRegistration(int id)
RSVP rsvp = eventRepository.GetRSVP(id);
if (rsvp == null)
return Content("RSVP not found");
if (rsvp.Event.IsUserRegistered(User.Identity.Name))
return Content("Sorry, we won't be seeing you there!");
Both of these seem to work without any issues. Now I want to make it a little fancier by doing either of these two:
1) Return an AJAX link from controller so that when you register, you get cancel registration link shown to you without page refresh.
2) Somehow make the view rendering refreshed when the controller method has finished executing so the first code block in my question gets executed after the click of any of the AJAX links. So clicking on register will register you and show you cancel link and clicking on cancel will cancel your registration and show you register link.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
You could by using jQuery show and hide these links.
I never use the Ajax.ActionLink, I do my AJAX without the helper but I think it should look loke this :
Ajax.ActionLink("Click here if you can't make it!", "CancelRegistration", "RSVP", new { id = Model.RSVPs.FirstOrDefault(r => r.AttendeeName.ToLower() == User.Identity.Name.ToLower()).RSVPID }, new AjaxOptions { UpdateTargetId = "QuickRegister", OnSuccess = "ShowHideLinks" }, new { id = "cancel-link", #style = "display:none"})
Ajax.ActionLink("RSVP for this event", "Register", "RSVP", new { id=Model.EventID }, new AjaxOptions { UpdateTargetId="QuickRegister", OnSuccess = "ShowHideLinks" }, new { id = "register-link"})
And some javascript/jQuery to initialize the current display link :
function ShowHideLinks() {
<%: if(Model.HasRSVP(Context.User.Identity.Name)) { %>
<%: } %>
Hope this help!
You can set the links using jQuery. I see you are passing Content from both the action methods... You can use $.post() in jQuery to execute these action and in the success eventhandler compare the returned content (you would need to send something which is more easy to compare than the current strings) and set the links appropriately.
