How to bind razor variable to vue attribute? -

I am trying bind a razor variable to html attribute with vuejs.
The variable which i must use is "#culture". It is a string variable which gives me current culture information.
My code is:
<div class="dropdown-product-item" v-for="(item, index) in card.items">
<span class="dropdown-product-remove"><i class="icon-cross" v-bind:data-id="item.Id" v-on:click="removeFromCard"></i></span>
<a class="dropdown-product-thumb" v-bind:href="/#{Html.Raw(culture);}/item.Link">
<img v-bind:src="item.ResimUrl" v-bind:alt="item.Ad">
<div class="dropdown-product-info">
<a class="dropdown-product-title" v-bind:href="/#{Html.Raw(culture);}/item.Link">{{item.Ad}}</a>
<span class="dropdown-product-details" v-if="!item.IndirimliFiyat">{{pieces[index]}} x {{item.Fiyat.PriceString}}</span>
<span class="dropdown-product-details" v-else>{{pieces[index]}} x {{item.IndirimliFiyat.PriceString}}</span>
This code doesn't work. I only see white screen.
How to I do this? Could you help me?


Umbraco 7 MVC Razor - Rendering Image (Multinode Tree Picker Script)

I've created a multinode tree picker datatype and i'm trying to list the thumbnails of a vehicle as part of the foreach loop, however i keep getting ID rendering in the src of the image, i'm having trouble getting the URL of the image.
MVC Razor Code
#inherits Umbraco.Web.Macros.PartialViewMacroPage
#using Umbraco.Web
Macro to list nodes from a Multinode tree picker, using the pickers default settings.
Content Values stored as xml.
To get it working with any site's data structure, simply set the selection equal to the property which has the
multinode treepicker (so: replace "PropertyWithPicker" with the alias of your property).
#* Lists each selected value from the picker as a link *#
<div class="featuredVehicles">
#foreach (var id in CurrentPage.featuredVehicles.Split(','))
#*For each link, get the node, and display its name and url*#
var vehicleContent = Umbraco.Content(id);
<div class="col-xs-6 col-md-4 col-xs-height">
<a href="#vehicleContent.Url">
#if (vehicleContent.HasValue("vehicleThumbnail"))
var mediaItem = Umbraco.TypedMedia(vehicleContent.GetPropertyValue("vehicleThumbnail"));
<img class="featuredVehicleImg img-responsive" src="#vehicleContent.GetPropertyValue("vehicleThumbnail")" alt="#vehicleContent.Name"/>
<img class="comingSoon" src="" alt="#vehicleContent.Name">
<span class="name">#vehicleContent.Name</span>
<span class="desc">#vehicleContent.GetPropertyValue("shortContent")</span>
<span class="prx">from, <strong>£#vehicleContent.vehiclePrice</strong> per day</span>
<span class="label label-primary moreinfo">More Info</span>
<img alt="Pharmaceutical Vehicle One" src="1092" class="featuredVehicleImg img-responsive">
Problem solved;
This is the bit where the problems were being caused;
if (vehicleContent.HasValue("vehicleThumbnail")){
var dynamicMediaItem = Umbraco.Media(vehicleContent.vehicleThumbnail);
<img src="#dynamicMediaItem.umbracoFile" alt="#dynamicMediaItem.Name"/>
<img class="comingSoon" src="" alt="#vehicleContent.Name">
Hopefully it will help someone else out :-)

identifying image object using css for protractor automation

I am using protractor for angular js automation. I am trying to get the 'fa fa-something' text from the below element structure using css identifier-
<div class="Itemlistcontainer">
<ul class="itemlist sortlist ui-sortable">
<!-- ngRepeat: Item in Items | orderBy:CustomSort:false --><li ng-repeat=" Item in Items | orderBy:CustomSort:false" ng-show="!searchinput || ([Item.Name]|filter:searchinput).length" ng-class="{ 'itemdisabled' : !CanUseTask(Item) || deactivate }" class="ng-scope ui-draggable">
<div bo-attr="" bo-attr-id="Item.Id" bo-attr-title="Item.Details | html2string" class="label itemlabel" id="3d991564-a1a9-49ab-8659-a26e00fbfae6" title="Blah blah blah.">
<i ng-class="itemIconClass(Item)" style="margin-right: 5px;" class="fa fa-something"></i>
</span><span bo-text="item.Name | ellipse : 32">Item Name</span>
<!--ngRepeat: Item in Items....and the list goes on
I need to know under what Item in Items was this 'fa fa-something' found. I am using element(By.css('ul.itemlist i.itemIconClass(Item)').getAttribute('class').getText()
which is not working.
element(By.css('ul.itemlist i.itemIconClass(Item)').getAttribute('class').getText()
can't work as you're trying to interpolate an angular template expression in a protractor element selector
I think you need :
element(By.css('ul.itemlist i.fa.fa-something').getAttribute('class').getText()
And to determine what Item in Items was this 'fa fa-something' found maybe you need an ID (which will be easier to read, no need to parse class attribute by extracting fa fasomething etc...

Rich Snippets Nesting Issue

I've never used Rich Snippets before, so this is a little bit of a learning curve for me. I believe my issue is a nesting problem but I can't find any documentation anywhere that explicitly states how to nest these properties correctly.
I'm wanting to index a single-product review with multiple reviews into Rich Snippets with classic ASP pulling in different data feilds, here is my code:
<div itemscope itemtype="">
<span itemprop="itemreviewed">Forma Stanzol</span><br />
By <span itemprop="reviewer"><%=formaStanzolReviewArray(0,i)%></span><br />
<time itemprop="dtreviewed" datetime="<%=FormatDateTime(formaStanzolReviewArray(1,i),2)%>"><%=FormatDateTime(formaStanzolReviewArray(1,i),2)%></time> <br />
<span itemprop="description"><%=formaStanzolComment%></span>
This returns the Error: No rich snippet will be generated for this data, because it appears to include multiple reviews of an item, but no aggregate review information.
So, I added a dummy Aggregate code with static values, here's what it looks like all together:
<div itemscope itemtype="">
<span itemprop="itemreviewed">Forma Stanzol</span><br />
By <span itemprop="reviewer"><%=formaStanzolReviewArray(0,i)%></span><br />
<time itemprop="dtreviewed" datetime="<%=FormatDateTime(formaStanzolReviewArray(1,i),2)%>"><%=FormatDateTime(formaStanzolReviewArray(1,i),2)%></time> <br />
<span itemprop="description"><%=formaStanzolComment%></span>
<div itemscope itemtype="">
<span itemprop="itemreviewed">Forma Stanzol</span>
<span itemprop="rating" itemscope itemtype="">
<span itemprop="average">9</span>
out of <span itemprop="best">10</span>
based on<span itemprop="count">5</span> user reviews.
This causes my "Reviews" to not error but then all of my "Aggregate Reviews" push out this Error: No rich snippet will be generated for this data, because it appears to include multiple aggregate reviews of many items, instead of a single aggregate review of one item.
Seems like it's working against itself no matter what I do, so that's why I believe this to be a nesting issue.
How can I fix this?
EDIT: Ideally, I don't event want the Aggregate view of this item. The reviewer, item name, review date, and review description is all I need.
EDIT EDIT: This code is also running in a For loop where its getting information from the database with each pass.
Ok so the issue here was that a website, with a single product, but multiple reviews needs only one "Review-Aggregate" and one "Rating" itemtype. However, multiple "Review" itemtypes must be used.
So, my For Loop creates a "Review" for each row in the database, using the related data feilds and then after the conditional statement, the "Review-Aggregate" and Rating" codes are placed.
For i = 0 to uBound(formaStanzolReviewArray,2)
reviewCount = reviewCount + 1
formaStanzolComment = trim(formaStanzolReviewArray(2,i))
'Do not show reviews with empty comments
If Not (formaStanzolComment = "") OR isNull(formaStanzolComment) Then
<div itemscope itemtype="">
<span style="position: absolute; left: 9999px;" itemprop="itemreviewed">Forma Stanzol</span>
Rating: <span itemprop="rating"><%=formaStanzolReviewArray(3,i)%></span> -
By <span itemprop="reviewer"><%=formaStanzolReviewArray(0,i)%></span> -
<time itemprop="dtreviewed" datetime="<%=FormatDateTime(formaStanzolReviewArray(1,i),2)%>"><%=FormatDateTime(formaStanzolReviewArray(1,i),2)%></time> <br />
<span itemprop="description"><%=formaStanzolComment%></span>
sumRating = sumRating + formaStanzolReviewArray(3,i)
End If
ratingAvg = sumRating / reviewCount
<div style="position: absolute; left: 9999px;">
<div itemscope itemtype="">
<span itemprop="rating" itemscope itemtype="">
<span itemprop="worst">1</span>
<span itemprop="average"><%=ratingAvg%></span>
out of <span itemprop="best">5</span>
based on <span itemprop="votes"><%=reviewCount%></span> ratings.
<span itemprop="count"><%=reviewCount%></span> user reviews.
Think of it as multiple User reviews in the For Loop, but we collect all of those reviews once in the aggregate, and then give that aggregate a rating scale.
Hope this helps anyone having nesting issues.
Please Note: I am using classic ASP for this particular code.

How to add a new CSS class to a Link Badge if the value is 0?

I'm using the small module Link Badges to display a badge with the amount of flagged nodes next to a link to the View in question. It works great and I've styled the badge to my needs. This is the current HTML code:
<a class="menu__link menu__link link-badge-wrapper">
<span class="link-badge-text">My View</span>
<span class="link-badge-badge-wrapper">
<span class="link-badge link-badge-menu_badges_execute_view">0</span>
Now, I'd like to display the badge a little bit differently (other colors etc.) when the value is 0. I thought about doing this by adding a new CSS class link-badge-zero to the value.
<a class="menu__link menu__link link-badge-wrapper">
<span class="link-badge-text">My View</span>
<span class="link-badge-badge-wrapper">
<span class="link-badge link-badge-zero link-badge-menu_badges_execute_view">0</span>
How can I achieve this?
If you just want to add a class if the value inside your span is "0", give this a try
if($(".link-badge").text() == "0"){
Here is a fiddle

Stars and aggregated rating are not shown when using markup and and Review in xhtml page

I'm trying to implement's microData format in my xhtml template.
Since I'm using xhtml templates, I needed to add
<div itemprop="reviews" itemscope="itemscope" itemtype="">
instead of:
<div itemprop="reviews" itemscope itemtype="">
otherwise my template wouldn't be parsed. I found the solution here
My markup looks like this:
<div itemscope="itemscope" itemtype="">
<div itemprop="aggregateRating" itemscope="itemscope"
<span itemprop="ratingValue">#{company.meanRating}</span> stars -
based on <span itemprop="reviewCount">#{company.confirmedReviewCount}</span> reviews
<ui:repeat var="review" value="#{company.reverseConfirmedReviews}">
<div itemprop="reviews" itemscope="itemscope" itemtype="">
<span itemprop="name">Not a happy camper</span> -
by <span itemprop="author">#{review.reviewer.firstName}</span>,
<div itemprop="reviewRating" itemscope="itemscope" itemtype="">
<span itemprop="ratingValue">1</span>/
<span itemprop="bestRating">5</span>stars
<span itemprop="description">#{review.text} </span>
When testing this in I'm not getting any stars back or aggregated review count
What am I doing wrong here?
The problem actually consisted of two errors, first somebody had named the div class to
"hReview-aggregate" which is appropriate when you implement Microformats not
The second error was that I misunderstood the specification of
This is how I end up doing:
<div class="box bigBox" itemscope="itemscope" itemtype="">
<span itemprop="name">#{}</span>
<div class="subLeftColumn" style="margin-top:10px;" itemprop="aggregateRating" itemscope="itemscope" itemtype="">
<div class="num">
<span class="rating" id="companyRating" itemprop="ratingValue">#{rating}</span>
<div class="num">
<span class="count" id="companyCount" itemprop="reviewCount">
Hope this helps!!!!!
hey checkout how holidayhq guys have done it for this url :
you can check there snippet on this tool :
and google out this keyword "lonavala attractions" and you will see the same snippet, they have used microdata to generate this reviews in snippet, they have used typeof="v:Review-aggregate" and much more tags, have a look at it, its nice implementation of the reviews in snippet kind of work.
