How to add Two Columns (Date/Time) Together in Tableau - datetime

I have a dataset which was imported from Excel to Tableau. In Excel the data is listed as "8:15:00 AM". When it's imported into Tableau it's now Date & Time as "12/30/1899 10:45:00 AM".
What I'm trying to perform is an addition problem between two date & time columns. An example being:
Sleep: 12/30/1899 10:45:00
Eating: 12/30/1899 00:45:00
Sleep + Eating which should yield 10:40 + 00:45 = 11:30
After much googling and video watching, I have not found a solution.

Creating a calculated as such should solve the problem:
'hour', DATEPART('hour', [Eating]), DATEADD(
'minute', DATEPART('minute', [Eating]), DATEADD(
'second', DATEPART('second', [Eating]), [Sleep])))
From there, the time display of the field can be adjusted as necessary:
Right-click field name > Default Properties > Date Format

You can achieve the desired result by creating three calculated fields. Lets call one of the calculated field [hours] and another one [minutes]. A third field will use the values from [hours] and [minutes] in order to properly display the results. Let's call this third field [Sleep + Eating].
To create [hours]:
//[hours] calculated field
DATEPART('hour', [Sleep])+ DATEPART('hour', [Eating])
To create [minutes]:
//[hours] calculated field
DATEPART('minute', [Sleep])+DATEPART('minute', [Eating])
At this point [hours] and [minutes] are just the sums of the integer values from [Sleep] and [Eating]. To display these sums in the format you have requested, you'll need to have a third calculated field that concatenates hours and the minutes, and is also able to handle a situations where the minutes add up to more than 60, or when the minutes add up to less then 10.[Sleep + Eating] calculated field will achieve this.
Here is the [Sleep + Eating] calculated field:
//[Sleep + Eating] calculated field
IF [minutes]< 10 THEN STR([hours])+":0"+STR([minutes])
ELSEIF [minutes]< 60 THEN STR([hours])+":"+STR([minutes])
ELSEIF [minutes]>= 70 THEN STR([hours]+1)+":"+STR([minutes]-60)
ELSE STR([hours]+1)+":0"+STR([minutes]-60)
Other solutions that try to treat your data like a date field (See #Daniel Sims answer) could be problematic if the hours sum to greater than 23, the result will add a day. For example, lets say you had these values in Excel:
If you use my solution, the result will be 25:02. If you use #Daniel Sims answer, the result would be 12/31/1899 1:02 :00 AM, which I don't think is what you want.


How to add 1 minute to each value in a vector in R Studio?

I am currently using a vector to extract certain rows from my data set based off time (formatted as POSIXct):
Vector.Time <- c('2020-03-06 10:09:11',
'2020-03-06 10:13:11',
'2020-03-06 10:18:12')
One of the instruments I am using logs data at the end of each minute, so I need to reference a second vector where 1-minute is added to all the values in the original vector. Is there a simple way of doing this without having to create a new vector?
Use the minutes from lubridate
as.POSIXct(Vector.Time) + minutes(1)
You can add/subtract time for POSIXct object using base R, it is done by second. So to add 1 minute in Vector.Time you can add 60 seconds.
as.POSIXct(Vector.Time) + 60

Apache Drill: Group by week

I tried to group my daily data by week (given a reference date) to generate a smaller panel data set.
I used postgres before and there it was quite easy:
CREATE TABLE videos_weekly AS SELECT channel_id,
CEIL(DATE_PART('day', observation_date - '2016-02-10')/7) AS week
FROM videos GROUP BY channel_id, week;
But it seems like it is not possible to subtract a timestamp with a date string in Drill. I found the AGE function, which returns an interval between two dates, but how to convert this into an integer (number of days or weeks)?
DATE_SUB may help you here. Following is an example:
SELECT extract(day from date_sub('2016-11-13', cast('2015-01-01' as timestamp)))/7 FROM (VALUES(1));
This will return number of weeks between 2015-01-01 and 2016-11-13.
Click here for documentation

Days between dates calculation

I imported date variables as strings from SQL (date1) into Stata and then created a new date variable (date2) like this:
gen double date2 = clock(date1, "YMDhms")
format date2 %tc
However, now I want to calculate the number of days between two dates (date3-date2), formatted as above, but I can't seem to do it.
I don't care about the hms, so perhaps I should strip that out first? And then deconstruct the date into YYYY MM DD as separate variables? Nothing I seems to do is working right now.
It sounds like by dates you actually mean timestamp (aka datetime) variables. In my experience, there's usually no need to cast dates/timestamps as strings since ODBC and Stata will handle the conversion to SIF td/tc formats nicely.
But perhaps you exported to a text file and then read in the data instead. Here are a couple solutions.
tc timestamps are in milliseconds since 01jan1960 00:00:00.000, assuming 1000*60*60*24=86,400 seconds/day (that is, ignoring leap seconds). This means that you need to divide your difference by that number to get elapsed days.
For example, 2016 was a leap year:
. display (tc(01jan2017 00:00:00) - tc(01jan2016 00:00:00))/(1000*60*60*24)
You can also use the dofc() function to make dates out of timestamps and omit the division:
. display (dofc(tc(01jan2018 00:00:00)) - dofc(tc(01jan2016 00:00:00)))
2017 is not a leap year, so 366 + 365 = 731 days.
You can use generate with all these functions, though display is often easier for debugging initial attempts.

Count between months in Tableau

I am needing to count month between collect dates. I need to know if the test was run in the last 3 months. Below is the code I used but it is giving me a count of zero, but I know they had 3 of the same tests run in a year because I can see the dates. I understand the first one have a count of zero, because there is no test before that, but the count for the other should be 3, 5 respectively.
DATEDIFF('month',[Collect Date],[Collect Date])
Dates of the Tests.
What you are looking for is possible using the LOOKUP function in Tableau. Keep in mind, that the result relies heavily on the data that is displayed and how it is displayed (sorted, etc).
You can create a calculated field like this:
DATEDIFF("month",LOOKUP(ATTR([Test Date]),-1),ATTR([Test Date]))
Which calculates the number of months between the date in the current row and the date from the prior row.
Your result will look something like this:

How do you update an existing date to a random date in a range?

In one of my tables I have datetime field in which the data in the table column is populated with something like "2016-01-07 01:33:00".
What I want to do is change ONLY the date to a random date within a range (ie: 2016-02-01 thru 2016-02-28) without changing the time. The end result might be "2016-02-13 01:33:00".
What mysql command string would accomplish this task?
Something like
UPDATE someTable SET someDate = DATE_ADD(
DATEDIFF(rangeStart, someDate) +
ROUND(RAND()*DATEDIFF(rangeEnd, rangeStart))
where someTable.someDate is your existing data, and rangeStart and rangeEnd are the boundaries of your target date range.
Here you take the initial date, add enough days to it to reach the range start, and then further add a random number of days no greater than the number of days in your target range.
In MsSQL it could be:
select dateadd(day,cast((RAND() * 30) as int),getdate())
Substitute getdate() with your input date.
(RAND() * 30) is used to randomly generate a number of days up to 30.
