Convert QT Resource to ::std::istream& - qt

I am trying to convert a QResource XML to istream. The thirdparty signature to which the XML goes into is shown below.
::std::unique_ptr< ::NO::Peoplefile >
peoplefile (::std::istream& is,
::xml_schema::Flags f = 0,
const ::xml_schema::Properties& p = ::xml_schema::Properties ());
But how do I convert a QResource to istream?
tried using the below, but not been able to convert it to ::std::istream&. Any idea?
ifstream& QFileToifstream(QFile & file) {
return ifstream(::_fdopen(file.handle(), "r")); //error: non-const lvalue reference to type 'basic_ifstream<...>' cannot bind to a temporary of type 'basic_ifstream<...>'

Since the resource in question is XML I'm assuming it's not huge and can easily be read into memory in its entirety. That being the case you could simply use an std::istringstream...
* Attempt to open the bound resource `:/some-resource.xml'.
if (QFile f(":/some-resource.xml"); {
* Read its contents into an std::string which is used to
* initialize an std::istringstream.
std::istringstream is(f.readAll().toStdString());
* Pass the istringstream as the first parameter to peoplefile.
auto result = peoplefile(is, 0/* flags */, ::xml_schema::Properties());


NewTek NDI (SDK v5) with Qt6.3: How to display NDI video frames on the GUI?

I have integrated the NDI SDK from NewTek in the current version 5 into my Qt6.3 widget project.
I copied and included the required DLLs and header files from the NDI SDK installation directory into my project.
To test my build environment I tried to compile a simple test program based on the example from "..\NDI 5 SDK\Examples\C++\NDIlib_Recv".
That was also successful.
I was therefore able to receive or access data from my NDI source.
There is therefore a valid frame in the video_frame of the type NDIlib_video_frame_v2_t. Within the structure I can also query correct data of the frame such as the size (.xres and .yres).
The pointer p_data points to the actual data.
So far so good.
Of course, I now want to display this frame on the Qt6 GUI. In other words, the only thing missing now is the conversion into an appropriate format so that I can display the frame with QImage, QPixmap, QLabel, etc.
But how?
So far I've tried calls like this:
curFrame = QImage(video_frame.p_data, video_frame.xres, video_frame.yres, QImage::Format::Format_RGB888);"out.jpg");
I'm not sure if the format is correct either.
Here's a closer look at the mentioned frame structure within the Qt debug session:
my NDI video frame in the Qt Debug session, after receiving
Within "video_frame" you can see the specification video_type_UYVY.
This may really be the format as it appears at the source!?
Fine, but how do I get this converted now?
Many thanks and best regards
You mean something like this? :)
Assuming you connect using NDIlib_recv_color_format_best:
NDIlib_recv_create_v3_t recv_desc;
recv_desc.p_ndi_recv_name = "QtNdiMonitorCapture";
recv_desc.source_to_connect_to = ...;
recv_desc.color_format = NDIlib_recv_color_format_best;
recv_desc.bandwidth = NDIlib_recv_bandwidth_highest;
recv_desc.allow_video_fields = true;
pNdiRecv = NDIlib_recv_create_v3(&recv_desc);
Then when you receive a NDIlib_video_frame_v2_t:
void NdiReceiverWorker::processVideo(
NDIlib_video_frame_v2_t *pNdiVideoFrame,
QList<QVideoSink*> *videoSinks)
auto ndiWidth = pNdiVideoFrame->xres;
auto ndiHeight = pNdiVideoFrame->yres;
auto ndiLineStrideInBytes = pNdiVideoFrame->line_stride_in_bytes;
auto ndiPixelFormat = pNdiVideoFrame->FourCC;
auto pixelFormat = NdiWrapper::ndiPixelFormatToPixelFormat(ndiPixelFormat);
if (pixelFormat == QVideoFrameFormat::PixelFormat::Format_Invalid)
qDebug().nospace() << "Unsupported pNdiVideoFrame->FourCC " << NdiWrapper::ndiFourCCToString(ndiPixelFormat) << "; return;";
QSize videoFrameSize(ndiWidth, ndiHeight);
QVideoFrameFormat videoFrameFormat(videoFrameSize, pixelFormat);
QVideoFrame videoFrame(videoFrameFormat);
if (!
qWarning() << " failed; return;";
auto pDstY = videoFrame.bits(0);
auto pSrcY = pNdiVideoFrame->p_data;
auto pDstUV = videoFrame.bits(1);
auto pSrcUV = pSrcY + (ndiLineStrideInBytes * ndiHeight);
for (int line = 0; line < ndiHeight; ++line)
memcpy(pDstY, pSrcY, ndiLineStrideInBytes);
pDstY += ndiLineStrideInBytes;
pSrcY += ndiLineStrideInBytes;
if (pDstUV)
// For now QVideoFrameFormat/QVideoFrame does not support P216. :(
// I have started the conversation to have it added, but that may take awhile. :(
// Until then, copying only every other UV line is a cheap way to downsample P216's 4:2:2 to P016's 4:2:0 chroma sampling.
// There are still a few visible artifacts on the screen, but it is passable.
if (line % 2)
memcpy(pDstUV, pSrcUV, ndiLineStrideInBytes);
pDstUV += ndiLineStrideInBytes;
pSrcUV += ndiLineStrideInBytes;
foreach(QVideoSink *videoSink, *videoSinks)
QVideoFrameFormat::PixelFormat NdiWrapper::ndiPixelFormatToPixelFormat(enum NDIlib_FourCC_video_type_e ndiFourCC)
case NDIlib_FourCC_video_type_UYVY:
return QVideoFrameFormat::PixelFormat::Format_UYVY;
case NDIlib_FourCC_video_type_UYVA:
return QVideoFrameFormat::PixelFormat::Format_UYVY;
// Result when requesting NDIlib_recv_color_format_best
case NDIlib_FourCC_video_type_P216:
return QVideoFrameFormat::PixelFormat::Format_P016;
//case NDIlib_FourCC_video_type_PA16:
// return QVideoFrameFormat::PixelFormat::?;
case NDIlib_FourCC_video_type_YV12:
return QVideoFrameFormat::PixelFormat::Format_YV12;
//case NDIlib_FourCC_video_type_I420:
// return QVideoFrameFormat::PixelFormat::?
case NDIlib_FourCC_video_type_NV12:
return QVideoFrameFormat::PixelFormat::Format_NV12;
case NDIlib_FourCC_video_type_BGRA:
return QVideoFrameFormat::PixelFormat::Format_BGRA8888;
case NDIlib_FourCC_video_type_BGRX:
return QVideoFrameFormat::PixelFormat::Format_BGRX8888;
case NDIlib_FourCC_video_type_RGBA:
return QVideoFrameFormat::PixelFormat::Format_RGBA8888;
case NDIlib_FourCC_video_type_RGBX:
return QVideoFrameFormat::PixelFormat::Format_RGBX8888;
return QVideoFrameFormat::PixelFormat::Format_Invalid;

How to use MDX constants/functions in icCube Reporting?

I have several functions/constants defined in the schema. An example is:
_latestPeriodWithData() which returns a date.
Goal: I want to use this value in the Reporting to set a Guide in a chart, using the demo example 'On Widget Options':
This is what I tried so far:
I have assigned this function as 'MDX / Value' for a Report Constant _lastDate and obtained the value for this constant using the java script function: context.eventValue('_lastDate'); but that just gives me the caption. The function context.eventObject("_lastDate").options.asMdx gives me _latestPeriodWithData(), but not its value.
On Widget Options
* Result will be used while rendering.
function(context, options, $box) {
// for debugging purpose
options.guides[0].value = context.eventObject("_lastDate").options.asMdx; // <-- gives me _latestPeriodeWith data
// but not its value
options.guides[0].toValue = context.eventObject("_lastDate").options.asMdx;
options.guides[0].lineAlpha = 1;
options.guides[0].lineColor = "#c44";
return options;

How to get the QWebFrame for an iframe/frame QWebElement?

I have simple Qt GUI application which uses QtWebkit. I am loading complex page with a lot of nested IFRAME-tags. And I want to traverse complete DOM tree (like Chrome browser does in debug-panel) including content of iframes.
My code is:
QWebElement doc = ui->webView->page()->mainFrame()->documentElement();
QWebElement iframe = doc.findFirst("iframe[id=someid]");
QWebFrame *webFrame = ....? // how to get the QWebFrame for an iframe/frame QWebElement?
I can traverse over all frames (including nested):
void MainWindow::renderFramesTree(QWebFrame *frame, int indent)
QString s;
s.fill(' ', indent * 4);
ui->textLog->appendPlainText(s + " " + frame->frameName());
foreach (QWebFrame *child, frame->childFrames())
renderFramesTree(child, indent + 1);
But my question is not about that. I need to get corresponding QWebFrame* of iframe-QWebElement.
Each QWebFrame has QList<QWebFrame *> QWebFrame::childFrames () const method. Each frame has also QString QWebFrame::frameName () const. Combining both may let you find what you need.
QWebFrame * frameImLookingFor = NULL;
foreach(QWebFrame * frame, ui->webView->page()->mainFrame()->childFrames())
if (frame->frameName() == QLatin1String("appFrame"))
frameImLookingFor = frame;
if (frameImLookingFor)
// do what you need
run selector on current frame
if it returns something that's good we found that our webframe is on the current frame, lets call this element X :
now get all frame elements using selector "iframe,frame" from current page
loop trough all those elements and try to match them with X frame
this way you'll be able to find exact INDEX of the X frame in document
finally you are now able to focus on child frame with that INDEX
else this means that selector is not found in this frame
loop trough all child frames and repeat the whole process for each child frame

Define dictionary in protocol buffer

I'm new to both protocol buffers and C++, so this may be a basic question, but I haven't had any luck finding answers. Basically, I want the functionality of a dictionary defined in my .proto file like an enum. I'm using the protocol buffer to send data, and I want to define units and their respective names. An enum would allow me to define the units, but I don't know how to map the human-readable strings to that.
As an example of what I mean, the .proto file might look something like:
message DataPack {
// obviously not valid, but something like this
dict UnitType {
KmPerHour = "km/h";
MiPerHour = "mph";
required int id = 1;
repeated DataPoint pt = 2;
message DataPoint {
required int id = 1;
required int value = 2;
optional UnitType theunit = 3;
and then have something like to create / handle messages:
// construct
DataPack pack;
DataPack::DataPoint pt = pack.add_point();
// read values
DataPack::UnitType theunit = pt.unit();
cout << << endl; // print "km/h"
I could just define an enum with the unit names and write a function to map them to strings on the receiving end, but it would make more sense to have them defined in the same spot, and that solution seems too complicated (at least, for someone who has lately been spoiled by the conveniences of Python). Is there an easier way to accomplish this?
You could use custom options to associate a string with each enum member:
It would look like this in the .proto:
extend google.protobuf.FieldOptions {
optional string name = 12345;
enum UnitType {
KmPerHour = 1 [(name) = "km/h"];
MiPerHour = 2 [(name) = "mph"];
Beware, though, that some third-party protobuf libraries don't understand these options.
In proto3, it's:
extend google.protobuf.EnumValueOptions {
string name = 12345;
enum UnitType {
KM_PER_HOUR = 0 [(name) = "km/h"];
MI_PER_HOUR = 1 [(name) = "mph"];
and to access it in Java:

How can I print the data contained by a C++ Map while debugging using DBX

I want to know the contents of a Map while debugging a c++ program.
I am using command line dbx.
I have pointer to the map.
Is there a way in which i can get the data printed.
p *dataMap will give me this::
p *dataMap
*dataMap = {
__t = {
__buffer_size = 32U
__buffer_list = {
__data_ = 0x3ba2b8
__free_list = (nil)
__next_avail = 0x474660
__last = 0x474840
__header = 0x3b97b8
__node_count = 76U
__insert_always = false
__key_compare = {
/* try using "print -r" to see any inherited members */
Alok Kr.
you need to write a ksh function to pretty print map, here is an example :
put following line in .dbxrc
source /ksh_STL_map
in dbx, use ppp to call ksh function that define in ksh_STL_map:
(dbx) ppp k
k = 2 elems {343, 0x301f8; 565, 0x30208}
I tried to post content of ksh_STL_map here, but this editor format will mess up the content, it's better that you post your email, then I can send ksh_STL_map directly to you.
