Moving folders to different folders - r

I have a directory (Windows machine) containing many folders. I’d like to split these folders into batches of three, and move them into separate sub-directories.
ID <- c("a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f")
group <- c("gp1", "gp1","gp1","gp2","gp2","gp2")
samples <-,group))
id group
1 a gp1
2 b gp1
3 c gp1
4 d gp2
5 e gp2
6 f gp2
So my working directory contains the folders a-f, and I want to move files a-c into a subdirectory called gp1, and d-f into a subdirectory called gp2. (I actually have over a hundred of these folders, this is just a small example, and each folder contains multiple large files).
This is what I have so far:
# find number of samples
nSamps <- nrow(samples)
# calculate how many groups are required
nGrps <- ceiling(nrow(samples)/3)
# list of batch files we want to create
Batchlist <- 1:nGrps
# create folders with appropriate batch number
for (i in Batchlist){
# assign a group name to each sample
fileList <- rep(Batchlist, each = 3, len = nrow(samples))
# assign each sample a folder name
samples$group <- paste("batch",fileList, sep = "")
This is where I get stuck. I tried writing a loop that moves each folder to the appropriate sub-directory, however it is moving all folders, not in batches (so I'm getting copies of folders a-f in "batch1" and "batch2")
for (j in samples$group){
for (i in samples$ID){
setwd(paste("file/path","/",j,sep = ""))
file.rename(from = i, to = paste(j,"/", i, sep = ""))
I've tried a few other things (like writing a small function and using sapply) but the loop is the closest I'm getting.
Can anyone point me in the right direction of where I'm going wrong?

This worked for me. Instead of your last loop, use:
for (i in 1:nrow(samples)){
The function dir() returns all existing objects in directory. Match each row to its batch name and create the directory inside of it.


How can I filter a list within a for-loop in R so my script to move files from one folder to another will function?

I am trying to write a script in R that will move any files containing a particular string to a subfolder of that directory named with the same string. (The subfolders already exist.) However, I can't find a way to limit my list of files to the ones that I want to move in any particular instance (though it is possible there is another bug I don't understand R well enough to identify). Any guidance is appreciated.
subject <- c("a", "b", "c")
file_loc <- "C:\\Users\\......"
df <- data.frame (subject = c("a", "a", "b", "c"),
filename = c("a_file1.wav", "a_file2.wav", "b_file1.wav", "c_file1.wav")
df_fold <- data.frame (subject = c("a", "b", "c") #this df contains a list of subjects with no repetitions - I am unsure if it is necessary or can be worked around
for (row in 1:nrow(df_fold)) {
filestocopy <- df$filename
person <- df_fold[row, "subject"]
filestocopy <- unique(grep(person, filestocopy, value=TRUE))
sapply(filestocopy, function(x) file.copy(from=soundfile_loc, to=paste0(soundfile_loc, person), copy.mode = TRUE, recursive=FALSE))
If I understand you correctly, you do have a folder (let's just call it c:/Users/Music) where all files begin with a string (e.g. a). And you wish to copy each file to a subfolder that is named after this string.
The easiest way to do this would be to first collect all filenames, then collect all subfolders, then check for the presence of the name of the folders in the beginning of the filenames and move them:
folder = "C:/Users/Music/"
fnames = list.files(folder)
subdirs = fnames[!grepl(".",fnames,fixed=T)] ## Assuming that folders don't contain periods but all files do.
for(s in subdirs){ = fnames[substr(fnames,1,nchar(s))==s] ## Check beginning against s
for(f in{
file.copy(paste(folder,f,sep=""),paste(folder,s,"/",f,sep="")) ## Copy the files
Instead of getting the names for the subdirectories from the filenames, you could also define them a priori, of course. But This short script will try to move all files that have a beginning corresponding to any subdirectory to this directory.
EDIT: Replaced length(s) by nchar(s)

R: how to find select files in a folder based on matching specific column title

Sorry for the generic question. I'm looking for pointers for sorting out a data folder, in which I have numerous .txt files. All of them have different titles, and for the vast majority of them, the files have the same dimension, that is the column numbers are the same. However, the pain is some of the files, despite having the same number of columns, have different column names. That is in those files, some other variables were measured.
I want to weed out these files, and I cannot do by simply comparing column numbers. Is there any method that I can pass a name of the column and check how many files in the directory have that column, so that I can remove them into a different folder?
I have created a dummy folder to have files to reflect the problem
please see link below to access the files on my google drive. In this folder, I have took 4 files that have the problem columns.
The problems is the code seem to be able to find files matching the selection criteria, aka the actual name of problem columns, but I cannot extract the real index of such files in the list. Any pointers?
#read in the example file that have the problem column content
df_var <- read.delim("ctrl_S3127064__3S_DMSO_00_none.TXT", header = T, sep = "\t")
#read in a file that I want to use as reference
df_standard <- read.delim("ctrl__S162465_20190111_T8__3S_2DG_3mM_none.TXT", header = T, sep = "\t")
#get the names of columns of each file
standar.names <- names(df_standard)
var.names <- names(df_var)
same.titles <- var.names %in% standar.names
dff.titles <- !var.names %in% standar.names
#confirm the only 3 columns of problem is column 129,130 and 131
mismatched.names <- colnames(df_var[129:131])
#visual check the names of the problematic columns
# get current working directory and list all files in this directory
wd <- getwd()
files_in_wd <- list.files(wd)
# create an empty list and read in all files from wd
l_files <- list()
for(i in seq_along(files_in_wd)){
l_files[[i]] <- read.delim(file = files_in_wd[i],
sep = "\t",
header = T,
nrows = 2)
# get column names of all files
column_names <- lapply(l_files, names)
# get unique names of files
unique_names <- unique(mismatched.names)
# decide which files to remove
#here there the "too_keep" returns an integer vector that I don't undestand
#I thought the numbers should represent the ID/index of the elements
#but I have less than 10 files, but the numbers in to_keep are around 1000
#this is probably because it's matching the actually index of the unlisted list
#but if I use to_keep <- which(column_names%in% unique_names[1]) it returns empty vector
to_keep <- which(unlist(column_names)%in% unique_names[1])
#now if I want to slice the file using to_keep the files_to_keep returns NA NA NA
files_to_keep <- files_in_wd[to_keep]
#once I have a list of targeted files, I can remove them into a new folder by using file.remove
file.move(files_to_keep, "C:/Users/mli/Desktop/weeding/need to reanalysis" )
If you can distinguish the files you'd like to keep from those you'd like to drop depending on the column names, you could use something along these lines:
# set working directory to folder with generic text files
# get current working directory and list all files in this directory
wd <- getwd()
files_in_wd <- list.files(wd)
# create an empty list and read in all files from wd
l_files <- list()
for(i in seq_along(files_in_wd)){
l_files[[i]] <- read.delim(file = files_in_wd[i],
sep = ';',
header = T,
nrows = 2)
# get column names of all files
column_names <- lapply(l_files, names)
# get unique names of files
unique_names <- unique(column_names)
# decide which files to keep
to_keep <- which(column_names %in% unique_names[1])
files_to_keep <- files_in_wd[to_keep]
If you have many files you should probably avoid the loop or just read in the header of the corresponding file.
edit after your comment:
by adding nrows = 2 the code only reads the first 2 rows + the header.
I assume that the first file in the folder has the structure that you'd like to keep, that's why column_names is checked against unique_names[1].
the files_to_keep contains the names of the files you'd like to keep
you could try to run that on a subset of your data and see if it works and worry about efficiency later. A vectorized approach might work better I think.
This code works with your dummy-data.
# set working directory to folder with generic text files
# get current working directory and list all files in this directory
wd <- getwd()
files_in_wd <- list.files(wd)
# create an empty list and read in all files from wd
l_files <- list()
for(i in seq_along(files_in_wd)){
l_files[[i]] <- read.delim(file = files_in_wd[i],
sep = "\t",
header = T,
nrows = 2,
encoding = "UTF-8",
check.names = FALSE
# get column names of all files
column_names <- lapply(l_files, names)
# decide which files to keep
to_keep <- column_names[[1]] # e.g. column names of file #1 are ok
# check if the other files have the same header:
df_filehelper <- data.frame('fileindex' = seq_along(files_in_wd),
'filename' = files_in_wd,
'keep' = NA)
for(i in 2:length(files_in_wd)){
df_filehelper$keep[i] <- identical(to_keep, column_names[[i]])
df_filehelper$keep[1] <- TRUE # keep the original file used for selecting the right columns
# move files out of the current folder:
files_to_move <- df_filehelper$filename[!df_filehelper$keep] # selects file that are not to be kept
file.move(files_to_move, "C:/Users/tester/Desktop/generic-text-files/dummyset/testsubfolder/")
Due to the large number and size of files it might be worth looking at alternatives to R, e.g. in bash:
for f in ctrl*.txt
if [[ "$(head -1 ctrl__S162465_20190111_T8__3S_2DG_3mM_none.txt | md5)" != "$(head -1 $f | md5)" ]]
then echo "$f"
This command compares the column names of the 'good file' to the column names of every file and prints out the names of files that do not match.

How should I approach merging (full joining) multiple (>100) CSV files with a common key but inconsistent number of rows?

Before I dive into the question, here is a similar problem asked but there is not yet a solution.
So, I am working in R, and there is a folder in my working directory called columns that contains 198 similar .csv files with the name format of a 6-digit integer (e.g. 100000) that increases inconsistently (since the name of those files are actually names for each variable).
Now, I have would like to full join them, but somehow I have to import all of those files into R and then join them. Naturally, I thought about using a list to contain those files and then use a loop to join them. This is the code I tried to use:
#These are the first 3 columns containing identifiers
matrix_starter <- read_csv("files/matrix_starter.csv")
## import_multiple_csv_files_to_R
# Purpose: Import multiple csv files to the Global Environment in R
# set working directory
# list all csv files from the current directory
list.files(pattern=".csv$") # use the pattern argument to define a common pattern for import files with regex. Here: .csv
# create a list from these files
list.filenames <- list.files(pattern=".csv$")
# create an empty list that will serve as a container to receive the incoming files <- list()
# create a loop to read in your data
for (i in 1:length(list.filenames))
{[[i]] <- read.csv(list.filenames[i])[[i]] <-[[i]] %>%
select(`Occupation.Title`,`X2018.Employment`) %>%
rename(`Occupation title` = `Occupation.Title`) #%>%
#rename(list.filenames[i] = `X2018.Employment`)
# add the names of your data to the list
names( <- list.filenames
# now you can index one of your tables like this$`113300.csv`
# or this[1]
# source:
The chunk above solve the importing part. Now I have a list of .csv files. Next, I would like to join them:
for (i in 1:length(list.filenames)){
matrix_starter <- matrix_starter %>% full_join([[i]], by = `Occupation title`)
However, this does not work nicely. I end up with somewhere around 47,000 rows, to which I only expect around 1700 rows. Please let me know your opinion.
Reading the files into R as a list and including the file name as a column can be done like this:
files <- list.files(path = path,
full.names = TRUE,
all.files = FALSE)
files <- files[!$isdir]
data <- lapply(files,
function(x) {
data <- read_xls(
sheet = 1
data$File_name <- x
I am assuming now that all your excel files have the same structure: the same columns and column types.
If that is the case you can use dplyr::bind_rows to create one combined data frame.
You could off course loop through the list and left_join the list elements. E.g. by using Reduce and merge.
Update based on mihndang's comment. Is this what you are after when you say: Is there a way to use the file name to name the column and also not include the columns of file names?
path <- "./files"
files <- list.files(path = path,
full.names = TRUE,
all.files = FALSE)
files <- files[!$isdir]
data <- lapply(files,
function(x) {
read.csv(x, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
col1 <- paste0(str_sub(basename(files[1]), start = 1, end = -5), ": Values")
col2 <- paste0(str_sub(basename(files[1]), start = 1, end = -5), ": Character")
df1 <- data[[1]] %>%
rename(!!col1 := Value,
!!col2 := Character)
I created two simple .csv files in ./files: file1.csv and file2.csv. I read them into a list. I extract the first list element (the DF) and work out column names in a variable. I then rename the columns in the DF by passing the two variables to them. The column name includes the file name.
> View(df1)
> df1
file1: Values file1: Character
1 1 a
2 2 b
3 3 c
4 4 d
5 5 e
6 6 f
7 7 g
8 8 h
9 9 i
10 10 j
I guess you are looking for :
result <- Reduce(function(x, y) merge(x, y, by = `Occupation title`, all = TRUE),
which can be done using purrrs Reduce as well :
result <- purrr::reduce(, dplyr::full_join, by = `Occupation title`)
When you do full join it adds every combination and gives us the tables. if you are looking for unique records then you might want to use left join where keep dataframe/table on left whose all columns you want keep as reference and keep the file you want to join on right.
Hope this helps.

Loop subset over several files in a directory and output files into a new directory with a suffix

I have figured out some part of the code, I will describe below, but I find it hard to iterate (loop) the function over a list of files:
filter_173 <- c("kp|917416", "kp|835898", "kp|829747", "kp|767311")
# This is a vector of values that I want to exclude from the files
filepath <- "//full_path_of_directory_with_desired_files"
predict_files <- list.files(filepath, pattern="predict.txt")
# all files that I want to filter have _predict.txt in them
predict_full <- file.path(filepath, predict_files)
# generates full pathnames of all desired files I want to filter
sample_names <- sample_names <- sapply(strsplit(predict_files , "_"), `[`, 1)
Now here is an example of a simple filtering I want to do with one specific example file, this works great. How do I repeat this in a loop on all filenames in predict_full
test_predict <- read.table("a550673-4308980_A05_RepliG_rep2_predict.txt", header = T, sep = "\t")
# this is a file in my current working directory that I set with setwd above
test_predict_filt <- test_predict[test_predict$target_id %nin% filter_173]
write.table(test_predict_filt, file = "test_predict")
Finally how do I place the filtered files in a folder with the same name as original with the suffix filtered?
predict_filt <- file.path(filepath, "filtered")
# Place filtered files in
filtered/ subdirectory
filtPreds <- file.path(predict_filt, paste0(sample_names, "_filt_predict.txt"))
I always get stuck at looping! It is hard to share a 100% reproducible example as everyone's working directory and file paths will be unique though all the code I shared works if you adapt it to an appropriate path name on your machine.
This should work to loop through each of the files and write them out to the new location with the filename specifications you needed. Just be sure to change the directory paths first.
filter_173 <- c("kp|917416", "kp|835898", "kp|829747", "kp|767311") #This is a vector of values that I want to exclude from the files
filepath <- "//full_path_of_directory_with_desired_files"
filteredpath <- "//full_path_of_directory_with_filtered_results/"
# Get vector of predict.txt files
predict_files <- list.files(filepath, pattern="predict.txt")
# Get vector of full paths for predict.txt files
predict_full <- file.path(filepath, predict_files)
# Get vector of sample names
sample_names <- sample_names <- sapply(strsplit(predict_files , "_"), `[`, 1)
# Set for loop to go from 1 to the number of predict.txt files
for(i in 1:length(predict_full))
# Load the current file into a dataframe
df.predict <- read.table(predict_full[i], header=T, sep="\t")
# Filter out the unwanted rows
df.predict <- df.predict[!(df.predict$target_id %in% filter_173)]
# Write the filtered dataframe to the new directory
write.table(df.predict, file = file.path(filteredpath, paste(sample_names[i],"_filt_predict.txt",sep = "")))

R: selectively importing data from several csv files into single data frame while also changing data from rows to individual columns

I’m looking to do the following in R.
I have 250+ csv files of chromatographic data structured similarly to the example below, but with 21 rows instead of three:
1 4.708252 BB 9.946890 7.830349 0.01982016 4.684836 4.742056
2 4.970352 BB 1.792341 1.497008 0.01896829 4.945352 5.005390
3 6.393414 BB 6.599891 5.309925 0.01950091 6.368413 6.428723
What I want to do is read a subset of the data in all 250 files into a single data frame, which is easy enough — but I also need to restructure it a fair bit.
Every row in the table above is a peak. I only want the data from the first and fourth columns (which are ‘peak number’ and ‘area under the peak’, respectively), and in the output I need to make each peak an individual column, rather than a row as above, with the peak number as the header. Finally, I want to create a new column where each row (that is, the data from each individual csv file) is given the same name as the csv file name.
So, imagine I have 3 files: ABC1.csv, ABC2.csv, and ABC3.csv. Each file looks like my example above. I want to automatically take all those files and merge them into a single data frame such as the one below.
ID 1 2 3
ABC1 9.94689 1.792341 6.599891
ABC2 9.76651 1.932332 6.600022
ABC3 8.99193 2.556471 6.718934
I hope I’ve made this clear enough. I’ve been able to manage most of the steps but haven’t been successful writing them into a single script. And I have no idea how, if there is any way, to make the file name into a variable.
I am assuming the working directory is set to where the files are. Then you can get the list of files below.
filenames <- list.files()
Have a helper function to read a file and keep just columns 1 and 4.
readdata <- function(filename) {
df <- read.csv(filename)
vec <- df[, 4]
names(vec) <- df[, 1]
Loop over all of the files and rbind them
result <-, lapply(filenames, readdata))
Name them as you like
row.names(result) <- filenames
this following code can probably be of some help, though the file name is still not working properly -
path <- "C:\\Users\\Vidyut\\"
filenames <- list.files(path = path,pattern = ".csv")
l <- data.frame(ID=character(),col1=numeric(),col2=numeric(),col3=numeric(),stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
for (i in filenames) {
#i = filenames[1]
full = paste(path,i,sep="")
m <- read.csv(full, header=F)
# extract the subset of rows required from each file
# m <- m[c(),]
n<- m[,c(1,4)]
y <- gsub('.csv','',i)
d <- list(ID=as.character(y),col1=n[1,2],col2=n[2,2],col3=n[3,2])
l <-,d)
Mind you, this is not very pretty code - just something hacked together to get the job done (visible from the multiple print lines scattered across).
Here's a solution for you. This only works if we can assume that there are exactly 21 peaks in each file and they are in order 1:21. If that's not the case a few changes to the code should remedy this.
folder = "c:/temp/"
files <- dir(folder)
first_loop <- TRUE
for (file in files) {
# Read one file, only the first and fourth columns
temp <- read.csv(file=paste0(folder,file),
header = FALSE,
colClasses = c("integer", "NULL", "NULL", "numeric", "NULL", "NULL", "NULL", "NULL"))
# Transpose the data
temp <- data.frame(t(temp))
# Remove the peak number
temp <- temp[2,]
# Concatenate the dataframes together
temp$file <- file
if (first_loop) {
data <- temp
first_loop <- FALSE
} else {
data <- rbind(data, temp)
