I can't get "Find personal time entry in progress" using clockify API - clockify

I will try to get those users whose time tracking start currently in clockify
and I'm trying to use the following API endpoint to get the user:
How to get user list using this endpoint?

I have made custom logic for check user is currently working or not
I have made a loop that checks the user is in progress or not.
public getClockifyBaseWorkerStatus(clokifyApiKey: string) {
let headers = new HttpHeaders().set('X-Api-Key', clokifyApiKey ? clokifyApiKey : environment.clokifyApiKey);
return this.http.get<any>(`https://api.clockify.me/api/workspaces/${environment.clockifyWorkSpace}/timeEntries/inProgress`, { headers })
.pipe(map((data) => { return data; }));
so, in this function, I have pass different clokifyApiKey and check the status of the user is currently working or not.
I hope this answer will help other people in the future.

The GET /workspaces/{workspaceId}/timeEntries/inProgress only returns your own currently running timer, not the entire workspaces, per the API docs (https://clockify.github.io/clockify_api_docs/#tag-Time-entry). So you can't get a list of active timers in the workspace other than for yourself. From what I can tell it is not possible to get a list of users with active timers.


Wanting to chain web requests and pass data down through them in Twilio Studio

So I'm playing with Twilio Studio, and building a sample IVR. I have it doing a web request to an API that looks up the customer based on their phone number. That works, I can get/say their name to them.
I'm having trouble with the next step, I want to do another http request and pass the 'customer_id' that I get in webrequest1 to webrequest2, but it almost looks like all the web requests fire right when the call starts instead of in order/serialized.
It looks sorta like this;
call comes in, make http request to lookup customer (i get their customer_id and name)
split on content, if customer name is present, (it is, it goes down this decision path)
do another http request to "get_open_invoice_count", this request needs the customer_id though and not their phone number.
From looking at the logs it's always got a blank value there, even though in the "Say" step just above I can say their customer_id and name.
I can almost imagine someone is going to say I should go use a function, but for some reason I can't get a simple function to do a (got) get request.
I've tried to copy/paste this into a function and I kind of think this example is incomplete: https://support.twilio.com/hc/en-us/articles/115007737928-Getting-Started-with-Twilio-Functions-Beta-
var got = require('got');
got('https://swapi.co/api/people/?search=r2', {json: true})
.then(function(response) {
callback(null, twiml);
.catch(function(error) {
If this is the right way to do it, I'd love to see one of these ^ examples that returns json that can be used in the rest of the flow. Am I missing something about the execution model? I'm hoping it executes step by step as people flow through the studio, but I'm wondering if it executes the whole thing at boot?
Maybe another way to ask this question is; If I wanted to have the IVR be like
- If I know who you are, i send you down this path, if I know who you are I want to lookup some account details and say them to you and give you difference choices than if you are a stranger.
---- how do you do this?
You're right -- that code excerpt from the docs is just a portion that demonstrates how you might use the got package.
That same usage in context of the complete Twilio Serverless Function could look something like this:
exports.handler = function(context, event, callback) {
var twiml = new Twilio.twiml.MessagingResponse();
var got = require('got');
got('https://example.com/api/people/?search=r2', { json: true })
.then(function(response) {
callback(null, twiml);
.catch(function(error) {
However, another part of the issue here is that the advice in this documentation is perfectly reasonable for Functions when building an app on the Twilio Runtime, but there are a couple of unsaid caveats when invoking these functions from a Studio Flow context. Here's some relevant docs about that: https://support.twilio.com/hc/en-us/articles/360019580493-Using-Twilio-Functions-to-Enhance-Studio-Voice-Calls-with-Custom-TwiML
This function would be acceptable if you were calling it directly from an inbound number, but when you use the Function widget within a Studio flow to return TwiML, Studio releases control of the call.
If you want to call external logic that returns TwiML from a flow, and want to return to that flow later, you need to use the TwiML Redirect widget (see "Returning control to Studio" for details).
However, you don't have to return TwiML to Studio when calling external logic! It sounds like you want to make an external call to get some information, and then have your Flow direct the call down one path or another, based on that information. When using a Runtime Function, just have the function return an object instead of twiml, and then you can access that object's properties within your flow as liquid variables, like {{widgets.MY_WIDGET_NAME.parsed.PROPERTY_NAME}}. See the docs for the Run Function widget for more info. You would then use a "Split Based On..." widget following the function in your flow to direct the call down the desired branch.
The one other thing to mention here is the Make HTTP Request widget. If your Runtime Function is just wrapping a call to another web service, you might be able to get away with just using the widget to call that service directly. This works best when the service is under your control, since then you can ensure that the returned data is in a format that is usable to the widget.

Check if username exists in Meteor

Been digging around for a solution but none for Meteor. If any, please let me know. I want to check if a username is already taken.
I understand that this only works on the server side only:
u = Accounts.findUserByUsername('foo');
console.log(u.username); #=> foo
I cant get my head around their pub/sub as I can only see information based on the current user. Is meteor saying that what I want is not possible?
When a user is filling out their details upon registration, I want them to be alerted (as they type) if the username they are using is already taken. But that logic I can easily code but need to know how to talk to the server to tell me the information.
You could write a Meteor method for that:
doesUserExist(name) {
return Accounts.findUserByUsername(name) != null;
Note that you have to define this method on the server but not on the client (e.g., by defining it in a file inside the server directory). That way Meteor won't try to simulate it on the client (which would fail because Accounts.findUserByUsername is not defined there).
Call the method as the user types:
Meteor.call('doesUserExist', name, function(error, result) {
// `result` is true if the user exists.

How to Reproduce Meteor.user() Client-Server effect for a different Collection?

Just how Meteor.user() method is available on Client & Server for the "current user" I would love to reproduce this kind of functionality for different custom collections. For example, my app uses a "clouds" collection as a type of room for a group of users to be in. Obviously there are various cloud instances and I don't always want to be passing the cloudId into every single meteor method. Ideally I could have like a Meteor.cloud() function that would give me the current cloud on the client and server.
My thoughts on approaching this:
What I have been doing thus far is piggy-backing off of Meteor.user() by storing a currentCloudId property inside the user profile and setting that on a route beforeAction. However this limits the user to only being in 1 cloud at a time.
Using the Meteor.connection ID somehow to keep a map of connectionIds to cloudIds. This would work great in theory....however it seems that Meteor connection IDs cannot be heavily relied on as they might change during reconnects or other random scenarios. Also you would have to then "manange" that collection of "cloudConnections" and remove old stale ones and such.
Im using Iron Router....and if it were possible to get the current route data on the server that would also solve my problem but I am not sure how to access that on the server?
--- Basically I would love for a simple straight forward way to mimic Meteor.user() behavior for other collections.
Thanks for all your help :)
You can just create a function inside /lib that looks something like this:
getUserClouds = function getUserClouds () {
return Clouds.find({ $elemMatch: { $eq: Meteor.userId() } })
This will work both on the client and on the server. But it will always return a Cursor pointing to 0 docs. So you'll need a publication:
Meteor.publish('userClouds', function () {
return Clouds.find({ $elemMatch: { $eq: this.userId } })

Meteor, get all users on a specific page

We are building a chat application and are currently working on a system to see all the users in a given room.
We have a Mongo Document set up with an array of active_users where we will push and pull user names to in order to keep track of the online users. We have come to the conclusion that realizing a user has connected to a given room is fairly simple. All we need to do is in the router, when a user accesses the page, we push that user's name into the document.
Now the tricky part is realizing when that user has left that given page? Obviously jQuery isn't a reliable option, so how do we know when a user's connection to a specific page is broken?
You could do this:
Meteor.publish("page", function() {
this._session.socket.on("close", function() {
//Change your active users here
and for your page that you track
I use this in the analytics package on atmosphere
There's an Atmosphere package called Presence that does exactly what you need.
Some extra details from the README about keeping track of custom states...
State functions
If you want to track more than just users' online state, you can set a custom state function. (The default state function returns just 'online'):
// Setup the state function on the client
Presence.state = function() {
return {
online: true,
currentRoomId: Session.get('currentRoomId')
Now we can simply query the collection to find all other users that share the same currentRoomId
Presences.find({ state: { online: true, currentRoomId: Session.get('currentRoomId') } })
Of course, presence will call your function reactively, so everyone will know as soon as things change.
Meteor has connection hooks so you can run a function when the user disconnects from the server. Setting the onClose() callback inside a method called by the client will allow you to close the userId in the function.
Code on the server could be like this:
joinRoom: function( roomId ){
var self = this;
Rooms.update( {roomId: roomId}, {$push:{userId: self.userId}});
self.connection.onClose( function(){
Rooms.update( {roomId: roomId}, {$pull:{userId: self.userId}})

Find out all the Queries listening on a Meteor.js Collection

In Meteor, is it possible to count/find out the all the queries that are currently listening to a particular Collection?
I am trying to create a function which does: Whenever the number of users listening on a particular query (eg: myCollection.find({color:'red'}) becomes non-zero, execute a function whenever documents are changed/added to a second Collection anotherCollection.
When/how is the find method called? If it's called when someone hits a button on the page, for instance, simply increase a serverside variable that will increase when that happens. To decrease this variable when the user leaves the page, listen to the window.onbeforeunload event and decrease the count when it happens.
Alternately, if you have a login system, assign a boolean value such as online to each user. When they log in, make their online status true with the following code. if(Meteor.user()){Meteor.user().online=true;}. Make sure an onbeforeunload sets their online status to false when they leave. Then, do something like Meteor.users.find({online:true}).size() to get the amount of users online.
Basically, rather than update when myCollection.find({color:'red'}) is called, put that in a function. For instance:
Session.set('browsing', false);
function findColor(c){//Alerts the server when the user attempts to get a color.
//This is presuming they don't use the plain MongoDB command.
//Your button/however you're finding the color should use this command
if(!Session.get('browsing'))//if it's already true, don't increase the count
Session.set('browsing', true);
return myCollection.find({color:c});
window.onbeforeunload = function(){Meteor.call('decBrowsing');};
var browsing = 0;
incBrowsing: function(){browsing++;},
decBrowsing: function(){browsing++;}
I haven't tested this, but I hope it works for you. You didn't provide too many details on your problem, so feel free to comment below if you or I need to clarify something.
