Return a data object with a BadRequestResult / BadRequestErrorMessageResult -

I'd like to return a data object that contains the details of the error with a BadRequestErrorMessageResult or BadRequestErrorMessageResult object like so:
public IHttpActionResult Action(Model model)
var validationResult = model.Validate();
if (validationResult.Successful)
// this one's okay; it supports sending data with a 200
return Ok(validationResult);
// However, how do I return a custom data object here
// like so?
// No such overload, I wish there was
// return BadRequest(validationResult);
The only three overloads of the ApiController.BadRequest() method are:
1. BadRequest();
2. BadRequest(string message);
3. BadRequest(ModelStateDictionary modelState);
Even with #3, a model state dictionary is ultimate a deep collection with one layer upon another, at the bottom of which, though, is a bunch of KeyValuePair<string, ModelError> where each ModelError also only has either a string or an Exception object.
Therefore, even with #3, we are only able to pack a string to send and not a custom object like I want to.
I am really not asking how I may go about working a hack or a kludge around the situation. My question is: is there an overload or another way baked into the .NET API to send an object to the client with a Bad Request HTTP status code?
I am using ASP.NET Web API version 5.2.4 targeting .NET Framework version 4.6.1.

You can use the Content<T>(...) method to do this. It returns a NegotiatedContentResult, which is serialized depending on the request headers (e.g. json, xml), and allows you to specify a HttpStatusCode.
You can use it like this:
return Content(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, myObject);
If you wanted to, you could create your own BadRequest<T>(T obj) method in the controller as a wrapper, so then you could call it as you wanted:
public IHttpActionResult BadRequest<T>(T obj)
return Content(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, obj);
public IHttpActionResult Action()
// do whatever validation here.
var validationResult = Validate();
// then return a bad request
return BadRequest(validationResult);

You can build/format the string in JSON format, pass it as string in the BadRequest() parameter and convert it to JSON again or any object on the caller's backend.
Haven't tried that but that should work.


NET Core: Filtering with HttpGet

I would like to filter a list of vehicles, by their makeId using httpGet. The URL I would expect to use is:
Below, I will define the DTO and controller methods I used for this task:
public class FilterDTO
public int? MakeId { get; set; }
Below are the 2 HTTPGet methods in my controller class. I expect the first method to be called.
public async Task<IEnumerable<VehicleDTO>> Get(FilterDTO filterDto)
var filter = _mapper.Map<Filter>(filterDto);
var vehicles = await _vehicleRepository.GetAll(filter);
return _mapper.Map<IEnumerable<VehicleDTO>>(vehicles);
public async Task<ActionResult<VehicleDTO>> Get(long id)
var vehicle = await _vehicleRepository.GetWithRelated(id);
if (vehicle == default)
return BadRequest("Vehicle not found");
var result = _mapper.Map<VehicleDTO>(vehicle);
return Ok(result);
With the above code, when I call the URL above, in Postman I get a 400 Error, saying "The input does not contain any JSON tokens. Expected the input to start with a valid JSON token, when isFinalBlock is true. Path: $ | LineNumber: 0 | BytePositionInLine: 0."
I get the same result for https://localhost:5001/api/vehicle
If I change the first Get method like below, I am able to get a response:
public async Task<IEnumerable<VehicleDTO>> Get(int? makeId)
var filter = new Filter { MakeId = makeId};
var vehicles = await _vehicleRepository.GetAll(filter);
return _mapper.Map<IEnumerable<VehicleDTO>>(vehicles);
After this (lengthy) introduction, my questions are:
Why does HttpGet support 'int?' but not the data transfer object 'FilterDto'?
Should I be using a different verb instead of HttpGet?
I might have to filter in the future for some other types (say customerId). Is there any way I can change the method to support custom objects, like FilterDto, ideally without changing the verb?
Change your code as follow:
public async Task<IEnumerable<VehicleDTO>> Get([FromQuery] FilterDTO filterDto)
var filter = _mapper.Map<Filter>(filterDto);
var vehicles = await _vehicleRepository.GetAll(filter);
return _mapper.Map<IEnumerable<VehicleDTO>>(vehicles);
and call it like:
Take a look at the docs.
Basically the primitive types are supported, but the controller has no idea how to convert your web request data into C# object. You need to explicitly tell it how you want this custom object to be created out of web request.
You may have in mind that HttpGet methods are only able to receive primitiveTypes (string, int, short, datetime -using a specific format-) because the arguments are being sent through query string, for example:
Having this consideration in mind you'll notice there's no way to send any object because you need to use a json or another notation, remember querystring has a limit and because of that is better using "argument=value" notation.
On the other hand PUT and POST are able to send their data through a "body" property where you may use a json notation and this way you may create almost any object on your Backend side.
If you need to use an object as an argument it is a better idea using POST or PUT (better POST than PUT).

Around Advice not working when dependent on response from other REST service

I am working with Spring AOP to define a common fallback method instead of duplicating code.
I used #Around as I have to return the object from Aspect.I am trying to decide #Around advice depending on the response returned,but not able to do so.
Here is my controller:
#RequestMapping(value = "/add/employee", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public EmployeeResponse addEmployee(#RequestParam("name") String name, #RequestParam("empId") String empId) {
EmployeeResponse employeeResponse=employeeService.createEmployee(name, empId);
return employeeResponse;
createEmployee in the service class is used to call another endpoint to insert some data.I want to decide my advice based on the employeeResponse but not able to do so.
I tried #AfterReturning also,but I can't return the object if I use that.
Below is my aspect class:
#Around(value = "execution(* com.test.service.EmployeeService.*(..)) and args(name,empId)")
public Object getAllAdvice2(ProceedingJoinPoint pjp, String name,String empId) throws Throwable {
System.out.println("Inside Aspect");
Object[] arguments = pjp.getArgs();
if (!checkForPath()) {
return pjp.proceed();
System.out.println("Call Second path please!!");
return arguments;
private boolean checkForPath() {
HttpServletResponse response = ((ServletRequestAttributes) RequestContextHolder.getRequestAttributes())
return response.getStatus()==501?true:false;
I did use HttpServletResponse and RequestContextHolder to get the context but seems it will take the present context i.e. "/add/employee".
How can I return the actual status from the checkForPath () (since I don't need to call pjp.proceed for every status code returned) so that I can execute the line System.out.println("Call Second path please!!"); depending on my error code.
Can anyone pls suggest where it is going wrong?
Your aspect code is quite chaotic and does not make much sense:
You are trying to check for a response before calling proceed(), as R.G said. Use something like EmployeeResponse response = (EmployeeResponse) proceed() instead, inspect the response and then decide what to do next.
You already bind the method parameters to name and empId, there is no need to use pjp.getArgs().
return arguments does not make sense because you ought to return an EmployeeResponse object (either the original result or another one), not the array of method arguments.

What kind of datatypes should I use for the return value of a Web API method?

I have a Web API controller that returns data to my client. The code looks like this:
public IEnumerable<Reference> Retrieve(int subjectId)
return _referenceService.Retrieve(subjectId);
Can someone tell me is it necessary to specify the ActionName?
Also should I return an IEnumerable, an IList or something else?
I believe if your ASP.NET routing is setup correctly you don't need to specify the ActionName, for example:
protected void Application_Start()
RouteTable.Routes.MapHttpRoute("0", "{controller}/{action}/{arg1}");
Will match /YourControllerName/Retrieve/132
What you return is based entirely on your media-type formatters, of which the default is XmlFormatter and JsonFormatter. These can be found in GlobalConfiguration.Configuration.Formatters and will be chosen based on the Accept header provided by the client.
We, for example, use JSON.Net for our response formatting, configured by:
protected void Application_Start()
RouteTable.Routes.MapHttpRoute("0", "{controller}/{action}/{arg1}");
MediaTypeFormatterCollection formatters = GlobalConfiguration.Configuration.Formatters;
var jsonFormatter = GlobalConfiguration.Configuration.Formatters.JsonFormatter.SerializerSettings;
jsonFormatter.Formatting = Formatting.Indented;
jsonFormatter.ContractResolver = new CamelCasePropertyNamesContractResolver();
This tells WebApi to disallow any XML formatting and only return JSON using the provided JSON.Net contract resolver. JSON.Net supports serializing IEnumerable.
I would, however, recommend returning a HttpResponseMessage instead. This allows you to set the status code as well (This still uses the media type formatter, it's just a cleaner wrapper). You can use this like so:
public HttpResponseMessage Retrieve(int subjectId)
var response _referenceService.Retrieve(subjectId);
return Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, response);
You should return HttpStatusCode instead of data if have not requirement, like POST method should return OK or whatever.
or if want record like Get method should return type of record.
also you no need to add attribute on method like Get,Put,Delete etc because webapi automatically detect method according to action like if you are getting data then your method name should be start with Get like GetEmployee etc.

Front end ASP.NET MVC4 as one project, and an ASP.NET Web API as another project in same solution - how to call WebAPI from front end?

I have an ASP.NET MVC4 front end as one project in my solution, and a separate ASP.NET Web API as another project in the same solution. The Web API will contain all of my CRUD operations.
2 questions
How do I call my Web API from my front end to perform CRUD operations? I have my entity data model defined in my Web API project, and I will need to bind my front end views to it, how would I do that?
Once this is deployed to my web servers, the front end will reside on one server, and the Web API will reside on another server (the server that holds most of our web services). So, I guess along the same lines, how would I call the Web API from my front end once deployed? I understand Web API's are simply called with an HTTP request, but in terms of passing my models (which are defined in my Web API project) into my Views (in my front end project), how can I do this?
While Kevin is right, I did this the non-Ajax way. Keep in mind that I am working with JSON data, so this is centered around JSON.
In your controller page, remove anything that has to do with DbContext, Entity Framework, etc. The reason is by default, the controller will want to perform CRUD operations by calling the DbContext, and we don't want this. We want to call the WebAPI instead to do this.
First and foremost, declare some member variables in your controller. The rest of your controller will utilize these:
HttpClient client = new HttpClient();
HttpResponseMessage response = new HttpResponseMessage();
Uri contactUri = null;
In your controller, create a constructor for your controller, as such:
public ContactController()
// set base address of WebAPI depending on your current environment
client.BaseAddress = new Uri("http://server/YourAPI/");
// Add an Accept header for JSON format.
new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/json"));
Replace the Index action's code with something like the following. Note that the only relevant pieces are the client.GetAsync() call and the var contacts assignment. Everything else is not necessary for the context of this problem. The value inside the client.GetAsync() should be the name of your controller, prepended by any custom routing you set up in your WebApiConfig.cs - in my case, I added the api part in my route to distinguish between API calls and normal calls:
public ActionResult Index()
response = client.GetAsync("api/contact").Result;
if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
var contacts = response.Content.ReadAsAsync<IEnumerable<Contact>>().Result;
return View(contacts);
// add something here to tell the user hey, something went wrong
return RedirectToAction("Index");
Replace the Create action (the HttpPost action) with something like the following. Again, the only important piece is the client.PostAsJsonAsync() part - this is what calls the WebAPI's POST action which takes care of, in my case, inserting a new record into the database:
public ActionResult Create(Contact contact)
// Create a new product
response = client.PostAsJsonAsync("api/contact", contact).Result;
if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
return RedirectToAction("Index");
// add something here to tell the user hey, something went wrong
return RedirectToAction("Index");
Replace the Edit action (the non-HttpPost action) with something like the following. This was a little tricky because in order to edit, you had to retrieve the record first, so basically, the HttpPost version of Edit will contain somewhat similar code, with an additional line of code that performs the edit POST (PUT). Below, we're getting the response from the WebAPI by passing it a specific record ID. So, just like for Index (GET), we are doing the same thing only passing in the ID so we only get back one record. Then, we cast the response to an actual object that can be operated on in the View:
public ActionResult Edit(int id = 0)
response = client.GetAsync(string.Format("api/contact/{0}", id)).Result;
Contact contact = response.Content.ReadAsAsync<Contact>().Result;
if (contact == null)
return HttpNotFound();
return View(contact);
Replace the Edit action (the HttpPost action) with something like the following. Below, we're getting the record to be edited by calling client.GetAsync() and passing in the primary key as a parameter (contact_id). Then, we're getting the RequestUri from that response and saving it. Then, we're calling client.PutAsJsonAsync() and passing in the Uri.PathAndQuery (what we just saved) as well as the object to be edited.
public ActionResult Edit(Contact contact)
response = client.GetAsync(string.Format("api/contact/{0}", contact.contact_id)).Result;
contactUri = response.RequestMessage.RequestUri;
response = client.PutAsJsonAsync(contactUri.PathAndQuery, contact).Result;
if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
return RedirectToAction("Index");
// add something here to tell the user hey, something went wrong
return RedirectToAction("Index");
Replace the Delete action (the non-HttpPost action) with something like the following. So again, we're getting the record from the database by simply calling client.GetAsync() and casting it to an actual object my app knows of.
public ActionResult Delete(int id = 0)
response = client.GetAsync(string.Format("api/contact/{0}", id)).Result;
Contact contact = response.Content.ReadAsAsync<Contact>().Result;
if (contact == null)
return HttpNotFound();
return View(contact);
Finally, replace the Delete action (the HttpPost action) with something like the following. Again, we're doing something similar to that of the Edit action. We are getting the record to be deleted, casting it to an object, and then passing that object into a client.DeleteAsync() call, as shown below.
[HttpPost, ActionName("Delete")]
public ActionResult DeleteConfirmed(int id)
response = client.GetAsync(string.Format("api/contact/{0}", id)).Result;
contactUri = response.RequestMessage.RequestUri;
response = client.DeleteAsync(contactUri).Result;
return RedirectToAction("Index");
You can call your Web API from the client using jQuery ajax method. But since you are calling from a site other than where the Web API is deployed you will have to use JSONP, instead of JSON. Take a look at this QA to see how you use JSONP with Web API. Your models will be passed as JSON which you will have to render on the client side, instead of using Razor to render it on the server side. I would use something like Knockout to create a View Model on the client that will bind your model to the HTML elements on the client.

ASP.NET MVC 2.0 JsonRequestBehavior Global Setting

ASP.NET MVC 2.0 will now, by default, throw an exception when an action attempts to return JSON in response to a GET request. I know this can be overridden on a method by method basis by using JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet, but is it possible to set on a controller or higher basis (possibly the web.config)?
Update: Per Levi's comment, this is what I ended up using-
protected override JsonResult Json(object data, string contentType, System.Text.Encoding contentEncoding)
return Json(data, contentType, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
This, like other MVC-specific settings, is not settable via Web.config. But you have two options:
Override the Controller.Json(object, string, Encoding) overload to call Json(object, string, Encoding, JsonRequestBehavior), passing JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet as the last argument. If you want this to apply to all controllers, then do this inside an abstract base controller class, then have all your controllers subclass that abstract class.
Make an extension method MyJson(this Controller, ...) which creates a JsonResult and sets the appropriate properties, then call it from your controller via this.MyJson(...).
There's another option. Use Action Filters.
Create a new ActionFilterAttribute, apply it to your controller or a specific action (depending on your needs). This should suffice:
public class JsonRequestBehaviorAttribute : ActionFilterAttribute
private JsonRequestBehavior Behavior { get; set; }
public JsonRequestBehaviorAttribute()
Behavior = JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet;
public override void OnResultExecuting(ResultExecutingContext filterContext)
var result = filterContext.Result as JsonResult;
if (result != null)
result.JsonRequestBehavior = Behavior;
Then apply it like this:
public class Upload2Controller : Controller
MVC 2 block Json for GET requests for security reasons. If you want to override that behavior, check out the overload for Json that accepts a JsonRequestBehavior parameter.
public ActionResult Index()
return Json(data, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)
I also got this error when I first use MVC 2.0 using my old code in MVC 1.0. I use fiddler to identify the cause of the error. See the steps on how to troubleshoot it using Fidder -
Is this is the security issue MVC2 was trying to address?
If so, it seems like the vulnerability is only an issue if you are trying to do a json call to an outside website. If your MVC2 app is only making json calls to your own website (to fill jqgrids for example), shouldn't you be able to safely override the Json call in your base controller to always allow get?
Just change JSON code from :
$.getJson("methodname/" + ID, null, function (data, textStatus)
$.post("methodname/" + ID, null, function (data, textStatus)
