Xamarin.iOS screenshot with transparent background - xamarin.forms

I build an application that users can load a report and draw on screen for highlight and share some information (as an image). I develop this feature using Rg.Plugins.Popup.Pages.PopupPage and SkiaSharp. The popup page has a transparent background and a sharecontent button. Users draw in the popup page.
In Android, this works fine because I can take a screeshot of the entire screen using currentview.Window.DecorView.RootView, but in iOS when I take a screenshot the image get a black background. I use the following code to take the screenshot:
public void ShareContent(string imageName)
UIGraphics.BeginImageContextWithOptions(new CoreGraphics.CGSize(UIScreen.MainScreen.Bounds.Width, UIScreen.MainScreen.Bounds.Height), false, 0);
UIImage capture = UIApplication.SharedApplication.KeyWindow.Capture();
var activityItems = new[] { capture };
var activityController = new UIActivityViewController(activityItems, null);
var topController = UIApplication.SharedApplication.KeyWindow.RootViewController;
while (topController.PresentedViewController != null)
topController = topController.PresentedViewController;
topController.PresentViewController(activityController, true, () => { });
How can I draw an image with a transparent background in Xamarin iOS?
Codebehind of PopupPage in shared project
public partial class DrawAndSharePage : Rg.Plugins.Popup.Pages.PopupPage
Dictionary<long, SKPath> inProgressPaths = new Dictionary<long, SKPath>();
List<SKPath> completedPaths = new List<SKPath>();
SKPaint paint = new SKPaint
Style = SKPaintStyle.Stroke,
Color = SKColors.Blue,
StrokeWidth = 10,
StrokeCap = SKStrokeCap.Round,
StrokeJoin = SKStrokeJoin.Round
public DrawAndSharePage()
BackgroundColor = new Color(0, 0, 0, 0.1);
private async void BtnClose_Clicked(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
await Rg.Plugins.Popup.Services.PopupNavigation.Instance.PopAllAsync();
void OnTouchEffectAction(object sender, TouchActionEventArgs args)
switch (args.Type)
case TouchActionType.Pressed:
if (!inProgressPaths.ContainsKey(args.Id))
SKPath path = new SKPath();
inProgressPaths.Add(args.Id, path);
case TouchActionType.Moved:
if (inProgressPaths.ContainsKey(args.Id))
SKPath path = inProgressPaths[args.Id];
case TouchActionType.Released:
if (inProgressPaths.ContainsKey(args.Id))
case TouchActionType.Cancelled:
if (inProgressPaths.ContainsKey(args.Id))
void OnCanvasViewPaintSurface(object sender, SKPaintSurfaceEventArgs args)
SKCanvas canvas = args.Surface.Canvas;
foreach (SKPath path in completedPaths)
canvas.DrawPath(path, paint);
foreach (SKPath path in inProgressPaths.Values)
canvas.DrawPath(path, paint);
SKPoint ConvertToPixel(Point pt)
return new SKPoint((float)(canvasView.CanvasSize.Width * pt.X / canvasView.Width),
(float)(canvasView.CanvasSize.Height * pt.Y / canvasView.Height));
private void OnTouchEffectAction(object sender, object args)


Coners of Custom Frame are getting trimmed in Xamarin forms iOS

I have created a custom renderer for a frame to have rounded corners only on 2 sides. The code works fine in Android but in iOS the rounded corners are getting trimmed if the background color of frame is white and border color is blue like below image.
Custom Renderer IOS
public class CustomFrameRenderer : FrameRenderer
public override void LayoutSubviews()
protected override void OnElementPropertyChanged(object sender, PropertyChangedEventArgs e)
base.OnElementPropertyChanged(sender, e);
if (e.PropertyName == nameof(CustomFrame.CornerRadius) ||
e.PropertyName == nameof(CustomFrame))
// A very basic way of retrieving same one value for all of the corners
private double RetrieveCommonCornerRadius(CornerRadius cornerRadius)
var commonCornerRadius = cornerRadius.TopLeft;
if (commonCornerRadius <= 0)
commonCornerRadius = cornerRadius.TopRight;
if (commonCornerRadius <= 0)
commonCornerRadius = cornerRadius.BottomLeft;
if (commonCornerRadius <= 0)
commonCornerRadius = cornerRadius.BottomRight;
return commonCornerRadius;
private UIRectCorner RetrieveRoundedCorners(CornerRadius cornerRadius)
var roundedCorners = default(UIRectCorner);
if (cornerRadius.TopLeft > 0)
roundedCorners |= UIRectCorner.TopLeft;
if (cornerRadius.TopRight > 0)
roundedCorners |= UIRectCorner.TopRight;
if (cornerRadius.BottomLeft > 0)
roundedCorners |= UIRectCorner.BottomLeft;
if (cornerRadius.BottomRight > 0)
roundedCorners |= UIRectCorner.BottomRight;
return roundedCorners;
private void UpdateCornerRadius()
var cornerRadius = (Element as CustomFrame)?.CornerRadius;
if (!cornerRadius.HasValue)
var roundedCornerRadius = RetrieveCommonCornerRadius(cornerRadius.Value);
if (roundedCornerRadius <= 0)
var roundedCorners = RetrieveRoundedCorners(cornerRadius.Value);
var path = UIBezierPath.FromRoundedRect(Bounds, roundedCorners, new CGSize(roundedCornerRadius, roundedCornerRadius));
var mask = new CAShapeLayer { Path = path.CGPath };
NativeView.Layer.Mask = mask;
//NativeView.Layer.CornerRadius = 0;
NativeView.ClipsToBounds = true;
NativeView.Layer.MaskedCorners = (CoreAnimation.CACornerMask)3;
Can someone please help me to resolve below issue.
You could check the following code
private void UpdateCornerRadius()
var cornerRadius = (Element as Frame)?.CornerRadius;
if (!cornerRadius.HasValue)
var roundedCornerRadius = RetrieveCommonCornerRadius(cornerRadius.Value);
if (roundedCornerRadius <= 0)
var roundedCorners = RetrieveRoundedCorners(cornerRadius.Value);
NativeView.Layer.MasksToBounds = true;
var path = UIBezierPath.FromRoundedRect(Bounds, roundedCorners, new CGSize(roundedCornerRadius, roundedCornerRadius));
var mask = new CAShapeLayer { Path = path.CGPath };
mask.Frame = Bounds;
mask.LineWidth = 1;
mask.StrokeColor = UIColor.SystemBlueColor.CGColor; // border color
mask.FillColor = UIColor.Clear.CGColor; // bg color , you need to set it as clear otherwise it will cover its child element
mask.ShadowRadius = 0;
// NativeView.Layer.MaskedCorners = (CoreAnimation.CACornerMask)3;
A mask takes a layer, and trim that visual to match the mask.
So if a layer is a rectangle with black borders, and your mask is an oval,
an oval will appear with the color of the rectangle that it masks.
But it will not round those rectangle borders, just cut them out.
What you need to do instead is to build a layer that will replace NativeView.Layer
With your rounded rectangle, without using the mask.
Or change those values on the elements in the layer that already exist, directly.

How can i press a button in headerbar and do things in window in vala

How to make a button in headerbar and do things in window i've tried:
public class headerbar : Gtk.HeaderBar {
construct {
title = "Quiz";
subtitle = "You can solve this!";
show_close_button = true;
Gtk.Button button = new Gtk.Button.with_label ("Quit");
button.get_style_context ().add_class ("suggested-action");
button.set_valign (Gtk.Align.CENTER);
button.clicked.connect (() => {
var label = new Gtk.Label ("Hi");
main.add (label);
label.show ();
pack_start (button);
I got a sample as follow, hope it could help you:
public class AppTitleBar : Gtk.HeaderBar {
private Gtk.Button m_new_tab_button;
private Gtk.Box m_app_title_gui_box;
private Gtk.MenuButton m_main_menu_button;
public weak Workbench workbench { get; construct; }
public AppTitleBar (Workbench workbench) {
Object ( workbench: workbench );
construct {
set_show_close_button (true);
public void add_new_tab(Widget title_widget)
title_widget.focus.connect(() => {
return true;
public void update_tab_inactive_all()
m_app_title_gui_box.foreach ((widget) => {
public void remove_tab_widget(Widget tab_bar)
private void build_title_bar_layout()
m_main_menu_button = new Gtk.MenuButton ();
var menu_image = new Gtk.Image.from_icon_name ("open-menu-symbolic", Gtk.IconSize.BUTTON);
m_main_menu_button.set_image (menu_image);
m_main_menu_button.tooltip_text = ("Main Menu");
// create title bar box
m_app_title_gui_box = new Box(Orientation.HORIZONTAL, 2);
// create add new tab button
m_new_tab_button = new Gtk.Button.from_icon_name("list-add", Gtk.IconSize.BUTTON);
m_new_tab_button.get_style_context ().add_class ("back-button");
m_new_tab_button.valign = Gtk.Align.CENTER;
m_new_tab_button.always_show_image = true;
m_new_tab_button.can_focus = false;
m_new_tab_button.action_name = WorkbenchActions.ACTION_PREFIX + WorkbenchActions.ACTION_TAB_NEW;
m_new_tab_button.has_tooltip = true;
m_new_tab_button.tooltip_text = "Open a new connection (Ctrl+N)";

Long tap and drop pin in xamarin forms maps

I used Xamarin.Forms.Maps nuget package and displayed map on the device. I am able to show the pin on external button tap with the help of following code, but unable to achieve same on map tap to drop a pin on a specific location.
public void addPin(double latitude, double longitude, string labelName)
Position position = new Position(latitude, longitude);
_assignedPin = new Pin
Type = PinType.Place,
Position = position,
Label = labelName,
Address = "custom detail info"
I followed this blog to get lat long on map, but map does not display the pin on the map.
We need to add the code in renderer itself to drop pin using xamarin.forms.maps
In Android: Renderer class:
private void googleMap_MapClick(object sender, GoogleMap.MapClickEventArgs e)
Map.Pins.Add(new Pin
Label = "Pin from tap",
Position = new Position(e.Point.Latitude, e.Point.Longitude))
And in iOS Renderer class:
[assembly: ExportRenderer(typeof(ExtMap), typeof(ExtMapRenderer))]
namespace Xamarin.iOS.CustomRenderers
/// <summary>
/// Renderer for the xamarin ios map control
/// </summary>
public class ExtMapRenderer : MapRenderer
private readonly UITapGestureRecognizer _tapRecogniser;
public ExtMapRenderer()
_tapRecogniser = new UITapGestureRecognizer(OnTap)
NumberOfTapsRequired = 1,
NumberOfTouchesRequired = 1
protected override IMKAnnotation CreateAnnotation(Pin pin)
return base.CreateAnnotation(pin);
class BasicMapAnnotation : MKAnnotation
CLLocationCoordinate2D coord;
string title, subtitle;
public override CLLocationCoordinate2D Coordinate { get { return coord; } }
public override void SetCoordinate(CLLocationCoordinate2D value)
coord = value;
public override string Title { get { return title; } }
public override string Subtitle { get { return subtitle; } }
public BasicMapAnnotation(CLLocationCoordinate2D coordinate, string title, string subtitle)
this.coord = coordinate;
this.title = title;
this.subtitle = subtitle;
protected override void OnElementPropertyChanged(object sender, PropertyChangedEventArgs e)
base.OnElementPropertyChanged(sender, e);
private async void OnTap(UITapGestureRecognizer recognizer)
var cgPoint = recognizer.LocationInView(Control);
var nativeMap = Control as MKMapView;
var location = ((MKMapView)Control).ConvertPoint(cgPoint, Control);
((ExtMap)Element).OnTap(new Position(location.Latitude, location.Longitude));
var lat = location.Latitude;
var lon = location.Longitude;
var placemarks = await Geocoding.GetPlacemarksAsync(lat, lon);
var placemark = placemarks?.FirstOrDefault();
if (placemark != null)
var geocodeAddress =
$"AdminArea: {placemark.AdminArea}\n" +
$"CountryCode: {placemark.CountryCode}\n" +
$"CountryName: {placemark.CountryName}\n" +
$"FeatureName: {placemark.FeatureName}\n" +
$"Locality: {placemark.Locality}\n" +
$"PostalCode: {placemark.PostalCode}\n" +
$"SubAdminArea: {placemark.SubAdminArea}\n" +
$"SubLocality: {placemark.SubLocality}\n" +
$"SubThoroughfare: {placemark.SubThoroughfare}\n" +
$"Thoroughfare: {placemark.Thoroughfare}\n";
var annotation = new BasicMapAnnotation(new CLLocationCoordinate2D(lat, lon), placemark.Thoroughfare, placemark.SubThoroughfare);
catch (FeatureNotSupportedException fnsEx)
// Feature not supported on device
catch (Exception ex)
// Handle exception that may have occurred in geocoding
protected override void OnElementChanged(ElementChangedEventArgs<View> e)
if (Control != null)
if (Control != null)

How do you print TextArea to a USB Thermal Printer 58mm?(JAVAFX)

So I'm trying to make a billing system in which I want to print a receipt.I was able to do it with some code that I found online,but the font size is too big to print in the 58mm wide paper.I'm not able to adjust the font size.Any kind of help with this issue will be highly appreciated.Thank You.
Here is The Code :
public class PrinterService implements Printable {
public List<String> getPrinters(){
DocFlavor flavor = DocFlavor.BYTE_ARRAY.AUTOSENSE;
PrintRequestAttributeSet pras = new HashPrintRequestAttributeSet();
PrintService printServices[] = PrintServiceLookup.lookupPrintServices(
flavor, pras);
List<String> printerList = new ArrayList<String>();
for(PrintService printerService: printServices){
printerList.add( printerService.getName());
return printerList;
public int print(Graphics g, PageFormat pf, int page)
throws PrinterException {
if (page > 0) { /* We have only one page, and 'page' is zero-based */
return NO_SUCH_PAGE;
* User (0,0) is typically outside the imageable area, so we must
* translate by the X and Y values in the PageFormat to avoid clipping
Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D) g;
g2d.translate(pf.getImageableX(), pf.getImageableY());
/* Now we perform our rendering */
g.setFont(new Font("Roman", 0, 8));
g.drawString("Hello world !", 0, 10);
public void printString(String printerName, String text) {
// find the printService of name printerName
DocFlavor flavor = DocFlavor.BYTE_ARRAY.AUTOSENSE;
PrintRequestAttributeSet pras = new HashPrintRequestAttributeSet();
PrintService printService[] = PrintServiceLookup.lookupPrintServices(
flavor, pras);
PrintService service = findPrintService(printerName, printService);
DocPrintJob job = service.createPrintJob();
try {
byte[] bytes;
// important for umlaut chars
bytes = text.getBytes("CP437");
Doc doc = new SimpleDoc(bytes, flavor, null);
job.print(doc, null);
} catch (Exception e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
public void printBytes(String printerName, byte[] bytes) {
DocFlavor flavor = DocFlavor.BYTE_ARRAY.AUTOSENSE;
PrintRequestAttributeSet pras = new HashPrintRequestAttributeSet();
PrintService printService[] = PrintServiceLookup.lookupPrintServices(
flavor, pras);
PrintService service = findPrintService(printerName, printService);
DocPrintJob job = service.createPrintJob();
try {
Doc doc = new SimpleDoc(bytes, flavor, null);
job.print(doc, null);
} catch (Exception e) {
private PrintService findPrintService(String printerName,
PrintService[] services) {
for (PrintService service : services) {
if (service.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(printerName)) {
return service;
return null;
public void printit(ActionEvent actionEvent)
PrinterService printerService = new PrinterService();
//print some stuff
printerService.printString("POS-58-Series", area.getText());

Custom Keyboard in Xamarin forms

I've read the many posts on the forum and on StackOverflow and other places on making custom keyboards, but have not found an approach that will work for my Xamarin forms cross-platform project. It is programmatically generated.
For example, I built this keyboard that was recommended in several places:
I try to integrate this into my Xamarin forms app but not able to do this
It works fine as a standalone
I want Hebrew language keyboard in my application Like this
I would appreciate any help.
Thank you.
Custom Keyboard in Xamarin forms
You could create a PageRenderer and use native .axml layout file to create the custom Keyboard.
For example, my KeyboardPageRenderer :
[assembly: ExportRenderer(typeof(MyKeyboardPage), typeof(KeyboardPageRenderer))]
public class KeyboardPageRenderer : PageRenderer
public CustomKeyboardView mKeyboardView;
public EditText mTargetView;
public Android.InputMethodServices.Keyboard mKeyboard;
Activity activity;
global::Android.Views.View view;
protected override void OnElementChanged(ElementChangedEventArgs<Page> e)
if (e.OldElement != null || Element == null)
catch (System.Exception ex)
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(#" ERROR: ", ex.Message);
void SetupUserInterface()
activity = this.Context as Activity;
view = activity.LayoutInflater.Inflate(Resource.Layout.activity_keyboard, this, false);
mKeyboard = new Android.InputMethodServices.Keyboard(Context, Resource.Xml.keyboard);
mTargetView = view.FindViewById<EditText>(Resource.Id.target);
mKeyboardView = view.FindViewById<CustomKeyboardView>(Resource.Id.keyboard_view);
mKeyboardView.Keyboard = mKeyboard;
void SetupEventHandlers()
mTargetView.Touch += (sender, e) =>
e.Handled = false;
mTargetView.ShowSoftInputOnFocus = false;
mKeyboardView.Key += async (sender, e) =>
long eventTime = JavaSystem.CurrentTimeMillis();
KeyEvent ev = new KeyEvent(eventTime, eventTime, KeyEventActions.Down, e.PrimaryCode, 0, 0, 0, 0, KeyEventFlags.SoftKeyboard | KeyEventFlags.KeepTouchMode);
await Task.Delay(1);
public void ShowKeyboardWithAnimation()
if (mKeyboardView.Visibility == ViewStates.Gone)
mKeyboardView.Visibility = ViewStates.Visible;
Android.Views.Animations.Animation animation = AnimationUtils.LoadAnimation(
protected override void OnLayout(bool changed, int l, int t, int r, int b)
base.OnLayout(changed, l, t, r, b);
var msw = MeasureSpec.MakeMeasureSpec(r - l, MeasureSpecMode.Exactly);
var msh = MeasureSpec.MakeMeasureSpec(b - t, MeasureSpecMode.Exactly);
view.Measure(msw, msh);
view.Layout(0, 0, r - l, b - t);
I wrote up a simple demo about how to implement this feature, you can see it in this GitHub Repository.
I don't know Hebrew, if you need to achieve the effect like the picture you have post, you need custom the layout in keyboard.xml file.
Update :
I am done iOS portion using entry render so only try to do for android portion
I write a EntryRenderer to implement this feature, effect like this, hope this can help you.
public class MyEntry2Renderer : ViewRenderer<MyEntry, TextInputLayout>,
private bool _hasFocus;
public CustomKeyboardView mKeyboardView;
public Android.InputMethodServices.Keyboard mKeyboard;
ViewGroup activityRootView;
protected EditText EditText => Control.EditText;
public bool OnEditorAction(TextView v, ImeAction actionId, KeyEvent e)
if ((actionId == ImeAction.Done) || ((actionId == ImeAction.ImeNull) && (e.KeyCode == Keycode.Enter)))
return true;
public virtual void AfterTextChanged(IEditable s)
public virtual void BeforeTextChanged(ICharSequence s, int start, int count, int after)
public virtual void OnTextChanged(ICharSequence s, int start, int before, int count)
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Element.Text) && (s.Length() == 0)) return;
((IElementController)Element).SetValueFromRenderer(Entry.TextProperty, s.ToString());
protected override TextInputLayout CreateNativeControl()
var textInputLayout = new TextInputLayout(Context);
var editText = new EditText(Context);
#region Add the custom Keyboard in your Page
var activity = Forms.Context as Activity;
var rootView = activity.Window.DecorView.FindViewById(Android.Resource.Id.Content);
activityRootView = ((ViewGroup)rootView).GetChildAt(0) as ViewGroup;
mKeyboardView = new CustomKeyboardView(Forms.Context, null);
Android.Widget.RelativeLayout.LayoutParams layoutParams =
new Android.Widget.RelativeLayout.LayoutParams(LayoutParams.MatchParent, LayoutParams.WrapContent); // or wrap_content
activityRootView.AddView(mKeyboardView, layoutParams);
//First open the current page, hide the Keyboard
mKeyboardView.Visibility = ViewStates.Gone;
//Use the custom Keyboard
mKeyboard = new Android.InputMethodServices.Keyboard(Context, Resource.Xml.keyboard2);
mKeyboardView.Keyboard = mKeyboard;
mKeyboardView.Key += async (sender, e) =>
long eventTime = JavaSystem.CurrentTimeMillis();
KeyEvent ev = new KeyEvent(eventTime, eventTime, KeyEventActions.Down, e.PrimaryCode, 0, 0, 0, 0, KeyEventFlags.SoftKeyboard | KeyEventFlags.KeepTouchMode);
await Task.Delay(1);
return textInputLayout;
protected override void OnElementChanged(ElementChangedEventArgs<MyEntry> e)
if (e.OldElement != null)
if (Control != null)
EditText.FocusChange -= ControlOnFocusChange;
if (e.NewElement != null)
var ctrl = CreateNativeControl();
EditText.ShowSoftInputOnFocus = false;
EditText.FocusChange += ControlOnFocusChange;
private void ControlOnFocusChange(object sender, FocusChangeEventArgs args)
_hasFocus = args.HasFocus;
if (_hasFocus)
EditText.Post(() =>
//Hide the Keyboard
mKeyboardView.Visibility = ViewStates.Gone;
public void ShowKeyboardWithAnimation()
if (mKeyboardView.Visibility == ViewStates.Gone)
mKeyboardView.Visibility = ViewStates.Visible;
Android.Views.Animations.Animation animation = AnimationUtils.LoadAnimation(
