Lookup list of formulas in other list - r

I am comparing two lists of formulas to see if some previously computed models can be reused. Right now I'm doing this like this:
# create some random formulas
l1 <- l2 <- list()
for (i in 1:10) {
l1[[i]] <- as.formula(paste("z ~", paste(sample(letters, 3), collapse = " + ")))
l2[[i]] <- as.formula(paste("z ~", paste(sample(letters, 3), collapse = " + ")))
# at least one appears in the other list
l1[[5]] <- l2[[7]]
# helper function to convert formulas to character strings
as.formulaCharacter <- function(x) paste(deparse(x))
# convert both lists to strings
s1 <- sapply(l1, as.formulaCharacter)
s2 <- sapply(l2, as.formulaCharacter)
# look up elements of one vector in the other
idx <- match(s1, s2, nomatch = 0L) # 7
s1[idx] # found matching elements
However, I noticed that some formulas are not retrieved although they are practically equivalent.
f1 <- z ~ b + c + b:c
f2 <- z ~ c + b + c:b
match(as.formulaCharacter(f1), as.formulaCharacter(f2)) # no match
I get why this result is different, the strings just aren't the same, but I'm struggling with how to extend this approach method to also work for formulas with reordered elements. I could use strsplit to first sort all formula components independently, but that sounds horribly inefficient to me.
Any ideas?

If the formulas are restricted to a sum of terms which contain colon separated variables then we can create a standardized string by extracting the term labels, exploding those with colons, sorting them, pasting the exploded terms back together, sorting this and turning that into a formula string.
stdize <- function(fo) {
s <- strsplit(attr(terms(f2), "term.labels"), ":")
terms <- sort(sapply(lapply(s, sort), paste, collapse = ":"))
format(reformulate(terms, all.vars(fo)[1]))
stdize(f1) == stdize(f2)
## [1] TRUE


Eliminating partially overlapping parts of 2 vectors in R

I wonder if it might be possible to drop the parts in n1 character vector that partially overlap with elements in f1 formula.
For example, in n1, we see "study_typecompare" & "study_typecontrol" partially overlap with study_type in f1.
Thus in the desired_output, we want to drop the "study_type" part of them. Because other elements (ex. time_wk_whn) in n1 fully overlap with an element in f1, we leave them unchanged.
Is obtaining my desired_output possible in BASE R or tidyvesrse?
f1 <- gi ~ 0 + study_type + time_wk_whn + time_wk_btw + items_whn +
items_btw + training_hr_whn + training_hr_btw
n1 <- c("study_typecompare","study_typecontrol","time_wk_whn",
desired_output <- c("compare","control", "time_wk_whn",
We create a function to pass the formula and the vector ('fmla', 'vec') respectively. Extract the variables from the 'fmla' (all.vars), find the values in the vector that are not found in the formula variables (setdiff), create a pattern by paste those variables and replace with blank ("") using sub, and update the 'vec', return the updated vector
fun1 <- function(fmla, vec) {
v1 <- all.vars(fmla)
v2 <- setdiff(vec, v1)
v3 <- sub(paste(v1, collapse = "|"), "", v2)
vec[vec %in% v2] <- v3
> identical(fun1(f1, n1), desired_output)
[1] TRUE

How to use grep function in for loop

I have troubles using the grep function within a for loop.
In my data set, I have several columns where only the last 5-6 letters change. With the loop I want to use the same functions for all 16 situations.
Here is my code:
situations <- c("KKKTS", "KKKNL", "KKDTS", "KKDNL", "NkKKTS", "NkKKNL", "NkKDTS", "NkKDNL", "KTKTS", "KTKNL", "KTDTS", "KTDNL", "NkTKTS", "NkTKNL", "NkTDTS", "NkTDNL")
for (i in situations[1:16]) {
## Trust Skala
a <- vector("numeric", length = 1L)
b <- vector("numeric", length = 1L)
a <- grep("Tru_1_[i]", colnames(cleandata))
b <- grep("Tru_5_[i]", colnames(cleandata))
cleandata[, c(a:b)] <- 8-cleandata[, c(a:b)]
cleandata$scale_tru_[i] <- (Tru_1_[i] + Tru_2_[i] + Tru_3_[i] + Tru_4_[i] + Tru_5_[i])/5
With the grep function I first want to finde the column number of e.g. Tru_1_KKKTS and Tru_5_KKKTS. Then I want to reverse code the items of the specific column numbers. The last part worked without the loop when I manually used grep for every single situation.
Here ist the manual version:
grep("Tru_1_KKKTS", colnames(cleandata)) #29 -> find the index of respective column
grep("Tru_5_KKKTS", colnames(cleandata)) #33
cleandata[,c(29:33)] <- 8-cleandata[c(29:33)] # trust scale ranges from 1 to 7 [8-1/2/3/4/5/6/7 = 7/6/5/4/3/2/1]
cleandata$scale_tru_KKKTS <- (Tru_1_KKKTS + Tru_2_KKKTS + Tru_3_KKKTS + Tru_4_KKKTS + Tru_5_KKKTS)/5
You can do:
Mean5 <- function(sit) {
cnames <- paste0("Tru_", 1:5, "_", sit)
cleandata[, paste0("scale_tru_", situations)] <- sapply(situations, FUN=Mean5)
how about something like this. It's a bit more compact and you don't have to use attach..
situations <- c("KKKTS", "KKKNL", "KKDTS", "KKDNL", "NkKKTS", "NkKKNL", "NkKDTS", "NkKDNL", "KTKTS", "KTKNL", "KTDTS", "KTDNL", "NkTKTS", "NkTKNL", "NkTDTS", "NkTDNL")
for (i in situations[1:16]) {
cols <- paste("Tru", 1:5, i, sep = "_")
result <- paste("scale_tru" , i, sep = "_")
cleandata[cols] <- 8 - cleandata[cols]
cleandata[result] <- rowMeans(cleandata[cols])
I took for granted that when you write a:b you mean all the columns between those, which I assumed were named from 2 to 4
situations <- c("KKKTS", "KKKNL", "KKDTS", "KKDNL", "NkKKTS", "NkKKNL", "NkKDTS", "NkKDNL", "KTKTS", "KTKNL", "KTDTS", "KTDNL", "NkTKTS", "NkTKNL", "NkTDTS", "NkTDNL")
# constructor for column names
get_col_names <- function(part) paste("Tru", 1:5, part, sep="_")
for (situation in situtations) {
# revert the values in the columns in situ
cleandata[, get_col_names(situation)] <- 8 - cleandata[, get_col_names(situtation)]
# and calculate the average
subdf <- cleandata[, get_col_names(situation)]
cleandata[, paste0("scale_tru_", situation)] <- rowSums(subdf)/ncol(subdf)
By the way, you call it "scale" but your code shows an average/mean calculation.
(Scale without centering).

Submit every similarly named elements of a list of vectors to a function in R

Below, I'm wondering how to use BASE R function quantile() separately across elements in L that are named EFL and ESL?
Note: this is a toy example, L could contain any number of similarly named elements.
foo <- function(X) {
X <- as.matrix(X)
tab <- table(row(X), factor(X, levels = sort(unique(as.vector(X)))))
w <- diag(ncol(tab))
rosum <- rowSums(tab)
obs_oc <- tab * (t(w %*% t(tab)) - 1)
obs_c <- colSums(obs_oc)
max_oc <- tab * (rosum - 1)
max_c <- colSums(max_oc)
SA <- obs_c / max_c
h <- names(SA)
h[is.na(h)] <- "NA"
setNames(SA, h)
DAT <- read.csv("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rnorouzian/m/master/X.csv", row.names = 1)
L <- replicate(50, foo(DAT[sample(1:nrow(DAT), replace = TRUE),]), simplify = FALSE)
# How to use `quantile()` separately across all similarly named elements (e.g., EFL, ESL) in `L[[i]]` i = 1,... 5
# quantile(all EFL elements across `L`)
# quantile(all ESL elements across `L`)
The previous solution I used do.call to rbind each list into a matrix and array and then calculate the quantile over each data.frame row.
sapply(as.data.frame(do.call(rbind, L)), quantile)
However, when there is a missing row, it does not take that into account. To accurately get the rows you need to fill the missing rows. I used data.table's rbindlist (you could also use plyr::rbind.fill) with fill=TRUE to fill the missing values. It requires each to be a data.frame/table/list, so I converted each to a data.frame, but before doing so you need to transpose (t()) the data so that the rows line up to each element. It could be written in a single line, but it's easier read what is happening in multiple lines.
L2 = lapply(L, function(x){as.data.frame(t(x))})
df = data.table::rbindlist(L2, fill=TRUE) # or plyr::rbind.fill(L2)
sapply(df, quantile, na.rm = TRUE)
You can also use purrr::transpose:
Lt <- purrr::tranpose(L)

Select recursively from a list and apply to an expression recursively elements of the list

Packages (wmtsa, gtools, caret)
I have the following vector and below the following function
z2 <- c(-0.1100, 0.1800, 0.0620, 0.1000,-0.0730,-0.1310, 0.2170,-0.0680,-0.0840,
-0.1350,-0.3070, 0.0670, 0.1360, 0.1000,-0.0150, 0.2450,0.1190,-0.0560, -0.0600,
-0.1400, -0.0420, 0.1250, 0.0060, -0.0280,-0.0620, -0.0010, 0.0880, -0.0180, 0.0720,
0.3160, -0.0270, -0.0460,0.0600, -0.0300, 0.0550, -0.0560, 0.1780, 0.0200, 0.0070,
Wavs4 <- wavMODWT(z2, wavelet="s4", n.levels=ilogb(length(z), base=2),position=list
(from=1, by=1,units=character()), units=character(),title.data=character(),
documentation=character(), keep.series=FALSE)
MRD4<-wavMRD(Wavs4, level=NULL, osc=NULL)
Dxu4 <- wavs4access [,"D1"]
Dxi4 <- wavs4access [,"D2"]
Dxa4 <- wavs4access [,"D3"]
#From above selected combinations
a <- c("Dxi4","Dxu4","Dxa4")
b <- combinations(3, 2, a, set=TRUE, repeats.allowed=FALSE)
#I extract the coefficients from comb...
d1 <- c(b[[1,1]],b[[1,2]])
d2 <- c(b[[2,1]],b[[2,2]])
d3 <- c(b[[3,1]],b[[3,2]])
#I create a list
I would like to apply the above dlist in the below expression pastevar, so I produce an expression that can be recursively looped for all d values with a function, rather than writing three times the below expression and then running the function every time.
pastevar <- paste(c("z2[1:length(z2)] ~ ", paste(d1, collapse=" + ")))
X <- model.matrix(as.formula(pastevar))[,-1]
X <- data.frame(X)
Y <- z2[1:length(z2)]
Thank you

Formulate data for rpart

Concatenate columns name of a list to prepare a formula for rpart?
Just wanted to concatenate the names(log_data), log_data is a list of 60 vectors distinct vectors, so I just want their column names in a format so that I can put them in a formula of rpart in r..... like rpart(A ~ B + C + D + E ,log_data), so here I just want to extract
formula="A~B+C+D+E" as a whole string where A,B,C,D,E are the columns name which we have to extract from the log_data, or is there any better way to get a tree from the list.
I have tried,
a <- names(log_data)
rpart(a[1] ~ a[2] + a[3] + a[4], log_data)
getting an error
Error in paste(temp, yprob[, i], sep = " ") : subscript out of bounds
[1] "X.u.crpice..vin20f1..vol.vin20f1v1.r_credit_credshare2...91...90."
[1] "X.u.crpice..vin20f1..vol.vin20f1v1.r_credit_credshare2...92...90."
c<-paste(a[1], "~", sep="")
rpart_formula <- as.formula(paste(c, paste(a[2:60], collapse = " + "), sep = ""))
it is going in infinite loop at rpart just because of too long column name or may be n=60
Can I attach any column names colnames(log_data) <- c(?), what should I put at "?", so that will be easy to draw it for n=60.
I believe you want
shortnames <- paste0("c",seq(ncol(log_data)))
names(log_data) <- shortnames
form <- reformulate(paste(shortnames[2:4],collapse="+"),
