Defining default #GeneratedValue Strategy for Symfony MakerBundle - symfony

When using the MakerBundle in Symfony (4) to create new entity (make:entity EntityName), an id is generated by default with annotation (if annotations enabled) #GeneratedValue.
#GeneratedValue means #GeneratedValue(strategy="AUTO").
According to the Doctrine documentation, the AUTO strategy is supposed to use SERIAL type for the id in PostgreSQL. But, I do not know why in my case, the AUTO strategy use SEQUENCE for the id.
Then, I can force it to use SERIAL by changing by hand into #GeneratedValue(strategy="IDENTITY") which means using SERIAL type in PostgreSQL.
Is there any way to change the default #GeneratedValue annotation created by the MakerBundle for the new entities to be created with the #GeneratedValue(strategy="IDENTITY") annotation ?

What you could possibly do is decorate \Symfony\Bundle\MakerBundle\Doctrine\EntityClassGenerator which is registered as a service named maker.entity_class_generator in vendor/symfony/maker-bundle/src/Resources/config/services.xml and override its generateEntityClass method to make a different call on the Generator's generateClass method, specifically the file path could be changed there.
Seems like the file path there could be relative or absolute, so with some trial and error you could get it to output the annotation you want. The template that the maker bundle uses now is at vendor/symfony/maker-bundle/src/Resources/skeleton/doctrine/Entity.tpl.php, and it's pretty straightforward to modify.


way to override #RedisHash value in configuration

I'm using a framework which is based spring-data-redis, and the framework was using #RedisHash to set value the redis key uses. Is there a way to override the value set in #RedisHash?
I'm tring to use KeyspaceSettings to do that, but it seems not working. I've noticed the official documentation says "#RedisHash has the highest priority", is it the truth?
However, the annotated keyspace supersedes any other configuration.
Yes, you can choose the name of the hash adding a name parameter like this:

What is the point of #WebInitParam?

#WebInitParam is an annotation that goes at class level.
It defines initialization parameters for the servlet.
I would like to know, what is the difference between doing this and using static variables, and why do it the #WebInitParam way rather than using statics?
What does defining k/v pairs as #WebInitParams allow you to do that you couldn't do if you declared static variables instead?
I have looked and all I can find is a million people saying how to define #WebInitParams. Well yes that's the easy bit. It's what I can do with that that is really what is of interest.
Thanks very much.
From a "raison d'etre" perspective, the annotation exists as a better design and architecture alternative to just peppering a class with static fields. #WebInitParam is a self-documenting approach to the initialization parameters a servlet or filter class needs, available via web.xml as well. It serves this purpose for the end developers as well as the JavaEE platform as a whole.
Think about it this way: in a vanilla project, you have the option of hardcoding a bunch of parameters in the class as static fields, or defining the same parameters in a property file. Which would you pick? Under what circumstances?
From a purely functional angle, apart from the function of using the annotation to override defaults set in web.xml, one other major reason is that you will sometimes need to get a hold of those initialization parameters from another component in your application. Using the annotation essentially increases the visibility of the parameter. In JSF for example, the API allows you to retrieve FacesServlet initialization parameters with:
//get all the parameters
//get a specific parameter
In JSF-2.3 , it gets even more convenient with the following CDI-enabled injection:
#InitParameterMap Map<String,String> servletParameterMap;
Bear in mind that because it's CDI, it means this facility is available throughout the JavaEE platform, not just in web applications/JSF.
It's going to be a hassle to retrieve init parameters if the only mechanism available is a static field in the servlet class - you'll need to obtain an instance of the filter or servlet to get the static fields in it.
Separately, one could make the argument that maybe one should favour context-params over servlet-params because then, you get even more flexibility that isn't tied to any given servlet. That's a separate matter entirely :)

Override or extend serializer groups defined by annotation in Symfony2

I'm using JMS Serializer in a Symphony 2 project and I am using serializer groups defined in Annotations.
For one specific case, I would like to change or at least add one group depending on runtime parameters (i.e. checking user authorisation).
I am also using annotations to not interact directly with the serializer, my methods simply return the objects.
Is this possible? I found nothing in the documentation that makes me believe I can override the annotations.

symfony dynamically add translation based on condition

I'm searching for a way to add a translation to an existing translation catalogue during runtime.
I have a working symfony 2.3 application which uses translations in de/en/fr/it and fetches all available translation keys from /Resources/translations/messages..yml.
Now if a user logs in I want to have the possibility to override some of the already loaded labels based on setting for that user (e.g. textfield in DB which holds key-value-pairs).
messages.en.yml Company profile
Usersetting: Profile for company
I found no way to add/override keys to the existing catalogue or to make them available in twig. Is there a Bundle or a setting or some Symfony magic to get this to work?
You'll probably want to extend Symfony's own translation class for this. This article explains how to do that:
The key point is to override the "translator.class" parameter in your config, and then point it to your own class that first checks for database overrules and will defer to the symfony default implementation if it cannot find one.

Does Symfony2 Dependency Injection support Object Lifestyle?

I have a class which I load via dependency injection within Symfony 2.
It has a number of default private variables which I can override with setters.
Problem is, once one of those default values are set to something else within a page, there is no way to set it back automatically.
I don't want to call the class again using new as it removes the usefulness of the dependency injection.
So, does Symfony2 support Object LifeStyle, or do I basically need to write a public function which resets all of the defaults back to normal and call it each time it is required.
As an example, I use a class to get remote files. It has defaults for UserAgent, Accepted Language/Encoding, Method etc. But if I set the Method to POST, instead of the default GET for one call in a page, the next time I call it, it is still POST, where as I wish it to be the default GET once more, which it would be if I used new instead of via dependency injection.
Add scope: prototype to your service definition. This will ensure you get a new instance from the container each time you request your class. And of course the instance will have the default values.
