ASP.NET Session limit best practice -

We're running a PaaS ASP.NET application in an Azure App Service with 3 instances and managing session data outproc in a SQL Server database.
The application is live and we've noticed a large amount of session data for some users when following certain paths e.g. some users have session data upwards of 500k (for a simply site visit with no login the average session is around the 750 - 3000 mark which is what I'd expect).
500k sounds excessive but was wondering what is normal in large enterprise applications these days and the cons of holding so much data in session.
My initial thoughts would be,
No affect on Web App CPU (possible decrease in fact) because not constantly doing queries,
No affect on Web App Memory because we running outproc,
Large spikes in DTU on Sql Server session database when garbage collection runs,
Application may be a bit slower because it takes longer to read and write session data between requests,
May not be ideal for users with poor internet connections,
Possible increase in memory leaks if objects aren't scoped correctly.
Does my reasoning make sense or have I missed something?
Any thoughts and advice would be appreciated,
Many thanks.

I totally agree with your reasoning behind using out-proc session management in Azure App instances.Using IN-PROC sessions in the cloud is a strict no. The reason to host to cloud is to have high availability which is done by having a distributed environment.
Understanding from your point, i assume that speed is a concern to you or if matters to most of the web application , To overcome this , you might think of using Azure redis cache.
Here is the article for configuring session management using Azure redis cache:
Refer the documentation here:


Is it worth adding an Azure Cache for Redis instance Output Cache provider to a single instance Web App?

I have a single instance ASP.NET MVC website running on Azure. I'm working on improving its speed.
ASP.NET Output Caching was added for faster page loads, with good results.
I was reading up on the possibility of using an Azure Redis instance as the Output Cache.
My thinking is:
Default Output Cache is the best for single instance apps, it should be the fastest because it runs on the same machine
Azure Redis Cache would most likely be slower, since it would add an extra cache lookup roundtrip between the Web App and the Redis instance
Is that correct?
Correct, given that all of your requests are being processed within the same application it's sufficient to use in-memory caching.
Azure Redis Cache would be beneficial if you had multiple processes which all wanted to share the same cache, e.g. if your website was running across multiple containers.
It depends on what you are trying to achieve. In memory cache will be quicker than Redis but lets say you restart your app and the cache would need to be refreshed. |In cases, where you have large reference data which you are caching, this might be an overhead. You can use a combination of in memory and Redis in such a case, which will also act as a fail safe in case something goes wrong.

Can I move my application to the cloud?

Our company is thinking about moving to the cloud. Would we still be able to meet all our current requirements (below). We want to be able to easily scale in the future without high costs.
5 4.0 websites running (using sql databases, see below)
SQL Server 2008 Express (8 databases on this)
2 Scheduler services running (send nightly reports via email e.g. new orders in db)
MongoDB and Memcached are also installed on server
Currently the websites are on a separate server from the database server for security reasons.
We were thinking about Windows Azure and Amazon Web Services (AWS) as providers, which would best fit our requirements?
Are there any other factors we need to consider?
Re: SQL Databases: on Windows Azure this would map to SQL Azure. Costs start at $5/month for up to a 100 MB instance - and goes all the way up to 150 GB - and goes beyond that with Federations.
Re: 5 4.0 websites running: these map naturally into Windows Azure Web Roles. The "small" instance is $0.12/hour/instance, and you'll usually want two instances (to avoid single point of failure for a few scenarios). Depending on your load, you may be able to put all 5 sites on the same instances. If you have very low usage sites, consider the $0.05/hour/instance "extra small" instance.
Re: Currently the websites are on a seperate server from the database server for security reasons: of course this is also doable.
Re: 2 Scheduler services running: Running Windows Services is no problem.
Re: send nightly reports via email e.g. new orders in db: No problem doing, though is not baked into Windows Azure directly, but there are many simple ways to do this (even for free, such as via SendGrid).
Re: We want to be able to easily scale in the future without high costs: you will need to do the math regarding your actual costs, but Windows Azure can surely scale.
Re: MongoDB and Memcache are also installed on server: These can both be run on Azure. Check out for MongoDB. Also, the Azure Caching service is also avail (managed for you).
Re: We were thinking about Azure and Amazon as providers, which would best fit our requirements: These are functionally very similar (in capability and cost), with a few noteworthy differences.
Windows Azure is Platform as a Service meaning that you don't need to worry about Virtual Machines, but rather Applications. In other words, you upload your (basically) Zipped app package to the cloud for execution. With Amazon, you will be dealing with the Virtual Machine yourself. In Azure, you get a copy of Windows Server 2008 which is managed for you, but you can also do admin things to it if you need to. This is far less of an advantage if your app is an old messy install that isn't really clean (though may not be a good high-value cloud candidate anyway).
Windows Azure has an emulator that works great - F5 right from visual studio to work with storage system and VMs and more popular features.
Re: Are there any other factors we need to consider: Yes. With any cloud application, you need to be prepared to deal with scaling out (not up), dealing with transient retries (you may need to retry an operation to a cloud service - any cloud service). The benefits of this are much better (and more cost-effective) scalability and higher reliability (when you run across nodes, you don't have a single point of failure). Be sure to understand when/where storage on a VM is persistent vs. ephemeral. There are more considerations, but these are primary ones.
You may want to check out the Windows Azure Pricing calculator.
Good luck! And welcome to the cloud.
with the exception of the scaling question, and the 2 physical servers, you can move this functionality into a hosted environment and you will technically be in "the cloud". This could be a dedicated or VPS (Virtual Private Server), or even a shared server if you are small.
Those can allow for growth over just need to upgrade what you have with the provider.
You also could use a colo-server with a hosting provider, which basically means you put your hardware in an hosting provider rack, and use their electricity and bandwidth. They charge based on bandwidth usage.
Since you are using SQL Express, remember that each database is limited to 8gb. So that will limit your growth at some point. That would entail an upgrade from Express to regular SQL if you don't want to re-engineer anything.
Have you considered AppHarbour? It has Memcached, MongoDB, SQL Server and so on, and is quicker to deploy to than Azure. I like Azure, but there is quite a learning curve and I have found the connection to SQL Azure to be pretty bad - which means re-engineering your DAL to use something like the SQL Transient Failure Library = a bit of a faff for existing projects.
AppHarbour does not have blob storage - so if you are uploading files you will need to use Azure Blob Storage or Amazon S3 or some equivalent as well.
Hope this helps.
Not an expert but being that is a Microsoft product it should be easier to migrate to azure, although from what I have heard AWS shouldn't be difficult. Another thing you may want to consider is cost. Last time I checked AWS is significantly less costly unless you already pay for MSDN subscriptions.
All the requirements you sum up are not any issue to deploy in Windows Azure. You can find a lot of information on the internet on how to do this.
Keep in mind, if you want to deploy your services to windows azure, you'll need to do some code review of your applications to fix session state, output cache and so forth on your web applications.
Since you want to scale them out and they are sitting behind a non-sticky round-robin load balancer, you will run into issues with your session state if it is saved on the machine itself. You'll need to part session state to SQL Azure or to the Windows Azure table storage for example.
Installing MongoB and Memcache in Azure is not an issue, you'll find a lot of information on how to do it, but it'll require some to set up your role and the scripting
codingoutloud has given a very detailed answer. I would add two very key considerations to think about when moving any application to Azure (or, indeed, many other cloud providers).
Local state
With normal Azure, they reserve the right to shut down any one instance of a role at any time in order to move or upgrade it. This means you always need at least two instances of any one role and they will be transparently load balanced. If your current websites are currently running on individual servers then they may rely on session state or files in local directories etc. Now, there are ways around this (like putting session state in SQL, using the cookie provider for temp data, using a shared drive for files etc) or, indeed, bypassing a lot of the benefits of Azure and using their "virtual server" concepts which means you don't get the scale benefits etc.
But, sites that rely heavily on local state may be challenging to move to the cloud.
Time Zones
All Azure servers run on UTC time. If you are used to running on dedicated servers serving users from a single time zone then chances are that you use things like DateTime.Now() which won't really correspond to what the user wants.
I don't see any of the above as limitations of Azure, I find them very useful in forcing you to build global and scalable solutions from the start. However, when porting an existing application, the above may be quite a challenge to adapt to, even though there are workarounds.
As also mentioned elsewhere, there is a learning curve to Azure and somehow the documentation - plentiful as it is - just doesn't quite seem to help for some reason. Once you "get it", though, I find Azure really nice and there are a bunch of subtle features that will help you build scalable solutions, like the whole queuing infrastructure, the blob storage and the table storage. In some ways the learning is hampered by having too much choice.
Good luck!

AppFabric vs cache with sqldependency performance

I'm working on a plan to increase performance and scalability of a web app by caching a user database for a WCF web service. Goals are to increase performance by accessing this data inProc vs a round trip the database server, as well as increase scalability of the service by reducing the load on the database server, thus allowing more web servers to be added to increase scale.
In researching AppFabric, I really don't see the value in my situation because it seems like for the most part, I'm just replacing a round trip to the database with a round trip to a cache cluster (which seems like it might even have more overhead than the db to keep nodes in synch).
For the performance question, it seems like using the cache (in process) would be much faster than a round trip to the cache cluster, even though the data is in memory on those servers, and even if some of it is cached locally (I believe that would still be out of process from the web app).
For the scalability issue, it also seems easier to be able to add identical web servers to a web farm (each caching the user data in process), rather than manage a cache cluster seperately which adds complexity.
With that said, could someone explain why I would choose one approach over the other, given my stated goals? If you recommend the AppFabric approach, can you explain how the performance would be better than storing data in the cache in process.
You are right that the App fabric cache is stored out of process.
When the request comes in for a app fabric cache item, there is first a lookup to find where the item is, then a wcf net.tcpip call to get the item. Therefore, it will be slower than caching. But there are times when appfabric caching is better:
You do not loose the cache when the application pool is recycled.
If you have 100 web servers then you need to get the data from the database once, not 100 times
If you are running Enterprise Edition of windows you do not loose the cache if a machine goes down
I found this topic on codeproject. Hope it can answer your question
you should consider NCache as an other option. NCache is an extremely fast in-memory distributed cache which reduces the performance bottlenecks associates with the database enhance the scalability of the app.
As far as use of cache is concerned, you should keep into mind its limitations as well. it is good for small web farms only. but when the number of servers grow, cache may ends up with some performance and scalability issues due to its in-process nature. in a larger web garden you need to have an in-memory distributed cache. Read this for reference

Sessions randomly clear on Win2008 ASP.NET website

I couldn't find anything about this online so I thought I'd ask here. Do any of you have issues with sessions just randomly clearing on a Windows 2008 Server environment? This problem is completely random and very unpredictable. I have no code that clears sessions except on logout, and not quite sure what could be causing it (well, I have ideas...)
My host, who I've been with for many years (and never had a problem with) is telling me that Windows 2003 is better at managing session variables and that I will likely be rid of this session clearing issue if I were to move to a 2003 Server environment. Thing is, I'm already set up and running on IIS 7 with the URL Rewrite module and I'd rather not move or reconfigure URL rewriting. Tech support says the App Pool I am running on is configured properly. My session timeout is set to 60 minutes in Web.config and my host tells me that session timeout is set to 60 minutes for my domain.
I could optionally go with an Azure AppFabric Cache for sessions but I'd rather not pay an extra $50 a month--it's a pretty small and low income site. I'm currently using a SQL Azure database but from what I hear, database sessions are not ideal on SQL Azure.
Are you modifying any files in the web site?
Changes to the folder or file structure of the web site often triggers an app pool recycling, resetting sessions. The work-around is to use a durable session store like the SQL Server Session State provider.
Most likely answer is your app pool is recycling on you for some reason or another which will dump your in process session every time. Proximate causes can be lots of things, especially if app pools are shared. An easy way to see if your app pool is getting dumped is to take advantage of heartbeat monitoring, it could be configured to email you when these events occur.

Advantages and disadvantages of using caching in an application?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of using caching in an application?
Answers will vary based on Environments and Technology.
Reduce load on Web Services/ Database
Increase Performance
Reliability (Assuming db backed cache. Server goes down and db is backed by cache there is no time wasted to repopulate an in memory cache)
Could run into issues syncing caches
Increased Maintenance
Scalability Issues
With great power comes great responsibility ;). We ran into an issue where we decided to use the HttpContext.Cache (bad idea) in an application that was distributed. Early on in the project someone deemed to just throw it in there and we didn't run into issues until we went live. Whenever it comes to caching you need to look at the big picture. Ask yourself do we have enough Data, enough Users, or a performance requirement that warrants implementing caching?
If you answer yes then you are probably going to need a farm of servers so choose your caching provider wisely.
With all that being said, Microsoft has a new cache API AppFabric/Velocity that you could leverage that handles the distribution and syncing of the cache auto-magically.
AppFabric caching allows you to do time out eviction, or even built in notification eviction, so as your data chances the caching server takes not of it and periodically the cache client checks in with the server and gets a list of stuff it needs to sync.
Advantage: performances
Disadvantage: new data is not displayed immediately
