Extract the best parameters from cva.glmnet object - r

I'm sure there is an elegant way to extract the best alpha and lambda after running cva.glmnet but somehow I cannot find it.
Here is the code I am using in the meantime.
Thank you
# make some dummy data
x <- useful::build.x(data = iris,formula = Sepal.Length ~ .)
y <- iris$Sepal.Length
# run cv for alpha in c(0,0.5,1)
output.of.cva.glmnet <- cva.glmnet(x=x,y=y,alpha = c(0,0.5,1))
# extract the best parameters
number.of.alphas.tested <- length(output.of.cva.glmnet$alpha)
cv.glmnet.dt <- data.table()
for (i in 1:number.of.alphas.tested){
glmnet.model <- output.of.cva.glmnet$modlist[[i]]
min.mse <- min(glmnet.model$cvm)
min.lambda <- glmnet.model$lambda.min
alpha.value <- output.of.cva.glmnet$alpha[i]
new.cv.glmnet.dt <- data.table(alpha=alpha.value,min_mse=min.mse,min_lambda=min.lambda)
cv.glmnet.dt <- rbind(cv.glmnet.dt,new.cv.glmnet.dt)
best.params <- cv.glmnet.dt[which.min(cv.glmnet.dt$min_mse)]

Based on a thread I read on GitHub the author wants people to use plot(fit) instead of just outputting the best parameters. However, that isn't always possible, especially when cross validation is involved. These helper functions can be a good workaround.
# Train model.
fit <- cva.glmnet(X, y)
# Get alpha.
get_alpha <- function(fit) {
alpha <- fit$alpha
error <- sapply(fit$modlist, function(mod) {min(mod$cvm)})
# Get all parameters.
get_model_params <- function(fit) {
alpha <- fit$alpha
lambdaMin <- sapply(fit$modlist, `[[`, "lambda.min")
lambdaSE <- sapply(fit$modlist, `[[`, "lambda.1se")
error <- sapply(fit$modlist, function(mod) {min(mod$cvm)})
best <- which.min(error)
data.frame(alpha = alpha[best], lambdaMin = lambdaMin[best],
lambdaSE = lambdaSE[best], eror = error[best])


mixture copula in R

I want to use mixture copula for reliability analysis, now ,with the help of a friend ,I've already finished it ‘RVMs_fitted’ 。now i want to perform the probability integral transformation (PIT),but the function of RVINEPIT can’t use,because RVINEPIT(data,RVM),this RVM not RVINEMATRIX Here is my code:
data1 <- read.csv("D:/ASTUDY/Rlanguage/Mix copula/data.csv", header = FALSE)
fit <- vcmm(data = data1, total_comp=3,is_cvine = 0)
RVMs_fitted <- list()
RVMs_fitted[[1]] <- VineCopula::RVineMatrix(Matrix=fit$output$vine_structure[,,1],
RVMs_fitted[[2]] <- VineCopula::RVineMatrix(Matrix=fit$output$vine_structure[,,2],
RVMs_fitted[[3]] <- VineCopula::RVineMatrix(Matrix=fit$output$vine_structure[,,3],
meanx <- c(0.47,0.508,0.45,0.52,0.48)
sigmax <- c(0.318,0.322,0.296,0.29,0.279)
data <- c(ux1,ux2,ux3,ux4,ux5)
du=RVinePIT(data, RVM)
In RVinePIT: RVM has to be an RVineMatrix object.
You have multiple problems here:
RVM is a list. However, you tried to fit RVinePIT to a list, while it works for one data at a time.
The same holds for the y.
I do not have your data, but try it with other data.
Here is the code (it should work):
data1 <- read.csv("D:/ASTUDY/Rlanguage/Mix copula/data.csv", header = FALSE)
fit <- vcmm(data = data, total_comp=3,is_cvine = 0)
RVMs_fitted <- list()
RVMs_fitted[[1]] <- RVineMatrix(Matrix=fit$output$vine_structure[,,1],
RVMs_fitted[[2]] <- RVineMatrix(Matrix=fit$output$vine_structure[,,2],
RVMs_fitted[[3]] <- RVineMatrix(Matrix=fit$output$vine_structure[,,3],
meanx <- c(0.47,0.508,0.45,0.52,0.48)
sigmax <- c(0.318,0.322,0.296,0.29,0.279)
data <- c(ux1,ux2,ux3,ux4,ux5)### This must be a matrix to work with RVinePIT
du=lapply(1:3, function(i) RVinePIT(data, RVM[[i]]))
y <-lapply(1:3, function(i) t(qnorm(t(du[[i]]))))

Solution for filter() not working within a For Loop?

I'm trying to fit a von Bertalanffy growth function (VGBF) in r to my data grouped by a serial number.
This is a snippet of my data:
Serial_No<- c(315,315,315,315,315,315,315,316,316,316,316,317,317,317,317,317,317,317,317,317,318,318,318,318,319,319,319,319)
df<-data.frame(Serial_No, Year, tl, age)
I've been following this example: https://www.r-bloggers.com/2020/01/von-bertalanffy-growth-plots-ii/
and have changed my code to as follows:
vb <- vbFuns()
predict2 <- function(x) predict(x,data.frame(age=ages))
agesum <- group_by(df,Serial_No) %>%
Serial_Nos <- unique(df$Serial_No)
nSerial_Nos <- length(Serial_Nos)
cfs <- cis <- preds1 <- preds2 <- NULL
for (i in 1:nSerial_Nos) {
tmp1 <- filter(df,Serial_No==Serial_Nos[i])
sv1 <- vbStarts(tl~age,data=tmp1)
fit1 <- nls(tl~vb(age,Linf,K,t0),data=tmp1,start=sv1)
cfs <- rbind(cfs,coef(fit1))
boot1 <- Boot(fit1)
tmp2 <- confint(boot1)
cis <- rbind(cis,c(tmp2["Linf",],tmp2["K",],tmp2["t0",]))
ages <- seq(-1,16,0.2)
boot2 <- Boot(fit1,f=predict2)
tmp2 <- data.frame(Serial_No=Serial_Nos[i],age=ages,
preds1 <- rbind(preds1,tmp2)
tmp2 <- filter(tmp2,age>=agesum$minage[i],age<=agesum$maxage[i])
preds2 <- rbind(preds2,tmp2)
The code runs, but the results from the VBGF returned are the same for every serial no, which can't be the case. I think it's the filter function not working in the above code.
I've searched for solutions but can't get it to work.
If anyone can please help, or knows of a solution i'd really appreciate it.
Thank you in advance
Model fit with package growthrates
The following post describes an alternative approach without for-loop and filter. Similar loop-free solutions can be implemented using the common nls function and lapply in "base" R or group_by in "tidyverse".
Model definition
The growthrates package does not contain a von Bertalanffy function, so it has to be provided as user supplied model, as described in the package vignette. Here I borrowed the function from package FSA and adapted it accordingly:
grow_von_bert <- function(time, parms) {
with(as.list(parms), {
y <- Linf * (1 - exp(-K * (time - t0)))
as.matrix(data.frame(time = time, y = y))
Test of the model with a single example
p <- c(t0=5, Linf=10, K=.1)
time <- seq(5, 100)
plot(grow_von_bert(time, p), type="l")
Fit of a single data example
It is always a good idea to fit one or more single examples first, before doing this for all.
df1 <- subset(df, Serial_No == 315)
fit1 <- fit_growthmodel(df1$age, df1$tl,
FUN = grow_von_bert, p=c(t0=0, Linf=70, K=0.1))
Fit of all data sets
This can be done in a loop or with appropriate tidyverse functions, whipe package growthrates has such a function already built in, so all models can be fitted with a single function call. It is of course necessary to specify good start parameters, either the same for all curves or individual parameter sets, depending on the quality of the data. Here is the complete code including the data of the OP:
df <- data.frame(
Serial_No = factor(c(315,315,315,315,315,315,315,316,316,316,316,317,317,317,317,
year = c(1945,1945,1945,1945,1945,1945,1945,1945,1945,1945,1945,1945,1945,1945,
tl = c(19,33,46,55,63,66,70,22,39,55,65,20,40,51,56,60,62,63,64,65,26,43,54,60,28,
age = c(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4)
grow_von_bert <- function(time, parms) {
with(as.list(parms), {
y <- Linf * (1 - exp(-K * (time - t0)))
as.matrix(data.frame(time = time, y = y))
fit <- all_growthmodels(tl ~ age | Serial_No,
FUN = grow_von_bert,
p=c(t0=0, Linf=70, K=0.1))
plot(fit, las=1)

R: Extracting values from list of model summaries using pattern matching

I have a list of model summaries (let's say it is a linear model; but this could apply to any model summary).
Currently, I am extracting a certain coefficient from this list of summaries using the following:
coef <- sapply(modelsummaries, function(x) x[[4]][[4,1]])
How could I do this by calling the variable name instead of relying on row position?
For each of the model summaries within the list, only one variable differs, which is named as V_01, V_02, V_03 etc. This is the variable coefficient I would like to extract.
I was thinking of using the grep function, something like:
coef <- sapply(modelsummaries, function(x) x[[4]][[grep("^[V]"),1]])
...but haven't got it working. Any suggestions?
Here's a reproducible example (only the last line needs to be tweaked):
newdata <- as.data.frame(seq(from = 0.1, to = 0.9, by = 0.1))
newdata <- as.data.frame(t(newdata))
colnames(newdata) = newdata[1, ]
colnames(newdata) <- paste("V", colnames(newdata), sep = "_")
mtcars <- mtcars
mtcarsmodel <- data.frame(mtcars, newdata)
mtcarsmodel[c(12:20)] <- sample(1:100, 288, replace=TRUE)
xnam <- paste(colnames(mtcarsmodel)[c(4:5)], sep="")
xnam2 <- paste(colnames(mtcarsmodel)[c(12:20)], sep="")
fmla <- paste(xnam, collapse= "+")
fmla2 <- paste(paste(fmla), "+")
fla <- paste("mpg ~", paste(fmla2))
models <- lapply(setNames(xnam2, xnam2), function(var) {
form = paste(fla, var)
lm(form, data=mtcarsmodel)
modelsummaries <-lapply(models, summary)
coef <- sapply(modelsummaries, function(x) x[[4]][[4,1]])
You were quite close, you just needed to tell grep what to search on, which is the rownames of the coefficient matrix returned by coef() (which is a better way to get them than [[4]]). Also so as not to reuse that name, I suggest saving the result in something different, like coefs.
coefs <- sapply(modelsummaries, function(x) {
coef(x)[grep("^V", rownames(coef(x))),"Estimate"]
V_0.1 V_0.2 V_0.3 V_0.4 V_0.5 V_0.6 V_0.7 V_0.8
0.030927774 -0.053437459 0.009335911 -0.011009187 -0.010303494 -0.001705420 -0.036297492 0.021838044
Also, check out the new broom package which can make it easier to extract certain information from models in a tidy way.
After struggling with a grep solution, I committed blasphemy and used an sql solution instead:
new <- lapply(modelsummaries, function(x) setDT(data.frame(x[[4]]), keep.rownames = TRUE)[])
values <- sapply(new, function(x) sqldf("SELECT x.estimate, x.'Pr...t..' FROM x WHERE rn like '%V_%'"))
data <- as.data.frame(t(rbind(values)))
I've also come up with a (somewhat ugly) grep based solution:
coef <- sapply(modelsummaries, function(x) as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(grep("^V_", capture.output(x), value = TRUE), "\\s+"))[[2]]))

Reqsubsets results differ with coef() for model with linear dependencies

while using Regsubsets from package leaps on data with linear dependencies, I found that results given by coef() and by summary()$which differs. It seems that, when linear dependencies are found, reordering changes position of coefficients and coef() returns wrong values.
I use mtcars just to "simulate" the problem I had with other data. In first example there is no issue of lin. dependencies and best given model by BIC is mpg~wt+cyl and both coef(),summary()$which gives the same result. In second example I add dummy variable so there is possibility of perfect multicollinearity, but variables in this order (dummy in last column) don't cause the problem. In last example after changing order of variables in dataset, the problem finally appears and coef(),summary()$which gives different models. Is there anything incorrect in this approach? Is there any other way to get coefficients from regsubsets?
require("leaps") #install.packages("leaps")
dta <- mtcars[,c("mpg","cyl","am","wt","hp") ]
bestSubset.cars <- regsubsets(mpg~., data=dta)
(best.sum <- summary(bestSubset.cars))
w <- which.min(best.sum$bic)
coef(bestSubset.cars, w)
dta2 <- cbind(dta, manual=as.numeric(!dta$am))
bestSubset.cars2 <- regsubsets(mpg~., data=dta)
(best.sum2 <- summary(bestSubset.cars2))
w <- which.min(best.sum2$bic)
coef(bestSubset.cars2, w)
bestSubset.cars3 <- regsubsets(mpg~., data=dta2[,c("mpg","manual","am","cyl","wt","hp")])
(best.sum3 <- summary(bestSubset.cars3))
w <- which.min(best.sum3$bic)
coef(bestSubset.cars3, w)
The order of vars by summary.regsubsets and regsubsets are different. The generic function coef() of regsubsets calls those two in one function, and the results are in mess if you are trying to force.in or using formula with fixed order. Changing some lines in the coef() function might help. Try codes below, see if it works!
coef.regsubsets <- function (object, id, vcov = FALSE, ...)
s <- summary(object)
invars <- s$which[id, , drop = FALSE]
betas <- vector("list", length(id))
for (i in 1:length(id)) {
# added
var.name <- names(which(invars[i, ]))
thismodel <- which(object$xnames %in% var.name)
names(thismodel) <- var.name
# deleted
#thismodel <- which(invars[i, ])
qr <- .Fortran("REORDR", np = as.integer(object$np),
nrbar = as.integer(object$nrbar), vorder = as.integer(object$vorder),
d = as.double(object$d), rbar = as.double(object$rbar),
thetab = as.double(object$thetab), rss = as.double(object$rss),
tol = as.double(object$tol), list = as.integer(thismodel),
n = as.integer(length(thismodel)), pos1 = 1L, ier = integer(1))
beta <- .Fortran("REGCF", np = as.integer(qr$np), nrbar = as.integer(qr$nrbar),
d = as.double(qr$d), rbar = as.double(qr$rbar), thetab = as.double(qr$thetab),
tol = as.double(qr$tol), beta = numeric(length(thismodel)),
nreq = as.integer(length(thismodel)), ier = numeric(1))$beta
names(beta) <- object$xnames[qr$vorder[1:qr$n]]
reorder <- order(qr$vorder[1:qr$n])
beta <- beta[reorder]
if (vcov) {
p <- length(thismodel)
R <- diag(qr$np)
R[row(R) > col(R)] <- qr$rbar
R <- t(R)
R <- sqrt(qr$d) * R
R <- R[1:p, 1:p, drop = FALSE]
R <- chol2inv(R)
dimnames(R) <- list(object$xnames[qr$vorder[1:p]],
V <- R * s$rss[id[i]]/(object$nn - p)
V <- V[reorder, reorder]
attr(beta, "vcov") <- V
betas[[i]] <- beta
if (length(id) == 1)
else betas
Another solution that works for me is to randomize the order of the column(independent variables) in your dataset before running the regsubsets. The idea is that after reorder hopefully the highly correlated columns will be far apart from each other and will not trigger the reorder behavior in the regsubsets algorithm.

How to extract the p.value and estimate from cor.test() in a data.frame?

In this example, I have temperatures values from 50 different sites, and I would like to correlate the Site1 with all the 50 sites. But I want to extract only the components "p.value" and "estimate" generated with the function cor.test() in a data.frame into two different columns.
I have done my attempt and it works, but I don't know how!
For that reason I would like to know how can I simplify my code, because the problem is that I have to run two times a Loop "for" to get my results.
Here is my example:
# Temperature data
data <- matrix(rnorm(500, 10:30, sd=5), nrow = 100, ncol = 50, byrow = TRUE,
dimnames = list(c(paste("Year", 1:100)),
c(paste("Site", 1:50))) )
# Empty data.frame
df <- data.frame(label=paste("Site", 1:50), Estimate="", P.value="")
# Extraction
for (i in 1:50) {
df1 <- cor.test(data[,1], data[,i] )
df[,2:3] <- df1[c("estimate", "p.value")]
for (i in 1:50) {
df1 <- cor.test(data[,1], data[,i] )
df[i,2:3] <- df1[c("estimate", "p.value")]
I will appreciate very much your help :)
I might offer up the following as well (masking the loops):
result <- do.call(rbind,lapply(2:50, function(x) {
pvalue <- cor.result$p.value
estimate <- cor.result$estimate
return(data.frame(pvalue = pvalue, estimate = estimate))
First of all, I'm guessing you had a typo in your code (you should have rnorm(5000 if you want unique values. Otherwise you're going to cycle through those 500 numbers 10 times.
Anyway, a simple way of doing this would be:
data <- matrix(rnorm(5000, 10:30, sd=5), nrow = 100, ncol = 50, byrow = TRUE,
dimnames = list(c(paste("Year", 1:100)),
c(paste("Site", 1:50))) )
# Empty data.frame
df <- data.frame(label=paste("Site", 1:50), Estimate="", P.value="")
estimates = numeric(50)
pvalues = numeric(50)
for (i in 1:50){
test <- cor.test(data[,1], data[,i])
estimates[i] = test$estimate
pvalues[i] = test$p.value
df$Estimate <- estimates
df$P.value <- pvalues
Edit: I believe your issue was is that in the line df <- data.frame(label=paste("Site", 1:50), Estimate="", P.value="") if you do typeof(df$Estimate), you see it's expecting an integer, and typeof(test$estimate) shows it spits out a double, so R doesn't know what you're trying to do with those two values. you can redo your code like thus:
df <- data.frame(label=paste("Site", 1:50), Estimate=numeric(50), P.value=numeric(50))
for (i in 1:50){
test <- cor.test(data[,1], data[,i])
df$Estimate[i] = test$estimate
df$P.value[i] = test$p.value
to make it a little more concise.
similar to the answer of colemand77:
create a cor function:
cor_fun <- function(x, y, method){
tmp <- cor.test(x, y, method= method)
cbind(r=tmp$estimate, p=tmp$p.value) }
apply through the data.frame. You can transpose the result to get p and r by row:
t(apply(data, 2, cor_fun, data[, 1], "spearman"))
