I am using Wordpress and WPbakery. I have set a full-width, full-height background. But currently the background-position is set to centred with '!important' assigned as I see in the developer tools.
I want to set it to 'top'. I edited in developer tools in chrome and I achieved the desired effect. However I'm not sure how to make the changes permanent. I have tried copy pasting what I saw in the developer tools into the custom css field and editing it to 'top' but it wont override the theme. How do i go about it?
This is the current code seen in developer tools:
.vc_custom_1551104319445 {
background-image: url(https://unlicensedshrink.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/ulweb.jpg?id=9) !important;
background-position: center !important;
background-repeat: no-repeat !important;
background-size: cover !important;
Not sure in which order custom styles and the default CSS of the theme are output … try increasing the specificity of your selector, f.e. like html .vc_custom_1551104319445 or .vc_custom_1551104319445.vc_custom_1551104319445
When multiple CSS rules apply to an element and try to specify values for the same properties, it becomes a matter of specificity, which one “wins”.
Here are a few resources on that topic:
So if you try to overwrite something using the exact same selector you took from the WP/themes styles, it becomes simply a matter of order. Do the WP styles get embedded last? Then they win, otherwise yours would.
A simple way around that, is to increase the specificity of your selector. Selecting elements of this class on the additional “condition” that are descendants of the html element is one way to do that. Or to repeat the class name, so that .foobar becomes .foobar.foobar … and lots of other possible ways.
You need to see which file is producing the code. For instance -
After you know which file is responsible for the code, then you go to the site directory and implement the file in question.
I wouldn't suggest using the vc_ number selector. Best to use or even better add a custom selector on the row or element itself and then apply the following CSS.
background-position:center right !important;
What ends up happening if you use the vc_ number selector is if you or your client go to update that field the vc number will change and you will be shaking your head. So create a custom selector class and use the vc_row-has-fill which will never change.
I have a header image that I would like to change responsively. However is shows in CSS as element.style and overrides any CSS that I add. I read some answers on this forum, however I still do not understand what do I need to do to override this setting. I think that my theme manages this. I have code like this and I want to change background-image:
element.style {
background-image: url('https://imagelink.com');
background-size: cover;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-position: center;
background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0);
min-height: 499px;
EDIT: My main goal is to background-image responsive for smaller/bigger screens, because my page builder (wpbakery) does not have this option
The rules of priorities are the following:
IDs are the most important (#unique-element).
Classes come next (.multiple-elements).
Names come then (div).
The more elements you have, the most priority. Example: div span.highlight has a higher priority than h1.main-title (2 elements + 1 class VS 1 element + 1 class).
In case of the same priority, it's the latest defined (the one on the lowest line in your file) that matters as CSS rewrited the rules previously defined.
Inline code (<div style="...">) overrides everything.
Adding !important overrides everything even inline code but is considered bad practice because as it's higher than style="", it's also not affected by any changes you could make from JavaScript.
Examples with a bunch of fish
CSS observes some rules to render the style and you need to follow them in order to manage your styles.
In general, CSS will render first rules with !important, then selectors more specific, and then the last processed (if your specificity is the same and without !important the last rule will be rendered).
A good practice is to increase specificity when you want to override something, you can read more about it here.
i'am new to mkdocs, here is what i'm trying to do:
add a caption to images and use a css style to use a shorter margin-bottom
i managed to install a python-makdown extension "captions", so if i use

: my sub caption
i'll get
<figure><img ...><figcaption>...
in html. Unfornutately the spacing (css: margin) is to big so i included a css file to remove the default values. Inspection in my browser now shows me, that base.css overwrites my style, so margin remains at default.
How can i overwrite base.css styles with my own styles?
As i wrote in my comment, !important guarantees overwriting:
figure img {margin-bottom: 0px !important;}
But I don't understand why...
If you use your browser's developer tools to inspect the img element...
You can see that the img is defined with a rule for div.col-md-9 img. that is, any img tags under the div with a class of col-md-9.
We can see that (as explained in CSS Precedence) the original rule uses one class attribute and two element names for a specificity of 0012. You need something of equal or higher specificity. But figure img only gives you 0002, which is lower.
To override that, you need at least the same level of specificity:
I'm sure various other permutations would give a working result as well. But we have a working solution, so why keep going. And thanks to the "inspect" tool, it was pretty quick and easy to resolve.
Rather than tweaking the CSS, it might be easier to try a different plugin, such as img2fig
I've the following problem, I'm trying to change the color of the text of a "< li>" element, in joomla menu. I give the menu a link to css selector called blueMenu, this is my CSS regarding the class:
.blueColor {
color: blue;
However this doesn't change the color of the text, on the other hand if I change "color" with "background-color" the background of the text becoms blue. Any idea what may causing the problem?
You dont give much information, but it might be that the li has a child element inside that its overwriting the li styling, make sure you using the style on the last child.
You can also force it with !important;
.blueColor {
color: blue!important;
This really much depends on your template.
As already said, reasons can be inline-styles, or may more "distinct" declarations.
If you just specify the class like you did in .blueColor this will be treated with a lower priority as e.g. li.blueColor or to get even more clear both with be treated with a lower priority as e.h. #someId.andClass .subElementClass li.blueColor a.thisIsWhatIsReallyBlue
This is more about CSS specifications than a Joomla-Problem though.
You might check the style that is really applied by just launching your Development-Tools of your webbrowser (for Chrome simply press F12 or right-click on the element and inspect the element directly)
The CSS-Section on the right side might tell you about what really makes the item become blue ;)
Oh, and just a note:
As already mentioned you can use !important to "force" the styles to be applied, but if this is not absolutely necessary, i'd suggest to find the way to override this style on a clean way, since !important, if used to often, might result in a complete mess of your stylesheet.
I'm not familiar with joomla but it may be inserting an inline style to whatever element you're trying to style. Right click on the element and use inspect element (firefox) or just inspect (chrome) to see if any styles were applied.
It'll look like <div class="" style="color: blue;">
I'm inspecting an h2 element on a web page using Google Chrome's element inspector and some of the CSS rules--which appear to be applied--are grayed out. It seems that a strike-through indicates that a rule was overridden, but what does it mean when a style is grayed out?
For me the current answers didn't explain the issue fully enough, so I am adding this answer which hopefully might be useful to others.
Greyed/dimmed out text, can mean either
it's a default rule/property the browser applies, which includes defaulted short-hand properties.
It involves inheritance which is a bit more complicated.
Note: Chrome dev tools "style" panel will display a rule set, because one or more rules from the set are being applied to the currently selected DOM node.
I guess, for the sake of completeness, dev tools shows all the rules from that set, whether they are applied or not.
In the case where a rule is applied to the currently selected element due to inheritance (i.e. the rule was applied to an ancestor, and the selected element inherited it), chrome will again display the entire ruleset.
The rules which are applied to the currently selected element appear in normal text.
If a rule exists in that set but is not applied because it's a non-inheritable property (e.g. background color), it will appear as greyed/dimmed text.
here is an article that give a good explanation - (Note: the relevant item is at the bottom of the article - figure 21 - unfortunately the relevant section doesn't have a heading) -http://commandlinefanatic.com/cgi-bin/showarticle.cgi?article=art033
Excerpt from the article
This [inheritance scenario] can occasionally create a bit of confusion, because defaulted
short-hand properties; figure 21 illustrates the defaulted short-hand
properties of the font property along with the non-inherited
properties. Just be aware of the context that you're looking at when
examining elements.
It means that the rule has been inherited, but is not applicable to the selected element:
The pane contains only properties from rules that are directly applicable to the selected element. In order to additionally display inherited properties, enable the Show inherited checkbox. Such properties will be displayed in a dimmed font.
Live example: inspect the element containing the text "Hello, world!"
div {
margin: 0;
div#foo {
margin-top: 10px;
<div id="foo">Hello, world!</div>
Michael Coleman has the right answer. I just want to add a simple image to go along with it. The link that he included has this simple example: http://commandlinefanatic.com/art033ex4.html
The HTML/DOM looks like this...
The Styles Pane in Chrome looks like this when you select the p element...
As you can see, the p element inherits from its ancestors (the divs). So why is the style background-color: blue grayed out? Because it's part of a rule-set that has at least one style that is inheritable. That inheritable style is text-indent: 1em
background-color:blue is not inheritable but it's part of the rule-set that contains text-indent: 1em which is inhertiable and the developers of Chrome wanted to be complete when displaying rule-sets. However, to distinguish between styles in the rule-set that are inheritable from styles that are not, the styles that are not inhertable are grayed out.
This also occurs if you add a style through the inspector, but that new style doesn't apply to the element you have selected. Usually the styles shown are only those for the element selected, so the grey indicates that the style you just added doesn't select the element which has focus in the DOM navigator.
It means the rule has been replaced with another rule with higher priority. For example stylesheets with:
h2 {
color: red;
h2 {
color: blue;
The inspector will show the rule color:red; grayed out and color:blue; normally.
Read up on CSS inheritance to learn which rules are inherited/have higher priority.
Mixup: the grayed out rules are the unset rules, which use a special default stylesheet that is applied to all elements(the rules that make the element renderable, because all styles have to have a value).
When using webpack, any css rule or property that has been changed in the source code is grayed out when the page reloads after a rebuild. This is really annoying and forced me to reload the page every time.
The new version of chrome developer shows where it is inherited from.
I'm answering long after the question already has many correct answers because I encountered a different case of having a block of CSS code greyed out and uneditable in Chome DevTools: The block in question contained U+200B ZERO WIDTH SPACE characters. Once I found those and removed them, I could edit the block in Chrome DevTools again. Presumably this might happen with other non-ascii characters as well, I haven't tried to figure that out.
I have a page that looks like: <div id="header">...</div><div id="navigation">...</div> similar for body and footer.
I'd like to use a grid system to style the page, all of which seem to rely on giving the divs mentioned a class based on their presentation. But I don't want to do this (and can't because of the way the markup is generated)
Is there a way to do this, without just putting a class on the divs? I could copy the details of the class desired to a stylesheet mentioning the divs by id, but that feels wrong.
Edit to clarify:
The OP wants to avoid adding class="grid_3" etc. to the HTML, but also doesn't want to add #header { width: 960px; margin: 0px; } (which I think is okay) – Rory Fitzpatrick 3 hours ago
Exactly, I don't want to put presentation information in my HTML, but I hoped I wouldn't have to just take the css classes that make up the grid system apart, and apply the relevant parts (like margin:0px and width:960px), since that is bad from a maintenance and reuse angle.
So, I'll look at an automated system for doing what I need, unless there is an answer to how do you apply a css class to an HTML element, using css, without adding class="blah" to that element? Because that doesn't seem like a crazy thing to want to do to me.
Well if you use blueprint-css as your grid system you can use the compress.rb to assign the rules for given bp framework classes to a specific selector of your choice like #footer or what have you. for example in your project yaml you could have:
semantic_styles: # i dont think this is the right key definition but you get the idea
'#footer,#navigation': ['span-12','clearfix']
'#footer': ['push-1']
# etc...
Then when you call compress.rb on the project file it will roll up the necessary declaration from the array of selectors on the right into the selector on the left producing:
#footer,#navigation{ /* composite delcalrations from .span-12 and .clearfix */}
#footer {/* declarations from .push-1 */}
But all in all this is essential an automation of copying the declarations to a separate file that you say seems "wrong". But i mean other than doing this (automated or manually) i dont see what the possible options could be.
I'm not sure I understand the question. Why don't you want to put styles in a stylesheet and reference them by id?
I have the same reservations about grid systems, adding class names just goes against separating markup and style (but is often sacrificed for productivity).
However, I don't see what's wrong with setting the right column widths and margins using your own CSS. You could have a specific site.grid.css file that contains only selectors and widths/margins for the grid. I think this is perfectly okay, it's just a way of using CSS like variables. For instance, all 3-column elements would appear under
/* 3-column elements, width 301px */
#sidebar, #foobar, #content .aside {
width: 301px;
Then rather than adding class="grid_3" to your HTML, you just add the selector to the CSS.
You might want to consider using the class names initially, until you're happy with the layout, then convert it into CSS selectors. Whichever works best for your workflow.
If you don't have access to the markup you must either copy the styles, referencing the ids, or maybe you can apply the class to the ids using javascript?