Numerically solving Lotka-Volterra ODE in R - r

Disclaimer: Cross-post on Stack Computational Science
Aim: I am trying to numerically solve a Lotka-Volterra ODE in R, using de sde.sim() function in the sde package. I would like to use the sde.sim() function in order to eventually transform this system into an SDE. So initially, I started with an simple ODE system (Lotka Volterra model) without a noise term.
The Lotka-Volterra ODE system:
with initial values for x = 10 and y = 10.
The parameter values for alpha, beta, delta and gamma are 1.1, 0.4, 0.1 and 0.4 respectively (mimicking this example).
Attempt to solve problem:
d <- expression((1.1 * x[0] - 0.4 * x[0] * x[1]), (0.1 * x[0] * x[1] - 0.4 * x[1]))
s <- expression(0, 0)
X <- sde.sim(X0=c(10,10), T = 10, drift=d, sigma=s)
However, this does not seem to generate a nice cyclic behavior of the predator and prey population.
Expected Output
I used the deSolve package in R to generate the expected output.
alpha <-1.1
beta <- 0.4
gamma <- 0.1
delta <- 0.4
yini <- c(X = 10, Y = 10)
Lot_Vol <- function (t, y, parms) {
with(as.list(y), {
dX <- alpha * X - beta * X * Y
dY <- 0.1 * X * Y - 0.4 * Y
list(c(dX, dY))
}) }
times <- seq(from = 0, to = 100, by = 0.01)
out <- ode(y = yini, times = times, func = Lot_Vol, parms = NULL)
plot(y=out[, "X"], x = out[, "time"], type = 'l', col = "blue", xlab = "Time", ylab = "Animals (#)")
lines(y=out[, "Y"], x = out[, "time"], type = 'l', col = "red")
I think something might be wrong the the drift function, however, I am not sure what. What is going wrong in the attempt to solve this system of ODEs in sde.sim()?

Assuming that not specifying a method takes the first in the list, and that all other non-specified parameters take default values, you are performing the Euler method with step size h=0.1.
As is known on a function that has convex concentric trajectories, the Euler method will produce an outward spiral. As a first order method, the error should grow to size about T*h=10*0.1=1. Or if one wants to take the more pessimistic estimate, the error has size (exp(LT)-1)*h/L, with L=3 in some adapted norm this gives a scale of 3.5e11.
Exploring the actual error e(t)=c(t)*h of the Euler method, one gets the following plots. Left are the errors of the components and right the trajectories for various step sizes in the Euler method. The error coefficient the function c(t) in the left plots is scaled down by the factor (exp(L*t)-1)/L to get comparable values over large time intervals, the value L=0.06 gave best balance.
One can see that the actual error
is in-between the linear and exponential error models, but closer to the linear one.
To reduce the error, you have to decrease the step size. In the call of SDE.sim, this is achieved by setting the parameter N=5000 or larger to get a step size h=10/5000=0.002 so that you can hope to be correct in the first two digits with an error bound of 30*h*T=0.6. In the SDE case you accumulate Gaussian noise of size sqrt(h) in every step, so that the truncation error of O(h^2) is a rather small perturbation of the random number.


Determine what is the break point for the slope change in R [migrated]

I'm trying to implement a "change point" analysis, or a multiphase regression using nls() in R.
Here's some fake data I've made. The formula I want to use to fit the data is:
$y = \beta_0 + \beta_1x + \beta_2\max(0,x-\delta)$
What this is supposed to do is fit the data up to a certain point with a certain intercept and slope ($\beta_0$ and $\beta_1$), then, after a certain x value ($\delta$), augment the slope by $\beta_2$. That's what the whole max thing is about. Before the $\delta$ point, it'll equal 0, and $\beta_2$ will be zeroed out.
So, here's my function to do this:
changePoint <- function(x, b0, slope1, slope2, delta){
b0 + (x*slope1) + (max(0, x-delta) * slope2)
And I try to fit the model this way
nls(y ~ changePoint(x, b0, slope1, slope2, delta),
data = data,
start = c(b0 = 50, slope1 = 0, slope2 = 2, delta = 48))
I chose those starting parameters, because I know those are the starting parameters, because I made the data up.
However, I get this error:
Error in nlsModel(formula, mf, start, wts) :
singular gradient matrix at initial parameter estimates
Have I just made unfortunate data? I tried fitting this on real data first, and was getting the same error, and I just figured that my initial starting parameters weren't good enough.
(At first I thought it could be a problem resulting from the fact that max is not vectorized, but that's not true. It does make it a pain to work with changePoint, wherefore the following modification:
changePoint <- function(x, b0, slope1, slope2, delta) {
b0 + (x*slope1) + (sapply(x-delta, function (t) max(0, t)) * slope2)
This R-help mailing list post describes one way in which this error may result: the rhs of the formula is overparameterized, such that changing two parameters in tandem gives the same fit to the data. I can't see how that is true of your model, but maybe it is.
In any case, you can write your own objective function and minimize it. The following function gives the squared error for data points (x,y) and a certain value of the parameters (the weird argument structure of the function is to account for how optim works):
sqerror <- function (par, x, y) {
sum((y - changePoint(x, par[1], par[2], par[3], par[4]))^2)
Then we say:
optim(par = c(50, 0, 2, 48), fn = sqerror, x = x, y = data)
And see:
[1] 54.53436800 -0.09283594 2.07356459 48.00000006
Note that for my fake data (x <- 40:60; data <- changePoint(x, 50, 0, 2, 48) + rnorm(21, 0, 0.5)) there are lots of local maxima depending on the initial parameter values you give. I suppose if you wanted to take this seriously you'd call the optimizer many times with random initial parameters and examine the distribution of results.
Just wanted to add that you can do this with many other packages. If you want to get an estimate of uncertainty around the change point (something nls cannot do), try the mcp package.
# Simulate the data
df = data.frame(x = 1:100)
df$y = c(rnorm(20, 50, 5), rnorm(80, 50 + 1.5*(df$x[21:100] - 20), 5))
# Fit the model
model = list(
y ~ 1, # Intercept
~ 0 + x # Joined slope
fit = mcp(model, df)
Let's plot it with a prediction interval (green line). The blue density is the posterior distribution for the change point location:
# Plot it
plot(fit, q_predict = T)
You can inspect individual parameters in more detail using plot_pars(fit) and summary(fit).

why feedforward Neural network does not generalized?

I made a simple NN predict x from Sin(x). It failed. The NN was successful in predicting sin(x) form x but could not predict x from Sin(x). in both cases(sin(x) and arcsin(x)) we have a non-linear mapping and NN is supposed to be able to fit any function. so, my question is why the NN failed? is this a case of underfitting? can I figure out at which point in the training process the divergence happens?
Var3 <- runif(500, 0, 20)
mydata3 <- data.frame(Sin=sin(Var3),Var=Var3)
winit <- runif(5500, -1, 1)
#hidUnit <- c(9,1)
nn3 <-neuralnet(formula = Var~Sin,data = mydata3,
hidden =c(4,2,1),startweights =winit,
learningrate = 0.01,act.fct = "tanh")
plot(mydata3, cex=2,main='Predicting x from Sin(x)',
pch = 21,bg="darkgrey",
points(mydata3[,1],predict(nn3,mydata3), col="darkred",
legend("bottomleft", legend=c("true","predicted"), pch=c(21,21),
col = c("darkgrey","red"),cex = 0.65,bty = "n")
You are trying to predict infinitely many x values from one sin(x) value. Think about it, it's not a function that you are trying to predict. A function maps every x value to exactly one y value. In your case, there are theoretically infinitely many values that x can take on for every sin(x) you feed into the function.
The domain of arcsin(x) is only from -1 to 1 and the range is from -pi/2 to pi/2 radians (not from 0 to 20).
Perhaps constraining your x values to -pi/2 to pi/2 would work.

How to run monte carlo simulation from a custom distribution in R

I would like to pull 1000 samples from a custom distribution in R
I have the following custom distribution
mu <- 1
sigma <- 2
tau <- 3
kappa <- 3
rate <- 1
Rmax <- 20
x <- seq(1, 2e1, 0.01)
points <- Rmax * dexGAUS(x, mu = mu, sigma = sigma, nu = tau) * pgamma(x, shape = kappa, rate = rate)
plot(points ~ x)
How can I randomly sample via Monte Carlo simulation from this distribution?
My first attempt was the following code which produced a histogram shape I did not expect.
hist(sample(points, 1000), breaks = 51)
This is not what I was looking for as it does not follow the same distribution as the pdf.
If you want a Monte Carlo simulation, you'll need to sample from the distribution a large number of times, not take a large sample one time.
Your object, points, has values that increases as the index increases to a threshold around 400, levels off, and then decreases. That's what plot(points ~ x) shows. It may describe a distribution, but the actual distribution of values in points is different. That shows how often values are within a certain range. You'll notice your x axis for the histogram is similar to the y axis for the plot(points ~ x) plot. The actual distribution of values in the points object is easy enough to see, and it is similar to what you're seeing when sampling 1000 values at random, without replacement from an object with 1900 values in it. Here's the distribution of values in points (no simulation required):
hist(points, 100)
I used 100 breaks on purpose so you could see some of the fine details.
Notice the little bump in the tail at the top, that you may not be expecting if you want the histogram to look like the plot of the values vs. the index (or some increasing x). That means that there are more values in points that are around 2 then there are around 1. See if you can look at how the curve of plot(points ~ x) flattens when the value is around 2, and how it's very steep between 0.5 and 1.5. Notice also the large hump at the low end of the histogram, and look at the plot(points ~ x) curve again. Do you see how most of the values (whether they're at the low end or the high end of that curve) are close to 0, or at least less than 0.25. If you look at those details, you may be able to convince yourself that the histogram is, in fact, exactly what you should expect :)
If you want a Monte Carlo simulation of a sample from this object, you might try something like:
samples <- replicate(1000, sample(points, 100, replace = TRUE))
If you want to generate data using points as a probability density function, that question has been asked and answered here
Let's define your (not normalized) probability density function as a function:
fun <- function(x, mu = 1, sigma = 2, tau = 3, kappa = 3, rate = 1, Rmax = 20)
Rmax * dexGAUS(x, mu = mu, sigma = sigma, nu = tau) *
pgamma(x, shape = kappa, rate = rate)
Now one approach is to use some MCMC (Markov chain Monte Carlo) method. For instance,
simMCMC <- function(N, init, fun, ...) {
out <- numeric(N)
out[1] <- init
for(i in 2:N) {
pr <- out[i - 1] + rnorm(1, ...)
r <- fun(pr) / fun(out[i - 1])
out[i] <- ifelse(runif(1) < r, pr, out[i - 1])
It starts from point init and gives N draws. The approach can be improved in many ways, but I'm simply only going to start form init = 5, include a burnin period of 20000 and to select every second draw to reduce the number of repetitions:
d <- tail(simMCMC(20000 + 2000, init = 5, fun = fun), 2000)[c(TRUE, FALSE)]
You invert the ECDF of the distribution:
ecd.points <- ecdf(points)
invecdfpts <- with( environment(ecd.points), approxfun(y,x) )
samp.inv.ecd <- function(n=100) invecdfpts( runif(n) )
plot(density (samp.inv.ecd(100) ) )
plot(density(points) )
png(); layout(matrix(1:2,1)); plot(density (samp.inv.ecd(100) ),main="The Sample" )
plot(density(points) , main="The Original");
Here's another way to do it that draws from R: Generate data from a probability density distribution and How to create a distribution function in R?:
x <- seq(1, 2e1, 0.01)
points <- 20*dexGAUS(x,mu=1,sigma=2,nu=3)*pgamma(x,shape=3,rate=1)
f <- function (x) (20*dexGAUS(x,mu=1,sigma=2,nu=3)*pgamma(x,shape=3,rate=1))
C <- integrate(f,-Inf,Inf)
> C$value
[1] 11.50361
# normalize by C$value
f <- function (x)
random.points <- approx(cumsum(pdf$y)/sum(pdf$y),pdf$x,runif(10000))$y
hist((random.points*40),1000) will get the scaling like your original function.

How to interpolate those signal data with a polynomial?

I am trying to find the coefficients of a polynomial in R, but I am not sure of which order the polynomial is.
I have data:
x=seq(6, 174, by=8)
Now I want to find the (obviously) non-linear function that hits up all these points. Function values should still is in the interval [-1,1], and all these points should be understood as the vertex of a parabola.
Actually this is not example data, I just need exactly this function for exactly these points.
I tried to describe it with polynomials up to degree 25 and then gave up, with polynomials it seems that it is only possible to approximate the curve but not to get it directly.
Comments suggested using a sine curve. Does someone know how to get the exact trigonometric function?
Your data have a strong characteristic that they are sampled from a sinusoid signal. With restriction that y is constrained onto [-1,1], we know for sure the amplitude is 1, so let's assume we want a sin function:
y = sin((2 * pi / T) * x + phi)
where T is period and phi is phase. The period of your data is evident: 2 * 8 = 16. To get phi, just use the fact that when x = 6, y = -1. That is
sin(12 * pi / T + phi) = -1
which gives one solution: phi = -pi/2 - 12 * pi / T.
Here we go:
T <- 16
phi <- -pi/2 - 12 * pi / T
f <- function(x) sin(x * pi / 8 + phi)
plot(x, y)
x0 <- seq(6, 174, by = 0.2)
y0 <- f(x0)
lines(x0, y0, col = 2)
Your original intention to have a polynomial is not impossible, but it can't be an ordinary polynomial. An ordinary polynomial is unbounded. It will tends to Inf or -Inf when x tends to Inf or -Inf.
Local polynomial is possible. Since you say: all these points should be understood as the vertex of a parabola, you seem to expect a smooth function. Then a cubic spline is ideal. Specifically, we don't want a natural cubic spline but a period cubic spline. The spline function from stats package can help us:
int <- spline(x[-1], y[-1], method = "periodic", xout = x0)
Note, I have dropped the first datum, as with "periodic" method, spline wants y to have the same value on both ends. Once we drop the first datum, y values are 1 on both sides.
plot(x, y)
lines(int, col = 2)
I did not compare the spline interpolation with the sinusoid function. They can't be exactly the same, but in statistical modelling we can use either one to model the underlying cyclic signal / effect.

Separating circles using kernel PCA

I am trying to reproduce a simple example of using kernel PCA. The objective is to separate out the points from two concentric circles.
Creating the data:
circle <- data.frame(radius = rep(c(0, 1), 500) + rnorm(1000, sd = 0.05),
phi = runif(1000, 0, 2 * pi),
group = rep(c("A", "B"), 500))
circle <- transform(circle,
x = radius * cos(phi),
y = radius * sin(phi),
z = rnorm(length(radius))) %>% select(group, x, y, z)
TFRAC = 0.75
train <- sample(1:1000, TFRAC * 1000)
circle.train <- circle[train,]
circle.test <- circle[-train,]
> head(circle.train)
group x y z
491 A -0.034216 -0.0312062 0.70780
389 A 0.052616 0.0059919 1.05942
178 B -0.987276 -0.3322542 0.75297
472 B -0.808646 0.3962935 -0.17829
473 A -0.032227 0.0027470 0.66955
346 B 0.894957 0.3381633 1.29191
I have split the data up into training and testing sets because I have the intention (once I get this working!) of testing the resulting model.
In principal kernel PCA should allow me to separate out the two classes. Other discussions of this example have used the Radial Basis Function (RBF) kernel, so I adopted this too. In R kernel PCA is implemented in the kernlab package.
circle.kpca <- kpca(~ ., data = circle.train[, -1], kernel = "rbfdot", kpar = list(sigma = 10), features = 1)
I requested only the first component and specified the RBF kernel. This is the result:
There has definitely been a major transformation of the data, but the transformed data is not what I was expecting (which would be a nice, clean separation of the two classes). I have tried fiddling with the value of the parameter sigma and, although the results do vary dramatically, I still didn't get what I was expecting. I assume that sigma is related to the parameter gamma mentioned here, possibly via the relationship given here (without the negative sign?).
I'm pretty sure that I am making a naive rookie error here and I would really appreciate any pointers which would get me onto the right track.
Try sigma = 20. I think you will get the answer you are looking for. The sigma in kernlab is actually what is usually referred to as gamma for rbf kernel so they are inversely related.
