How to verify custom Firebase Auth Token, created by createCustomToken() - firebase

I created custom Auth Token via createCustomToken(), see
But later on when I try to verify this token via verifyIdToken() function it throws following error
Error: verifyIdToken() expects an ID token, but was given a custom token. See for details on how to retrieve an ID token.
Which is rational, because there is no such ID... But what I need - is to simply verify the token, similar to jwt.verify()...
Has anyone came across this problem and what solution was found? Is it possible to verify Firebase auth token via jsonwebtoken library?
P.S. I am gonna use verification in Google Cloud Function endpoints
SOLUTION: Looks like I just found a solution Just need to grap public key from and use jsonwebtoken library to verify it...

verifyIdToken like the name is to verify IdToken, not custom token.
CustomToken is for client to sign in. This custom token can be verify using simple JWT verification like your solution (it expire after one hour).
But the IdToken is another story, you need to do sign in process using firebase auth.
To Get The Id Token from client after signIn, it's depend whether the client is Android, Web, or IOS.
The code to get the IdToken can be read in this section


Next Auth + Firebase - Change user password using firebase Rest API

I am working on project using Next JS + NextAuth package. For user authentication we are using NextAuth with Custom Credentials provider. I am making a sign in REst API request to Firebase to get the user logged in and saving all necessary bits like Firebase tokens(access and refresh) in JWT.
The flow works.
Where i am stuck: Changing user password.
Password change is pretty straight forward using firebase client SDK. But I am using Firebase API:
the flow to change password requires:
Provide latest access token in API request above.
If the latest Access token is not provided, the API would send back error like: TOKEN TOO OLD or RE AUTHENTICATE
So this to work, we need to reauthenticate the user prior to making that change password request.
What I have managed to do:
When user request password change, user needs to provide current password.
Using the current password, i would re sign in user using API end point:
This would work but now I need to update the latest access token in the JWT using NextAuth.
At this point i am stuck:
Refreshing the JWT using Next Auth; as soon as the user is re-signed-in and again when password is changed and new access token is sent back from Firebase.
When I try to refresh the JWT with new access token (etc) token using NextAuth client side callback:
The application breaks due to access tokens are not synced on JWT and on firebase.
Is my flow correct changing the user password?
Is there better way of doing this?
Any help is appreciated. Thanks

Security issue with verifying firebase token on server side?

I am using firebase mobile otp authentication. After successful authentication my android app receives a token which I have to verify on my django server. But while I was reading the docs of verifying this token, it comes out that if someone knows my firebase project-id, they can generate valid tokens anytime they want.
To get contec, look at the last method to verify firebase token at link
Isn't this quite risky, as once your firebase project id is known to someone, they can create fake tokens??
Also does custom authentication token help overcome this problem?
Thanks. Let me know if I have incorrectly understood the firebase token validation and it is not possible to create fake tokens once we know the firebase project-id.
ID tokens are signed by a private key owned by Firebase Auth. They cannot be forged. Note that the doc you've referenced also states:
Finally, ensure that the ID token was signed by the private key corresponding to the token's kid claim. Grab the public key from and use a JWT library to verify the signature.
A forged ID token will not pass the signature check.

What format is the Google Picker API auth token?

If I intercept an access_token from an example on this page: looks like this:
If I paste that into here:
...I'm told it's malformed. However, if I paste a Firebase auth token into there, it's well-formed and you can see its payload.
Ultimately, I'm trying to use the Firebase auth token in the Google Picker API, but I can't figure out how to translate it.
I was using firebase.auth().currentUser.getIdToken, but it looks like firebase.auth().getRedirectResult() gets an auth token that is the same format as the Picker API.
Google API access is scope based
You must specify the scopes needed when requesting an access token.
Each access token you receive back, is limited to the scope and application from its original request. They are not inter-changeable.
You will need to setup a specific Google Picker API request, in order to get the access token you require
Hope this helps
"ya29.*" token is Google's access token and it is not a jwt (it is opaque for the api callers).
Yes firebase allows you to add scopes during the sign-in process. After that you get an id token that says who the user is and a separate access token that you can use to access Google APIs.
If you look at you will see this:
Then, you can also retrieve the Google provider's OAuth token by calling getRedirectResult when your page loads:
firebase.auth().getRedirectResult().then(function(result) {
if (result.credential) {
// This gives you a Google Access Token. You can use it to access the Google API.
var token = result.credential.accessToken;
// ...
// The signed-in user info.
var user = result.user;

not getting the customToken when trying to signInWithEmailAndPassword in firebase

from the below image in firebase docs they are saying that when user sign to app send their sign-in credentials with username(email) and password, they said that response will contain a custom token but for me in the response only showing access token and refresh token, if we use any of these two token for signInWithCustomToken getting an error of invalid token, please pull me out of this issue
Thanks in advance
I think you are misunderstanding this. For custom auth, you are typically using your own auth system and not Firebase. Following the docs, they assume you are using your own username/password auth system. In that case, you send both to your backend server. You verify the credentials (username, password) in your own auth system. If they are legit, you lookup the user id in your auth system database, you then use the Firebase Admin SDK createCustomToken(uid) to mint a custom token with that uid. You send it back in the response to the client. The client will then call signInWithCustomToken to complete the sign-in.

Get Google access token

To get Google access token after firebase auth login, I know I can simply do this:
firebase.auth().signInWithPopup(provider).then(function(result) {
var token = result.credential.accessToken;
but what if the user is already authenticated and I need the token? is there any way to extract it from the Firebase auth?
I've been through every value of authState but I couldn't find the google access token I've been looking for.
You can't get the access token from the onAuthStateChanged listener or the currentUser. You can only get it immediately after authentication when calling signInWithPopup, reauthenticateWithPopup, linkWithPopup, getRedirectResult, etc. Firebase Auth does not manage OAuth tokens for users. If you feel strongly about this feature, please file a feature request for it on the Firebase forum:!forum/firebase-talk
You can also just use the GApi library to get the Google access token and pass it to Firebase to sign-in via signInWithCredential. The advantage here is that GApi will manage that OAuth token for you.
