RStudio states file does not exist - r

Attempting to use the mread function to open a cpp file through R. However, when I run the script I get the following:
#> [1] "C:/Users/Gustavo/Documents/R/page-2018-mrgsolve-master/model"
mod <- mread("simple", "model")
#> Error: project directory 'model' must exist and be readable.
Obviously I am setting the directory to "model" itself. So why isn't R able to read it? Any help would be appreciated as I am still learning R and want to learn the mrgsolve package as well.
Additional info: R version 3.4.4. Rtools version 3.4.0. Rstudio version 1.1.463.

An adaptation to the email I sent my colleagues that were assisting me with a similar issue:
To review, I was unable to open any files through RStudio because RStudio returned error messages indicating either that the file itself or the work directory did not exist. I've done multiple installations of different versions of R, RStudio, and Rtools in an attempt to resolve the issue. I also moved the locations of files and programs of interest and changed the work directory to see if that made a difference. Unfortunately, when RStudio is first initiated on a computer, it establishes a "hidden directory" folder that retains the settings of the program when it was first initiated. However, by deleting this folder, RStudio was wiped and I was able to regain control of where files would be stored and read as desired (more on this in the following link: A combination of this and forcing Rtools to the front of the 'path' also allowed me to resolve 'status 127' errors that I was receiving as well.
Unfortunately, this is the result of a more personal issue between the initial settings that RStudio took to my computer and my attempt to manipulate where RStudio should read files which I guess were discordant of one another? Regardless, it seems that I would need to be more cognizant of how RStudio establishes a folder which retains its initial settings.


workspace cannot be loaded in server, file has magic number 'RDX3'

I've been looking through other SO posts and I've seen that people had a similar problem to mine before. However, in my case when I load my RData workspace in RStudio it works just fine. However, when I try to load it in the server I get the following error:
Error in load(file = "/home/ubuntu/myfile.RData") :
bad restore file magic number (file may be corrupted) -- no data loaded
In addition: Warning message:
file ‘myfile.RData’ has magic number 'RDX3'
Use of save versions prior to 2 is deprecated
I've loaded similar RData files in the server before and it always worked fine. The same file is loaded without any problems in RStudio as I said, but somehow the server doesn't like it
Did you update R in your computer recently? If you did, from R 3.5.0, RData are saved using version 3 by default (RDX3). If you have an earlier version of R in your server, you probably need to save your data using the right version for your server (updating R in your server is another option). Please check the option version in the help of the save command to learn how to do that.

Warning in install.packages: unable to move temporary installation

I've found a number of questions related to this warning when installing or updating packages in R/RStudio, but none seem to completely match my situation:
Corporate Windows 7 system, so no access to admin privileges
No way to make changes to McAfee Anti-Virus exceptions lists
R is fully installed in the user space C:\Users\[myname]\R
RStudio fully installed in userspace C\Users\[myname]\RStudio
no permission issues in either of the directories... I have full access control over them
Problem only started after installing R 3.4, but RStudio has randomly failing at start or hanging for a few months now
R_LIBS_USER added as user environment variable, pointing to right directory
.libPaths() show correct directories, both system and user
R version 3.4.2, RStudio version 1.0.153
Uninstalled both R and Rstudio and did a clean re-install of both
Tried trace(utils:::unpackPkgZip,edit = T) and edited Line 140 Sys.sleep(0.5) to Sys.sleep(2), which sometimes works temporarily but the edit won't stay put... resets to Sys.sleep(0.5) on every session restart
Happens in both RStudio and RGui
Any package larger than a few Kb gives the message:
package ‘packagename’ successfully unpacked and MD5 sums checked
Warning in install.packages :
unable to move temporary installation ‘C:\Users\[myname]\R\win-library\3.4\file2b884fc37c13\packagename’ to ‘C:\Users\[myname]\R\win-library\3.4\packagename’
The packages are failing to install or update. So, my questions are:
is there a way to avoid the problem altogether that doesn't require admin privileges or changes to the antivirus policies?
is there a way to get the edit to unpackPkgZip to save permanently?
At this point, I'm stumped. I suspect it has something to do with the antivirus temporarily locking the file/directory after download, but I can't do anything about it from that end. The Sys.sleep(2) seems to do the trick, but I can't keep doing that before every package install or update and can't seem to get the edit to stay put.
This was the only thing that worked for me on this issue (the uninstalling antivirus software didn't get me anywhere, unfortunately), so hopeful it works for you.
On Windows systems, sometimes installation of libraries may be running too fast, creating the error "unable to move temporary installation". Then the package is not found in the user library, because it hasn't been moved over...
To fix, try: trace(utils:::unpackPkgZip, edit=TRUE)
Then go to Line 140 in the code and change Sys.sleep(0.5) to Sys.sleep(2.5)
This is a nice longer term solution that does not require manual package moving, uninstalling software, replacing admin responsibilities, or individually routing packages to certain locations.
My original reply is below, but I've subsequently found a better solution.
Execute the following line:
Trace(utils:::unpackPkgZip, edit=TRUE)
Note that there three colons in there, not two.
Then edit line 142, from Sys.sleep(0.5) to: Sys.sleep(2.0), and click to save the edit (the line number may vary slightly). Unfortunately this does not hold across R sessions, but it only takes 10 seconds to do this, and then you can install packages for the current session to your heart's content.
Original answer:
I ran into the same problem at work. I was able to use Sheldon's suggested approach, but as noted that can get tedious quickly. As an alternative, I found I could go to the location of the downloaded zip file(s) in my temp directory (as reported by install.packages), unzip the file or files (there will be multiple zip files if there are dependent packages), and then move or copy all the unzipped directories straight into my R\win-library\3.4 directory. This isn't a whole lot of fun either, but I find it to be less painful than stepping through the debugger, per Sheldon's method, especially when multiple dependencies are involved and also have to be installed.
If you cannot turn off your antivirus here is a workaround that I found that doesn't involve editing the unpackPkgZip file. Debugging the unzip package function and then stepping through it gives the antivirus enough time to do its job without interfering. Use this command:
and then step through the code (by pressing enter many times) when R starts debugging during the installation.
I found this solution here.
If you want to make this change more permanent you can add the debug code into your Rprofile file, see here, but you'll still need to use step through the unzip function each time a package is installed.
Got the same error - seems to be a company gp / access security problem.
It might also be worthwhile checking whether the folder it fails to write to has a Read Only structure (Right Click - Properties). This folder's address can be found by running: .libPaths()[1] in R.
An ad hoc solution to this problem is to unzip and store the downloaded (but not moved) packages using a piece of R code below. You will get an error stating where the binary packages are located (something like: C:/Users/....AppData/...)
Now you can simply unzip the files from here to your .libPaths() location
zipF <- list.files("C:/Users/<YOURNAMEHERE>/AppData/Local/Temp/Rtmp4Apz6Z/downloaded_packages", full.names = TRUE)
outDir <- .libPaths()[1]
for(i in 1: length(zipF)) {
A more general solution will still be extremely worthwhile, as this is unfortunately a common problem when updating R on Windows.
We've had the same problem at my workplace, and one of my coworkers discovered a great workaround. Unfortunately it's a temporary thing you'll need to do each time you install packages, rather than a permanent fix. We're running corporate Windows 8 (no admin privileges) with McAfee, and I've tested this in R 3.4.0-3.4.3.
Temporarily turning off McAfee's "On-Access Scan" feature (in Threat Prevention) solved this for us -- R packages now all install on the first try the way they're intended to. Here's detailed steps to turn that off:
Right-click the McAfee icon in the notification area at the right of
your taskbar, and select McAfee Endpoint Security.
Click on Threat Prevention. This opens up a screen where you should see categories such as "Access Protection", "Exploit Prevention", and "On-Access Scan".
Un-check "Enable On-Access Scan", and then click Apply. (NB: it's
easy to forget to click Apply, but it's essential)
Once you've installed your packages, it's best to repeat the process to turn On-Access Scan back on.
I fixed my instance of this problem (Windows 7) by removing the 'Read-Only' attribute of the folder R was trying to move stuff to.
I went to the Run command from the Start menu in Windows (7) and typed
attrib -r +s drive:\\
Note that just right clicking the folder and trying to change properties didn't take, as per this link from Microsoft:
Hope that helps someone.
I hope this change doesn't screw me in other ways.
This was the error message that was spit out for me:
package ‘mlogit’ successfully unpacked and MD5 sums checked
Warning in install.packages :
unable to move temporary installation ‘C:\Users\E\Documents\R\win-
library\3.4\file9ec6cfb5e40\mlogit’ to ‘C:\Users\E\Documents\R\win-
The downloaded binary packages are in
What I did was went to where the package was downloaded (C:\Users\E\AppData\Local\Temp\RtmpS0uNDm\downloaded_packages) and then copied that zipped file to the desktop then used Winzip to unzip to my file directory where all the packages for R are stored (C:\Users\E\Documents\R\win-library\3.4). It now will load in R.
Loading required package: Formula
Loading required package: maxLik
Loading required package: miscTools
It worked well for me as it was the only package that was not downloading for some reason. Might not be helpful if you have to do this for every package.
I also found one solution if above solutions wouldn't work in corporate antivirus.
First change the path of package installation use this command and execute in R:
Now it will show a console's error that unable to move and the package is placed on to some location. just remember this location, we need this zip file for further operations.
Now use this command:
install.packages("D:/ML/Tools/Installed/RPackages/", repos = NULL, type = "win.binary", lib="D:/ML/Tools/Installed/R-3.4.3/library")
I struggled with the same issue. For me (on Windows 10), the issue was using MalwareBytes (Premium trial). I uninstalled it and went back to using Windows Defender, and the issue was resolved. Perhaps if more time, I can find out how to create an exception and/or file checking delay for MalwareBytes (i.e., which is a pretty good program), but the user-guide ( is unclear on this.
Extending the Sys.sleep value to 3.5 on line 142 in the unpackPkgZip function works manually via
trace(utils:::unpackPkgZip, edit=TRUE)
However, it can also be done programmatically by running the following before install.packages:
localUnpackPkgZip <- utils:::unpackPkgZip
body(localUnpackPkgZip)[[14]][[4]][[4]][[4]][[3]][[3]][[2]][[2]] <- substitute(3.5)
assignInNamespace("unpackPkgZip", localUnpackPkgZip, "utils")
This must be run every time you have a new session. You can run it multiple times in the same session without issue.
If you run the below statement right before the install.packages expression then it should install the package:
trace("unpackPkgZip", where=asNamespace("utils"), quote(Sys.sleep(2.5)), at=14L, print=FALSE)

Cannot run interactive R session from the command line - windows 10

I cannot run a R session from the command line by typing 'R', despite having
C:/Program Files/R
C:/Program Files/R/R-3.3.2/bin
in both 'Path' (System) and 'PATH' (User) environment variables (the latter directory is where the actual application is located, I was just trying everything by adding the former).
If I manually change the working directory to C:/Program Files/R/R-3.3.2/bin and type R, a session runs.
Any insight as to why this might be the case? Other programs such as Python 3 run fine, provided the the environment variable is set, why not with R?
This question is part of a larger problem where I am trying to get rpy2 working, but though successfully installed, none of it's basic functions are working, and I thought this maybe to do with a version of R being installed at C:/Users/Anaconda2/R (Because this dir was in Path). The R application installed here would not work when opened, but was the directory returned when I typed R RHOME into cmd - despite the fact this installation is not even functioning, and has apparently only existed since I installed rpy2 a couple of hours ago. I reasoned that rpy2 is trying to use the instance of R installed here rather than my normal one, thus causing the error when I call robjects.r. But this still doesn't explain why I can't run R from cmd. When using R.home(component = "home") from inside a an R session (in RStudio or out of it), it returns my normal, working R directory, at C:/PROGRA~1/R/R-33~1.2. By moving the R file tree installed in Anaconda's directory to a somewhere not in Path, I hoped Windows would find the correct installation via Path - but instead I just get Failed to create process.
My last guess was that Windows didn't like the space in "Program Files", but loads of variables in Path go through the same folder. Any ideas?
I am using:
Windows 10,
R 3.3.2,
Python 2.17.13
On Josh O'Brien's recommendation (thanks!), I typed where R into cmd, returning:
C:\Program Files\R\R-3.3.2\bin\R.exe
The first path is marginally different from the C:\Users\charl\Anaconda2\R listed in my first post (both are in Path), and leads to a third R.exe. It's outside the R file tree located in Anaconda, unlike my standard R installation, but seems to be dependent on it nonetheless. If I remove this R.exe to another location (not in Path), Typing R in cmd will run R from the desired directory, thus fixing the problem. R.home() from inside that session confirms this.
My only remaining concern then; is whether this installation of R in Anaconda necessary for rpy2 or can I just delete it, fixing the original problem? It may just be my ignorance, but I was not conscious that installing rpy2 (I used the standard Windows installer rather than compiling manually) would install another instance of R - is it necessary for the package or just a default/option I failed to omit?

Error while installing VIM package in R-2.15.3 [duplicate]

I am using R 2.13.0 with windows 7, after giving my user full privileges to the R folder (as described here).
This allows me to install new packages just fine.
However, when using update.packages(), to update existing packages, I keep getting the following error (for example, when updating the MASS package):
package 'MASS' successfully unpacked and MD5 sums checked
Warning: unable to move temporary installation
to 'C:\Program
Any suggestions on how to fix this?
p.s: Running R as an administrator or shifting the library location out of Program Files is not a solution (it's a hack - but I am looking for a solution)
I found that the problem indeed is the antivirus "real time file system protection". I do the following to fix the problem:
trace(utils:::unpackPkgZip, edit=TRUE)
I edit line 140 (line 142 in R 3.4.4):
I seems like the antivirus stalls the creation of the package tmp dir. After changing it to 2 seconds the error is gone.
EDIT: to do this programmatically execute
trace(utils:::unpackPkgZip, quote(Sys.sleep(2)), at = which(grepl("Sys.sleep", body(utils:::unpackPkgZip), fixed = TRUE)))
(credits #DavidArenburg)
Just to update everyone, I (think that I) found out the source of the problem: antivirus.
The "real time file system protection" was blocking R from copying the files between folders once they were downloaded.
Upon adding the R directory to the exception list (coupled with adding user permission and installing R on D:\R), and the problem went away. With all of this work, I might as well switch to Linux (I should, really...)
(I updated my post with the above information:
I hope it will help someone in the future,
If you cannot turn off your antivirus, due to corporate policy for example, here is a workaround that I found. Debugging the unzip package function and then stepping through it gives the antivirus enough time to do its job without interfering. Use this command:
and then step through the code (by pressing enter many times) when R starts debugging during the installation.
I found this solution here.
If you can just download the binary straight from CRAN. On windows when downloaded it will be a zip file. Now manually unzip this into the ..library/ folder of your R (.libPaths()). It worked for me on some packages.
I had this problem installing both swirl and dplyr. I am working on Windows 64-bit.
Warning: unable to move temporary installation
What I did is I accessed my temporary files on the C: drive, and opened my file extractor program and I extracted the files from the temp file in the C: drive to my R program files in the C: drive, by manually copying them. THIS WORKED FOR BOTH dpylr and swirl. Stoked!
Can you not use the lib.loc parameter to only update packages in your personal library (in user)?
There should be no way to enable a normal, non-augmented user to change files in the program files folder, so the only thing you can do (if you don't want to augment the user) is to have R not updating packages there.
A workaround is to avoid installing R in the program files folder (which may be more or less of a hack than just shifting the library location out of it, depending on your point of view).
Finally, if lib.loc doesn't cut it, you can look at the source code for update.packages and create your own customized version that will always avoid the common library location in program files.
I just met the same question, and the solution I found out was that you should install packages using the original R software (plus, you should choose the right mirror site, some of them are blocked). At first I used Rstudio to install packages and I got the same problem as you met. Hope this is helpful.
I have run into this error several times. In my own case, it is because our admins want us to use remote virtual disks (on Windows 7) for our files and everything is locked up tight as a drum. The only way I can use R packages is in a lib directory on that remote virtual disk. This wouldn't be a problem except that the network isn't always smooth and fast. Thus, when I need a package, especially one with several other packages in tow (e.g., MBESS), I either have to go through the get.packages() process multiple times until it finally finishes or make it IT's headache to do quick like the bunny for me. I can't always wait for IT.
I just went to the library folder (Windows XP) and deleted all fileXXXX folders. Reran the install an it is worked.
I had the same problem. Since the issue seems to be the antivirus blocking the transf of a downloaded file, I tried a different download method in the install.packages and it worked.
For example:
install.packages("stringr", method = "curl")
You must go into the properties of the R folder and change the security parameters. You can enable the option to write and modify for all users.
The error : "unable to move temporary installation" is basically arising due to any of the antivirus running on your system.
Try unzipping the downloaded file from the Temp folder into the default library path (you can get it by running .libPaths() in R session).
I'm using a MRAN and I was having so many versioning issues. Trying to work with tidyverse and ggplot2 and by upgrading to the latest version from Microsoft it solved all of my R-Studio versioning issues.
Version info:
Microsoft R Open 3.5.1
The enhanced R distribution from Microsoft
Default CRAN mirror snapshot taken on 2018-08-01.
Download Microsoft R Open 3.5.1

Windows 7, update.packages problem: "unable to move temporary installation"?

I am using R 2.13.0 with windows 7, after giving my user full privileges to the R folder (as described here).
This allows me to install new packages just fine.
However, when using update.packages(), to update existing packages, I keep getting the following error (for example, when updating the MASS package):
package 'MASS' successfully unpacked and MD5 sums checked
Warning: unable to move temporary installation
to 'C:\Program
Any suggestions on how to fix this?
p.s: Running R as an administrator or shifting the library location out of Program Files is not a solution (it's a hack - but I am looking for a solution)
I found that the problem indeed is the antivirus "real time file system protection". I do the following to fix the problem:
trace(utils:::unpackPkgZip, edit=TRUE)
I edit line 140 (line 142 in R 3.4.4):
I seems like the antivirus stalls the creation of the package tmp dir. After changing it to 2 seconds the error is gone.
EDIT: to do this programmatically execute
trace(utils:::unpackPkgZip, quote(Sys.sleep(2)), at = which(grepl("Sys.sleep", body(utils:::unpackPkgZip), fixed = TRUE)))
(credits #DavidArenburg)
Just to update everyone, I (think that I) found out the source of the problem: antivirus.
The "real time file system protection" was blocking R from copying the files between folders once they were downloaded.
Upon adding the R directory to the exception list (coupled with adding user permission and installing R on D:\R), and the problem went away. With all of this work, I might as well switch to Linux (I should, really...)
(I updated my post with the above information:
I hope it will help someone in the future,
If you cannot turn off your antivirus, due to corporate policy for example, here is a workaround that I found. Debugging the unzip package function and then stepping through it gives the antivirus enough time to do its job without interfering. Use this command:
and then step through the code (by pressing enter many times) when R starts debugging during the installation.
I found this solution here.
If you can just download the binary straight from CRAN. On windows when downloaded it will be a zip file. Now manually unzip this into the ..library/ folder of your R (.libPaths()). It worked for me on some packages.
I had this problem installing both swirl and dplyr. I am working on Windows 64-bit.
Warning: unable to move temporary installation
What I did is I accessed my temporary files on the C: drive, and opened my file extractor program and I extracted the files from the temp file in the C: drive to my R program files in the C: drive, by manually copying them. THIS WORKED FOR BOTH dpylr and swirl. Stoked!
Can you not use the lib.loc parameter to only update packages in your personal library (in user)?
There should be no way to enable a normal, non-augmented user to change files in the program files folder, so the only thing you can do (if you don't want to augment the user) is to have R not updating packages there.
A workaround is to avoid installing R in the program files folder (which may be more or less of a hack than just shifting the library location out of it, depending on your point of view).
Finally, if lib.loc doesn't cut it, you can look at the source code for update.packages and create your own customized version that will always avoid the common library location in program files.
I just met the same question, and the solution I found out was that you should install packages using the original R software (plus, you should choose the right mirror site, some of them are blocked). At first I used Rstudio to install packages and I got the same problem as you met. Hope this is helpful.
I have run into this error several times. In my own case, it is because our admins want us to use remote virtual disks (on Windows 7) for our files and everything is locked up tight as a drum. The only way I can use R packages is in a lib directory on that remote virtual disk. This wouldn't be a problem except that the network isn't always smooth and fast. Thus, when I need a package, especially one with several other packages in tow (e.g., MBESS), I either have to go through the get.packages() process multiple times until it finally finishes or make it IT's headache to do quick like the bunny for me. I can't always wait for IT.
I just went to the library folder (Windows XP) and deleted all fileXXXX folders. Reran the install an it is worked.
I had the same problem. Since the issue seems to be the antivirus blocking the transf of a downloaded file, I tried a different download method in the install.packages and it worked.
For example:
install.packages("stringr", method = "curl")
You must go into the properties of the R folder and change the security parameters. You can enable the option to write and modify for all users.
The error : "unable to move temporary installation" is basically arising due to any of the antivirus running on your system.
Try unzipping the downloaded file from the Temp folder into the default library path (you can get it by running .libPaths() in R session).
I'm using a MRAN and I was having so many versioning issues. Trying to work with tidyverse and ggplot2 and by upgrading to the latest version from Microsoft it solved all of my R-Studio versioning issues.
Version info:
Microsoft R Open 3.5.1
The enhanced R distribution from Microsoft
Default CRAN mirror snapshot taken on 2018-08-01.
Download Microsoft R Open 3.5.1
