Why is inv() failing? - julia

When I try and run the inv() function on the example from the Julia documentation (v1.0.3), I get an error. The code is as follows (straight from the docs):
julia> M = [2 5; 1 3]
2×2 Array{Int64,2}:
2 5
1 3
julia> N = inv(M)
ERROR: MethodError: objects of type Array{Float64,2} are not callable
Use square brackets [] for indexing an Array.
It does work with pinv(), but I get some extremely small floating point values. Any ideas why I can't get inv() to work for this extremely simple case?

The error message suggests that you have previously defined a variable called inv which is a floating point matrix, and then try to use this matrix as a function, e.g.
julia> inv = rand(2, 2);
julia> M = [2 5; 1 3];
julia> inv(M)
ERROR: MethodError: objects of type Array{Float64,2} are not callable
Use square brackets [] for indexing an Array.
You can reach the inv function by restarting (and hence clearing the meaning of inv) or using the fully qualified name:
julia> import LinearAlgebra
julia> LinearAlgebra.inv(M)
2×2 Array{Float64,2}:
3.0 -5.0
-1.0 2.0


Difference between Array and Vector

Is there a difference between Array and Vector?
Both seem to create the same thing, but they are not the same:
Array == Vector
Array === Vector
So, what is actually the difference?
The difference is that Vector is a 1-dimensional Array, so when you write e.g. Vector{Int} it is a shorthand to Array{Int, 1}:
julia> Vector{Int}
When you call constructors Array([1,2,3]) and Vector([1,2,3]) they internally get translated to the same call Array{Int,1}([1,2,3]) as you passed a vector to them.
You would see the difference if you wanted to pass an array that is not 1-dimensional:
julia> Array(ones(2,2))
2×2 Array{Float64,2}:
1.0 1.0
1.0 1.0
julia> Vector(ones(2,2))
ERROR: MethodError: no method matching Array{T,1} where T(::Array{Float64,2})
Also note the effect of:
julia> x=[1,2,3]
3-element Array{Int64,1}:
julia> Vector(x)
3-element Array{Int64,1}:
julia> Vector(x) === x
So essentially the call Vector(x) makes a copy of x. Usually in the code you would probably simply write copy(x).
A general rule is that Array is a parametric type that has two parameters given in curly braces:
the first one is element type (you can access it using eltype)
the second one is the dimension of the array (you can access it using ndims)
See https://docs.julialang.org/en/v1/manual/arrays/ for details.
Vector is an alias for a one-dimensional Array. You can see that in the Julia REPL:
julia> Vector
Array{T, 1} where T
julia> Vector{Int32}
Array{Int32, 1}
Similarly, a Matrix is a 2-dimensional Array:
julia> Matrix
Array{T,2} where T

Singleton vector different from its transpose in Julia

If I define A = [1] I get that A is not equal to A' since they are of different types:
julia> A=[1]
1-element Array{Int64,1}:
julia> A'
1×1 LinearAlgebra.Adjoint{Int64,Array{Int64,1}}:
julia> A == A'
If I define another vector B = [1, 2, 3] and I try to do the products with A'and A I obtain the following output:
3-element Array{Int64,1}:
julia> B*A'
3×1 Array{Int64,2}:
julia> B*A
ERROR: MethodError: no method matching *(::Array{Int64,1}, ::Array{Int64,1})
That seems a problem of * operator signature that seems not to accept two Array{Int64,1} as operands while defining another vector C = [4 5] we get:
julia> C=[4 5]
1×2 Array{Int64,2}:
4 5
julia> B*C
3×2 Array{Int64,2}:
4 5
8 10
12 15
So * is defined for operands of types Array{Int64,1} and Array{Int64,2} respectively. Why I cannot multiply a column vector by a singleton vector A but I can using A'?
The answer to this depends on how well you understand linear algebra. Julia follows the conventions of linear algebra for it's array multiplication, if you need to brush up, wikipedia's page is a good source.
It boils down to the fact that your A is a column vector whereas A' is a row vector (like C). Matrix multiplication is defined between (n, k) and (k, m) matrices to produce a (n, m) matrix. Column vectors can sometimes be thought of as (n, 1) matrices, so there's no well defined notion of multiplication between two column vectors.
If you want the dot product, use the dot function (you'll need to do using LinearAlgebra first). If you want an element-wise product, you can use the broadcasting notation, u .* v.
In Julia Vectors are one dimensional Arrays, while the transposition works on two dimensional matrices (Array{T,2} equivalent to Matrix{T})
julia> A=[1]
1-element Array{Int64,1}:
julia> collect(A')
1×1 Array{Int64,2}:
Since transposition in Julia does not materialize the data and rather holds reference to the original I needed to use collect to actually see what is going on.
When using multiplication on 2-dimensional arrays you are actually using linear algebra operations.
If you want to multiply element-wise use the dot . operator instead:
julia> A .== A'
1×1 BitArray{2}:
Note it return an Array rather than a single value.
If you want to multiply element-wise (rather than using linear algebra matrix multiplication) you need to vectorize again:
julia> B.*A
3-element Array{Int64,1}:

StepRange description in Julia

while working in julia programming, for creating an array instead of using a=[1:1:20...] i used a=[1:1:20] and it created an array saying "1-element Array{StepRange{Int64,Int64},1}".
What does this "1-element Array{StepRange{Int64,Int64},1}" mean? what StepRange means?
From the documentation of StepRange (type ?StepRange in the Julia REPL to see this):
StepRange{T, S} <: OrdinalRange{T, S}
Ranges with elements of type T with spacing of type S. The step
between each element is constant, and the range is defined in terms
of a start and stop of type T and a step of type S. Neither T nor S
should be floating point types. The syntax a:b:c with b > 1 and a,
b, and c all integers creates a StepRange.
So, for example
julia> typeof(1:1:20)
julia> [1:1:20]
1-element Array{StepRange{Int64,Int64},1}:
thus constructs a Vector (1D Array) containing one StepRange. If you want to materialize the lazy StepRange I would recommend collect(1:1:20) instead of using splatting ([1:1:20...]).
You can access start / step / stop fields of a StepRange using:
julia> r = 1:1:20
julia> r.start
julia> r.stop
julia> r.step

Inverse matrix error

I would like to do the inverse of matrix or number by multiplyig a vector with its trasposed but it gives me an error.
`inv` has no method matching inv(::Array{Int64,1})
while loading In[45], in expression starting on line 2
I would like to obtain a number or a square matrix at the end.
I do not want to use pinv function because i need to do further manipulations and i need exactly a number or a square matrix.
How to fix this? Thanks in advance
v is a 3-element vector and v'*v is a 1-element vector:
julia> v = [1,2,3]
3-element Array{Int64,1}:
julia> v'*v
1-element Array{Int64,1}:
You cannot invert a vector. If you want to compute the scalar dot product of v with itself, you can use the dot function and then invert it using inv:
julia> dot(v,v)
julia> inv(dot(v,v))
This comes long after the question was asked, but maybe it is useful for someone. To elaborate a little:
[1, 2, 3] is a vector or one-dimensional (of type Array{Int64,1} or Vector{Int64})
[1 2 3] is a 1x3 matrix (of type Array{Int64,2})
[1 2 3]' is (is essence) a 3x1 matrix (of type Array{Int64,2}). This is not quite right, it is really a lazy (non-evaluated) version of it, but it will behave as it should
So what you want to achieve can be done as follows:
v = [1 2 3]
display(v' * v)
inv(v' * v)
This fails now for the right reason :-), i.e., the 3x3 matrix is not invertible.
BTW, you can convert a vector v (of type Vector{T} and length n) into an n×1-array of type Array{T,2} with hcat(v).

Julia #evalpoly macro with varargs

I'm trying to grok using Julia's #evalpoly macro. It works when I supply the coefficients manually, but I've been unable to puzzle out how to provide these via an array
julia> VERSION
julia> #evalpoly 0.5 1 2 3 4
julia> c = [1, 2, 3, 4]
4-element Array{Int64,1}:
julia> #evalpoly 0.5 c
ERROR: BoundsError()
julia> #evalpoly 0.5 c...
ERROR: BoundsError()
julia> #evalpoly(0.5, c...)
ERROR: BoundsError()
Can someone point me in the right direction on this?
Added after seeing the great answers to this question
There is one subtlety to that I hadn't seen until I played with some of these answers. The z argument to #evalpoly can be a variable, but the coefficients are expected to be literals
julia> z = 0.5
julia> #evalpoly z 1 2 3 4
julia> #evalpoly z c[1] c[2] c[3] c[4]
ERROR: c not defined
Looking at the output of the expansion of this last command, one can see that it is indeed the case that z is assigned to a variable in the expansion but that the coefficients are inserted literally into the code.
julia> macroexpand(:#evalpoly z c[1] c[2] c[3] c[4])
:(if Base.Math.isa(z,Base.Math.Complex)
#291#t = z
#292#x = Base.Math.real(#291#t)
#293#y = Base.Math.imag(#291#t)
#294#r = Base.Math.+(#292#x,#292#x)
#295#s = Base.Math.+(Base.Math.*(#292#x,#292#x),Base.Math.*(#293#y,#293#y))
#296#a2 = c[4]
#297#a1 = Base.Math.+(c[3],Base.Math.*(#294#r,#296#a2))
#298#a0 = Base.Math.+(Base.Math.-(c[2],Base.Math.*(#295#s,#296#a2)),Base.Math.*(#294#r,#297#a1))
#299#t = z
I don't believe what you are trying to do is possible, because #evalpoly is a macro - that means it generates code at compile-time. What it is generating is a very efficient implementation of Horner's method (in the real number case), but to do so it needs to know the degree of the polynomial. The length of c isn't known at compile time, so it doesn't (and cannot) work, whereas when you provide the coefficients directly it has everything it needs.
The error message isn't very good though, so if you can, you could file an issue on the Julia Github page?
UPDATE: In response to the update to the question, yes, the first argument can be a variable. You can think of it like this:
function dostuff()
z = 0.0
# Do some stuff to z
# Time to evaluate a polynomial!
y = #evalpoly z 1 2 3 4
return y
is becoming
function dostuff()
z = 0.0
# Do some stuff to z
# Time to evaluate a polynomial!
y = z + 2z^2 + 3z^3 + 4z^4
return y
except, not that, because its using Horners rule, but whatever. The problem is, it can't generate that expression at compile time without knowing the number of coefficients. But it doesn't need to know what z is at all.
Macros in Julia are applied to their arguments. To make this work, you need to ensure that c is expanded before #evalpoly is evaluated. This works:
function f()
#eval #evalpoly 0.5 $(c...)
Here, #eval evaluates its argument, and expands $(c...). Later, #evalpoly sees five arguments.
As written, this is probably not efficient since #eval is called every time the function f is called. You need to move the call to #eval outside the function definition:
#eval begin
function f()
#evalpoly 0.5 $(c...)
This calls #eval when f is defined. Obviously, c must be known at this time. Whenever f is actually called, c is not used any more; it is only used while f is being defined.
Erik and Iain have done a great job of explaining why #evalpoly doesn't work and how to coerce it into working. If you just want to evaluate the polynomial, however, the easiest solution is probably just to use Polynomials.jl:
julia> using Polynomials
c = [1,2,3,4]
polyval(Poly(c), 0.5)
